• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Definitely gonna write the thing... tomorrow.


Fluttershy couldn't contain herself while eating Twilight's pie, and now there's a huge mess for them to clean up. Who knew eating pie could be so messy!

And then Spike needed bleach to clean it up.

Pre-read by Flint Sparks. Help with the description provided by Noble Thought.

Reading by Mixer Loop!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 53 )

“I’m so glad I came.”


Issa good read. I love TwiShy. Cute, damn sexy, and also ... innocent?

Oh, Spike. :moustache:

That's not how you use bleach.

I try to write them as innocent. Hence why this story was so much fun. :yay:

Flint liked that line, too. I thought some people would appreciate that joke :raritywink:

I'm on my phone so I can't, but you should add this story to the TwiShy group. It'll be a great way to increase its popularity.

I will later. I usually promote things over the course of a few days.

Heh, this is a very appropriate reaction :ajsmug:

Wow, it's like you dug through my brain and custom tailored a story specifically to my sense of humor. Thank you! *Shakes hand vigorously* Thank you for this, so much! *hyperventilates and faints*

Heh, you're welcome! I had a lot of fun writing it :twilightsmile:


It was nice, a good read.

Bit late to jump on the peach thing, aren't you?
That said, they are pretty delicious.
*sigh* if only it had been Fluttershy's pie. I envision hers being tastier.

Edit: have a like :yay:

You sly bastard you. :ajsmug: Wonderfully played.

I like what you did here. As the TwiShy ship captain, I FUCKING APPROVE.

<3 DarqFox

Just a tad :twilightblush: But I couldn't resist the joke, y'know? It's a euphemism and a site joke, so... why not?

And yes, I'm sure hers would have. She's an excellent baker, you know. :trollestia:
Thanks for the like!

Hee, that's me, being all sly and stuff. Glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:


"Y'know what, I actually don't want to know." He headed to the laundry room. "If you need me, I'll be trying to apply bleach to my brain now.”

"But Spike," Fluttershy said with a small whimper. "We were about to have hot, lesbian sex."

Spike immediately spun on one foot and walked back into the room. "I-I can watch for a bit, I guess."

"No, Spike," Fluttershy said, shaking her head. "We don't need a casual observer. That's what Princess Celestia is doing with her telescope. No, we need a participant."

"Oh boy!"

"Alright!" Twilight pumped her hoof. "Time for some magic with benefits!"


"Alright!" Twilight pumped her fist.



4712546 Did you serious just story edit a comment on your story to your own prereader.


Whoa, this is too much thought for 1am, man! This is a mindless, silly story. I'm gonna have to ask you to think a little bit less. :rainbowlaugh:

>Implying Lesbians

u wut m8 fite me irl

4712602 Uhll take u out m8. 2 d1nner.

The whole sexual innuendo thing has been done a lot. And I mean a lot! I've done it myself. An entire series of mine is based around it.

However, that doesn't mean this was any less enjoyable or hilarious. Because this was. Enjoyable and hilarious.

Kind of liking that alternative ending Flint came up with in the comments there. Because lesbian sex is the best kind. Everything is better with lesbians, and this story had lesbians. Should have had the reveal that the 'pie' was actually Pinkie Pie, and they were 'eating pie', if you get what I'm saying. Wink wink nudge nudge. Oh, I'm a dirty minded individual. But I can brush that away, because lesbians.

A lot of your stories are enticing and great. Deliver one more, I repeat, just one more that does everything right, and that follower count might change. That, or I'll change my mind before then and click the button anyway. In which case, INGORE THIS PART!

There goes another like I'm dishing out. :moustache:

Innuendo is always funny! It only stops being funny when you "grow up" (read: when you stop laughing at anything a non-adult would laugh at).

Should have had the reveal that the 'pie' was actually Pinkie Pie, and they were 'eating pie', if you get what I'm saying

Oh, I know what you're saying. :raritywink: Maybe I could write a sequel where Dash and Applejack talk about "eating pie" and that's the reveal. I don't know. But anything that I write with lesbians is usually a) very fun and b) fairly popular, so we'll see. I haven't put out any sequels yet, so don't get your hopes too high. If I do that, I'll need to put more thought into it. I nearly ran out of steam around the 900 word mark of this one.

Thanks for the kind words! I'll try to produce that next good fic sometime soon. I've got four things active, so I've got options. Maybe I should finish my darkfic...

Glad you liked it :pinkiesmile:

Yeah, they ate some pies. And once Spike left, then they had the kinky lesbian sex party.

I dunno, maybe it was Maud Pie... just saying...

The innuendos. All of it. It's so... GLORIOUS!! My funny bone is pleased.

I'm your 666th view.
I loved it!:yay:

>hitting 666 views
>Sunday afternoon
Lord have mercy on my soul! :raritydespair:

Seriously though, I'm glad you liked it!

Always wanted to do a reading to this story since September.

Hope you like!!:pinkiehappy:

Thank you! I love how you somehow made the double entendres sound even more suggestive. Also, that record scratch right at the twist? Perfect.

Couldn't have done it any better myself! :raritywink:

5517608 Glad you like it!!

I also blogged your reading, so hopefully that nets you some views and likes. I always love it when I get readings.

Yay Thank you so much!!! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Great story, I couldn't stop laughing and the fact that you used the TwiShy ship made it all the better. Have an upvote, a fave and a follower.

I probably would have used TwiShy anyway, but the fact that they're both relatively innocent made it too good not to use.

5785089 Right now I'm working on a TwiShy story where Fluttershy seduces Twilight on the night before she is to marry Flash Sentry......Twi will say no at the altar and Tia will marry her and Fluttershy on the spot. In the end Flash will self-destruct.

My god.


Yes! The subliminal messaging is working!

... I mean, thank you for reading! I'm glad you liked the story. TwiShy doesn't get enough love, in my opinion.

Hmm, how come it's TwiShy? Doesn't FlutterTwi have a way better ring to it? XDD

Because TwiShy is short, catchy, and rhymes. FlutterTwi has an extra syllable (and I am lazy about that; I prefer the shortest name that clearly establishes who's being shipped) and it also doesn't rhyme.

Either name works. I just like TwiShy better.

6462916 Maybe, but TwiShy isn't really clever in any way. If possible some play on words like Twinkie or Princest is always good (imagine if they were just PinkTwi and CeLuna). And FlutterTwi is a play on Fluttershy, like Twixie with Trixie (as opposed to, say, TrixLight). Idk I just like puns I guess XD

Eh. Pun names are overrated. I prefer clarity and catchiness over attempts to be clever, despite my usual love of puns.

(For the record, TwiPie is a much better name, and I don't think Lunestia would be a bad name for Princest. Twixie just can't really be worked with, and the name is indicative of the shipping quality. :P)

6462975 No, name quality has nothing to do with ship quality, if that was the case then the obvious best ship would be Dr. Derp and - hang on that's a great ship, maybe you're onto something :P

But seriously Twixie is awesome though, it's awesome because it gives something to both characters - Trixie can grow by learning how to treat others nicely while still keeping her own personality, and Twilight can grow as a leader by having to guide her in that process.

And yeah my stories aren't that great but that's just because I suck at writing, not because of anything wrong with Twixie. I wish I was better at writing because I have so many great ideas, not just to do with MLP, but sci-fi movie ideas, video game stories, all kinds of stuff and I just can't write well enough. So I guess the solution is study and practice :P

As for the debate over names I guess it comes down to personal preference - I think it makes the ship and resulting story more fun if it has a fun name, I think a name can be more than just an arbitrary label, it can say something about the character of what it's describing. Something can feel more fun to read or write, at least for me, if the name is something fun. Of course this story was fine anyway so clearly it's not essential for writing but I think it helps :P

Perhaps FlutterTwi/TwiShy doesn't really need a pun name because Fluttershy is a quieter character, so on that case you may be right; but Twinkie is one that definitely needs a pun because Pinkie is so fun and shipping her with Twilight is just so random, TwiPie just doesn't communicate the craziness like Twinkie does. Princest definitely says more than Lunestia - the ship is so controversial so it needs a name that tackles that straight-on - and of course half the fics involve drinking or cake anyway so a pun as a name does also communicate the resulting silliness.

Twixie needs some work as a title, because it should be something that demonstrates a friendly rivalry and Twixie just sounds like plain cute XD Don't get me wrong, Twixie is cute, but it's more than that :P It'll do for now though, it communicates half the idea :P

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