• Published 4th Aug 2014
  • 988 Views, 10 Comments

Braving the Weather - Timeknight the Pegasus

What happens when Fluttershy falls ill just before biggest storm in decades?

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Chapter 2: Lightning Strikes

Big Macintosh was trotting up the path towards Fluttershy's cottage when the first drops fell. He frowned a bit and put on some extra speed, careful not to drop any of Fluttershy's things. The rain was starting earlier than he had predicted. He would have to hurry, else be stuck in the storm.

After a couple more minutes of walking, he found a giant tree with doors and windows. This must be it, he thought as he walked up to the front door and knocked gently. As he waited, he looked around. The forest was oddly still, as if there were no animals for a long ways. That's odd. AJ said the woods near Fluttershy are always packed to the brim. They must be hiding from the weather. I should do the same. Hurry, Fluttershy! The rain was now falling steadily and the wind was beginning to pick up.

The door creaked open slowly. A little white bunny poked his head out, saw Big Mac, and looked as if to shoo him away. Then he looked and saw the slice of cake the large pony was carrying, and quickly ushered him inside.

Big Mac blinked. So she really did have animals that could behave like ponies. He shook his head, wiped his hooves, and entered into the cozy little cottage, following the bunny. He saw Fluttershy sleeping on the couch- well, until the bunny jumped on her, that is. The little butter pony stirred and lifted her head. "What is it, Angel bunny?" she croaked tiredly. Big Mac stood there awkwardly until he was noticed. "Oh! Big Macintosh! What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, brought yer groceries."

"Oh, right. I forgot about that. Can you put them in the kitchen please?"

With a nod, Big Mac made his way into the kitchen. "Want me ta put yer food in the fridge?" He called. Getting no response, he poked his head back into the main room. The poor little mare was once again fast asleep. Mac smiled gently and assumed she would have said yes. He sorted all of her foodstuffs, then walked back toward the sleeping mare.

Crouching next to the couch, he gently used one hoof to slide her onto his back. When she was secure, he slowly stood and took her up to her room, wincing every time a floorboard creaked. He didn't want to wake her.

The large stallion was surprisingly tender as her lowered Fluttershy onto her bed and pulled the covers up around her so she'd stay warm. He turned to leave when he felt a pressure on his leg. He looked down and jumped a little when he realized that Fluttershy had grabbed onto his hoof and was squeezing tightly.

Big Mac stood there, unsure what to do or what she wanted, until he realized the little pony was asleep. He chuckled and stood there, sure she would let go soon enough. But... For the moment, her soft embrace was... nice. His eyes grew wide and he shook his head. No. This was wrong, no matter how right it felt. Looking around her cute little bedroom, he saw an adorable plush bunny sitting on her bedside table. He grabbed it, removed his hoof, and replace it with the bunny. "Goodnight, Fluttershy," he whispered as he turns out the lights and closed her door behind him.

Back in the hallway, he took a moment to smile and think. There was something about that little mare that he found absolutely adorable. Like a young filly. Except... Not. She had a certain inner strength that he doubted even she knew about. Maybe it was her soft butter-colored fur, or her big, trusting eyes, or her shy, quiet sweetness, something about her made Big Mac smile at the thought of her.

Still thinking about Fluttershy, he walked back downstairs to find a small crowd of animals staring back at him. "Um..."

Angel stepped forward and pointed to his stomach. "Oh! Y'all must be hungry. Now what does Fluttershy feed ya..."

An hour later, all of the animals were munch happily, and Macintosh was exhausted. He had found Fluttershy's feeding list, but everything was obviously in code- "Angel: Salad- l, c, s, r." Could stand for "Angel has a salad with lettuce, carrots, spinach, and radish." Or was it "Lemon, celery, squash, and rutabaga?"

Eventually he had got it figured out, and now he was finally ready to go home. He packed up his saddlebags, opened the door- and froze. Giant, heavy raindrops were falling by the millions. The wind was blowing hard enough to rip leaves from trees. This was not going to be easy. The farm stallion braced himself, and walked into the freezing rain and closed the door behind him. He was instantly soaked and frozen to the core. And, better yet, it was night and he could hardly see his hoof in front of his face. One hoof at a time, he set out on the long trek home.


Step. Step. Step. Turn. Step. Step. Step. Turn. "Arg! Where is that stupid stallion!" a light orange mare yelled to no pony in particular, staring out into the storm. "He should have been here hours ago!"

A younger, yellow mare sat, watching the older one pace. "Maybe he's taking shelter in the barn?" she suggested hopefully.

"Naw. If he were that close he'd of just come in."

"Maybe he's waiting in a shop somewhere?"

"He wouldn't have gotten caught off guard like that. He's smarter than that, Applebloom."

Applebloom sighed. "Ah know, but we have ta keep hoping. He'll come home. I know he will. He'd never leave us alone. Oh Big Macintosh, where are you!?" she wailed.

As if answering her call, the door slammed open with a BANG! and a shivering, soaked red figure appeared. It closed the door, walked a few steps forward, and collapsed, utterly exhausted.

"Mac?" Applejack whispered, and ran up to the red stallion. She rubbed his shoulder gently. "Mac, are you alright?"

The limp form shifted and replied with a grunt.

Applebloom sat with wide eyes. "WhatdowedowhatdowedoWHATDOWEDO!"

"Well don't just stand there! Get him a towel! Get Granny! Draw him a bath!" AJ ordered, some of her normal fire returning as the shock died down.

The yellow filly nodded and ran to find the biggest, fluffiest towel they had.

"Ah'm fine," Big Mac grunted, and rose to his feet, shaking. He stumbled over to the couch and sat there. "That's one mighty storm out there. I almost didn't make it here."

"No, really?" the orange mare asked sarcastically. "Where were you this whole time? We were worried sick!"

"You aren't sick. Fluttershy is. Ah offered to pick up 'er groceries for 'er. One thing led to another, an' pretty soon ah was takin' care o her and all 'er critters. Ah wanted ta come home, but ah couldn' just leave 'er there all alone now could ah?" Big Mac wrapped himself up in the towel that his youngest sister had brought. "Ah know you're angry, but ah did what had ta be done."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Someone's chatty today. And good for you for takin' care of her. But next time, hurry it up a bit, will ya? Ya know, scratch that. Hopefully, there won't be a next time."

"Sure there will. Tomorrow."


"She needs mah help. She's really sick, AJ. If no pony helps her, she'll be dead by the end of the week."

Applejack stopped in her tracks and stared. "She's that sick?" she whispered.

Big Macintosh nodded solemnly. "And nothin' you can say will stop me from helpin' her."

"I won't stop you, big brother. But yer not goin' alone. I'm going with ya." The blond pony said stubbornly.


"Why not?"

"Ya saw what state ah was in. The weather will only get worse. I don' want you getting injured, or catching ye dea- something like Fluttershy," Big Mac said sternly.

"But I-"

"No. Yer stayin' here and that's final."


Author's Note:

Thanks for all the positive feedback! This is my first ever pony fanfic, so it's been a bit of a struggle. Some constructive criticism would be appreciated!


Comments ( 8 )

Going really well and a brilliant description by the way! I shall follow to see how this plays out!!!:pinkiehappy:

Looking really good. I wonder what Fluttershy has and, does Big Mac know what it is? He must have an idea if he thinks it can kill her. Sounds pretty serious, like tuberculosis or something. I trust Big Mac will take very good care of her. :eeyup:

I'll try and be constructive - so far, there hasn't really been anything to justify Mac saying Fluttershy will be dead within a week. I'd recommend either pointing out that Mac recognises the condition (probably allowing AJ to better understand how serious it is), or giving the condition a bit more buildup, and showing her to be even more ill the next day?
For a first fic, you're doing great.

Thanks for the comments and advice!

When writing this chapter (chapter 2), I was picturing Big Mac as not really knowing what was wrong with Fluttershy, but needing to convince AJ to let him go back to her cottage. In chapter 3 there will be a lot more information about the actual illness.

Looking forward to it. :pinkiesmile:

great story I really like it.

Can't wait for the next chapter. Good fic man:eeyup:

Great start when next chapter coming:pinkiehappy:

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