• Published 23rd Jul 2014
  • 24,172 Views, 1,931 Comments

Changeling Doll - Pickleless

A changeling pretends to be a magical doll.

  • ...

Tricking your inquisitive owner.

Twilight Sparkle had just gotten back from her birthday party. The giant crystal tree castle was nice, but she still preferred using Applejack's barn to host the party. It's what they used the first time, and it's what she planned to use until that barn gets knocked down. Pinkie Pie, as usual, showed just as much enthusiasm making this party as she made every other one, making it the best birthday party ever. Twilight was sure the next birthday party she would have would be the best party ever too, as would the next one.

Now, Twilight was tired. She was known to pull all nighters occasionally when finding a good book or four, but any party of Pinkie's leaves you exhausted by the end. It was probably because she was so tired that she didn't see the large, pony sized box in front of her door. It was also probably why she walked face first into the box and hurt her snout.

Rubbing her muzzle, Twilight glared at the box. After the box made it clear it wasn't going to apologize anytime soon for squishing her face, Twilight's irritation quickly turned into confusion as she examined the box. Confusion quickly turned to joy, as she spotted the words 'Happy Birthday Twilight!' on the box. After giving a little giggle and clapping her hooves together, Twilight teleported herself and the box to her bedroom. After making sure Spike went to bed like he should have, she quickly went back to examining her present.

Twilight's joy once again went back to confusion. There was no name telling her who this was from, or a return address. Just hers, and a note saying 'Happy Birthday Twilight!' With a shrug, Twilight magically opened the top of her box. Lifting her forehooves up, she balanced herself against the present box and tried to peer inside of it. Not being able to quite make out what was inside, she started to lift the gift up with magic.

Twilight dropped her gift in shock when she saw it.

It was a changeling.

"Alright changeling! Come out of the box, slowly!" Twilight lit up her horn ready to attack.

No response.

"If you don't come out right now, I'm gonna blast a hole right through this box!" She threatened.

The changeling didn't respond.

"Alright, I warned you!" Twilight shot a beam through the box. The blast knocked over the box, sending the changeling tumbling out onto the floor, limp.

"Did...did I kill it?.." Twilight whimpered.

She had never taken a life before. There were situations in the past where she almost had to, but this in comparison seemed rather cold blooded. The changeling didn't even fight back! Conflicted feelings bounced around inside of her. Hopefully, the changeling was dead and couldn't possibly hurt or scare her. Hopefully, it was alive so she didn't...

Quietly, Twilight tip-hoofed over to the limp bug. It wasn't moving, it had a large burn mark on it's side and was bleeding a little. Gulping in fear and shame, Twilight nervously got closer to it. Lighting her horn and casting a couple wards and shield spells she knew, she very carefully poked it with her hoof.

The changeling's eyes opened up, and it started to rise. With a yelp, Twilight blasted it again.

Slamming into her wall, the changeling bounced off it and landed face down. It slowly rose off the ground and stared blankly ahead.

"...W-who are you?!? Why are you here!?!" Twilight demanded.

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input." The changeling blankly stated.


"Please refer to instruction manual, for further input." The changeling repeated, in the same pleasant, yet monotone voice.

"What." Twilight deadpanned.

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

Twilight stared blankly at the strange changeling. She quickly glanced at the knocked over box, then back at the changeling.

"If you light up your horn or move so much as an INCH, I will conjure up a giant fly swatter and squish you with it!" Twilight growled.

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

Twilight glared at the changeling for a few more seconds, then snorted. She turned toward the box and quickly looked inside it for an instruction manual. She quickly pulled out a slim book inside. Before reading its cover, she jumped up onto her bed and positioned herself so she could keep an eye on the changeling. After making sure it hadn't moved, she looked down at her shiny new book.

"How to use your Changeling Doll?" Twilight's eyebrow shot up in confusion.

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

"I wasn't talking to you!"

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

Twilight groaned. Looks like she couldn't read out loud for the moment.

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

Or make noises. Twilight glared at the 'Changeling Doll' for a second before opening her manual.

'Congratulations on owning your very own Changeling Doll! The Changeling Doll is the highest, most advanced piece of technology straight from the brilliant minds of Canterlot University! Never before has such a life-like magical golem been made! The Changeling can talk, debate, laugh, cry, and eat with you! It breathes, it sleeps, you would have never guessed it was a doll!'

Twilight gave a bemused snort towards that.

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

'The Changeling can do anything and be anything! Want a protective older sibling for your kid? Want a best friend to share your interests with? Want that parental figure you never had? Want a lover, to hold you close at night? Want a child, to cherish forever? Want a servant, to tend to your every whim? The Changeling doll does it all! Soon, you'll be wondering how you managed to live without one! The magical journey all starts on the next page!'

Twilight stared at her book in shock. Was this book really claiming what she thinks it's claiming? Nervously glancing at the Doll, she licked her dry lips and turned the page.

'The startup process is simple! Simply say 'Enter registration mode!' and your changeling doll will walk you through the steps! If there is any error with the startup process, please look up the error code it gives you in the table of contents!'

Twilight slowly walked up to her Changeling Doll. She was amazed. Have we really progressed this far? How has society managed to make a golem through a mixture of flesh, magic, and technology? How did she not already know about this?!? Twilight always keeps up to date on the recent findings of intellectual pursuits!

Loudly clearing her throat-

"Please refer to the instruction manual, for further input."

Twilight rolled her eyes and spoke up.

"Enter registration mode." Twilight softly, yet clearly pronounced.

"Thank you for purchasing the Changeling Doll. We hope you have an amazing, magical experience with all the adventures the Changeling Doll will give you."

Twilight really wished the salesponies weren't as audacious as they were.

"In order to make sure your Changeling Doll isn't stolen or used by unwanted ponies, please insert a DNA sample into the Changeling Doll's mouth. It is recommended that you use a strand of hair."

Still paranoid that this all might be a trick, the sadist in Twilight considered handing it a cup she had peed in. After a small amount of internal debating, she decided she didn't want to ruin one of her cups. With a sigh, she plucked a hair out of her mane and levitated it to the changeling's mouth.

"Thank you. Please tell the Changeling Doll your full name."

"Twilight Sparkle."

"'Twilight, Sparkler.' Is this correct?"

"No." Twilight said in frustration. So much for being the most advanced doll from the brilliant minds of Canterlot.

"I'm sorry. Please try entering your name again."

"Twi-light, Spar-kle." Twilight slowly said.

"'Twilight, Sparkle.' Is this correct?"


"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle. If you wish to register another pony as an owner, please tell me 'Enter new owner.' after we finish the registration process."

"Twilight Sparkle, please pick an objective for me. What am I intended for?"

Twilight blinked. She didn't know what to use the doll for, she didn't even know changeling dolls existed up until this point! She didn't need a sibling, she already had one! Spike was sort of like her child, although neither of them would ever say it. She already had five best friends. She definitely didn't want a servant, she's already seen what that does to most of the unicorns in Canterlot and she definitely didn't want to become like them! Parental figure? Hah! She had three of them! When she became free of her parents breathing down her neck, she had Celestia keeping a constant eye on her! Never yelling at her, just a gentle frown. That frown, that horrible frown...

Twilight Sparkle shook her head, she didn't need another panic attack right now. She laughed at the last choice. A lover? Really, like she needed a lover! Sure, she never tried dating a colt, or had talked to them, or had talked about them with her friends, or...


Who would make a changeling-no, a changeling DOLL their lover anyway? It's just an object that can turn into anything you wan...


"Y-you are intended to be...t-to be... I want you to be my lllll...llloahhHH-MY BEST FRIEND! I want you to be my best friend!"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't understand what you were saying. Could you repeat that Twilight Sparkle?"

"You are intended to be my best friend."

"Okay Twilight Sparkle, I will be your best friend."

Twilight lowered her head in shame. She couldn't believe herself! She almost used a fake changeling to live out some of her more romantic fantasies! Having a best friend is better, Twilight thought to herself. Since this was a doll, she could complain about the things she would never say to her other friends, or have someone to finally gush with her over her pursuits! She could share secrets she wouldn't even tell a diary! In fact, the more she thought about it, this was the perfect choice!

"I have various minds and personalities poured into me, but I would like to get to know you Twilight Sparkle. Please connect your forehead to my horn. If you are a unicorn, please connect your horn to mine."

Twilight now understood the Changeling's whole scheme, it made her tell it what she wanted most out of another pony and is now going to brainwash her. Twilight smirked. If that's its game, it's in for a nasty surprise! Twilight conjured an anti brainwash ward she made after the changeling invasion. It doesn't work unless it's being actively cast, but she didn't have to worry about that now. If the stupid bug tried to so much as suggest something in her head he would get completely fried. Confidently, Twilight smoothly trotted up to the Changeling and connected their horns.


It had been 15 minutes now, and Twilight was starting to freak out. She felt the doll inside her mind, but it never once ordered her to do anything. All it has done was meekly, yet quickly search her mind. Certain parts of her head tingled as it searched different spots. Twilight was starting to suspect this was really a doll after all.

"I'm done! Thanks for being patient Twilight, I really appreciate how you've been handling this. This whole thing has been very stressful for you, especially after having such a long day. I promise I'll make it up to you. I'll be the best friend you ever had!"

That voice. That voice was the voice of an ANGEL. It somehow had the cheery excitement of Pinkie Pie while the soothing murmur of Fluttershy's. It was homely and friendly like Applejack, yet somehow refined like Rarity's. All the while, having the confidence of Rainbow Dash, making you feel like nothing was ever going to go wrong. Twilight immediately felt safe from that voice, it was the voice of her friends. Yet it wasn't a female voice, it was male, a sexy, sexy male voice for a sexy, sexy lo-FRIEND.

Her best friend, and nothing more.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but I just need one more thing. Could you think of a cool appearance for me, please? I just need you to touch your horn to mine and think of what I should be."

Twilight smiled. She never was into dressing up dolls as a little girl, but being able to make any type of pony you want sounded fun. She touched her horn to his and focused. She always liked Luna's fur color and started there. She decided to go with a purple mane, a little darker than her own. Not short, but not long enough that he would have to comb it out of his eyes. She made the doll slightly taller than her, with a thin body frame. He had thin legs and feminine muzzle. Twilight was a little uncomfortable around stallions so she wanted to make somepony who wasn't too intimidating. Glasses sounded cute, she decided to give him bad eyesight. Speaking of eyes, she made them a cheery green to have a pleasant looking contrast. His tail would be long. Lastly, she made him a unicorn, being the most comfortable around her previous race. Twilight opened her eyes, and gasped.

Standing before her was a Pegasus significantly taller than her. He had a wide, masculine frame and thick legs. His coat was pure white. His mane was a deep red that slowly spread out to a light yellow. The Pegasus' mane was long and combed back behind his head. On his square muzzle was a small fiery red goatee. His eyes were such a bright yellow they almost looked white, Twilight felt as if his gaze was burning into her. His tail was short, spikey red than spread out to yellow like his mane.

While Twilight gaped at the fine specimen standing before her, he wrapped a comforting wing around Twilight. Twilight barely made a note in her head that having a wing around her felt way better than it should.

"Twilight, are you alright?" He asked in a tone dripping with concern and warmth.

"Y-YES! Yeah, uh, yup, I'm fine. I'm the most fine mare around! WAIT NO! I'm mean, mentally, not physically! I'm not sexy! B-but I'm not ugly either. U-uhhhhhh..."

His soft laughter made her blush. "Calm down, it's okay Twilight! I could never be upset with you." He said gently.

This doll knows what she wants more than she does, and that scares her. As the doll said something, Twilight eyes roamed all over his body, drinking it in. This isn't what she thought up for him at all!

"Stupid doll..." Twilight said.

"Alright, my name is Stupid Doll then!" Stupid Doll said cheerily.

"Wait, what?!? No!"

"What's wrong Twilight?"

"I didn't mean to name you that!"

Doll pursed his lips together in a way Twilight found unbearably cute. "I'm sorry, my name can't be changed for another 24 hours. You're going to have to wait till then."

Twilight groaned. "Stupid doll..."


"No, I meant, ugh..."

Doll waited for her continue. Seeing her stop talking, he spoke up. "The registration is now complete! Let's become best friends Twilight!" He tightened his hug with his wing slightly.

"Y-yeah, friends..." Twilight tried to look anywhere except at Doll.

Twilight was too tired for this. She should have been in bed an hour ago. Her pillow beckoned for her, but she couldn't just leave her doll here...unless she could. Grabbing Doll and turning him around, she pushed him into her closet.

"I need to sleep, stay here until morning!" Twilight ordered.

"Alright-" Doll said cheerily as Twilight closed the door on him.

With a sigh, Twilight headed towards her bed and flopped on it. Whatever happens next, it can wait till morning...

Doll winced in pain, the two shots Twilight blasted him with still hurting. It wouldn't kill him, but it was going to hurt for a while. Giving a sigh of relief, he smiled.

He did it, he was in.