• Published 30th Oct 2011
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Two's Company, Three's a Crowd - Lithe Kamitatsy

One night of fun for a certain musical pair will leave their lives upside down.

  • ...

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Chapter Sixty-Three

Octavia stirred, shifting slightly. “Mmm... my head...” she mumbled. Vinyl heard this, and spun on her hooves to face her.

“Octy! You’re awake!” Vinyl said, rushing to her side. “How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? Are you uncomfortable?” she said, unintentionally assaulting her marefriend’s ears with a barrage of questions.

“Vinyl, Vinyl, Vinyl, relax! I am... alright...” she said softly, waving a hoof. “The better question is ‘are the foals okay’?”

“The doctor said that they were fine... but they want to keep you overnight,” she said sadly. “They want to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.”

“What? But... the wedding...” Octavia said, feeling her heart sinking into her stomach.

“I know, Octy... I know...” Vinyl said, brushing part of Octy’s mane out of her face.

"Vinyl, I... I apologize, I-" Octavia started, but was quieted by a kiss on the forehead from her lover.

"Octy, there's no need to say you're sorry. I'm perfectly fine- worried like all heck about you, but fine, and it's not like you asked for this to happen, right?" Vinyl said. "You didn't ask for this to happen, right?" she asked in mock seriousness. Octavia merely responded with a deadpan expression, Vinyl smirking. "I'm joking, take it easy..." she said as she helped Octavia get more comfortable.

“Where are Bonbon and Lyra?” Octavia asked, her vision having returned in full, examining the hospital room that they were in.. “I remember them being with us when we got here.”

“They went home, you’ve been out for about an hour now,” Vinyl said, taking a seat beside Octavia’s bed.

“I see... are they okay? I hope this did not scare them,” Octavia said, the realization that Bonbon was almost as new at this just now sinking in. “Poor Bonbon... I hope I did not frighten her,” she said softly.

“She’s fine, as far as I know,” Vinyl said. “She was more concerned about you and the foals more than anything...” Vinyl’s face then turned a light shade of pink as she timidly tapped her hooves together. “She mentioned something about being worried about her godfoals being okay...” This elicited a warm smile from Octavia, who made the effort to sit up. “Octy, don’t push yourself!” she said, jumping to Octavia’s aid.

“Oh, relax! I am not an invalid!” she said firmly.

“Octy, I think you meant ‘you’re not invalid’,” Vinyl corrected.

“No, Vinyl, what I meant was-” Octavia and Vinyl turned their heads when they heard what sounded like a hurricane outside their room. Ponies screaming as they seemingly flew past their door, the sound of instruments being knocked off carts, papers being thrown about, and lots of yelling. Suddenly, the door to their room swung open with so much force it was amazing that the door itself had not come off its hinges. A very concerned, very unstoppable Kester barged in, several security guards and a confused, disheveled Madeline clinging to him.

Where is she?! Where’s ma’ baby?!” he yelled, spinning in circles and stamping his hooves as he frantically looked about the room. It was at that point that Madeline, now thoroughly fed up with him, yanked his ears and forced his head in Octavia’s direction.

“She’s right there, Kester! CALM! DOWN!” Madeline said, yelling in his ear.

“A’ get it, Maddie... no need t’ yell,” he said, recoiling slightly as his eardrum throbbed. The security guards slipped off of him, adjusting themselves. “A’ found her boys, ye can go back to yer’ posts now,” he said with a grin. The security guards shot him dirty looks, then left to assist the others in cleaning up the wreckage the Scoltish monster had left in the wake of his entrance.

“Mama... Papa...? What... what are you doing here? How did...?” Octavia asked, all sorts of confused.

Before they could answer, a heavy wind kicked up inside the hospital ward, and a bright flash followed immediately by a loud bang signalled the arrival of Marianna and Rolando.

“Oh dear, did we make it in time!?” Marianna asked.

“Dear-heart, I daresay it has not happened yet...” Rolando said, pointing to Octavia’s still very large and round stomach, to which Octavia recoiled and turned a bright red, slightly embarrassed about her size.

“Dad, you’re embarrassing her!” Vinyl said, giving him a look.

“I apologize, Octavia. You know I meant no harm by my comment,” Rolando said, dipping his head slightly in apology.

“It is alright... I am just a bit self-conscious, I suppose. I am still unused to being this big,” Octavia said.

“You get used to it,” Marianna and Madeline said in unison.

“So? Wha’s the situation? Are the babies comin’ or no’?” Kester asked.

“Not yet. Octavia had a false alarm... but for her to have a false alarm at this point in her pregnancy isn’t a good thing,” Vinyl explained. She then sighed. “They want her to stay overnight, which means we might end up having to postpone the wedding,” she said.

Marianna made her way over to Vinyl, embracing her. “I am so sorry, Vincenza... think of the bright side- this only allows us more time to plan an even better wedding,” she said. She then took one of Octavia’s hooves in her own. “Your health and the health of your foals comes first and foremost, understood?”

Octavia nodded. “I understand,” she said, still feeling somewhat dejected. Madeline made her way over to the other side of her daughter, gently assisting her into a more comfortable sitting position. “Mama... I...”

“Yes, Octavia? What is it?”

“I... uhm...” she said softly, blushing from embarrassment. “I need to use the restroom, but I am too weak to do it on my own...” she said softly. Madeline smiled, shaking her head slightly.

“Octavia, you are my baby, my pride and joy. You know that you needn’t hesitate in asking me for anything!” Madeline said. Octavia gave a warm smile. “Gentlecolts, I need you both to leave. Octavia needs to use the restroom,” she announced, much to Octavia’s chagrin.

“Anything I can do to help?” Vinyl chimed in, eager to assist.

“Go tell the nurse. The bedpan will need changing afterward,” Madeline instructed. “Marianna, could you help me?”

“Absolutely,” Marianna said as she moved to the other end of the bed, assisting Madeline in moving Octavia.

The two stallions followed Vinyl out, and stood at either side of the door. Kester received a dirty look from just about every pony in the hallway, but he paid them no mind.

“Roly... can A’ be honest with ye’?” Kester said.

“Of course, Kester. What troubles you?” Rolando asked.

“Wha’ just happened... it scared me t’ death... Tavi is the apple o’ ma’ eye, and if anythin’ happened to ‘er-” Kester started, but stopped when Rolando raised a hoof.

“You are talking to a stallion who is also the father to a mare, so yes, I understand exactly how you feel, Kester. Believe me, my heart was in my throat as we left our apartment. Octavia has quickly become like a second daughter to me, so believe me when I say I share your concern,” Rolando said.

“Aye... Vinyl- er, Vincenza-,” Kester said, having a small bit of difficulty pronouncing Vinyl’s real name. “-is the exact same in ma’ book. She’s in ma’ top three most important mares, and A’ owe her so much fer lettin’ us know,” he said. “A’ love ‘er like Maddie had birthed ‘er herself,” he said, giving a trademark goofy grin. The two stallions shared a quick embrace, then returned to standing guard outside Octavia’s room.

“Feel better?” Rolando asked.

“Aye, thanks,” Kester said with a short nod.

Rolando then clapped his front hooves together, remembering something important. “Oh, that reminds me. I wanted to speak to you about something,” he said.

Kester turned to face him. “Wha’ about?”

“Well, Marianna and I have been talking, and we would like to be closer to our grandfoals once they are born, so we have been considering buying a house in Ponyville. Tell me, how are you doing financially?” Rolando asked.

Kester’s brow furrowed a bit as he thought back to how much they had made in barley sales over the last few months, and sighed. “We recently cut contact with a big distributor o’ the barley A’ grow, so the flow o’ bits has been a lil’ tight... why?” he asked.

“Marianna and I feel it would not be fair to our grandfoals that we would be so close, yet you and Madeline be so far away,” he said. “What would you say to us buying you a plot of land in Ponyville so you can move your farm there?” Rolando asked.

Kester was dumbfounded. “Leave Hoofington? To live in Ponyville? A- wha- A can’t let ye do tha’!” he said, shaking his head.

“Nonsense. Ponyville is an agricultural gold-mine. I am certain you have heard of Sweet Apple Acres?” Rolando asked.

“Who hasn’t? Best apples this side o’ Equestria,” Kester said. “A’ can’t let ye’ pay fer all tha’.”

“Kester, you have to understand. I have more money than I know what to do with, and by Celestia it is time I start helping my family with it. What do you say?” he said, extending a hoof.

Kester thought about it for a moment, then smiled, shaking his hoof. “Aye, if ye’ insist.”

“Excellent. We will talk details after all of this has blown over,” Rolando said.

Vinyl stood at the nurse’s station, waiting for the stallion that had helped them earlier to return to his post. It was at that point that Vinyl caught the attention of Doctor Haysworth, and moved over to talk to him.

“Hey, doctor?” Vinyl said, grabbing his attention.

“Yes? Does Octavia need something?” Haysworth asked.

“No- well, yes, she needs a new bedpan, but that’s not why I’m here,” Vinyl asked.

“Alright, I’ll put in the request for one. What else do you need?” he asked.

“Doc... is there any way we can get Octy out of the hospital before tomorrow morning?” she asked, hopeful. The doctor sighed, taking off his glasses.

“I understand that the wedding is important, but there’s a lot more at stake here than missing a ceremony. Octavia was very close to a life-threatening incident, and I want to make sure that this was just a fluke and not something that’s prone to happening again. The answer is still no,” he said firmly.

“You don’t know how long she’s been waiting for this! I’ve done everything I could to make this happen for her, and I mean, I’m the one who put her in this situation to begin with! I... I don’t want to let her down!” Vinyl pleaded. Doctor Haysworth stared at her for a few moments, Vinyl’s heart thumping in her chest as he mulled over what he was about to say.

“...I’ll only allow it on these conditions- I am present throughout the entire thing, if at any point something happens, I will not hesitate to stop the ceremony, and you promise me that you will be the best mother that those foals could have ever asked for,” the doctor said.

“I promise! I promise a million times over!” Vinyl said, hugging the doctor. “Thank you so much!”

“Yeah, yeah, go tell her the news. I’ll have her discharged by sunrise,” Haysworth said as she let him go, the mare tearing down the hallway as fast as her hooves would take her. The doctor gave a small smile, then went back to his charts.

Vinyl arrived at Octavia’s room, frantically knocking on the door to see if she was done.

“One moment,” a voice called from within.

“Vincenza, are you alright? If you shake any more violently, you will take the door off its hinges,” Rolando pointed out.

Kester let out a deep, bellowing laugh. “The filly looks like one o’ them wind-up toys,” he said.

“Big news! Need to get inside! Really big news!” Vinyl said. Once the door opened, the three of them entered, Vinyl practically bouncing to Octavia’s side.

“Vinyl, what has gotten into you?” she asked.

“I did it!” Vinyl announced. “I was able to talk Doctor Haysworth into letting you go at sunrise so you can get ready!”

“You mean...?” Octavia said, her face lighting up in the brightest smile her parents had ever seen.

“Yeah... we’re getting married tomorrow...”

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