• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 591 Views, 5 Comments

Radiant Silver Star - JamesBurton

Silver Star is the faithful student of Twilight Sparkle who is studing magic in secret from the humans that banned it and must solve the mystery on how did the humans appear? And why cant anybody remember anything before they showed up.

  • ...

Chapter 2-Summer

"Silver...Silver Star wake up."

The silver mane unicorn turns in his bed ignoring the voice calling out to him. It was a very rough night last night with Twilight teaching him and the foals about the seven plantations or sectors that now made up Equestria. Of course there were tests involved and all he just wanted to do was sleep.

"Ah swear you're about as lazy as ah sloth." Apple Bloom yanks the covers of him causing him to huddle to himself to keep warm. "Git up now Silver!"

Silver Star grumbles and sits up rubbing the sleep from his golden yellow eyes. "What is it Apple Bloom? What is so important that you felt the need to wake me up so early in the morning?"

"Its 8:30 in the morning." She replied opening the blinds allowing sunlight to enter the room. Silver Star hisses and cover his eyes with a foreleg.

Its been three months since Apple Bloom came to Plantation Two in an effort to grow food so they wouldn't have to spend so much money on food for all the humans and ponies who lived there. So far things were good and The Library was successful in growing some crops.

"The light! It burns!" He screamed.

However that meant that her stay would be longer than she anticipated but Eric the leader of Plantation Two allowed her to send letters to her family, which wouldn't be a problem if she knew how to read and write. When Twilight discovered that she immediately took her back to her's and Trixie's place. Twilight was always happy to teach.

"Its just a little sunlight ya vampony." Apple Bloom replied in a mocking tone. "All ya do is sit in the dark reading books. Try gettin a little sunshine sometime." Silver Star hisses again covers his face with his pillow.

And unfortunately that also meant that she needed a place to stay. Twilight's house was already over packed and no pony had no more room to spare for the yellow filly.

"Come on Silver! Get up." Replied Apple Bloom shaking the gray unicorn. "I need yer help with my homework!"

Except for one young eight year old unicorn colt. Silver Star was against the idea but Twilight Sparkle decided that this was a great idea. He could give her extra help with her assignments at Twilight's school and since he was her protégé he could teach her while they were at home.

"Aagh, what do you need help with this time?" He asked sitting up.

Apple Bloom sits a book on the bed and opens it to a certain page with a map of Equestria with seven numbers on it. "This one right here! T-th-th-."

"The Seven Plantations of Equestria?" He finished for her. "Ok then." He gets of the bed and takes a seat on the dinning room table with Apple Bloom taking a seat next to him. "The Seven Plantations of Equestria are seven places where both human and pony live. They are divided and categorized by numbers but soon was given names anyway. Plantation One also known as The Citadel, is the main capital of all the Plantations. The counsel can be found there making up laws and such, and if you're going to visit there bring lots of money."

"It sounds really expensive." Guessed Apple Bloom.

Silver Star chuckles and agrees with the yellow filly. "Oh it is. That's why only the richest live there. Now Plantation Two is where we live and it is known as The Library where a lot of intelligent humans and ponies come to study and learn different things. Eric is the current leader with Twilight Sparkle as co-leader, but you should already know that Apple Bloom."

"Indeed Ah do." She replied.

"Planation Three also known as The City, is smaller than The Citadel but much more affordable to live in, therefore many go there hoping to catch their big break into stardom."

"Do they succeed?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Ah bet some try really hard."

Silver Star shrugs. "Some do some don't. Now Plantation Four also known as The Ruins and a lot of Geologists and Archeologists reside there uncovering ancient artifacts hoping to discover the past. Plantation Five also known as The Garden."

"Oh! Oh! Ah known that one." Interrupted Apple Bloom. "Mah family is there and we were farmers." Her smile slowly turns into a frown.

"Are you ok there Apple Bloom?" Asked Silver Star. Judging by solemn look on her face she must have thought about her family again. Sometimes late at night she would cry in her sleep or toss and turn in the bed plagued with nightmares, during her first month here she would do this every night keeping Silver Star from sleeping. It got so bad that he had to ask Trixie for advice on how to deal with this situation. So during one night during one of her nightmares, and wanting to get a decent night sleep for once he followed her advice and begrudgingly gave her a hug.

And she would calm down muttering something about Applejack, another name that Twilight knew for some reason. He would normally be up earlier but today decided to sleep in seeing that Twilight was busy talking to Eric about seeing this Applejack pony. She didn't know why exactly but she felt that Applejack was very important to her.

"Ah'm fine." She said not looking up from the book. "I just dreamt about mah family again. Ah was alone and Granny Smith came and gave me ah hug and told me that ah was never alone."

Silver Star coughs into his hoof awkwardly. "Well we better get back to studying." He didn't want to sound like a jerk there but he had absolutely no social skills and was very uncomfortable hearing anybody talk about their feelings, which is why he has no friends. He even has trouble talking to the foals at Twilight's house. " Now Plantation Six is known as The Slums and Plantation Seven is known as The Prison, according to what mom said the princesses are locked up in their own special cells away from all the other prisoners there."

But the yellow filly pays him no mind, all she does is rise from her seat and heads to the front door. "Uh where are you going?" Silver Star asked.

"Out." Was all she said before she walked out the door singling her exit with a slam as the silvery unicorn continues to look at the door confused.

"Sheesh, what's her problem?"

*Knock* Knock*

"Enter." A young voice called out.

Twilight Sparkle enters the room where a young man was sitting down reading a book. He was medium sized man wearing a pair glasses and had brown hair. He looks up from his book and greets the lavender unicorn with a smile. "Ah Twilight! I've been expecting you, please come inside and have a seat."

After closing the door behind her Twilight walks up to the desk and sits down in one of the chairs. "Hello Eric, how are you this fine morning?"

"I'm good Twilight." He replied closing his book. "So how are Trixie and the foals?"

"Oh they're fine." Twilight replied with a smile. "It was tough work but the foals are starting to recover and Trixie is making amazing progress."

Eric smiles at the good news. "And what of Apple Bloom? How is she doing? Has she started writing her first letter yet?"

"No she hasn't started yet. But she learning quickly, I guess having Silver Star tutor her is working out quite well." Twilight said. "He's a very by the books type pony."

"Well you did teach him." Eric chuckled. "But that's not the reason why I called you here." Twilight shifts in her seat as Eric's expression turns grim. "I received some tragic news today. Plantation Five was attacked last night."

Twilight Sparkle gaps. Plantation Five attacked! It couldn't be! Apple Bloom's family was there and, and Applejack. "But how?"

"I do not know. The matter is currently under investigation." Eric replied. "But from what I do know their fields were burned down along with their crops for the upcoming winter. But it gets worse, many innocent lives were lost and many are nowhere to be found. Applejack and her brother are among the missing, but as for her grandmother...Well."

Eric's office soon turns quiet as Twilight Sparkle tried to process all this information. "Was it the Anonymous Riders?" She asked. "This is the sort of sick thing that they would do."

"I'm not sure Twilight." Eric replied glancing off to the side. "But nevertheless we are on high alert until further notice."

Twilight nods and rises from her seat not saying a word. What was Apple Bloom going say, and more importantly what was she going to do?

"Oh and Twilight."

"Yes?" She replied turning around.

"Lets not tell Apple Bloom about this...Ok?"

Apple Bloom was walking through the streets of Planation Two not really knowing where she was going. Her morning chores for The Library's farm was completed and Twilight was in a meeting with Eric. But one thing was for sure though, she needed some alone time. She thought that maybe she should go and check up on things at the farm.


The yellow filly stops walking and looks over to the left. She saw a certain eight year old human boy and his friends picking on a couple of young foals...again.

"What ball?" Jonathon said in a mocking tone. "All I have is the ball that I just soo happen to find."

"No you didn't!" Spoke one of the foals.

"Well finders keepers losers weepers." Mocked the eight year old as he and his friends begin to walk away laughing. Only to see a yellow filly standing in the way. "Eh? What do you want Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom points to the ball in Jonathon's hand. "You have somethin that doesn't that doesn't belong to ya. Return that ball now!"

"Oh? And who's gonna make me?" He replied getting in her face. "You?"

Jonathon and his friends start laughing at the filly who only narrows her eyes. "Hey look!" Noticed one of his friends who was laughing hard. "The wittle pony is getting angry." They all laughed even harder at Apple Bloom who was standing her ground looking at the ball.


Jonathon and his friends stop laughing as the ball goes flying out of Jonathon's hand and rolls over to the where the foals where standing. They quickly take the ball and leave the scene thanking the yellow filly. Jonathon watches the foals run away annoyed, then turns his attention back to Apple Bloom.

"You WILL regret that Apple Bloom." Jonathon walks away with his friends in tow. Apple Bloom frown turns into a small smile. "That felt good."

"Apple Bloom?" Said a voice. "What brings you out here on this beautiful summer day?"

The yellow filly turns around. "Oh! Hello there Miss Trixie." Greeted Apple Bloom. "Ah uhh just came outside for a bit of fresh air is all."

"Well at least you leave the house." Laughed Trixie. She notices the sour look on Apple Bloom's face. "Hm? Is something the matter Apple Bloom?

"Well Ah sorta had a dream last night about mah granny and when ah tried to talk to Silver he just sorta shrugged it off." Replied Apple Bloom.

Trixie closes her eyes and shakes her head smiling. "Sigh, yep that does sound like him alright. Here walk with me." The earth pony follows Trixie as they walked throughout The Library. "Apple Bloom you know that Silver was raised by Twilight right?"

Apple Bloom only nods her head as she continued to walk with Trixie. "Well just like his mother he has a hard time understanding emotions. Like when something is bothering Twilight and I try to get her to tell me what's on her mind. Sometimes I feel like it easier to pull my own teeth out. I remember when I first came to live here, poor Twilight didn't have a clue what to do unless she had a book on the subject."

"Is that why Silver sleeps so much and ignores me unless Ah talk to him first?" Questioned Apple Bloom. "Because he doesn't know how to talk to me?"

"Its a possibility." Said Trixie. "Straight, blunt and to the point, just like Twilight. Just give him some time, he'll warm up to you....eventually."

"That'll be the day." Replied Apple Bloom rolling her eyes.

Meanwhile back at Silver Star's cottage, the young eight year old was currently reading a book. After what happened this morning he decided to do some research on Apple Bloom's behavior hoping that such a situation never happens again.

"Hmmm, I see so she has entered that phase huh? Let's see what do to about that...What? Show affection?!" He looks at the title of the book he was reading.

Understanding Fillies for Colts. Second Edition

"Well if that what the book says to do, who am I to judge?" He said closing the book. If he followed the books directions correctly then no more awkward moments. He even bought some flowers and chocolates for brownie points like the book instructed.

"Silver Ah'm home!." Apple Bloom and Trixie enter the cottage while Silver Star rises with a forced smile on his face.

"Ah! Hello there uh sweetheart." He said awkwardly. "How was your day? Uh here these are for you." He shoves the flowers and chocolates to Apple Bloom who takes them super confused. "So uh do you like them...uh...baby?"

Trixie facehoofs while shaking her head. This was almost as bad as Twilight's first attempt at flirting. But he wasn't flirting.

"Uhhh. Ah guess?" Replied Apple Bloom. The poor filly so confused at Silver Star's behavior. She was beginning to wonder if he was replaced with a fake or something.

"That's uh hmm wonderful...uh...darling...I'm glad you like them." He said putting his forelegs on her cheeks. Then quickly puts his lips on hers. Trixie could take no more and started to laugh. Apple Bloom was so stunned that she really didn't register what happened until Silver finally broke the kiss. "So do you feel better now?"

Apple Bloom responded by implanting her hoof under his chin sending the clueless unicorn pony flying and crashing on the dinning room table. "JERK!" She leaves the cottage embarrassed while Trixie goes and checks up on the dazed unicorn.

"So Silver, what did we learn?" She asked laughing.

"Ooooohhh pwretty colors." He responded before passing out.

Author's Note:

Enjoy Chapter 2. As usual tell me if you see any mistakes .

Comments ( 1 )

"Understanding Fillies for Colts", a book like that has too have been written by Discord. Fun little chapter, looking forward to the next.

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