• Published 22nd Jul 2014
  • 9,318 Views, 307 Comments

All Mares Want The D - Diablomuerte2

Rainbow Dash discovers the truth about the mares in Ponyville. They all try to hide it but they all want the D

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Rainbow Dash's Marem?

Rainbow Dash's Marem?

Rainbow Dash had convinced Luna to let her go for the moment. She had to promise to at least give Luna a fair shot of being picked as a bride. Rainbow Dash agreed, just to get away.

She flew back to Ponyville slowly in hopes that when she arrived all the ponies would be tired and asleep. When she arrived she noticed the silent and calm night had been just the ticket to her sanity. She was ready to sleep this day off and hope that tomorrow everything would return to normal.

She tried looking for her house and noticed it wasn't there. She knew that it could sometimes move due to it being a cloud but she suspected it wouldn't have gone too far. She kept flying across the town looking for her cloud home when she noticed something below her flight altitude.

"Are you bucking kidding me?" Rainbow Dash asked when she saw her house on the ground level and with some lights on. Not only was her house moved but the ponies who were trying to steal it had the audacity to be in there still.

She knew some flanks were going to be kicked...


Inside Rainbow Dash's house were five scrumptious looking mares waiting for their housemate to return. It was getting late and they hoped that Luna wasn’t keeping her for too long.

Just as the timid one of the group got worried the door got kicked in and in came an angry Rainbow Dash.

"Alright you... Fluttershy? Twilight?....Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked noticing her friends inside her house.

Twilight giggled at Rainbow Dash's look of confusion, "Hey there, Dashie, we have been waiting for you and missed you."

Rainbow Dash looked around and sure enough all her friends were there and they were ogling her like a piece of meat. "Alright girls this joke is over. I don't know what lesson I'm supposed to learn from this but it's gone too far."

Applejack got close to Rainbow Dash and whispered huskily in her ear, "This ain't no joke, I got feelin's for ya, RD."

Rainbow Dash felt shivers down her spine in a good way. She realized that this joke wasn't a joke at all. It was insanity and she had to endure it. "So then if you all have feelings for me why are you all in my house at once?"

Twilight perked up and grinned, "Because I had come up with a brilliant idea and they agreed it was the best plan given the situation."

Rainbow Dash was almost afraid to ask but she had to, "What idea?"

Fluttershy decided to answer since Twilight was good with ideas but not words, "She decided; it would be best for us all, if we lived with you until you decided who you wanted to be with. If you live with us you can get to know us not just during our finest moments. It also is saves you time, since Twilight figured out that we were the most compatible ponies for you."

Pinkie Pie jumped on Rainbow Dash and pinned her, "So until you make up your mind Dashie, we’re your marem."

Rainbow Dash lightly pushed Pinkie off and backed up, "What's a marem?"

Rarity could see how afraid Rainbow Dash was and tried to soothe her, "Darling, relax, it just means we are yours to do with, as you wish, until you finally pick one of us."

Rainbow Dash nuzzled Pinkie in apology for her harsh reaction and sighed, "Alright then so all of you are all into me and I have to live with all of you until I can pick one of you?"

Twilight gave a sheepish smile, "That's the basic idea of it. If this is a problem for you we can all leave. I just think this idea is better than having a battle royale for your affections."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "Alright... I will agree to all this as long as the fighting stops. I love you girls and I would hate to see you all fighting over me. So how does showering and sleeping arrangements work?"

Rarity giggled and leaned into Rainbow Dash's ear and whispered seductively, "We have that all taken care of, darling."

Rainbow Dash felt hot and bothered by all the mares being so sensual with her, "What does that mean?"

Fluttershy giggled, "Oh Dashie, it just means we made some modifications to your bathroom and bedroom to accommodate us all. Now we can all take a bath with you and we can even sleep with you without fighting for who gets to sleep on the bed. It will be like one big sleepover. I'm so excited!"

Rainbow Dash felt like her life was not hers anymore. It was as if life had taken control and made her life one cosmic joke. She was going to freak out until she realized something that wasn't registering in her mind before. She had all these hot mares in her house wanting her more than anything in the world. It could be fun entertaining the idea of picking one of them... It was worth the trouble she would go through if she had the hottest mares, next to the princesses, in her house for a week.

"Alright, if this plan is the best one, I'm down for it. Let's make this week the best week of our lives and remember no fighting..."


Celestia had waited up for Luna's return and Discord was at her side. When it got late Celestia got angry and was going to make sure Luna knew that Rainbow Dash was off limits. Celestia had been envisioning things that made her not too happy.

"She better arrive soon or el-"

She stopped speaking when she noticed her sister had made her appearance.

"Hello, my dear sister Luna, I see you finally returned and alone as well."

Luna looked to Celestia and flared her wings, "Don't test me, sister, I'm not in the mood."

Celestia giggled, "I see, so you too have felt the force of Rainbow Dash's awesome and now want her as much as I do.”

Luna made a pouty face and nodded.

“ I say we work together then to make sure she stays here in Canterlot. I think I could share my prize with my dearest sister," Celestia said while rubbing her hooves together.

Luna smirked at that idea, "So then how shall we ensure that Rainbow Dash becomes ours?"

Discord was game for some scheming and joined in the conversation, "Whatever it is, I want in. I don't care who Rainbow Dash ends up with but I do love devious plans."

Celestia chuckled, "Discord, I think you aren't going to be useful in the matters of the heart. Still if you want to be useful you can monitor the competition and let me know if any of them are making any power moves. Don't let them know you're watching and don't spy on Rainbow Dash. If she is alone refrain from gazing at her even for a second. She isn't yours and belongs to us."

Discord sighed, "I get it, I get it... I’m just there to observe not interact. Don't worry I don't like Rainbow Dash and won't be competition."

Celestia narrowed her eyes, "Good... I would hate to be double crossed by you."

Luna got close to her sister and nuzzled her to calm her down, "Things will be okay, Tia, we are the most attractive mares in all Equestria not to mention all powerful."

Celestia smiled and softened, "That is true, my dear sister, we are the most likely to be picked since we are the two most loved ponies in all Equestria. Rainbow Dash will choose us."


Rainbow Dash was laying in bed with five mares laying comfortably around her. They all had some contact with Rainbow Dash and were snuggled up. Rainbow Dash didn't know if she could get used to all this attention and affection but she was going to enjoy it while it lasted.

"Psst, Rarity, are you awake?"

Rarity sleepily answered, "Darling, what is it?"

"You seemed to like stallions more than anything in the world, why all of the sudden are you into me?"

Rarity blushed, "Rainbow Dash, it's clear you don't understand how a mare’s heart works. You have always been there for me and not to mention that you saved my life three times before. The first time you did I had been even more fond of you than I ever have been. Even if I liked stallions that never meant I didn't like mares. I just always saw myself with a prince or somepony dashing. I guess now I will be with somepony dashing."

Rainbow Dash involuntarily smiled, "Yeah I guess I'm dashing alright... So then you said you had a present for me. When will I get it?"

Rarity giggled quietly, "Don't worry, darling, it will be worth waiting for it. I bet you will choose me right away once I give you it."

"What about Spike?" Rainbow Dash asked remembering that the little dude had been always sticking by Rarity.

Rarity frowned, "I haven't seen poor Spikey Wikey all day, I wonder if he is alright. Oh you mean... Well darling let's be serious, I was never going to become a foal diddler. Spike is way too young for me and as sweet as his gestures are I can't be bothered. I'm sure in his heart he knows that."

Rainbow Dash put a hoof to Rarity's face and gently rubbed it, "About that day when I rescued you. I heard what you said and did before you arrived to Cloudsdale. I appreciate that...I never would have made that Sonic Rainboom happened anyways had you not been in danger. What I'm trying to say is... Thank you."

Rarity blushed, "You're welcome... Let's get some sleep, darling, I need my beauty rest."

Rainbow Dash chuckled, "Yeah," and silently whispered to herself, "Even though you're already beautiful." With that thought she went to sleep and hoped that wherever Spike was he was having a great night as well.


Spike was out in the cold and darkness of the night. He had made a small campfire and was huddling near it. He could hear the wild animals that were active at night and hoped he wasn't on the menu.

"No matter what happens I must get to the Crystal Empire. Rarity and all of Equestria is counting on me getting there."

He looked up at the night sky and was feeling gloomy. He had never been out this long on his own and for the first time since the dragon migration was he felt alone. This time there was no ponies secretly guiding him along. Before he decided to stop looking into the sky, he saw Gilda and a flock of griffins flying overhead.

"Gilda...What the heck is going on?"

Gilda and her crew were too high up to hear Spike and continued flying on.

"Gilda!" Spike yelled loudly.

Gilda turned her head and noticed the creature trying to get her attention.

"Hold up, girls, I think this thing wants to speak to me," she said to her crew.

Gilda flew down and angrily approached the baby dragon.

"What do you want pipsqueak?"

Spike ignored the insult and replied, "I just wanted to know what you griffins were up to?"

Gilda chuckled at Spike and put a claw to his throat, "We're going to get what's ours; if you or your little pony friends try stopping us, it will be lights out."

Spike gulped, "What exactly is it that belongs to you?"

Gilda pulled Spike close and whispered menacingly into his ears, "Rainbow Dash..."


The Wonderbolt's had always been an elite group of stunt ponies that were part military on the side. This night however there seemed to be an argument going on about the mares of the group wanting to extend an invitation to Rainbow Dash seemingly out of nowhere. The stallions of the group, especially Soarin, had felt that she still needed to go through the proper channels.

Spitfire had been adamant recently about inviting Rainbow Dash into the fold, "Look, Soarin, she may not have gone through what we had to but I feel she has sufficient talent and extraordinary charisma."

Soarin wasn't sure why all of a sudden Rainbow Dash was worthy when Spitfire just days before felt she wasn't, "I still think it's too soon. She is young and attached to her friends. We all know how it's like after separating from our families and friends for our first tour."

Spitfire chuckled, "She doesn't need them when she has me. I will make sure she forgets her troubles, no matter what it takes."

Soarin's eyes went wide in shock, "Spitfire what's gotten into you?"

Spitfire replied with haste, "It's not what's gotten into me, it's what I want in me... I want the D..."


Shining Armor was having trouble sleeping and turned over to speak to his wife. When he saw the other side of the bed empty, he decided to search for her.

He looked high and low for her all over the castle until he heard her whispering near the Crystal Dash. When he arrived on scene his life was forever changed.

His wife was speaking softly to the replacement for the Crystal Heart as if it was her lover. She had her winged wrapped around it and was caressing it softly.

He wanted to say something but found himself too stunned for words. He just knew that whatever was causing this change in behavior was ruining his marriage.

He vowed that he was going to put an end to whatever was causing all mares to want Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay.

I have already explained why I have delayed the update and for those who understand I thank you.

I will try to keep it coming for a weekly release as usual but lots of things are happening so it could be some delays here and there,

Anyways enjoy.