• Published 30th Jul 2014
  • 2,058 Views, 20 Comments

Just A Simple Story - Nonagon

Twilight is sick. Celestia tells her a story.

  • ...

Before the Story

Princess Celestia was alone in the waiting room. Visiting hours had long passed, and everypony else had gone home, but still Celestia sat patiently. She had sent her guards away so as not to hear their breathing, however hard they tried to hide it, and listened to the distant creaks and hoofsteps of the hospital. Through the window opposite her, the moon shone down upon her. Her eyes followed it, but she did not truly see it.

A nurse entered, doing an admirable job of hiding her tiredness. "I'm sorry to have kept you, your Highness," she said with a bow. "We've done all we can."

Celestia stood unhurriedly, taking her eyes off the moon. Despite the image of her that most ponies held, she was more than accustomed to being made to wait. "How is she?" she asked, betraying no emotion.

"Mentally, she is sound," the nurse answered, wisely allaying Celestia's deepest fear first. "And physically, she is on the path to recovery. But she hasn't slept, and she is in a lot of pain. And," she added, "on a lot of drugs."

"Will I be able to speak with her?"

"Yes. But she has difficulty keeping track of time, and when she recovers, she may not remember your conversation. Even so, under the circumstances, we thought it would be best if you were allowed to see her."

"Thank you for that." Celestia stepped around the nurse and allowed her to lead on into the building's innards. The corridors became dim, creating the illusion of dusk even in this most sterile of places.

Although quiet hours were in full effect, the nurse still fidgeted as she walked by Celestia's side. "Princess, this disease," she started.

"I know."

"But this strain hasn't been seen in-"

"One thousand years. I know." They reached the room. "It means that change is coming. But do not fear. All will be well." With a fake, comforting smile, the Princess waved her off and entered Twilight's room.

The faithful student was laid back in her bed, her blankets pulled stiffly up to her chin. Thick bandages covered her eyes and her horn was sheathed in cotton. At a glance, she appeared to be asleep, but her ears pricked up as Celestia drew near. "Princess?" Twilight croaked.

"Twilight," Celestia answered, sitting down in a chair far too small for her. Although she did not want to hear the answer, she asked the question that was required of her. "How are you feeling?"

"It hurts." Twilight coughed and smiled. Like Celestia, she had become adept at faking her emotions. Unlike Celestia, she had not lived long enough to realize that that was what she was doing; there was a tremor on her lips, invisible even to herself. "And my head feels fuzzy," she added. "But I'm okay. The doctor says it'll just last a few more days."

"That is good to hear." It wasn't. "Have you had any sleep?"

"No." Another cough. "I've tried, but the light's too bright. The medicine isn't helping like it's supposed to."

Gingerly, careful not to disturb her student in the least, Celestia reached out and lifted the edge of the bandage over Twilight's eye. A piercing beam of amber light shot from beneath it, brightening the entire room. "This is not something that I have the power to cure," she said, smoothing the bandage back down. "If you were hoping that I could bring you darkness, I'm afraid that I cannot. Only time will help you now."

"I know," Twilight said. "The doctors said that too. I'm sorry to have taken you away from your duties for nothing. It's just..." She bit her lip. "My family's gone, and I can't sleep, and... I didn't want to be alone."

Good. Celestia did not say this aloud. "I understand," she said instead. "And you do not need to apologize. I will stay with you until you fall asleep, however long that takes."

"Thank you," Twilight whispered. Under better circumstances, she would have said much more. As it was, this was all that she could manage.

They waited a moment in silence. "Is there anything that I may do for you?" Celestia asked.

"Well..." Twilight finally shifted, tilting her head just a little closer. "Celestia... could you tell me a story?"

The princess stiffened. "Now?" she asked.

"Yeah." Twilight turned back. "An old story. Something that I've never heard before."

"...I don't know, Twilight. You may not like the old stories that I have to tell."

"Please?" The pleading in her tone was now intentional. "Just a simple one?"

Still, Celestia hesitated. "It may give you nightmares."

"Princess, please. I haven't been scared of nightmares since I was a filly."

"...Very well." Celestia stood up. "Here is a story."