• Published 28th Jul 2014
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The Crimson Rage - Time Shield

A disease caught in the Everfree Forest must be cured before it is too late...

  • ...

Chapter 4: "The Epidemic"


By: Time Shield

CHAPTER 4: “The Epidemic”

The Crimson Fly buzzed around inside of the large glass container that served as its new home; it wasn’t a jar so much as a large fishbowl, but it was the only thing they had that was big enough to hold it. The fishbowl sat upon a table within Zecora’s home, the top covered with a porous cloth to allow air inside and secured around the edges. Twilight Sparkle watched expectantly as Zecora examined the fly from different sides of the glass, studying it carefully. Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash waited off to the side for her assessment as well.

Finally, Zecora spoke, “This is indeed the fly we sought; I am quite pleased it has been caught.”

“Awesome,” Rainbow said. “So what now?”

“Now,” Zecora continued, “a simple cotton swab upon its back will do the job.” She picked up a stick from the table with a cotton ball at the end of it, holding the end stick in her teeth. She nodded over to Twilight, who used her magic to open the seal on the fishbowl just enough so that Zecora could reach in with the cotton ball. It brushed against the fly’s back between the wings, and when she withdrew it, there was a reddish, sticky substance stuck to the cotton.

“Eeugh... revolting!” Rarity said, cringing as she watched.

Twilight sealed the fishbowl again, and the fly resumed buzzing around its interior. She asked, “All that’s left is to get those two missing ingredients for the cure: the white rabbit hair and the spider silk cloth, right?”

Zecora nodded, and she carefully carried the cotton ball over to the cauldron in the center of the room where she had started brewing the new potion. She dunked the end of the cotton ball into the concoction and stirred with the stick, the colors of the liquid changing from its previous violet shade to a dark red.

“Okay… I’ll fly home and get Angel Bunny,” Fluttershy told them.

“Rainbow, go along with her,” Twilight instructed, to which Rainbow nodded. Twilight turned to Rarity and asked, “Should I stay here while you get the spider silk? I still don’t feel comfortable leaving Applejack here with only Zecora watching her.”

“Actually, I think we can both go,” Rarity replied. “While you three were off looking for the fly, Zecora had an idea for making it easier to keep an eye on poor Applejack.” She gestured over to a corner of the house, where Applejack was leaning up against the wall, still tied up. Instead of thrashing and trying to get free, however, she appeared to be sleeping.

“Oh, a sleep potion, of course!” Twilight exclaimed. “Why didn’t I think of that?”

Zecora finished stirring the potion and placed the stick on the table. She said to the others, “I will be fine here on my own; it is you, I feel, who should not be alone.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rainbow said. “Let’s do this!” The four of them nodded in agreement and exited Zecora’s home; Twilight and Rarity hurried down the path, while Rainbow and Fluttershy took to the sky to fly out above the Forest. Zecora watched them leave, and then returned to the cauldron, putting in the next ingredients into the potion. The cure was almost complete, and it would be ready for the final ingredients by the time they got back.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo continued to sit at the table in Sugarcube Corner and watch Apple Bloom, who was pacing in circles, still worried about her brother and sister. “C’mon,” Scootaloo insisted. “Just take a seat and relax. They’ll be back soon, really.”

Apple Bloom refused and said with a frown, “I can’t relax. It’s been hours! What’s takin’ ‘em so long? Maybe I should go out and look for ‘em…”

“Twilight said to stay here,” Sweetie Belle told her.

“For how long?” Apple Bloom asked. “How long before they could be getting’ in even bigger trouble? What if they need our help?”

Scootaloo shook her head, “Hey, I’m with you. I don’t like just sitting around doing nothing either. But it could be dangerous!” Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement.

“I bet that’s not what Rainbow Dash would say,” Apple Bloom pointed out.

After a stunned moment, Scootaloo narrowed her eyes and said, “Of course not, but that’s Rainbow Dash. She can handle anything! We’re just…” She hesitated and sighed, “We’re still just three fillies. What can we hope to do?”

“I guess,” Apple Bloom conceded, “but I just don’t see how you can expect me to relax at a time like this!”

“Why not? Pinkie Pie is,” Sweetie Belle said, pointing over by the door. Pinkie Pie had been sitting next to it keeping watch, but had ended up falling asleep, even though she was still in her sitting position.

Frustrated, Apple Bloom sat back down in the seat next to the table and said, “You just don’t understand! Sweetie Belle, how would you feel if it were Rarity instead? You’d wanna do whatever you could to help her, wouldn’t you?”

Sweetie Belle lowered her eyes a bit and admitted, “Y-yes…”

“And while we’re all just sittin’ here,” Apple Bloom went on, “that could be happenin’ right now!”

Mrs. Cake overheard the conversation and came over to the table to interject, “Well, the shop’s still the safest place for you right now. I couldn’t let you go running off into danger, especially not after the trust Twilight Sparkle’s put in us to keep you safe.”

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to answer, but then closed it as she became aware of a distant rumbling sound. The others heard it as well, and Pinkie Pie was shaken out of her nap, looking around in confusion. Apple Bloom grew uneasy and asked, “Wh-what’s that?”

Pinkie walked over to the door and opened it to look out. She gasped as she saw a big crowd of ponies running into town from the distance. They looked like they were running from something, and before long she could see that it looked like they were trying to get away from a second group of ponies. There were cries of help mixed with angry growls rolling in from the commotion. Even Pinkie was able to realize what was going on, and she quickly jumped back inside and closed the door.

“What is it? Who's out there?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“N-no pony,” Pinkie lied, forcing a smile. She quickly ran to the other side of the shelf next to the door and pushed on it, sliding it in front of the door. The instant she had it in place, something slammed against the doorway, trying to force it open, but was blocked by the shelf.

Mrs. Cake exclaimed, “What in the world?!”

“Okay,” Pinkie admitted, bracing herself against the shelf, “it isn't no pony; it’s everypony! Or at least it looks like everypony!”

The three fillies ran up to a window in the shop to peek out of it, and they saw the large crowd of ponies struggling out in the street. As they watched, one of the ponies appeared at the window and started bashing its hooves against it. The fillies fell back with a cry of alarm.

“Look, his eyes!” Apple Bloom said, pointing at the window. “It’s just like Applejack!”

“What are we gonna do?!” Scootaloo shouted.

Pinkie looked around at the others, the three fillies beginning to panic and Mrs. Cake backing up away from the door towards the counter. Mr. Cake came downstairs to see what the ruckus was about, and he was carrying their babies, Pound and Pumpkin. Pinkie realized the door wouldn’t hold for very long and they had to get out of there; even now it was beginning to splinter from the impacts, and the windows were beginning to crack.

“The back door!” Pinkie finally said to them. “Go!”

The Cakes nodded and motioned for the fillies to follow them. Everypony moved towards the back of the shop, but Pinkie only went as far as the counter before she stopped. Mr. Cake looked confused and said, “Pinkie, come on, we’ve all got to get out of here!”

Shaking her head, Pinkie’s voice became serious as she said, “I’ll cover your escape. Get everypony to safety.”

“But…” Mrs. Cake started to say.

Hurry!” Pinkie yelled, and they reluctantly retreated for the back door. In the meantime, Pinkie looked around at the shelves of pastries around the shop, and the open door of the kitchen. Furrowing her brow, she started collecting everything she could while the ponies outside continued to pound away at the door. She put on a pair of saddlebags, filling them with spoons and jars, and threw a sash over her shoulder like a bandolier, lining it with cupcakes. She tucked a rolling pin behind the sash and finally put a mixing bowl on her head as a helmet. Returning to the counter, she sat upright with a cake on each of her front hooves, staring intently at the door and waiting. As the door began to break open and the window shattered, she said matter-of-factly, “We’re closed…”

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity reached the edge of Ponyville, but as they approached, they could immediately tell something was wrong. There was panic everywhere, with ponies chasing each other on the road. People were slamming doors and windows shut, while others were pounding at them, trying to gain entrance. Twilight knew immediately what had happened and realized that her worst fear had come to pass…

“Big Mac!” Twilight exclaimed. “He must have given the Crimson Rage to other ponies!” She motioned for Rarity to follow her, as they took cover behind some bushes to avoid being seen.

“It’s horrifying!” Rarity watched the skirmish in town from their relatively safe position. “How ever did this pass around so quickly?”

Twilight frowned, “Infection takes only seconds; in a crowd, it’ll spread like wildfire.”

“At least we don’t have to go through the middle of town to get to the boutique,” Rarity remarked. “But even so, do you think we have any chance to make it there unseen?”

“We have to try,” Twilight insisted. “It’s the only way.” She gestured for Rarity to follow, and they moved quickly to another set of bushes. Jumping from hiding spot to hiding spot would be the only way they might be successful. It was difficult, not only because of trying to remain unseen and unheard, but also having to witness the havoc going on around them. A few infected ponies successfully battered down a door and charged inside, and Twilight had to do her best to ignore it and stay focused on the task at hand. She desperately wanted to go and help whoever was inside, but she knew she would be helping them more if they could finish the cure.

They finally reached the Carousel Boutique and managed to slip inside without drawing attention to themselves. Once inside, Rarity began searching for the spider silk cloth, while Twilight watched the front door. Hurry, Rarity, she thought… Somepony’s bound to notice us here if we take too long…

The area around Fluttershy’s cottage seemed to be quiet as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash descended towards the small house. Rainbow glanced behind herself nervously as she was flying and said, “Alright, we’re here… let’s get in, get the rabbit, and go.”

Noticing how jumpy Rainbow seemed, Fluttershy asked her, “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure,” Rainbow answered, “but I could swear I saw somepony following us a second ago…” She looked around and added, “Could’ve just been my imagination.”

“Oh… okay…” Fluttershy nodded, beginning to feel nervous as well. She landed and opened the door to her cottage, stepping inside and calling out, “Angel?”

The bunny was lying on a couch inside, taking a nap. He stretched and yawned, and then looked over at Fluttershy, rubbing one of his eyes with his paw. Fluttershy walked over to the couch and said, “I’m so sorry to wake up you from your nap, Angel, but we need your help, and we really, really need to go as soon as we can.”

While Fluttershy was talking, Rainbow stood in the doorway and looked back outside, still not shaking the feeling of being watched. She was just about to dismiss it as being paranoia, when suddenly out of the corner of her eye, she spotted movement. Looking towards the nearest group of trees, she saw five shapes emerge from the woods. They were running fast towards the cottage, and now that she knew what to look for, Rainbow could see instantly that they were infected with the Crimson Rage.

With a gasp, she quickly stepped inside and slammed the cottage door shut, bracing her back against it. The action startled Fluttershy, and she flew into the air in fright. “They’re here!” Rainbow exclaimed, and looked around the cottage for something to use in blocking the door, her eyes stopping on the couch. She shouted, “Quick! Push that couch over here!”

Fluttershy did as instructed and landed again, pushing the couch with her head until it was up against the door. Angel hopped off the couch and over to Fluttershy, who picked him up and flew into the air. Rainbow moved away from the door once it was properly blocked, and flew up next to Fluttershy; both of them watched the door in silence.

A heavy thud reverberated as one of the ponies outside rammed into the door. Fluttershy yelped and turned to Rainbow, saying “B-but I thought… I thought it was just Applejack and Big Mac…?”

“Whatever the reason, we can’t stay here,” Rainbow said, as more impacts struck the front door. She looked up at one of the higher windows in the cottage, which was currently open. Pointing at it, she said, “There! We’re gonna make a run for it, alright?”

Fluttershy looked terrified, “B-but I… I don’t know if I can…” She looked down at Angel in her arms, realizing how important it was that they make it back. Taking a deep breath, she said, “No, I have to. They’re all counting on us!”

“That’s the spirit!” Rainbow said with a smile. “Are you ready?”

“One more thing,” Fluttershy said, and flew over to Rainbow, holding out the bunny and offering him to her. “Here… you hold onto Angel.”

Rainbow was confused and said, “But…”

“You’re faster than me, so you can get him there quicker,” Fluttershy explained. “Don’t worry about me; I’ll be right behind you.”

Nodding, Rainbow took Angel from her as instructed. The bunny looked back at Fluttershy with a worried expression, but Fluttershy gave him a reassuring smile. Rainbow said, “Okay, ready now?”

“Ready,” Fluttershy said with a nod.

Both of them prepared themselves, fixing the attention on the window, and Rainbow said, “On the count of three! One…” She didn’t get further in the count, because at that moment, the door broke open, and all five of the infected ponies outside charged in, taking them by surprise. Two of them leapt for Fluttershy, while the other three went after Rainbow. With a cry of fear, Fluttershy was tackled and pinned to the ground.

Rainbow, still with Angel gripped in her front legs, dodged upward to avoid the first infected pony that reached her, and then came down with a kick against the pony’s head, knocking him out cold. The other two jumped towards her at the same time, but she ducked under it, causing the two ponies to collide with each other. They fell to the ground, stunned from the impact.

Another panicked cry came from Fluttershy as she attempted to shake the other two infected ponies off. Rainbow shouted, “Fluttershy!” and immediately flew towards them feet first. She kicked one of them off, then spun around and bucked her legs against the other. Both of them hit the wall and slumped to the ground, unconscious. Rainbow turned her attention back to Fluttershy and asked, “Are you all right?”

Fluttershy didn’t answer; she was staring wide-eyed in silent horror at her front leg, breathing rapidly in her panic. Shocked, Rainbow saw what she was looking at: the unmistakable imprints of teeth marks. Fluttershy looked teary-eyed up at Rainbow, and through her gasps she pleaded, “…H-help… m--… mee…” Rainbow could see the redness in her eyes that began to spread in gradually from the sides…

“N-no…!” Rainbow stammered, “No!

Fluttershy’s expression began to change, and her breathing became harsher, a growl slowly surfacing. Angel poked at the side of Rainbow’s head to get her attention, and then pointed urgently at the escape window. Rainbow realized she didn’t have a choice; she had to flee while she had the chance. Without wasting a further moment, she sped out of the cottage through the window, carrying Angel off into the sky and leaving Fluttershy behind in the cottage. Behind her, she could hear the sound of Fluttershy crying out with an animalistic howl, but Rainbow focused on the flight in front of her without looking back, fighting tears as she whispered, “S-sorry…”

“Found it!” Rarity called out from upstairs at the boutique. She emerged from one of the rooms carrying a roll of cloth with her magic, the white fabric shimmering with an unusual pattern. As she came downstairs to rejoin Twilight, she said, “I knew I still had it around; I just never thought I would be using it for something like this. I’m all ready to go if you are, darling.”

Twilight didn’t answer at first, and Rarity was about to inquire, until she noticed Twilight was concentrating heavily on the front door. Both the door and her horn were glowing, and Rarity realized she was holding it shut. That’s when she noticed the sounds of pounding against the door.

Finally speaking up, Twilight managed to say through clenched teeth, “H-hold the door for me, please…” Rarity quickly complied, using her own magic to hold the door as Twilight had been doing. Twilight released her own grip and started using her magic to slide some cabinets over, setting them up as a barricade. Once the door was sufficiently blocked, Rarity released her hold on it, breathing out in relief.

“Thanks,” Twilight said, catching her own breath. “I think we’re surrounded…”

Rarity exclaimed, “Oh no… what shall we do now?! Surely there must be another way out…”

Shaking her head, Twilight said, “I had to use everything to keep that door shut. I can’t gather enough magic to teleport both of us. So unless you think we can jump from one of the upstairs window and still get away from everypony outside, I don’t know what else to do.” She looked defeated.

Rarity looked around, trying to see if there was anything that could help, but then suddenly noted something that Twilight had said. She asked, “You don’t have enough magic left to teleport both of us. Are you still able to teleport yourself?”

“Yes, I suppose I…” Twilight started to say, but then stopped as she realized what Rarity was getting at. “No, out of the question. I’m not leaving you here, Rarity!”

“But you must,” Rarity demanded, levitating the roll of cloth over to Twilight. “If we don’t get this to Zecora, there won’t be a cure, and this whole effort will be in vain!”

Twilight shook her head “Exactly, if we don’t get this to Zecora. I can’t leave you behind!”

“I’ll be fine,” Rarity said with confidence that she didn’t feel. “I’ll find a place to hide where they shan’t find me. Trust me.” Twilight hesitated, but reluctantly realized that Rarity was right. The cure was the most important thing right now. Picking up the roll of cloth with her magic, she locked eyes with Rarity one more time, who gave a firm nod and a smile. She gathered what little magic she had remaining and teleported from the boutique.

She appeared some distance away from the building, thankfully in an area with no pony else around. Her horn sputtered as her magic failed, and the roll of cloth dropped to the ground. Picking it up in her mouth, she looked back at the boutique and saw Rarity through one of the windows, running upstairs to find a place to hide. Strengthening her resolve, she ran back for the Everfree Forest to deliver the cloth. Rarity, don’t let them find you, Twilight thought as she ran… Do whatever you can to stay safe until we get back…

To Be Continued…