• Published 28th Jul 2014
  • 10,588 Views, 235 Comments

Sundown - Someother Pony

Sunset Shimmer is fighting an uphill battle with depression. She has help, but will Celestia be enough to break Sunset's sadness or will Sunset destroy herself permanently.

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Chapter 2: Consequence

Sunset was in a dark room, featureless save for one lone full body mirror. An ordinary mirror it was not, it looked like the one from years ago, the mirror that was a portal to the human world. She had never forgotten it, and the image it showed her. She approached it with trepidation.

Peering into the mirror Sunset only saw herself, same scrawny body and fiery hair. The same way she has looked for two and a half years. She remembered finding out the relative age difference between ponies and humans for maturity was around 6 to 8 years depending on who you asked what mature for a human was. Thanks exclusively to that Sunset Shimmer was forced to go through a sort of second puberty.

As Sunset was lost in reflection, the Sunset Shimmer she had been staring blankly at had begun to change. First, it took a more standoffish posture. Then it began to smirk and its eyes narrowed. It now mirrored how Sunset acted as well.

“Well,” It said, “it didn’t take you very long to run to Celestia again.”

Sunset Shimmer was surprised. Her reflection had just spoken to her. “Uh… What?”

Scoffing the reflection replied scathingly. “Quite the quick thinker you are. What was that we said before…” The reflection shifted its weight from one leg to the other and rolled her eyes. “Uh’s and um’s are the sign of a weak mind.” Smiling sinisterly, she locked eyes with Sunset. “We’re better than that right?”

Sunset shut her eyes and shook her head before replying. “Who the hell are you?”

“Heh, well isn’t it obvious?” Sunset’s reflection stepped forward and pressed her hand against the other side of the mirror. “I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

☼ ☀ ☼

Sunset woke quickly her heart pounding in her chest. The dream was fading away quickly. There was something at the end that she could not remember, something important. It was gone though.

Sunset Shimmer lay back down and waited until her heart slowed its pace, forcing her breathing to be even and measured. Then a new wave of panic surged in Sunset. She began looking quickly around the room not recognizing it. She was not in her warehouse. It took a moment for Sunset to remember the events of yesterday. It took a lot for Celestia to get Sunset to take the bed while she slept on the couch. It still didn’t feel right to her. In the end there was no arguing with Celestia though.

Sunset got up and felt immediately awkward. She had not grabbed any spare clothes before she left the warehouse yesterday. So she slipped on her clothing she had worn yesterday, a simple orange shirt and red-violet skirt with a red highlight. There was also a pendant that was shaped like her sun mark, she smiled seeing it. She was reminded of when she had gotten her cutie mark, but she had no time for a trip down memory lane. She heard noises from outside the room.

Celestia had woken up first and was in the middle of making the best breakfast Sunset had seen in her time since leaving Equestria. She knew better than to start until Celestia was finished making it though, so she settled down on a stool at the counter. Sunset just watched as Celestia continued to flip the pancakes and cook hash browns. Sunset had been relieved to find out over dinner that Celestia was a vegetarian as well. Sunset could never bring herself to eat meat. She understood that humans did need to eat meat to remain healthy, but even so it unsettled her to eat something she could have had a conversation with in Equestria.

Celestia had finished up cooking the last of the pancake batter she had made. Bring it all over to the counter she set down the pancakes, hash browns, two glasses of orange juice and a bottle of pills. Sunset raised an eyebrow at that.

“Supplements for what we don’t get from not eating meat.” Celestia supplied.

“Oh, that makes sense I suppose.” Taking one of the chalky tablets Sunset popped it in her mouth.

Breakfast was delicious, but it had ended too quickly for Sunset Shimmer. Soon she was sitting next to Celestia on the couch digesting the nearly inhuman amount of syrupy sweet pancakes she had eaten.

“It’s Saturday, is there anything you would like to do?” Celestia asked.

“I would like to go back to the warehouse and change out of my clothes.” Sunset replied.

“Sorry, can’t do that.” Celestia said to the shock of Sunset, but she continued. “I cannot let you go back to that place. Instead you can come out with me and get some new clothing to wear.” Celestia smiled easily.

It took a little convincing, but Celestia was adamant that Sunset would never be returning to that warehouse. It made Sunset feel a bit warm inside to know that Celestia cared enough about how she feels to try to protect her from things that might upset her. It was also a bit annoying, but mostly warm fuzzies.

Celestia lent Sunset a pair of jeans that she had to keep up with a belt. Sunset refrained from commenting on that. Then she covered her top with a white poet’s style shirt. Celestia insisted wearing such a baggy shirt wouldn’t look weird as that was how it was made to look. Sunset just felt awkward though, it was far and away from her usual style. She took the necklace she had worn yesterday and put it around her neck. It bore her mark, the eight pointed red and yellow sun.

After Sunset had reluctantly changed, they were off. Celestia made a minor stop by the manager of the apartments on their way out.

As soon as Celestia stepped out of the door to the manager’s place Sunset asked. “What was all that about?”

Celestia gave her secretive smile and replied coolly. “Just a little chat with a friend.”

Sunset Shimmer leveled a glare at Celestia. “Fine, keep your secrets.”

Celestia gave a tittering laugh and lead the way to the car. The drive to the mall did not take very long, Celestia already lived close to downtown Canterlot where the mall was located. When they got there, Celestia pulled out some money and gave it to Sunset.

“What’s this?” Sunset Shimmer asked quizzically.

“Oh, I am just going to let you go off on your own to find the things you need. Unless you would like my company, I would be glad to join you.” Celestia gave Sunset a soft and slightly hopeful smile.

“No, I think I will be alright. Thank you Celestia.” Sunset said trying to sound confident. In truth, she was scared of being here alone. Sunset was under no delusions of how well liked she was. A good amount of the people here will be people from school.

“Now, just make sure to meet me at the food court at…” Celestia checked her watch, it informed her that the time was 10:02am, “around two sound good to you?”

Sunset just gave Celestia a nod.

Sunset and Celestia parted ways at the first split. Sunset Shimmer elected to go down the side with the most clothing shops, while Celestia went the other direction for entirely unknown reasons. It was off to a pretty good start all things considered. She was only being openly stared at by all the teens from Canterlot High. No one was shouting or starting a mob… yet.

With that in mind Sunset Shimmer made her way quickly to a thrift clothing store. Sunset often frequented this shop out of necessity, money had always been tight for the girl from another world. Of course, Celestia had given her money and now that she thought about it… how much?

She discreetly pulled out the money Celestia had given her. It had been too much… Celestia had given Sunset five hundred dollars cash. It was too much. Celestia may have been a principal of a school, but from what she understood that didn’t mean she was swimming in money. Half a grand was too much as an act of kindness toward Sunset. She had thought that it was around just one hundred, enough to get some stuff to wear, but this made it clear that Celestia did intend to let Sunset replace her wardrobe even if it was pretty spartan. Then again, if she was really thrifty Sunset could get enough clothing to go a week and then she could give the rest back to Celestia.

Sunset’s heart set to do right by her mentor… her… to do right by Principal Celestia for putting up with her. Sunset spent around two hundred dollars and had five fresh outfits for her to go to school in. She got a little selfish though and got her sun mark placed on a few of the items of clothing.

☼ ☀ ☼

It was around half passed noon when Sunset got to the food court. She knew she was early but she didn’t really want to be in the mall right now. She didn’t see Celestia though. Sunset just sat down by herself and waited.

It didn’t last though, soon enough she saw some people she did not want to have to deal with. It was already too late though. She locked eyes with Gilda, the brash, well built, and mean spirited girl who even Sunset went out of her way to avoid angering. While Sunset had been manipulative, Gilda was more forceful with her control over the students.

Gilda looked shocked at first and then a wicked grin spread across her face. She whispered something to one of the two cronies she had flanking her. They both laughed and then approached Sunset.

“Heh, if it isn’t the other heartless bitch from school. Got to say that display at the dance had me impressed. I didn’t know you were actually a demon.” Gilda said almost jovially.

Sunset Shimmer didn’t know how to take it, electing to play it close to her chest. “What do you want Gilda? I am busy today.” Sunset said coldly.

“Oh, we just wanted to hang out. Figure you are now cool enough to hang with. Come with us, we know this great spot to hang out.” Gilda responded confidently.

“It’s not a good time for me.” Sunset had said trying to impress onto Gilda that she wanted to be alone.

“I insist.” Gilda said and lifted Sunset up with an arm across her shoulders pinning her and leading her away. Not giving Sunset any time to grab her things.

☼ ☀ ☼

Gilda had lead them to a roof access. Before Sunset could protest she was being pushed through it. Gilda and her crones passed through it too with one hanging back to hold it open.

“Don’t worry, the alarm on this door has been broken for years.” Gilda said in a way that sounded like she was trying to be reassuring.

“Now that we are up here.” Gilda smiled at Sunset. “Hand over all your cash and I won’t hurt you.”

Sunset balked. “And why should I do that?”

“Because you are the heartless bitch who destroyed part of the school and ruined my night at the dance. I had been planning that prank on for a whole month only for it to go south because someone decided to literally be the devil. So, if you don’t want your face rearranged I suggest you fork over the cash.” Gilda angrily spat.

“Well, I don’t have any. So you can just shove off and let me off this roof.” Sunset moved to walk passed Gilda and back to the stairwell.

She should have expected to be blindsided by Gilda when she passed her. Gilda’s punch laid Sunset out. Gilda smirked and walked over to the groaning Sunset and fished in the pockets of her jeans. “Heh, see bitch you were loaded.” Gilda pulled the money out and inspected it.

“That’s not… mine.” Sunset weakly murmured.

“Oh, so you stole this? Priceless.” Gilda walked away laughed heartily. “A pleasure doing business with you today.” With that, Gilda had left with her two companions.

It took a while for Sunset’s head to stop spinning for her to get up. Gilda had hit her in the left temple. The pain and the spinning was quite severe, but after a while she got up and walked over to the door. She found out why the thug had held it open…
It could only be open from the inside. There was only a hole for a key on this side. Sunset was trapped on the roof. No one knew she was even up here. She pounded on the door with her good hand. “Hey! Open up! I’m stuck out here!”

She angrily called out. “Someone open this door! I’m stuck out here!”

After several minutes, she was hysterical. “Please… Please open the door...” She leaned her back against the door and slid down.

☼ ☀ ☼

Celestia had been making preparations for a surprise for Sunset. She was completely finished and everything was set to be delivered. All that was left was to meet Sunset at the food court. She hoped that Sunset would not be to mad with her for her lateness. It was only half passed two, so Celestia hoped that much was forgivable.

Celestia entered the food court. Looking around Celestia could not see her charge anywhere. Sunset surely would have been waiting here for Celestia had she gotten finished with her shopping right? Sunset must not be done then.

Celestia ordered a strawberry smoothie from a nearby shop and sat down at an empty table. Then she waited. After ten minutes she got anxious, then worried when her watch passed three. She got up and started looking through the clothing stores for Sunset Shimmer. After she searched the last one Celestia was panicked, it was a little after five and she had not seen Sunset.

Approaching a guard, with blue hair and pale skin she rushed to ask. “Have you seen a fire haired teenage girl? She’s lost and I’m worried she might be in trouble.”

“Ma’am, I am not mall security.” He turned around to face Celestia and she saw the CPD badge. “But, if you allow me, I can help find the girl.”

“Thank you officer. Her name is Sunset Shimmer. She’s about five foot four and maybe a hundred and ten pounds. She’s wearing a white poet cut shirt and blue jeans. She was supposed to have met me in the food court at two this afternoon. I got there a little late and she never showed.” Celestia said trying to give the officer as much information as possible.

“Let’s check in with the security office.” The policeman lead the way to the backrooms of the mall. They came upon a small room with one overweight security guard. He had seemed to have dozed off at some point in the day. The wall was of much more interest, it had a couple dozen monitors displaying different sections of the mall.

“Ahem!” The officer didn’t so much as clear his throat opting just to say it. When this didn’t stir the sleeping guard, the officer slammed his hand down on the table making a loud slapping noise. This woke the guard and he fell off his chair and hit the ground.

“Huh! Wha-?” Anger and confusion were written all over his face. Getting up he glared at Celestia and the officer. He was about to shout, but it died in his throat when he noticed the police uniform.

“Er, What can I do for you today officer?” He quickly changed his tune before he said anything stupid.

“This woman,” he indicated Celestia, “requires assistance finding a lost girl. May we use your monitors to help her?” The officer tactfully decided to leave the dereliction of duty as a matter to be addressed after the current more pressing problem.

“Oh! Yes sir! We have monitors all over the mall and several of the outside areas as well.” He moved out of the way and held out the chair for Celestia to sit down. The monitors were thankfully in color, although there were a few with the green tint of night vision in dark places.

“She has red and blond hair and is wearing a white top with blue jeans.” The officer informed the guard. Celestia was too busy frantically searching the monitors for Sunset.

After an agonizing minute where time seemed to have slowed down, Celestia pointed frantically at a monitor. “There! Where is that?” The monitor looked to see the outside and in the very corner was a feint wisp of red and blond hair. It didn’t have a good angle on Sunset, but it was recognizable to Celestia.

“Oh, uh… I think that is on the roof. She must be stuck up there cause the door locks after you walk out.” Said the guard. “Come on the stairwell if this way.”

He lead Celestia and the police officer down the hallway and up three flights of stairs. At the top he opened up the door and let Celestia and the officer through.

Celestia emerged onto the roof and instantly saw Sunset standing on the ledge that over looked a highway. Panicking Celestia shouted. “Sunset!”

Sunset Shimmer turned around, she was crying and her movements were very shaky, but as soon as she saw Celestia her face lit up with desperate panic. She slowly climbed off the ledge and her shaky legs carried her over to Celestia. Celestia had run to meet her and immediately grabbed Sunset in a tight embrace.

“I wasn’t gonna… I was-“ Sunset cut off with a sob. “I-I… was going to. I almost d-did.”

“Shush, it’s okay I’m here.” Celestia held her tightly and stroked her hand through Sunset’s hair. Whispering comfort to Sunset, she then said quietly to Sunset. “Don’t face it now. Let’s go home and I will face it with you.”

It took a while but eventually Sunset Shimmer calmed down enough to let go of Celestia. They stood up and walked over to the two men. Sunset keeping her head held down in shame while Celestia addressed them. “I can never thank you enough officer….” She paused realizing she never got his name.

“Shining Armor ma’am, and there is no need to thank me for doing my duty.” He said earnestly, in a dorky I-practiced-that-in-a-mirror sort of way.

Celestia suppressed a chuckle. “Still thank you,” then looking over at the guard, “and you too mister…?”

“Sentinel, Stand Sentinel, ma’am.” He visibly stiffened his slouch and beamed with pride. “Now then, let’s get off the roof.”

After some time an incident report was filled out and Sunset quietly explained to Celestia how she got onto the roof, mostly because she needed to for the form. Celestia and Sunset Shimmer were free to leave, but Shining Armor came up to Celestia.

“I’m happy that I was able to reunite you with your daughter.” He said calmly and with a smile.

Celestia sputtered. “S-She isn’t my daughter! Er, I meant I do look after her, but we aren’t related.” Celestia didn’t see because she was facing the wrong way, but Sunset flinched at that, hurt visible on her face.

“Oh, sorry to assume, just the whole Sun theme between the two of you and how you treated each other.” He gestured toward Sunset’s necklace and a mark on Celestia’s shirt.

“Ah, It’s alright I suppose.” Celestia said. “Well goodb-“

“Ma’am!” Sentinel came running up to the small group holding some bags. “Sorry, *huff* wanted to catch you before you left." The overweight guard weezed. "Someone brought these to the security office earlier. After reading the incident report I realized they were yours.”

Sentinel handed over the bags that contained the clothes Sunset had bought. Sunset and Celestia had completely forgotten about why they had come to the mall in the first place.

“Thank you again Sentinel.” Celestia gave him a smile and took the bags. Sunset demurely took them from Celestia’s hand.

“I can carry it.” She weakly said. Celestia decided not to argue. They departed saying final goodbyes.

☼ ☀ ☼

When they finally got home to the small apartment Celestia spoke up as she went to the kitchen to make the pair a late dinner. “If you don’t mind Sunset, I think tomorrow we are just going to stay in.”

Sunset responded apathetically, “Yea.”

She sat down at the counter and waited patiently for Celestia to finish. They ate boiled broccoli topped with melted cheese. Celestia explaining she just didn’t have the energy to make anything more. Sunset was more than grateful for the simple dish.

“I’m sorry.” Sunset Shimmer said suddenly halfway through her meal.

“Whatever for?” Celestia asked concerned.

“I was going to jump. I was up there for hours and my thoughts… got to me. I convinced myself no one loved me and that I should just… stop subjecting the world to someone like me.” Sunset said staring at her bowl.

Celestia felt like there was more. Something Sunset said just sounded off. “What’s wrong Sunset?”

Sunset shied away and took a bite, using the food as an excuse not to talk.

“Sunset, please tell me what’s the matter.”

“S-She’s not my daughter.” Sunset said choking back tears.

“Oh, oh no Sunset. I’m sorry.” Celestia realized her mistake.

“It’s a-lright.” Sunset looked up. “I know you aren’t her. It’s just… your voice is hers. Hearing you say that… I heard her say it instead.” Her eyes leaked tears.

Sunset continued, “You’d think I’d run out of these silly things.” Sunset said wiping away her tears with the back of her sleeve.

“I’m sorry Sunset.” Celestia’s voice was low and her head was hung over her own bowl.

“It’s alright, I am the one who said you weren’t her before. It wouldn’t be fair for you to be her in my mind only when it’s convenient to me. It would not be fair to either of you for me to replace her with you. I’m sorry that my heart just didn’t get the memo.” Sunset said in a sarcastic tone that almost overpowered her hurt one.

She then got up leaving her half-finished bowl on the counter. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight Principal Celestia.”

Celestia said back in a hurt tone. “Goodnight Sunset.”

Author's Note:

Well, wow. I did not expect this story to bring in any attention. I don't think I write well enough for so many of you to like it. I'm shocked and thankful that you all enjoyed it so far. The second chapter's compainion blog is here.