• Member Since 4th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Unimpressive Chaos Lord

Let's give this another go.


During all their childhood and adulthood Tirek and Scorpan shared a profound and strong link, not only physical but spiritual. That union appeared to be broken the day Scorpan betrayed his brother for what he considered a greater good. However, after a millennium of torturous culpability and with the news of Tirek´s escape and posterior imprisonment, he feels the urgent need of returning to his brother´s side in order to free him and finally being able to live without the nightmares that torment him day and night restlessly. Celestia and Luna are his only salvation. Will the Royal Sisters assist the old and tired magic draining demon? And if they don´t, how far is Scorpan disposed to go in order to liberate Tirek?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 24 )

:applejackunsure: I don't want to say about this. But. My heart is broken now.

Fees like Scopan was caught in a strange position. Yes he's 100% Committed to taking Tirek back with him, and he seemed to really want to push Celestia to see if she had really "gone soft" or the "warrior princess" side of her was still in there. I think that fact she still has the side to her really makes him happy, even if it makes his primary task that much more difficult. The way Tia beat him also seems to really fit how I've always thought of her, making things seem to be serious and dangerous when she's in full control.

4736727 Oh, a review! Kinda. But it´s a long comment :derpytongue2:

Anyway, thanks for your opinion. And yeah, that is more or less what happens. In part is simply that Scorpan is still defying. I mean, when Celestia ordered his guards to take him away it felt as an insult to him. Why? Because despite how much he hates himself he still remains some pride. After all, wasn´t him who was the key to save Equestria? The Celestia he knew would have sent him to hell of a kick in the butt, but here she has matured and tries to be pacific. That´s another reason why, at least at first, tried to calm down Scorpan instead of defeating as easily as she has proven to be capable of doing at the end. Actually, he didn´t suppose a really powerful menace for her, until she realized that she was unable to reason with him. Now guess who is up to talk to him :pinkiehappy:

4739853 :ajbemused: Why laugh? Eh.....I guess. I think.

4740369 I accept failure with humor. With humor and pills! :yay: But tell me what you didn´t like so that I can improve it :twilightsmile:

4740425 Well. I know Scopan wants to take his brother Tirek away from Equestria. But. Why Scopan had to kill Celestia? :(

4740473 Kill her? In which moment did he kill her? :rainbowlaugh:

4740489 :applejackconfused: Um. Are you telling me that Celestia is not dead?

4740514 Nope :rainbowwild: Didn´t you read when she gets up and counter attacks defeating Scorpan? Or in the moment you read "crimson" you stopped? If Scorpan says that she is dead is because at first that is what he thought, but he was wrong

4740551 Oh :twilightsheepish:

So, have you changed your mind about the fanfic or it is still that bad?

4740553 Ya. My mind is changed.

Dear Princess Celestia~
You are fucking bitch.
signed~ General Skorge

4750077 Oh dammit. I was trying so hard to make her look not a bitch. Oh well, back to the designing table!

I have a brother of my own, and it seems very harsh not give Tirek back to Scorpan, because she only cares about her ponies, even when Scorpan said he would take Tirek back home.
And also Celestia faking her death was a bitch move on her part.
Don't rewrite it please! I like it the way it is.
Kill Celestia for me.:raritywink: Cuz she's harsh.

Oh wow! This is so beautiful! I absolutely adore Scorpan and Tirek - I don't think they're cute of course, I just find them very interesting. This story is great! However, is the first chapter based, like, over a thousand years after the second? I suppose it doesn't matter that much.

I also love how Scorpan is shown to be so bad and yet we end up siding with him, as if he used his silver tongue on the reader. I love how he sees his Father - and the fact his father told him to keep trying to convince Tirek. As if Vorak still loves them both. The pain is so blunt and ...sincere? It doesn't attempt to put off the reader and yet it doesn't try to sugar coat it.

This comment is very late and im really shocked there aren't more comments telling of their adoration for you. The only thing I could think of that would put the average fanfic reader off it the wordyness - which I personally think is very fitting to Tirek and Scorpan! I know I'm offering very late, but I could be your editor if you ever decide to continue!


First off, thank you for your kind words. I am used to writing reviews, but not to receiving them, and yours is excellent. Not because you are praising me (although my ego does appreciate it) but because it seems sincere. And I cannot say how grateful I am.

Right now, I am thinking of making another fanfic, a crossover with Hellsing. No, I wouldn´t be mixing the characters; I really can´t stand that kind of fanfics. It would be more like integrating its universe in MLP. And Scorpan would play one of the main roles. If you are still interested in editing for me I would be delighted to count on you; I´m sure you would be a fantastic editor.

6757579 You're very welcome!!! That definitely sounds like an interesting idea, and I can definitely agree that mixing characters is annoying - it makes it neither character, which is no good coddammit!! XD

I'm really glad that you appreciate my review! :) And whenever you've got something written, hit me up and I'll edit that baby!

Ps. Your words really made my day! I'm smiling right now!!! ^U^

Should I presume you are a Hellsing fan?
Good :yay:

Anyway, thanks for the offer; I´ll be sure to contact you if I get something done!

6757820 Please continue, I was really enjoying it.


I´ll think about it. Right now I´m not in the mood for writing. Or anything else, really...

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