• Published 21st Jul 2014
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Journey with a Batpony - Gulheru

Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, wishes to bring the greatest magic of all to the lands of batponies. Will she succeed in her mission in this distant and dangerous land?

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Chapter XXXI – The Night of Truths and Shadows

The setting Sun was shining blindingly, amber in hue and great in intensity. The entire landing terrace of the Royal Castle was bathed in the bright, evening colors. Reflecting off the marble walls, and the golden armors of the Royal Guards, standing at the ready for the upcoming return of their solar sovereign.

Luna, overlooking the preparations from the safety of one of the Castle’s balconies, withstood the radiant rays bravely, though the light of day she always found garish and lacking in moderation. She inherently preferred the delicate, tender, mystical illumination of the night. Yet, this evening, it felt only fitting for her to face the searing blaze head on.


Symbolic was also Luna’s anxiety, shortening her breath and pressing down on her shoulders, mercilessly. One would have thought that being an alicorn, one to reign over the Domain of the Night, over Moon and the countless stars, over dreams and fantasies, would make one impervious to such trivial feelings as concern, or disquiet, but that was far from the truth. Whilst Luna had withstood a great deal, perhaps more than most would imagine... there was one type of fear that never truly relented for her.

That of disappointing.

She shuffled in place. “Are you certain that the message reached Hollow Shades as soon as it was possible?”

Elegy, who calmly stood by her side, expression stoic, nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty, at once after we received your order.”

“And there is no chance for Moonwarden to make it on time for my sister’s return?”

“Unfortunately, no, Your Majesty. Even if the entire cell takes the earliest train from Hollow Shades, it arrives in Canterlot only before midnight...” the actress replied with a clear, certain voice. “Lest master Moonwarden somehow requisitioned the engine alone and is propelling himself back here post haste...”

Luna actually managed to smile through the worry, hearing Elegy’s tone flavored with humor. “I... would not put it past him. Though, imagining him operating any kind of machinery himself invokes strange imaginary scenarios indeed.”

“I believe he has the level of proficiency that allows him to use a more complex oven. Anything more than that... Well, if it would refuse to work in accordance to his demands, he would accuse it of insolence and separatism.”

Luna stifled a giggle. “I think I should tell him how eagerly his own subordinates jest about his lack of technological prowess.”

“Please don’t, Your Majesty. Although...” Elegy rubbed her chin thoughtfully, with a practiced motion. “I think that if he were to learn that the jokes at his expense were used to comfort you, Your Majesty, he would be more honored than crossed...”

“I suppose you are correct...” Luna had to agree. Moonwarden’s loyalty to her was unquestionable and his eagerness to serve did not escape her attention. Although, she still was sometimes unsure what she had done to earn such devotion. Other than being the Moon that her servant was destined by name to be the warden of.

She stayed silent for a brief moment, then spared Elegy a kind glance. “I believe I should thank you for keeping me company as I wait...”

“Oh, think nothing of it, Your Majesty...” the actress quickly replied, with the elegance and poise of her profession. “I am one of your servants. And you have made us all aware that Her Solar Majesty’s return can be... worrying to you. We are simply honored and glad that we can be here for you, Your Majesty.” She stayed silent for a breath. “Also as a form of repayment for the... clemency shown to all of us.”

“I did not command you to assist me, nor support me in my time of worry. Your dedication and goodwill is appreciated regardless of the matter of pardons or mercy,” Luna tenderly replied, feeling the grip of concern giving way to magnanimity this time. “Loyal and diligent service washes away the misdeeds of the past.”

Elegy just smiled that slightly absent-minded smile of hers at this declaration. “Many would not agree with that sentiment entirely, Your Majesty...”

“Then they would be condemning me alongside you, Elegy,” Luna stated with absolute conviction. “Me, you, Moonwarden, Nettlie... All of us. We are all to blame for many transgressions and crimes foul. Some, one might say, inexcusable,” she admitted, feeling that twinge, that needle of guilt lodged right in her very own heart. “I had a great deal to answer for... and yet even I was given a chance to repent...”

And had she?

“... hence why I consider it pivotal to pay this kindness forward, to others that would find themselves in such distress...” she said, silencing the voice of doubt for a breath.

“Redemption is giving a highwaypony a job as a tax collector...” Elegy interceded, closing her orchid eyes.

“Indeed. Such an individual is still not... good, but they could have been much, much worse otherwise... And sometimes, we need a touch of worse for the sake of good,” Luna concluded with a smirk, but then let out a long sigh. “Moonwarden would give me a tongue-lashing for such ‘dualism’ in my words,” she added with a refreshing touch of sarcasm.

Elegy laughed melodiously. “He would try, then stop, then discuss what happened with himself and get back to his work like nothing happened, Your Majesty.”

“That he would...” Luna responded, scouting the distant horizon. There were no signs of Celestia’s chariot, but it would appear in the sky soon, no doubt. “Again, thank you for the entire cortège’s loyal fellowship and aid. Even if I had to reject Double’s idea of baking my sister a big cake and feeding it to her before any discussions would be taking place...”

“Well,” Elegy began, though she had to compose herself first, “Her Solar Majesty’s fondness for desserts is rather... renowned. Besides, one should trust Wobble Wink to know how to deal with siblings, Your Majesty. You are, of course, aware that he has seven of them?”

Luna nodded. “That I am. I know he sends every bit that the court is paying him to his family in Manehattan. I would just wish he would be content with that, instead of trying to cozen and swindle everypony he meets still...”

“Survival instinct, Your Majesty, it is hard to escape from it. He has been cheating and fleecing since late childhood, supporting his siblings... It’s not like his alcoholic mother would care.” Elegy shook her head, scoffing. “Though he could really work on his decorum and courtesy.”

“From what Moonwarden told me, it was actually Toolbox who did almost take care of Double’s... attitude that one, fated time.”

“Indeed. Agent Toolbox’s Manehattan boss, Buzz ‘Bigwig’ Cut was not happy to learn that he got racketed. Himself being a racketeer,” the actress confirmed with an amused expression. “Delicious irony, I have to admit. Although the ending could have turned this entire situation into a classic tragedy. The cunning, albeit less-than-charming, conpony that tries to feed his family beaten nearly to death by a mob enforcer, forced to do so to help his family...” The mare’s eyes shined. “Poetic, is it not?”

Luna gave it a wistful smile. “Indeed. Alas, also showing what choices ponies are sometimes forced to make still, believing them to be the correct ones, even if not the right ones...”

“They make those choices,” Elegy quickly replied, and Luna was certain that the actress grasped what hidden meaning her sentence had, “because they believe them to be best, for the sake of what they care for. What matters, is whether they are prepared to deal with the consequences...”

“Are they?”

“They are, Your Majesty.”

Luna smirked. “How can you be so sure?”

“They... or, should I say, you are standing on an open balcony, gawking in the Sun’s direction, Your Majesty. If that is not conviction from the Alicorn of the Night and the Lady of the Moon, I don’t know what can be marked as such...” Elegy let her know, then closed her eyes and her eyelids fluttered a little. “Besides, I can feel it...”

“If you say so...” Luna replied, her expression wistful, but hiding relief, indeed.

She did find herself glancing the way of her sister’s sign quite profoundly. Its rays could not do her any harm, no, only a measure of discomfort coming from her nocturnal nature. And today, they were even more... pressing. Judging, almost.

She spotted a glint of gold that appeared from behind one of the distant mountains.

“My sister’s chariot comes,” she said blankly, her wings unfurling on their own.

Elegy took a deep bow. “We will be awaiting your word, Your Lunar Majesty. You are not alone.”

No... she was not. Not anymore.

Not looking Elegy’s direction, but with a small, absent smile, Luna took to the sky with practiced grace.

She still had to contest the anxiety that returned with a vengeance. She glided downwards, towards the landing terrace, upon which the Royal Guard stationed itself. Her descent caused the company to straighten their stances in respect. A prime selection of able ponies, all presentable, all loyal and fearless.

“Your Lunar Majesty, I report the unit prepared for receiving her Solar Majesty, Princess Celestia!” their officer informed Luna as she landed before the guardsponies.

At the moment, despite knowing better, she could not care less about him, his name, or the state of matters around her, with her mind occupied entirely by disquiet. The moment she was so fearful about was finally approaching. The only thing she could do now was steel herself.

She stood her ground, her head held high, her stance immaculate and royal. She was a symbol of the Night, the Royal Sister, the Diarch of Equestria.

She was all of that... and all that she felt inside.

Minutes were passing and yet Luna did not feel like she was even breathing. Just remaining silent and still, like a statue, aside from her nebulous mane shifting in its primal, constant dance.

Finally, from behind one of the Royal Castle towers, Celestia’s chariot and the entourage of Royal Guard came into view, taking a wide curve to position themselves for landing. Even from this distance, Luna could spot that Celestia was searching for her on the terrace, granting her with a wide, kind smile almost immediately.

Despite the many years, Luna always thought that this was the one thing that had never changed about Celestia. Her smile. Never losing its sincerity. Just like her Sun never forgoing its radiance.

Finally, the armored hoofshoes of the entourage and the wheels of the chariot touched the white marble, their sound drowned in the salute of the gathered Royal Guard. The company that provided security for Celestia was not grand, but hoofpicked, from the best-trained and promising serviceponies.

Considering the head of the escort...

“Your Majesty!”

The voice of the officer was clean and firm, not a tone other than loyalty and discipline present in it. His salute, likewise, was precise, down to the inch between his head and foreleg.

Celestia stepped out of the chariot, her expression regal but generous, nodding towards the pegasus. “You have my thanks, lieutenant Brass Plaque, the unit performed above and beyond expectations. The travel was smooth and on schedule, and their presentation was stellar.”

The stallion removed his helmet with a practiced motion, returning to his salute just after. His jasmine mane was cut exactly to specifications, never daring to cover his keen, brass eyes.

“We live to serve, Your Majesty!”

Celestia repaid him with a graceful look. “I want you to make sure that, after this travel, all members of the retinue are given a chance to rest before being assigned new tasks, Lieutenant. I trust that you will be reasonable to an escort that has perfectly represented the best that Equestria has to offer?”

“As you wish, Your Majesty!”

Luna hid a smirk between her lips as the stallion turned to her, granting her a salute no less perfect, or maybe even superior. She gave him a nod, then finally focused her full attention on her sister, who was trotting towards her with the same happiness that Luna could see in her eyes every time they were together.

This time... it did not grant her peace of mind.

“Luna, my dear sister, it is so good to see you again!”

“You as well, sister. From your words I can deduce that the trip went splendidly,” Luna engaged in the casual talk, that she hoped would help... and last as long as possible.

“It was calm and bountiful, indeed. The welcoming in Maretonia was very amicable.” One keener gaze was enough for Celestia and Luna to forge an understanding that what really happened was better left for their private conversations. “How are matters here, dear sister? I trust Equestria did not suffer any problems?”

“No, it stands, as always,” Luna replied, the only words that came to her mind that were not a lie, or underestimation, or anything else. “Your return will make everypony rejoice, however. They more gladly flock the Court when you are about, not me. As you know.”

Celestia avoided a laugh gracefully, in front of the rows of guardsponies. “Please, sister, that sounds like you are diminishing your role. What have I told you about that?”

“I am merely stating the fact. We both know you are the approachable one, that has never changed.”

“I know of a few ponies that do not mind approaching you at all nowadays,” Celestia retorted, which actually brought a little smile to Luna.

Celestia had that effect on ponies, even her.

Flanked by the guardsponies, the two of them were making their way inside the Palace, where, near the entrance, Raven Inkwell, Celestia’s Royal Advisor, was already waiting, greeting them with a deep bow. Her mane was, as per usual, in a tight, perfect bun, but in her hooves there were no notepads nor ledgers, surprisingly.

Her tone was official, but relieved. “Your Majesties, it is so brilliant to see you reunited! Canterlot welcomes you back, Princess Celestia. I hope that the travel was not demanding... but I have allowed myself to organize your schedule so that you can spend this evening without worrying about anything. Rest before returning to your tasks,” Raven announced with a kind expression.

“Thank you, Raven, I’m very happy to see you too!” Celestia returned the welcome, visibly overjoyed by the presence of her aide and the news alike. “Thank you for your thoughtfulness. I think I would prefer to have a moment for myself tonight, yes...” She then turned to Luna. “But, speaking of ponies that do not mind approaching you, sister, where is Moonwarden? Busy, I presume?”

“He is dealing with some assignments, yes, sister, but he will be back quite soon,” Luna replied, feeling both sad and irked by that state of things. She could really use some whispers from the nearby shadows right now.

“I might have a task for him, regarding my visit...” Celestia first declared, but it was blatant that she caught onto Luna’s distraught feelings. “Are you alright, Luna? You seem... distant.”

They were now both inside the Royal Castle, away from the retinue of guards, in relative privacy of the elegant corridors.

Luna took a deep breath.

This was her last chance to back away. To keep the game up. To postpone this...

No. Not anymore. This feeling in her gut was unbearable.

This was it.

“There... You have just returned, I know, but there actually is an urgent matter that I would like to discuss with you, Celestia... in private.”

That was all that her sister needed.

“Raven, make sure to bring tea to my chambers and instruct everypony that we are not to be disturbed, under any circumstances.”

“Right away, Your Majesty!” came the response, sending Raven down the corridor towards the Palace kitchens post haste.

“What is the matter?” Celestia’s attention was immediately and fully back on Luna.

And that did not help.

Ever since Luna returned from her forced exile, the amount of care that she was given by Celestia was nothing short of astounding, even considering their sisterhood. Sometimes the worry and consideration were even... limiting, but Luna knew better than to argue. It took her a long, long time to even find herself in this new, modern reality, let alone accept it... And Celestia did not step away from her an inch, always ready to help, to hear her out, to console her and to cry with her if needed, despite their differences, despite what had happened...

... and yet...

“Luna... what’s wrong...?” Celestia repeated the question, looking even more concerned than before.

Luna bit her lower lip. It was time to reveal the truth.


“Let us hope that tonight is indeed the night,” Twilight stated, taking small sips of the fresh orange juice. The goblet she was holding looked like a work of art and that only added to the pleasantness of the drink.

“Midnight Litany claimed so, indeed,” Midnight Eye, who was hosting her with the light breakfast, replied thoughtfully, himself enjoying a selection of grapes. “Goddess willing, all shall become clear after tonight.”

Twilight smiled, taking great care not to stain her dress. “I hope for that as well, Honored Lord. For the sake of both of our nations.”


The more low-key meal tonight actually worked better to soothe Twilight’s worries than any official supper. Only her, the Lord and Midnight, who looked presentable and stoic in his freshly polished armor, though sparing her but a few glances with the head of his Family watching.

“Allow me to ask, Honored Princess – other than the official matters, how are you finding our Mountain?” came the question from Midnight Eye at one point.

Twilight took a moment to formulate a proper answer. “I am very intrigued by the architecture, that is for certain, I did not expect the entire complex to be done with such elegance and practicality. It seems as if every possible space around the Mountain is serving a purpose of some kind.”

“For each task, a place to perform it. Many generations of our craftsponies and planners added to our city. We believe in good organization that helps in everyday matters.”

“I understand that all too well, Honored Lord. I find myself rather comfortable in a well-ordered environment... Especially when I am doing my research,” Twilight gave a polite reply.

Midnight Eye smiled gently. “That is a commendable trait to have, Honored Princess. Especially for a leader.” He munched on another grape. “And when you are not occupied with your tasks? What are you enjoying most?”

“Well... I am not one to have too much free time, I admit, though I’m making a lot of effort now not to be stuck in perpetual work. I enjoy astronomy as a way of relaxing, for example,” she admitted.

“A noble pastime!” Midnight Eye praised her, turning his attention to Midnight. “Very appropriate of you then, Nocferratan, to propose and take the Honored Princess to the Glacier Overlook first yesternight...”

Midnight straightened in his chair. “Ia grat tu, hwalbu haspadr. I presumed that the view of both the night’s sky and our domain will be a welcome respite for the Honored Princess. She is not used to staying underground all the time, as well.”

“Naturally,” Midnight Eye concurred with a smile. “I’m glad that your biding here is positive. I hope that will not change much even after tonight, Honored Princess.”

Twilight shook her head, her voice clear. “I am prepared for whatever I will encounter in the Testimony, Honored Lord. Besides, no matter what I shall find in it, it will not in any way change my mind about the welcoming I am receiving. I am delighted to be a guest in Noctraliya.”

Midnight Eye, remarkably, did not have a reply to that declaration, instead taking a sip of his drink and but smiling.

What Twilight was doing was exactly the mindset that she had decided to implement tonight, the one that she had been lacking before. The time spent with Midnight, on the Overlook, feeling safe and secure despite the wind and snow, knowing that everything will be okay, for they would be together... That gave her all the strength she needed to pull this through.

It was almost too convenient, that a prophecy which suddenly happened allowed Twilight to spend some wonderful, alone time with Midnight. Perhaps the Goddess was looking out for her, as strange as that sounded.

Twilight knew what was going to happen when she would be faced with the Testimony. Or, at least, she predicted so. She had to leave Midnight’s Library with her head held high, her authority unshaken. Her role as the Princess of Equestria requested it.

Her quest to bring Friendship to Noctraliya, and not more animosity and distrust, demanded it.

“Before we sat to the meal,” Midnight Eye finally spoke again, “Archcurator Star Vellum notified me through Rowan Berry that everything is prepared, Honored Princess. Whenever you shall feel sated, we can head out.”

“Of course, Honored Lord. I do not think we should delay, the food was wonderful as always.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Midnight Eye was in a very good mood tonight, Twilight had taken note of it rather quickly. Either he was hopeful about her reaction... or this was another sort of scheme of his.

Nocferratan, you will accompany the Honored Princess, of course, even if she will be allowed to read the Testimony on her own.”

Tua wolunte bid robite, hwalbu haspadr...” Midnight replied solemnly, giving Twilight a glance and nod.

She cocked an eyebrow. “I will be allowed alone with such a singular document?”

“We wish it to be a mark of good will, Honored Princess. At least... I wish so. I believe our demands to be justified in entirety, but if you are to agree to that and meet them, then it would be better you do so without anypony glaring over your shoulder...”

That was... a remarkable gesture, considering how adamant the Covenant was about their ultimatum. Twilight took a moment to sip on the juice and think through this.

“My gracious thanks, Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight. Your courtesy will not be forgotten... though I cannot let it influence my decision after learning the truth of the Testimony,” she finally gave him a retort, looking straight into his aureolin eyes. “It is a matter of such great importance, I cannot allow myself to be swayed by generous indulgences.”

Midnight Eye stayed silent, his brows arching a little.

And Twilight bit the side of her tongue in her mouth as the atmosphere suddenly turned dense. Had she gone too far? Even Midnight stopped sucking an orange dry and was now observing the situation, she could see in the corner of her eye a droplet of juice hanging from one of his fangs.

Finally, something of a smirk passed through the Lord’s lips and his gaze relaxed. “Very well, Honored Princess Sparkle of Twilight...”

Twilight did her best to hide a surprise. Had he just recognized her and utilized the respectful form of her name...?

No other batpony did that to her yet... though... she had a strange feeling that she had heard it before...

Nevertheless, she decided it was time to keep up this... astounding momentum, especially when Midnight Eye emptied his goblet.

“I think I am full, Honored Lord.”

“Let us not delay, then.”

Midnight rose from his chair, saluting as his Lord trotted past him with his black cloak flowing behind. Then, he took his place at Twilight’s side.

His gaze betrayed his amazement and... pride. And Twilight had to fight a wonderful blush.

There was no commotion before the Midnight’s Library tonight, nor a priest stopping anypony from entering with strange omens. Twilight felt a surge of excitement, seeing again this massive stalagnate that housed the fabled place. The sculpture of the grand tome above the entrance was open before her, and she herself felt open to accept whatever knowledge was stored inside the Library.

As they were reaching the door, it opened before Midnight Eye and two of the sentinels that had been guarding him, and the Archcurator, Star Vellum, stepped forth, his gaze calm and his graying mane looking far less frazzled and stressed-out than yesterday.

“Honored Lord Eye of Family Midnight, Honored Princess, I welcome you to Maednoca Tabulre,” his elderly voice announced, and the stallion himself moved to the side with a swish of his long robe. “May the knowledge you gain here bring you closer to Neskaza Lunee...

Twilight bowed her head, though when she lifted it, she felt that perhaps she should have behaved with more reverence.

Behind the door that were now wide open lay her own, personal Silverheaven... a paradise that could have very well had that notable four hundred thousand positions inside.

Shelves and shelves of books and scrolls were absolutely everywhere. They climbed, they rose, they reached upwards, in untold columns of knowledge and history, left and right and all in between. The entirety of the stalagnate was hollowed out, making Twilight think that she had just found herself inside a giant tree. Just like her own Golden Oak Library. At least thirty or so floors were now above her, connected with intricate, wooden staircases in almost a spiderweb. More so, in the middle of the round, cylindrical chamber that she stepped into, an elegant, iron lift was placed, with enough space to transport larger amounts of books and parchments, or entire units of archivists.

And if she did not know better, Twilight would have thought that this hollow tree was also inhabited by ants, as every single floor of the structure was filled with those meticulous batponies, carefully taking out and reorganizing the contents.

It was a place devoted to knowledge, a temple, lit up by candles and lanterns, marking the floors and creating a glow mysterious and wonderful. Twilight even thought that it would be amazing to dispel the enchantment on her eyes, to see this magnificent place just in the little flickers of flames, like thousands and thousands of fireflies.

“Honored Lord, I think our esteemed guest finds the Library pleasing.”

A familiar voice resounded and broke Twilight’s stupor. Midnight Whisper stood in front of the lift with a gentle and kind smile.

Midnight Eye allowed himself a truly regal chuckle. “I think we can all be justifiably proud. Let it be known that Family Midnight gathers and protects knowledge, a task most sacred.”

Twilight, astounded and pretty much fighting tearing up from the sheer joy of being in a place like this, shook her head, then smiled widely.

“I... have this urgent need of checking every single one of those tomes, but I think I will somehow... contain myself,” she admitted, though it was only met with understanding from both the local archivists and the Lord himself. “I know why I am here, but... can I hope to be allowed to explore at least a bit of the Library after I witness the Testimony?”

Midnight Eye replied to her with the most benevolent of expressions. “I do not see a reason why not, Honored Princess. Of course, with some restrictions, but we can talk about those on our way...” He began trotting again, flanked by the bowing of the archivists that were in the immediate vicinity, or on the higher floors.

Twilight followed quite diligently, catching a glimpse of Midnight looking rather amused with her semi-controlled enthusiasm.

The entire group, alongside the Archcurator and Midnight Whisper took their places in the iron elevator. Twilight was wondering whether a document like a Testimony would be kept on the uppermost floor, but to her surprise, after a nod from Midnight’s father towards a group of ponies by the right side of the chamber, the entire platform began descending below the dark granite floor.

“If you are keen on being shown as much of the Library as possible, Honored Princess, I believe it can be arranged,” Midnight Eye spoke as the slow descent was plunging them into deeper shade, with only a few candles, hidden in niches, lighting the way. “However, in accordance to the rules of the castes, some of the floors of the Library will be off limits, even to you...”

“Oh, I understand entirely, far be it from me to try and break any principles!” Twilight immediately replied.

Well, seeing more of this wonderful place was tempting, but not quite to break any rules!

... or maybe...?

“However, as I recall...” the Lord continued, “before your coronation, you actually occupied a... librarian’s position?”

“That is correct, in Ponyville, the town I reside in now.”

“Then that would make you a priestess, Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye stated, turning his attention to the Archcurator, leaving Twilight with a peculiar feeling of... satisfaction about being assigned like this. “Star Vellum, would it be possible to have the Honored Princess shown around the Chancery?”

“Of course, Honored Lord, that is in accordance to tradition...” the Archcurator agreed after a moment of consideration. “Perhaps, also, the Legatuum, Honored Lord?”

“Very well.”

“Excuse me, what is the name of that place again?” Twilight inquired immediately.

Midnight Whisper was the first to answer. “It is a special place, usually at a Family’s main scholar compound, where all of the genealogical trees of a Family are kept and secured.”

“That sounds... rather fascinating!”

“It is a vital collection, Honored Princess,” Midnight Eye joined in. “The bonds of blood tie us very strongly and need to be documented. Those assemblages show the history of our Houses and Families, a thousand and more years back, since the conception of our seven, great bloodlines.”

Twilight shook her head, astounded. Preserving such specific knowledge, keeping it secured... it must have been an absolutely monumental task! She was about to press the topic, but a ray of brighter light came to her view from below, as the lift’s bottom passed the ceiling of a round chamber.

She felt her eyes widen. This was not but another floor of the Library. This looked more like... a chapel.

Right in front of Twilight stood a large, dark granite table, or perhaps an altar, illuminated by a set of seven, ancient-looking lanterns, hanging solemnly over it in a heptagonal pattern. The pedestal, bulky and ornate, was carved in a way that made Twilight’s stomach churn. For, from its surface, in meticulous and rather realistic engravings, droplets of blood seemed to hang and run down, forever frozen in stone.

The altar was, furthermore, flanked by two dark marble silhouettes. One of them was that of a batpony Twilight could recognize, High General Ebon Fang, rearing in the same way that has been captured in the sculpture of hers at the Border stronghold.

However, the other pony, a unicorn, was unknown to Twilight from his looks... but the natural deduction, as well as the truly ancient depiction of Equestrian armor, led her to believe that she was looking at none other than marshal Radiant Glory, his gaze keen, his expression firm, colder even than the stone.

She found it strange that, if the accusations were true, he had been immortalized in quite such a fashion, for his depiction, other than having sharper features than naturally found amongst the unicorns, was not in any way really derogatory.

“Welcome, Honored Princess, to the Chamber of the Testimony...” the Archcurator spoke first, stepping out of the lift when it tenderly touched the floor. “A monumental night. The first soleerane to see this place in a millennium...”

Twilight did not have to be reminded of the gravity of the situation, and yet felt honored once more, to be that particular pony.

This was a chance given to her and her specifically.

Midnight Eye graciously pointed onward. “Please, Honored Princess...”

She trotted into this almost hallowed space, of stone and silver and...

... and gold?

She blinked. What she had somehow initially missed, was a golden locker on the opposite wall, a vault more like, surrounded by silver ornaments that imitated the surface of the Moon. The Archucrator solemnly ventured there, producing an ancient looking key from his robes.

This was it, Twilight thought, realizing that everypony else, even Midnight, remained in the lift, patiently waiting. This was the moment when she would learn what truly caused this hidden rift between Equestria and the batponies.

When the key clanked in the lock, she felt her heartbeat stop.

It was time to learn the truth.


“You have told Twilight to go where?!”

Luna just stared down, withstanding this wave of disappointment and vexation that was emanating from Celestia. Surprisingly, even at that moment she felt a bit thankful that their unique, sisterly relation convinced Tia to take this matter to her private chambers immediately. It was always better to receive admonishment whilst on a plush pillow, with hot tea in one’s hooves, rather than in the Throne Room, for example.

“... I did not tell her to go anywhere, Tia... She was the one to come to me with this proposition.”

“And you have not decided to stop her, but encouraged her instead?!”

Luna clenched the cup in her hooves, almost fearful that she would break the wonderful porcelain with the strength of her grasp. She took a calming sip, buying herself a little time.

“Why would I stop her, Tia?” she finally answered, trying to gather enough conviction to defend her actions... even if she had not been exactly straightforward with them.

Celestia almost sprang up from her own seating. “Luna, we’ve discussed this! I’ve just returned from Maretonia where I was dealing with a crisis caused by the night-dwellers...!” She shook her head, then indeed stood up to start and pace the chamber. She was stopping herself from exploding, Luna knew her well enough... but she was agitated beyond the safe amount. Even her aurora-like mane became brighter. It eddied quicker and more frantically. “I just... I cannot believe this.”

Luna put aside the cup, trying to find the calm in her too... Although a part of her...

“Tia... What cannot you believe? That I have decided to make a decision, regarding the noctrali?”

Celestia looked back, her brow furrowing deeply. “A decision regarding my student, Lulu... You know well Twilight Sparkle is dear to me.”

“But she is no longer just your student, Tia. We have crowned her together. She is a Princess of Equestria, she equals us in nature, if not in years nor power. Yet.”

“And that is why I should not care for her anymore?” came the question in return, the creeping sadness and worry in it causing Luna to avert her gaze.

“No, Tia, you know that is not my point... But you should let her make her own decisions. It was Twilight Sparkle who came to me and proposed her visit to Noctraliya. She has received an invitation to go there, Tia, do you understand? During my absence, from what I have learned, my children have not even wanted to—”

Celestia raised her hoof, interrupting. “Luna, they extend an invitation now? When we are dealing with their spying on the Duchy of Maretonia? Can you... can you not see the pacing and timing?!”

At the sudden, raised tone Luna winced, but before she could retort, Celestia came back and sat down, taking a deep breath, calming breath.

“I’m sorry, sister... But this is... Could you not have postponed Twilight? At least until I am back... Those...” She paused momentarily, her eyes widening. “How long is she gone?”

Luna took hold of the cup again, welcoming its relaxing warmth back and quickly counting. “Nine nights, Tia.”

“Did she... Were there any messages from her at all? Any signs she is alright?”

This time even the brew could not help. That tone from her sister... Her gaze, now that Luna spotted it... It was suggesting... It was implying...

Her nostrils flared out of nowhere and her eyes burned.

“Are you... are you suspecting that my children would, in any way...!”

“Luna, I am just concerned about Twilight, I am not trying to spew accusations, even if the latest events—”

Luna somehow managed to drop the cup onto the golden tray without breaking the porcelain, but the tea was now partially all over the salver.

“Espionage is one thing, Celestia! Even we do that, I am, myself, responsible for overlooking it, but a suggestion that any vile foul play...!”

“Were there any messages?!” Celestia interceded, which suddenly made Luna feel like the smaller sister indeed. Her sibling was a kind pony at heart, but not without her own, commanding authority or splendor that even Luna had to recognize, despite their familial relation.

“N... no, there weren’t any yet...”

Celestia shut her eyes, her voice shaking only a little, fighting any further outbursts. “Twilight, when dealing with a crisis, often seeks my counsel. She likes to hear a second opinion, it helps her with decision making, and she would...”

“... why would you think she is dealing with a crisis, Tia?" Luna interceded. “She was invited, and even if my children caused a diplomatic ruckus in Maretonia, that does not mean that we have a... a nation-wide emergency on our hooves!”

Luna waited for the response. Instead, she received only silence.

It was... eerie. Despite the fact that Celestia’s own room was often considered the most inviting of the entire palatial complex, with its warm hues, a cozy fireplace... Now, all the delicate colors suddenly appeared losing their hue and even the flames were failing to warm the ambiance.

Celestia was looking into Luna’s own eyes with great intent, and the kaleidoscope of emotions in that stare was grand. There was sadness there. And ire. And disappointment, which hit hard. But also... guilt...?

“Tia... what have you learned in Maretonia?” Luna finally broke this quiet impasse, hoping to get some answers that would explain the sudden tension.

Celestia’s voice was blank, almost disinterested. “As we predicted, military espionage, focused on assessment of power... No signs of sabotage, or plans of a military action, though we have a list of descriptions of the night-dwellers that pretended to be traders... The situation has given the Duke and Duchess enough of a scare, however, that I have agreed to send there one of our Royal Guard battalions for a couple of months, to calm them down... But that’s not important,” she finally stated, with conviction. “This is... this is not about Maretonia. I... I have to worry for Twilight’s safety.”

Luna barely stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Yes, she knew how much Celestia cared for that mare, like a mother protecting her beloved daughter, but this was even more surprising and perplexing.

“Tia, I know well that my children are distrustful, they have always been. We were but beginning to establish positive, respectful relations all those centuries ago, fighting the misconceptions and prejudice... and I know my absence did not help, I’ve read the books I was provided. Still, my heart rejoices that the Nocferrat guards the nights of Equestria once more and...”

“Lulu, it’s not that simple...” Celestia pretty much muttered, which left Luna even more confused.

She nodded, regardless. “Tia, I know it isn’t. Who else but me to better understand my noctrali? Their ways are conservative, their laws strict, their traditions – written in stone. But, who else to bring them closer to Equestria again than Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship? And especially now, when they seem to be trying to find out where is their place in the wide World and is their strength enough to face it?”

Celestia just looked at her, her eyes the hue of the most tender northern lights against Luna’s own, far and mysterious reaches of the cosmos.

“I would not have let her go, Lulu. Not now. Not yet. Not before my return, letting her know what are the night-dwellers capable of doing,” her sister’s tone was growing adamant again, but not without that almost mournful vibe.

“ ‘Capable of doing’? Tia, you are implying something again, I do not—”

“She should not have gone.”

Luna scoffed. “What, because you did not want her to go?”

“Exactly. It is too dangerous.”

“Dangerous?! Tia, this is becoming absurd!” It was Luna’s time to stand up and circle the room, trying to stop herself from becoming too agitated. For naught. “Every time, every time we have discussed this, you tried to convince me that restoring diplomatic relations with my children was ‘mistimed’, or ‘secondary’, or that we did not possess a pony that would be willing to do it! Well, now we do have! Twilight came to me with this, it was her idea, and that is still not optimal?! You know her better than anypony else, you pretty much raised her, with all due respect to her parents!” Luna stomped her hoof down. “Why do... why do you never tell me your reasoning?!”

Celestia’s gaze was following her, she could feel it, but she did not bother to look back. She just... she had to let this out. This sudden urge was too great to contain, until now hidden under her own guilt.

And Luna was glad that her sister’s chambers were magically protected from prying ears, for her voice started to raise in volume significantly.

“I get it!” she declared, finally glaring at Celestia, accusation in her gaze. “I was away for a long time! And for the best for all ponies, the entire World, I would be the last pony to deny that! Even more, I appreciate everything! That I was given another chance, that you were and are here for me, that you care and find time to help me, but this...! This I have enough of!

“You’ve been ruling Equestria for centuries, on your own! But now I am back and I have, like I have always had, my responsibilities too! Ones I was always keen to return to! And my responsibilities involve taking care of the ponies that have chosen me as their patron! Me as their deity and mother! That means something, Celestia! That means that they need my guidance and aid now that I have returned, and what I believe they need is to find common ground with Equestria!

“But no! Even if I find the perfect opportunity, of encouraging none other than the Princess of Friendship, the perfect candidate with the same idea, that is still not alright with you! And you would not even tell me why again, yes? You want me to feel inferior, Celestia?! Cause that is how I am feeling, as, once again, I allegedly have no chance to grasp another one of your brilliant concepts!”

Celestia’s chamber did not have an echo... and yet Luna was certain she could hear her own voice ringing in her ears. Perhaps it was the sensation of letting it all out finally. All that repressed anger, suddenly appearing and freeing itself. Or maybe it was her conscience letting her know that... that Celestia did not deserve those words and such tone.

Luna’s sister, however, only stared at her, her expression inscrutable. Until finally, her motion almost automatic, she pointed at the plush seating opposite her.

“Sister... please, sit down...”

Luna remained where she was for a while, breathing deeply. She felt... better and worse simultaneously. Finally, however, she followed the invitation, taking her place but avoiding Celestia’s gaze. She... felt the need to apologize profoundly, but she was not given the chance.

“I knew this moment would come, Luna... I was just hoping it would be in better circumstances...” Celestia spoke, her tone strangely leveled. “Perhaps, once again, I have miscalculated in my plans and intentions. Maybe I have fallen victim to my hubris. My hubris of thinking that I will always manage to spare everypony at least a little pain.”

Luna did not reply, just glanced at Celestia, seeing her expression holding stoically, but by barely a thread.

“Luna, what do you remember from the time just before your banishment?”

“Everything, Celestia. You know it. I have seen through the Nightmare’s eyes and heard through the Nightmare’s ears. And I participated in the Nightmare’s actions,” Luna declared, conquering the guilt. She was not going to deny anything. “Why do you ask?”

“Do you... do you remember Radiant?”

Luna blinked at the question. This was not the direction she was expecting this conversation to continue in. “Of course I remember our dear Radiant.” She closed her eyes, to invoke the unicorn’s sky blue gaze and golden mane. His bushy sideburns and his jovial smile.

“What do you remember about him?”

“He...” Luna thought for a moment. “He was always loyal to us and was ready to grant us the best counsel. He led by example. He enjoyed spending his time with his family, yet kept going on his beloved hunting trips. I remember Sunflower complaining about that to you, fearing that little Golden Promise would want to one day go with her papa on such an excursion...” She paused. These were memories from the better times, times before... before everything. She even smirked. “He hated when I started calling him ‘uncle’ as a jest.”

Celestia’s face also revealed a wistful smile. “That is how I would always like to remember him.”

“What do you mean...? Actually, why are we—”

“Please, Luna, it will all become clear soon...” Celestia assured, taking a deep breath and composing herself. “You do remember our battle, yes?”

Luna hung her head. “... with excruciating details, sister...”

“Yes... but you were never here to see the consequences of it, Lulu...”

Celestia’s gaze escaped towards the fireplace, to the dancing flames, now reflecting in her aurora eyes, invoking strange and unnamed, flickering colors.

“When the dust settled... it turned out that most of our old castle was devastated during our duel. The Throne Room collapsed, as well as the Southern Wing. Not much was left of the Garden... Worse yet, we have wrought destruction upon the outer bailey, and—”

I have wrought destruction, Tia... You were just trying to stop me,” Luna corrected, but Celestia only glanced at her with a stare that was more than enough to silence her.

“Many ponies were lost that ill-fated day. Chamberlain Deportment. Dust Whisk and Felicity, our parlour maids. Bottle Washer. Barbican, Firm Stance, Arrowslit, Glacis, Stalwart Banner...”

Each of these names was like a dagger into Luna’s heart. She... she remembered how fiercely Celestia had battled her and the Nightmare, and she knew that ponies must have perished in the aftermath... But to hear their names... To associate them with all those faces from her memory...

“Luna, I remember them all. All of their names. Ponies that were gone, because I was too occupied with myself to pay attention to my dear sister...”

“Tia, I...”

“... and on the top of that list... are Sunflower and Golden Promise.”

Something broke inside of Luna, her eyes suddenly clouding with tears.

Uncle Radiant’s wife... and little daughter...?

“Why would I remember them first and foremost?” Celestia asked rhetorically, her gaze entranced by the flames, her voice blank. “Because their deaths spawned a thousand more...” She crossed eyes with Luna again, her expression pained. “Radiant Glory... was devastated. He was organizing the evacuation and aid at the Castle when their home collapsed from the tremors, burying his family under stone and wood. He had told them to stay there, to be safe, not knowing that our duel will reach the dwellings outside. He cried like a child over their bodies. I still remember him trembling in my forelegs.

“I was hoping to help him, but... your absence left everything on my shoulders. The chaos of your banishment... it was as if I could hear Discord himself laughing from his stone prison. I had to tackle it all. All the responsibilities. All the burdens of ruling, their weight twofold, nay, tenfold... I had to find time and strength for all ponies... and perhaps I should have found it for Radiant more than anypony else.

“When he asked me to give him time to grieve, I did. But I have not asked whether he needed company. Aid. Professional help. He was always so strong. So stoic. He was our best, I was certain he could handle it, but... but his sorrow germinated in his heart... strangled it... then blossomed into hatred...”

Luna, her eyes watery, let out a meager question. “H-hatred...?”

“Yes... I was so occupied by... by my own mourning, I have not seen the signs. I should have remembered the simplest of truths – nightmare begets nightmare... Even if banished alongside you, Luna... its influence lingered and in one I would never suspect...”

“What... what happened?”

Celestia shrugged, almost dismissively, but her eyes betrayed the depth of her emotions. “What does happen when a pony cannot deal with their pain? They start searching for those responsible for it... and since you and the Nightmare, the force to bring night eternal, were gone, he looked for those that were the closest, second choice. And not only him, as I have realized later on...”

A cold shiver traversed down Luna’s spine. She had begun to realize where this was going.

“Some months after, I have received a report that marshal Radiant Glory and a division of our army were eastbound. Nopony else in command knew anything, it seemed that Radiant skipped the official channels and contacted a number of officers individually. Those... those were all ponies that either lost somepony that night... or were members of the most conservative families back then, with... specific, traditionalist views about Equestria. Before I could reach any new information came other news... of the fate of a peaceful, nocturnal hamlet in the Eastern Woods.”

U... Umberiu Prozn...” Luna muttered. “But... but this... and it’s name... but you said... but the books said...”

“That the night-dwellers left, yes, Lulu...” Celestia continued, but her voice lost all of its color and was now trembling. “The truth is... none of the night-dwellers was left... Radiant led our forces into the village. He ordered it purged... Purged of the influence of the Nightmare, purged of the Nightmare’s followers... He never knew, or perhaps he did not want to know, that your children were as devastated about your banishment as we all were.

“It mattered little to him. None was spared, Luna... Not even...” Celestia sobbed. Her sister, the Alicorn of the Sun, the most powerful pony she knew, sobbed. “I have seen the bodies, Luna. He ordered all of them buried, together. In a mass grave. Down to the... to the...”

“Buried...” Luna echoed, her heart rending itself apart from both the knowledge, and the sight of her sister in tears. “He knew... Tia, he knew well that...”

“Yes, Lulu... But hatred had consumed his heart... And led him on, in between the peaks of the Seven Mountains. He declared war, Luna... He declared war that was meant to destroy the night-dwellers.”


Luna could not believe her ears. Uncle Radiant...? No, impossible! And yet... and yet her sister’s words must have been true. Celestia was not capable of lying. Not saying everything, yes, but...

... not... saying everything.

“You have... you have never told me any of that...” came Luna’s blank words.

“No, Lulu... I... I couldn’t. There was... there was never the right moment...” Celestia claimed. Now her head was hanging and her body and voice all shook. “But... but this does not end here...”

“... tell me,” Luna almost commanded, the sorrow in her heart giving her sudden conviction. She needed to know. All of it. “Tell me everything.”

“Radiant was finally stopped, when the battle of Eventide Valley claimed his life. But... but the deaths... the tragedy... It was too much. It was too much for Equestria, too much for the Seven Mountains and too much for me. I did not want such... such horror to persist and plague our little ponies, in that or future generations.”

“... there are no mentions of it,” Luna came to the conclusion that boiled the blood in her veins. “None of the books speaks of this. You have ordered this! For this... this genocide to be forgotten!”

“I never said I was infallible, Luna!” Celestia cried out, her usually kind expression turned into a truly regretful bearing. “I couldn’t take it! I did not want anypony to... to remember such atrocities! I thought it the right choice!”

Luna closed her eyes, her head swimming in confusion and... and sadness and anger. “... but my children do not forget. They never forget...”

“No... no, they do not. And they were dealt a grievous wound.”

“So that is why you fear for Twilight. You fear they hold a grudge. Against Equestria. A rightful one. That... that is...!” Luna bit her tongue, seeing more than sadness in her sister’s eyes, and wishing to spare her another outburst. “That... explains a lot...”

“I hope it does, Lulu...” Celestia whispered, her voice exhausted.

Silence, occasionally disturbed by small sniffs from either of the two of them, reigned for a while. Luna... deliberated. This was a lot to accept... A lot to...

She cleared her throat and dried her eyes. “Twilight ventured to Noctraliya to negotiate a trading deal. Hoping to bring the two nations closer, establish relations, deal with my children’s constant trouble with sustaining themselves...” she spoke to herself. “My children, they will bring this up. They will want to use this in the negotiations, if they have not already... or...” Luna closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. She hoped that her beloved night-dwellers knew better than to take any more... clandestine actions.

Seeing Celestia’s despairing expression, Luna stood up and approached her. “Tia... Twilight Sparkle might be young and inexperienced, but...”

“... Luna, she will learn of it all. Down to the littlest of details, down to the names of the dead, down to the smallest iniquity and tragedy. It could break her. Her heart and mind are too pure for this...”

Luna sat down right in front of her sister. “How come she could learn all this?”

“I... I wanted to repay them, Luna. They did not want to stay, not with you being absent, so... as much as I desired for our ponies to forget what happened in a few generations... I have decided to give the night-dwellers proof undeniable. It was... it was the least I could do, having met with the Covenant at the time, mourning the loss of their Goddess and their relatives...” Celestia tried to blink her eyes dry, locking gazes with Luna. “A scroll. A dark scroll of vellum, written in blood...”

W ver mereum vere bide pisat...” Luna’s lips immediately quoted the proverb. “In blood always truth is written.”

“Yes, Lulu... It’s all there. Put down in blood of all the Lords and every Family and every House, for almost every night-dweller lost somepony in this conflict... This ‘holy war’...” Celestia explained calmly, though the last expression filled her tone with vitriol. “And my signature lies there as well, Luna. To testify of this... this horror.”

“And only now do you tell me,” Luna whispered, her tone blank. But before Tia could reply to her, she stood up, her body trembling. “This... I... I need time.”

“Luna, wait...”

“No, Celestia, I...”

She was already leaving. Her thoughts were a mess. Mess of... of all the emotions. Of guilt over her deeds that spiraled out of control.... Of confusion over Celestia’s actions that she could still not entirely grasp.... Of sadness for her children...

She had to go. She had to be alone. To think. To rage. To rest.


“Luna, wait!”

Her sister’s cry could not stop her as Luna galloped out of the chamber and into the safe shadows of the corridors.


Twilight knew not for how long she had kept staring at the scroll before her. Or for how long she had been reading it prior. She was given all the time she needed to go through the Equestrian version of the text, matched sentence to sentence by the Noctraliyar counterpart, side by side.

Oh, she took her time. She studied it all, holding back the tears.

The slaughter at Shades’ Hollow. The march of Equestrian forces into Noctraliya. The battle that ended the Holy War... The names of the murdered and fallen. All of them.

She could not help but glance constantly at the two silhouettes flanking the pedestal upon which the Archcurator had spread the scroll for her, kept secure on two rollers, silver and gold. It was as if the effigies of those two, ancient ponies were constantly observing her. Assessing her. Judging her.

As if one of those had any right to. For the stone depiction of Radiant Glory was now filling Twilight with a mixture of dread and enmity.

How could a pony do something like this? And with such... perfidy. The scale of his actions was unimaginable. And his disdain, his hatred for the batponies as the alleged servants of the Corrupting Darkness, Nightmare Moon, was blatant.

She wondered if there was more to it after all, as the Testimony spoke only about this one allegation to guide his actions... but no hidden reasoning was enough to absolve this atrocity.

The silver, ornate rod that she had been provided with, to help herself reading without touching the scroll, was still in her hoof, hovering over one signature under the Equestrian version. One vital one, answered by seven others, in batpony alphabet, belonging to the members of the Covenant at that time.

Twilight had seen this writing style countless times through her childhood and youth. She couldn’t be duped. This was not a forgery. Princess Celestia’s name, put down by her very hoof, validated the Testimony.

And also... Twilight would never mistake the faint feeling of her mentor’s magic that still lingered with her dried blood and all over the scroll... The batponies might not have realized that, but a portion of Princess Celestia’s power was exactly what was preserving this document so well. Making sure it would not crumble into dust or lose any of its clarity.

Twilight put down the rod finally then rolled the scroll closed delicately. She walked around the ornate pedestal, her expression somber.

They were right. They have not lied to her.

This was real.

Pensive and focused, she pulled at a small rope by the side of the lift shaft and soon heard the mechanisms bringing the transport to life, its platform slowly descending from above.

Only the Archcurator appeared in her vision when the contraption finally reached her level.

Hwalba Knaze... Have you found the truth, blessed by Neskaza Lunee... and her Sister Goddess?” his careful question was.

She took a deep breath. “That I have, Archcurator. It was... a singular experience. One that I need to think about a great deal, to fully comprehend it.”

“O-of course, of course... Please...” He stepped out of the lift and aside. “I shall remain here and secure the Testimony, but the Lord and the entourage await you...” he muttered, already on his way to take care of the document by putting it away in its gold and silver vault.

Twilight was soon enveloped in the deeper shades of the shaft as she ascended up. She closed her eyes, hoping to dispel all the thoughts battling in her head. Or at least to subdue them.

Faced with this dreadful truth, she had to, first and foremost, accept it and come up with... something. With a solution. A stance. A course of action.

Like a Princess of Equestria should have.

The main floor of the Midnight’s Library soon became visible to her in its entirety, and she found herself surrounded. She was met with Midnight Whisper’s interest. Midnight Eye’s expectancy.

And Midnight’s honest, kind and loving worry.

She gave him a passing glance that she hoped gave him relief, but she had to focus on the Lord of Midnight Family. He was one of the most convicted advocates of batpony reimbursement, after all. It was with him that she had to clash.

Her voice echoed about the place. Strong. Regal.

“Honored Lord, after carefully studying the Testimony and learning the truth written in blood, backed by my authority as a Princess of Equestria, I hereby adjudicate that the demands and claims of the Covenant representing the nation of Noctraliya, are, in their entirety, justified and warranted...

“... but they shall not be met.”

Author's Note:

And there we have it!

Do let me know your thoughts about this, rather crucial chapter. I hope it was worth the wait!

Thanks to all who continue to support me as I weave my tale. My gratitude knows no bounds. Stay tuned and until next time.


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