• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
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Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


Princess Neon Boom goes to Ponyville to check out Twilight's new pad. But while she's there, Prince Neon Bass escapes from Tartarus and challenges her to a DJ Battle!

Can the Psy-Trance Princess protect her title from the Dubstep Demon?

Edited by Cerulean Voice!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 43 )

9 likes and one view....

You have done what I don't really like .... Which is use multiple accounts to make your likes go up

Majin Syeekoh

4811690 i resent that accusation.

What the fuck did I just read


I'm going to upvote this to spite you, because I don't like minorities.

4811696 unless lots of people preread this and liked it then that was my only justification

Luz #6 · Aug 7th, 2014 · · ·


How is he exactly using said accounts to change the rating?
You're accusing with no proof whatsoever

and what you're seeing here is people who like him as a friend and just leave a like and simply pushing the 'Read Later' button or simply the server not showing the recent views.

Majin Syeekoh

4811705 That was a formatting error.

Thanks you for catching that.

4811716 never said they did just my first thought on what I saw

It's only been up for 15 minutes, and the views refresh every 20.

And now, to read this.

4811725 I know that but first thing I saw was that tbh and I don't dislike or like until I read the story and most of the time I don't dislike unless its really bad

Oh my .. The amount of dislikes on my first post ... Oh well... :P



Think before you post.


I don't think anyone else around here speaks whatever the fuck language that was written in

It's like the 1960s had a horrible twin love child with Vinyl Scratch and Princess Luna.

The school bell then rang.
Twilight looked towards the direction of the school. “That’s strange...school’s not supposed to be out for another hour.”
Neon Bass smirked. “That’s because we’re too cool for school.”
Twilight looked at Neon Bass and raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”
Neon Boom looked at Twilight. “It’s true. Whenever the two of us are this close to each other, everything within a twelve mile radius is rendered too cool for school.”
Twilight’s eyes popped open as she gasped. “An anti-education field? That’s horrible!”

This was my favourite part :rainbowlaugh:

4811765 umm... old news I guess... :derpytongue2:
looked further into this and found out this story was first liked on aug 2nd and that would mean that he had some people pre-read his story and form then on out until official post he would get either likes or dislikes and also he posted it on reddit as the referrals say

most likely posted story on reddit and had this story open to like and yesterday put story into a chapter and today posted it ...

smart I would say and should of looked at that first but you know ... overjustification hit me again :rainbowwild:

if im not right then I dont really know

4811766 you actually read it?


Could not parse it

This is so damn weird that I simply must have more.

I feel an overwhelming desire to knock their heads together. Anyone else?

"Why do these OCs exist?" some ask, because they are horrendous OCs indeed.
"Why, so we can make hilarious fanfiction mocking them, of course," says the wise man.

4811844 "And why should we mock them? Are they not people too?"

"The hell is wrong with you? Of course not!"

One sec 23:1
Nek minit 25:7
Dafuq is wrong with people?

Majin Syeekoh

4811974 I have no idea, CV.

No idea.

Is this supposed to be incomplete? (I need to know for organizational reasons.)

Majin Syeekoh

4812065 oh, yeah. sorry.

It's supposed to be incomplete.

4812081 I'll remove it from Short Stories for now, then. (It might qualify for the Multiple Chapters section later.)

Majin Syeekoh

4812090 Alright, that's cool.

Well it would seem like I pissed off some people

Oh well... but hey that doesn't mean I can't write a review of it :pinkiecrazy:

Well might as well put some disclaimers here before I start.
I am not here to hurt any feelings as I write this if I find something unpleasant then I'll say it but this will be more comical than serious :pinkiehappy:

So lets start.

Twilight couldn’t concentrate.

All of that alicorn magic is getting to her

after one small paragraph I saw you have this spelling thing down...

With a snort, Twilight put down her quill and trotted down the long corridors of her castle to the front door.

For a moment I thought she was in her library

A black spot with a bit of red in the sky, approaching quickly.

Oh my...
Tis begun!

unidentified alicorn


In front of her stood a black alicorn with black hair that, yes, had a shock of red in it.

Yep she has a bit of red on her.... must be ketchup

Her cutie mark was as well, it looking like what Rainbow Dash did to Applejack’s barn or what she tried to do to Tirek.

You mean this
Just imagine the colors

On her legs were black, thigh-high sneakers that also bore the full rainbow spectrum across the front of them.

clothes on ponies! just remember

“I’m looking for a ‘Twilight Sparkle’,’”

you know you could italicized Twilight's name
“I’m looking for a Twilight Sparkle,’”
just a bit to punctual

dual dulcet tones.

that must sound weird... and demonic...

Twilight blinked a couple times, then narrowed her eyes.

Her eyes must hurt from seeing so much color on a pony

“Princess Neon Boom, of course!”

TheyoushouldknowmeandI'mtooawesomeandlegit cliche...
Wow say that 20 times


Twilight don't act dumb you heard her right....Rightttt

“Me, hepcat! The Princess of Psy-Trance and the Alicorn of Ambience! Princess Neon Boom!”

geez such a long title... I wonder how long is Celestia's titles if shes lived over 1000 years

“Princess Celestia’s never mentioned you in our studies.”

Oh Celestia why you hide secrets from the ponies... no wonder people think your a tyrannic overlord

Neon Boom grinned widely. “Ah, so you must be Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “How...how do you know that I’ve studied under Princess Celestia?”

What? umm one she didn't say that and two... ponies you who you are did you forget the season three finale
blame M.A larson

Neon Boom blinked, still smiling. “Oh, Celie and I still keep in contact, even after all of these years. She talks about you all the time in her recent letters!”

theIknowyoumorethanyouknowme cliche

Twilight blushed. She certainly did enjoy Princess Celestia mentioning her in letters, even to a previously unknown alicorn.

Twilestia anyone?

“That was probably a ploy to protect me in case Tirek ever escaped,”

ploy? you mean plot right... and if thats a spelling mistake the I take back what I said earlier and also it didn't really matter if Tirek knew or not he was unstoppable by then

Twilight looked down and hummed. “I suppose…” she said. She then looked up. “But I didn’t think electronic music existed over a thousand years ago.”

Yes twilight just accept the facts... just like you do every season...
and good question Twilight...

Princess Neon Boom bowed her head low, a frown drawn across her muzzle. “That is true...back then I had to create my sick beats through pure magic and nopony really liked it,” she said. She then lifted her head up with a smile on her face. “But at least I had the good sense to realize that bangin art takes time to recognize! Plus,” she added, “I had one fan.”

So you're telling me that you made dubstep before it was cool...

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “And who would that be, a thousand years ago?”

Neon Boom chortled. “Who else?”

Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes. “Discord…”

Discord liking dubstep... hmm... I can actually see that.

Princess Neon Boom nodded eagerly. “Totes def! He would always listen to my sounds and tell me I was going to make it big someday!” she said as she sighed. “I believed him, too. In fact, he was so inspired by me that he wanted to remake the world in the image of my music!”

You should go to earth and wow most of the Brony community...

Twilight facehoofed. “I’m guessing that didn’t turn out so well.”

Neon Boom shook her head. “Unfortunately, no. He kind of turned the world upside down and Celie and Luna had to turn him into stone. He just turned out to be cray cray in the end.”

aww poor her... and who says cray cray...?

Just then, a harsh scratching could be heard screaming across the sky and both alicorns turned their heads to see the sound of the noise. Princess Neon Boom’s eyes widened.

“Oh no…”

Twilight peered into the distance to see another black spot rapidly growing in size until it landed with a harsh thud, kicking up a veritable sandstorm. It, too, was an alicorn with much of the same coloration as Princess Neon Boom, although its cutie mark was a rainbow speaker with waves coming out of it. It was also wearing a black camo cap backwards, a hooded sweatshirt, and white sneakers. It turned to face the alicorns and grinned malevolently.

yep this is getting crazy.
*insert overly crazy scene gif here*

“Hello, girls,” he said, his voice exhibiting a similar quality to Neon Boom’s, yet decidedly harsher in tone.

Yep this is getting more and more interesting ....

Neon Boom growled. “No, Twilight. This is my brother, Neon Bass.”

Neon Bass cleared his throat. “That’s Prince Neon Bass.”

oh excuse me your highness...

Neon Boom snorted. “You were stripped of your Royal title when you were banished to Tartarus for playa-hatin’. How did you escape, anyway?”

oh god... why? why is this a valid reason

Neon Bass snickered. “Music soothes the savage beast,” he said. He then looked at Twilight and licked his lips. “Who’s this pretty purple thing? Rig slag?”

NSFW on the way and rig slag? shes no cigarette bud you know.

Neon Boom stomped her hoof, creating the sound of cymbals crashing. “She is not rig slag! This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, and she’s way more fly than you’ll ever be!”

So they make musical noise? and and this became west-side Philly now

Neon Bass chuckled as he paced around the alicorn princesses, wubbing with each hoof step. “Really? How boss are you?” he asked as he leered at Twilight.

shipping intensifies...

“Cram it, sis, I was asking the rig slag,” Neon Bass said. Neon Boom growled at him. He chuckled again as he turned to face Twilight, leaning his head in. “So how legit are you, filly?”

this kind of slang disturbs me...
I'm use to this but in a fanfic...

Neon Bass snorted. “Hmmm,” he said as he lifted his head up, “so the rig slag does have some mad skills after all.”

Neon Boom laughed. “Of course! You should have seen the phat moves she laid on Tirek!”

Neon Bass turned to face Neon Boom and raised an eyebrow. “About Tirek...I was chatting him up in Tartarus, and he said he heard from Discord that you kicked the bucket.”

Neon Boom’s mouth curved up slightly. “So I guess I still have one fan…”

Neon Bass snorted. “Heh. Just one fan.”

Neon Boom growled again. “At least he’s a real fan and not ones you’ve mind-controlled!”

Neon Bass chortled, pacing around the alicorns with his accompanying soundtrack of wubs. “At least I had fans,” he said in his harsh dual-tone voice. “By the way, where is your little puppy who broke the world?”

Geez more tension than a catapult...

Neon Bass swiveled his head to face Twilight and grinned cruelly. “Thanks, rig slag,” he said as his rainbow-hued horn crackled with purple energy, heavy guitar distortion playing. “You’ve been very helpful.”

So this is a battle between dubstep and heavy metal?
perosanlly I like metal and rock better than dubstep
*angers brony community...*

next scene contains egghead...
not worth my time....

Neon Boom’s eyes narrowed. “Why should I wait?”

Neon Bass grinned cruelly. “Let’s have a battle.”

Neon Boom raised an eyebrow. “A battle?”

Neon Bass stood up, his hooves wubbing as he did so. “Battle.”

Neon Boom’s horn died down as she smirked. “Battle.”

Twilight Sparkle raised an eyebrow. “Battle?”

Neon Bass nodded. “Yes. A Battle of the DJs.”

puta mardre buey... porque hacen tanto desmarde mierda...
sorry had to say that in spanish...

Twilight shut her eyes, then opened them and facehoofed. “Why didn't you just blast him?”

you know what Twilight I agree with you...

next scene... find that location...
I have lots of geography jokes but its late and I want to finish this...

“Carneighgie Hall?” both black alicorns said simultaneously, their dual voices combining into a truly disharmonic tone that caused the hairs on Twilight’s neck to stand on end.

oh god I can actually hear that.... AHHHHHHHH!!!:flutterrage:

Give them 6 month's...
I don't want to hear this... unless if you want to sound like daft punk with that house then I'm not coming

Twilight blinked. “B-but why did you just let him go? I could’ve rounded up my friends and used the Rainbow Power on him!”

I agree but Twilight thats too easy... and boring...

ok... thats was interesting...
I... I .... I don't know what to say... at least it has a comedy and random tag on it...

I'm out hopefully this made somepony wonder why I made this...

for fun I say...

Needs more Alicorn OCs.
And changelings. Definitely changelings.
Ooh! And those "hooman" things!
And don't forget to ship all of the cannon characters with the Alicorn OCs and end the story with a Mature-Sex chapter.
And you forgot to make them anthro ponies.
And Molestia, and Gamer Luna, and all the memes about bananas!
Oh, and :pinkiecrazy:
If you add these, maybe the girl that was murdered something something something won't kill you! :pinkiehappy:

Majin Syeekoh

4812306 That was a very enjoyable review.

4812314 Upvoted for great justice!

Comment posted by Shilic deleted Aug 7th, 2014

4812383 y tank u
A wild wall of text appeared!
Go, Reading!
Reading used Read!
Wild wall of text was defeated!

I having a feeling this gonna be one of those days... I'll read it in the morning...

4811801 well i actually guessed it would be prereaders and friends editors.

Princess and Prince of Clubn' music, Check.
Prestigious Symphonic Music hall to be used for a DJ face-off, Check.
Prince of Dubstep escapes from Tartarus, Check.
Ok, let's see what we are missing... gargantuan screen, smoke machine, lazer/pyrotechnic show, unhealthy amounts of pony bead masks, Lockin' n' poppn', that one pony that screams 'I love you!', ludicrous costumes

Majin Syeekoh

4814977 Upvote for comment

4812306 Dear Celestia, this was an excellent summary.

5027387 its fun doing that... Makes you think what's funny

*Grins* This looks like fun.

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