• Member Since 28th Apr, 2014
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Synthetic Soul

Everything I do is mediocre. Anything good that I do, I do on accident.


Comedy tagged for some comedic elements, but overall, it is still a serious story
Long ago, the entire planet was dominated by a powerful, and cruel race known as humans. They enslaved all other beings on the planet, and consumed their flesh. These beings had strange powers. But one day, they simply disappeared, without a trace as to where they went.

Thousands of years later, ponies search the abandoned ruins of a human structure, and find something they never thought possible; a baby human.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 114 )

You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. Continue!

:rainbowderp: well that is interesting. And Then?

Long ago, the entire planet was dominated by a powerful, and cruel race known as humans. They enslaved all other beings on the planet, and consumed their flesh. These beings had strange powers. But one day, they simply disappeared, without a trace as to where they went.

Misanthropy Meter is going crazy!

Long ago, the entire planet was dominated by a powerful, and cruel race known as humans. They enslaved all other beings on the planet, and consumed their flesh.

Copypasta inbound:

I call this bullshit. You complain about our terror?

Fuck off, we're the nicest damn species on this deathworld.
That animal in its mouth is still alive.
This thing tears its prey's limbs off before stuffing it under a rock to decay before eating it.
This piece of shit rapes for fun.
This stupid fucker plays with it's prey. And then leaves it.
This... wait. What am I saying. Dogs are loyal to Humans. Next!
These tiny pests commit war crimes on the scale of trillions. Infanticide, genocide, cannibalism. So on and so on.

Have I made my point.

Equestria isn't perfect either. It has racism,it has crime. In fact, their villains are worse than ours. I mean NMM wanted to destroy the world, Tirek wanted to become supreme dictator or something, you get my point? The only thing is that they're all holding the idiot ball.

But as I said before, Humanity would have no interest in the ponies if they're at the point of being able to go to different planets. The idea that we're cruel is dumb. And the idea that we need to be redeemed is stupid.

Every civilization will have war, even a place like Equestria. Because people disagree. And people with power disagree violently.

War is necessary for the survival of a sapient species. War brings the need for innovation. Having the need for innovation stops stagnation. Not having stagnation allows a species to progress forward both technologically and socially, bringing about a better world. War brings about mistakes. And mistakes bring about understanding. Understanding allows you to get better. Getting better allows you to not make the same mistake as they did when they made the mistake. Not making the same mistake saves lives.

War is good.

Edit: I'll hold off my decision for now and see how this story goes.

The adorable dolphins, that will try and save a human from drowning if they see them, rapes what?


Their own females.

They literally rape for fun.

They act like little kids. Little kids do everything for fun. But that is just horrible. Even though some people also rape for their own enjoyment as well.

Even though some people also rape for their own enjoyment as well.

True, but we have also outlawed it, put stiif punishment for people who commit rape, and it's fairly uncommon.

But dolphins... dolphins are a whole 'nother level of dickery.
Granted, they also do it to assert authority.

But what we consider rape and sexual harassment is fairly common in the animal kingdom.

But some people who go to court for it don't get punished, and the ruling is in their favour. Male or female, it sometimes goes to the wrong person.

Animals don't actually care, maybe that is why they do it?



But some people who go to court for it don't get punished, and the ruling is in their favour.

True, but remember that every Human has a basic inalienable right.

Presumption of innocence. Meaning that until it is proven in a court of law, the accused is not guilty of rape.

Animals don't actually care, maybe that is why they do it?

Well remember that rape for Humans can also be a power-trip. It seems to take this role more often in animals.

I honestly don't want to see an animal have sex.

That's right. Humans are bad! Ponies are good. They're bad, and they're bad, and they're bad!

What else are they? Evil! Ponies are perfect and have NEVER EVER done anything wrong EVER and humans are super evil and should be destroyed!!!`1111

End of story.

So humans are painted in the light of abusive precursors.

Comment posted by Synthetic Soul deleted Aug 3rd, 2014


Other species don't kill their own members just for the fun of it.

Yeah, yeah they do.

We're the nicest species because of our ability to empathize.

I don't think you understand just how cruel wild animals are.

Comment posted by Synthetic Soul deleted Aug 3rd, 2014


It's a story, yes.

Doesn't mean I can't point out things.

Comment posted by Synthetic Soul deleted Aug 3rd, 2014

They were capable of moving objects with their minds, which was linked to their ability to fly without wings. Their final power was their ability to concentrate energy into weaponized spheres which they launched from their hands.

"I though humans couldn't use magic?" asked Fluttershy.
"They can't. That's what makes this so surprising," replied Celestia.

Doesn't that completely contradict each other? While I don't really like stories that shit on humans I can at least feel comfortable in thinking that these are a different kind of human.

4791631 The humans have saiyan powers. It's not magic, its chi.

4791730 Alright, I guess. Though I still think you shit on the human race rather unfairly.

4790503 Don't forget that ducks a rapists too.

4791784 It's not my actual belief that humans are evil. I just made them evil in this alternate world. It's been done before, there are other stories depicting humans as evil, its not just me.

4791856 Not saying other authors haven't. It's my personal taste. I'm going to read this because I think it has promise.

I can't tell...is the baby going to be raised by the ponies as their own, then randomly decide to suddenly revive the race by some deus ex machina-type means and take over the planet again. or is it going to be the same thing but instead the baby teaches everyone to be gay hippy fuckers?

This a misanthropic piece of shit which I don't like, we are not savages, which I don't like the idea of in this story, we are way OP, which I'm a bit of both angered and smug about.

Interesting. Let's see where this is going.

Ooh, I'm liking this already! Keep up the good work.

Alright, we going down the misanthropy path? Just tell me right now, so I can hop off. I want to see where this goes, but not if we're going the obvious misanthropy route.

Because otherwise, carry on, good sir.


Could be a troll? Come to think of it, which is worse? A misanthrope? Or trolls, who are probably the source of a good chunk of misanthropy?

No, I'm not. I may have gone overboard, but this is probably the thousandth time I've seen a story like this. What's worse is telling me I'm a waste of oxygen. Thanks.



This little monster has paralized the poor spider. Now she will dig a hole and put the spider in it with a little "present" before sealing the entrance. The defenceless spider will enjoy a few days of excruciating agony while the wasp´s larvae consumes her insides while awaiting for the unevitable end.
Talk now about cruelty.

-Twilight finds and reads a book on humans
-humans have strange and unexplained powers
-humans ate ponies
-humans mysteriously disappeared long ago and no one knows why
-Rainbow Dash complaints about Twilight reading too much
-Pinkie Pie calls Twilight to a room where they find the likeness of humans
-Fluttershy asks about the magical powers humans may or may not have
-Twilight hears the voices of a supposedly dead race
-humans are good at hand to hand combat
-humans are trained to use various types of weapons
-humans used runes

I don't know why, but this story seems very familiar to me.
I must just be imagining things, because no one would copy a story that obviously. :ajbemused:

So many questions and no answers.
Just turn it into a run on sentence and I'll call you and tell you what time the nun orgy starts.

Doesn't matter to me. I hate both almost equally.
Blah blah, don't care, and you're very welcome.

Cool, I don't care either.

I read this, and I've decided it deserves a downvote for the following reasons:
-the editing, while not horrible, is sub-par
-the pacing and characterization are wonky at best
-both disturbingly misanthropic as well as setting up the situation for a Mary Sue
-"superpowerful civilization randomly vanishes with no explanation despite being the most powerful beings on the planet." Sadly, it's probably due to meddling with magic or some other stupid excuse in a bid for more power
-the superpowerful species was human, usurping the rightful place of the terrestrial isopod master race. This has been noted and you will be executed following our rise to power! Cringe in fear, hominid; your days are numbered!

Good luck trying to make this work properly. :P

EDIT: Needs more spacefood.


Ah, humans. What we leave behind.

They also blew the moon out of orbit in the year 1999.
Oh wait...there is no collaborative evidence for that, must be in the apocrypha.

....we do know they threw fire balls, and could move objects with their mind because of all the photographic evidence ponies have,all the chard skeletons and massive buildings found!

4794617 I agree, this story needs a rewrite.

I found it amusing to search-and-replace "Human" with "Warlord".

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