• Published 13th Apr 2012
  • 7,098 Views, 164 Comments

Humans Ain't So Bad - sgtnolisten

Why does everyone hate humans? A Q&A style story explaining that humans aren't so bad.

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Humans Ain’t So Bad

“Hm? What’s this one?”

Fallout Equestria: Rules of Engagement

Once upon a time, on the not-so-magical planet Earth. There was a US Marine who signed up to defend his country. He was assigned to a fire team, the fire team assigned to a squad and the squad assigned to a platoon. Together they defended the area surrounding a Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan from insurgents. If only it were that simple.

When lone Marine is transported to Equestria he finds a post-apocalyptic wasteland. With no orders, no resupply and seemingly no hope of return, he sets out to find what brought him here, and why.

Strong Language Warning: He swears like a Marine.

Disclaimer: I'm not a Marine

Cover art by Crosshairs

“Hmmm… Not exactly the HiE I’ve been looking for when it comes to Fallout: Equestria, but I’ll give it a shot.”

Once upon a time, on the not-so-magical-and-actually-quite-fucked-up planet of Earth-

“Oh are you fucking kidding me? God damn it man! That’s like the fifth one I’ve found today, what the hell!”

This had him starting on a long tirade of swears, curses, and oaths about the stupidity of humans that refuse to see the good qualities as well as the bad. He even went so far as to list off examples of said qualities to the empty room.

Living by himself with not much to do after working on base all day beyond late nights online kind of left him with only his voice, or a YouTube music playlist to fill the silence. Oh don’t pity him, he has great friends within his squadron, but he liked living an isolated lifestyle. Besides, talking to himself sometimes led to some amazing brainstorms. Speaking of which…

“-I guess Dad was right on that front, ‘One “Aw shit” wipes out a whole lot of “Atta boys”’. I mean seriously! I love “humans are evil” stories when done well, but with so many of them flooding my sites and so few “Fluttershy yay Humans”, it just pisses me off! Why doesn’t someone write something to get these idiots to use their heads before writing their own species off… wait a second…”

Getting up from his desk, he walked over to a drawer he kept some extra notebooks and packages of pens. Getting out one of each, he started writing down ideas as he paced around the room and muttered to himself.

They were a couple of quirks of his. He always wrote out his ideas on paper first after a frustrating incident in Middle School where he accidentally left his thumb-drive in a computer class and returned to find it stolen. That cost him a story he had been working on but never published it because he always felt it wasn’t ready yet.

Five years later and looking back at what bits he remembered of it, he was glad it never got out… But he still learned from that accident.

The pacing was actually something fun for him to do as he brainstormed. It was good exercise, and it just always seemed to help. But it definitely wasn’t as weird as the number of plot bunnies he got when riding his parent’s lawn mower on the weekends.

“It doesn’t have to be an entirely plot based story. Probably shouldn’t be anyways. Yeah! It could be like a talk show interview or a questionair thing with the readers leaving reviews asking about things like human actions, music, religion, war-…”

He paused in stride and thought over that last one.

“War… Better keep that one for the last chapter. Too many positives to go with the negatives, and if done correctly, can be the perfect cinch pin to wrap it all up and leave the readers really thinking. Alright, got the design down, now who to use as the ‘show host’?”

Before he could start brainstorming again, he heard something that he should not have been hearing. Looking back at his laptop, which had blacked its screen out due to being idle for a while, was cheerfully playing “Equestria Gurls” from its speakers.

He didn’t have youtube up when this started.

Walking over to his desk with a cautious gait, he set down the notebook and slowly got back into his chair.

A glance behind him to insure nothing spooky, dangerous, or both like the Slenderman is going to creep up on him, he rolled his finger over the touchpad, waking up the machine.

First thing he noticed, a Word Document had opened up over the Internet Explorer window.

Second thing, a letter had been typed out on the document.

Third thing, it was addressed to him.

Another glance over his shoulder. Nope, no Slendy, but he could imagine Spot, his old stuffed triceratops he had as a kid waving a paw at him in greeting (Imagination, love it). With nothing there, he turned back to read.

“Yeah, that isn’t my name, but you’ve already got my attention,” he said, pausing to make the comment.

Yes I know it isn’t your real name, shut up.

“…Okay, I know it didn’t change as I was talking cause I didn’t blink… creepy.”

With that out of the way, I chose you and your universe to… ‘host’ the story that you were planning, and that I’m writing. Congratulations! (And I’d agree with you on the creepy part if it wasn’t so much fun screwing with your head like I am)


Yes I am, and you are too, because you’d do the same thing.

“That doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck.”

Anyways, you won’t be alone in this venture. I’ve procured you a co-host for this venture. See if you can guess.

The page refused to scroll further down after that.

“Hmph. That’s me alright. Okay, so who would I do for something like this? Rainbow Dash is too hard headed to really sit still for something like this, and there’s also the fact that she really only lets herself be on the ground about 10 percent of the time which opens up the possibility of a plot driven storyline that is unneeded, so all that leaves her out. Fluttershy is too soft at heart for some of the possible topics of discussion so she’s out. Rarity and Applejack have no real disqualifying features that I’ve noticed since the last episode I’ve seen which was Nightmare Night, but neither do they have any engaging aspects to work with for something like this. I’d cross them off the list, which would leave Twilight and Pinkie.”

Pausing, he gave some serious thought over it.

“Twilight’s critical thinking skills would be a useful tool for getting an in-depth look at the explanation, but to keep her in character, I’d have to do a long explanation on my thoughts of the multiverse theory, which I don’t think I could do without sounding boring, so I’d cross her off as the co-host, but I’d leave her option open for an appearance later on so we’ve got some good beef for the readers to chew on before moving into that boring explanation. That leaves Pinkie whose bubbly personality would be good for comedic relief. Her ease of accepting new things would leave out a need for explanation and allow me to get right into the thick of things after reviwers start asking questions. There might be some problems that could crop up later on, but it could be taken care of when they do. Pinkie Pie is coming to my house to be the co-host.”

He let that last sentence sink into his mind.


Yup, have fun!


“God damn it.”

For a few moments, he sat there slumped in exasperation. He knew this was no joke. He had all the evidence, and all other possibilities have been knocked out of the list leaving only one thing that could only be truth, no matter how strange.

He was now host to his own fanfiction idea.

And his co-host was going to be Pinkie Pie.

Something caused him to sit up into a stiff posture after he thought that. He felt a presence in the room that hadn’t been there before. Felt eyes bore into the back of his head. Felt the faint wisp of a soft breath as it drifted past his neck.
Slowly, he turned around. The Spartan walls of the room slowly gave way to a pink form as it krept into his vision while he stared straight ahead. Some of that pink gave way to white which gave way to blue, before all of it registered as a pink pony’s face directly in front of his own.

Silence… for about four seconds.

“…HI!!! I’m Pinkie Pie! And I’m here to help you break the 4th wall today!”

He could only groan and slump in defeat.