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Writing for bronies by a brony


Shortly after the victory in the Everfree Forest by Twilight Sparkle and her new friends, Princess Luna arrives in Canterlot a sad, broken shell of her former self. In the depths of her grief, the princess of the moon receives an unexpected comfort in "one good stallion" - a young member of the Royal Guard seeking nothing more than to help where most are shying away from that duty. This meeting sets the futures of both involved in ways neither of them could have foreseen at the time - but who is the "one good stallion"? You'll have to read on to find out!

Warning: Comments may contain spoilers! One tag has also been left off to prevent spoilers as well. Cover image taken from One Good Stallion

The Canterlot Chronicles: Season 1
Prev: The Long Road Home | Episode 1: One Good Stallion | Next: A New Mission
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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 55 )

This was good i'm surprised there are no comments but a heart warming story.


So Gooooooooooood!!!

Lovely story! Should have known it was him when they spoke of his parents.

Sadly, we can only give you one upvote.:fluttercry:

Exactly. (I mean come on, the mom has three stars and the dad has a moon and a star for cutie marks! Of course their talents would have something to do with the night sky...:raritywink:)

You could always give a fave.:twilightsheepish:

What a jolly of a day, my sir! This story here have been featured!

Why'd it have to be Shining?! DARMIT ORL! Still this is a nice story, makes meh happy and all warm inside my cold dead heart.

Just think if he wasn't dating Cadence it sounds like he could have swept Luna off her hooves.

You can take this far you know.

You can bend the universe within and continue a quite unique backstory. Perhaps you can go so far as to make Luna and Shining a couple?

Wouldn't that make for a good Canterlot Wedding :pinkiehappy:

Count me in on those that would call this a good beginning to a Shining/Luna AU.

Well, part of the point is that he's improved a lot in the romance department since his high school years. (And just in case you doubt, we have these panels from the comics as evidence.)

Aww, I was about to hardcore ship the guard and Luna, but then Shining.


Gotta say, I like that he speaks in a more archaic tongue to make Luna feel more at ease. A nice little detail that only makes an already good story better.

I'm glad you picked up on that. It might seem odd that he's speaking like a character from a Shakespeare play (particularly considering his accent :derpytongue2: ), but the point isn't for him to be a show-off. Even from what little canon evidence we have in "Luna Eclipsed", it's obvious Luna wouldn't start out understanding a lot of the language of the modern day (any more than someone taken from Elizabethan times would understand our language) - a big problem. Most of the guards wouldn't know it either, of course, but that begs the question "Do you care enough to take the time to learn how to speak that way, or use that way of speaking if you already know it?"

Speaking in that archaic, thousand-year old manner is a way of showing "I care" - and a pretty powerful one at that!

I saw the link to the cover art, and I was like, "Are you serious? Another shipping with Shining? He doesn't deserve the mares."

4804870 Considering that "in canon" he played freaking D&D (Obliques and obluettes? forgot. <_<) and they spoke with that old Canterlotian speech, so that was a plus. Talk about coincidence.

damnit i like this and who it was. who it was being the reason im damniting. vey good show.

"What more does thou needest to know about me?"

Please, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it supposed to be "What more dost thou need to know about me?"

You know, I always love these kind of one-shots. Even though I'm too surprised who the 'One Good Stallion' was, the way he acted in front of Luna was very touching indeed.

+ Upvote
+ Fave

Remember that he's not speaking "natively". Little mistakes like that are to be expected.

4808770 Well, if that was intentional, then I have nothing against it.

4803558 That is an awesome idea yeah the author should go for it!

Aw, this was a great story. Now we know why Shining was promoted to captain of the royal gaurd.

All my yes! :twilightsmile: I thought it was Shining Armor and was pleased to be right. You rock Shiny!:heart:

...wow. This is one of the best <2000 word stories I think I have ever read. And I'm so glad that you wrote a good Shining Armor! Very heartwarming, and as already stated, I love that he spoke in the old archaic Equestrian fashion as a subtle way of saying he cared! VERY well done! :twilightsmile:

My mother is one of a line of unicorns that assisted Princess Celestia in populating the night sky with stars. They met at a library, both of them researching the constellations. The shared interest brought them together and eventually lead to them joining in marriage.

His mother married Princess Celestia?! :pinkiegasp:

j/k. Nice story :)

4814083 OH LAWD:facehoof:
..That's what I thought at first too, and was all like "LESBIAN! THEY'RE LESBIANS!!" :derpytongue2:

4813103 Well I guess u don;t have to read it tro find out now

My apologies, I put spoiler tags in my comment.:facehoof: Was half asleep when I commented.

4816141 Oh they didn't show up when I saw them :twilightblush: How do u put spoiler tags?

4816277 [ /spoiler]
No space between the [ and /

Ah, trying to do Early Modern English, but not understanding it. Not to worry, author, I made the same mistake too on my first fic and still cringe about it to this day. :twilightsmile:

Just to point out some mistakes:

"What more does thou needest to know about me?"

Should read: "What more dost thou need" Remember that only the auxiliary is conjugated and the main verb is left in its bare form.

Has thou been assigned to our personal chambers?"

Should read "Hast thou"

Does thine commanding officer know of what you are doing?"

Should be "thy commanding officer." Thine comes only before words that start with vowel sounds (e.g. "thine eyes").

It 'tis a shame thou only uses it to sing laments."

Should be just "'tis a shame." 'Tis is an elision of "It is."

as we hath not seen or heard a guard patrolling past the door in hours.

Should read "as we have not seen." The -th and -eth endings only appear in third-person singular. So this too:

how doth you come of such knowledge of the night sky?

Is an inappropriate use of doth.

Here's a handy chart how verbs conjugate in the indicative mood. Remember that these strange verb endings apply only in the indicative mood, so when using the subjunctive, you use just the bare form. And also, the subjunctive was used in certain contexts back then that you wouldn't use now. (E.g. "If he be Mr. Hyde, I shall be Mr. Seek." (not "if he is"); and Shakespeare says: "How long will a man lie i' the earth ere he rot?" (not "rots")

Moral of the story: Modern English is better and more comprehensible. Only use Early Modern if you're absolutely sure you know what you're doing. But, hey, learning experience, right?

...Full cover image contains spoilers


I appreciate the chart link (and I will reference it in future stories), but the mistakes you point out are actually occurring in-universe. Here's why:
* One of the speakers isn't a "native" speaker of that version of English, so mistakes are to be expected for his case because his grasp of that version of the language is imperfect.
* The other speaker (Luna) is so confused and disoriented (from the Elements of Harmony-induced power drain, her own guilt and shame, culture shock and having the "modern" language thrown at her without enough time to adjust to it) that, even though she's a native speaker, she can't keep everything straight either.

(And lest you call BS on the second point, "Luna Eclipsed" has Luna herself saying an incorrect line: "Child. Art thou saying that thou... likest me to scare you?"
As was pointed out on this page (under the "Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe" entry). the statement is grammatically incorrect in the context given regardless of how it's supposed to be interpreted and the "mistake" is probably a result of her surprise/puzzlement at the time. In the context of this story, she's completely disoriented and probably can't keep anything straight, much less her grammar.)

I need more insight into Shining here. I can understand from a reader POV why he chose to speak in Ye Olde Ways but since we've been in his mind a bit, having some more 'substance' to that decision might be a positive.

The character tags lack ... did nothing. As soon as I read the essential question, I knew it was Shindig Armoire. Also, I was expecting some 'Luna infatuation' being the cause of the sad tag. Since it seems I was mistaken, I'm not sure why the sad tag is there. This is more happy than sad.

Overall nice enough. A bit obvious and I'd love to have more internal debate from he-who-shall-not-be-named but it's nice enough.


I need more insight into ______ here. I can understand from a reader POV why he chose to speak in Ye Olde Ways but since we've been in his mind a bit, having some more 'substance' to that decision might be a positive.

The problem with adding more "substance" to the decision making (i.e. internal conflict) is that you detract from the rest of the story in the process. As our heroic stallion would be almost entirely talking to himself and there's nothing to keep the "flow" of the story going, you kill any momentum you've picked up as a result - as soon as monologuing starts, the reader would roll their eyes and either click away or skip past it looking for "the good stuff".

Monologuing similar to that in Hamlet doesn't work nearly as well in the context of a fanfiction story (or a 25 minute TV episode for that matter) unless the story is set up to accommodate one. In the case of this story, it's better to just keep the momentum going rather than stop to explain things.

I was expecting some 'Luna infatuation' being the cause of the sad tag. Since it seems I was mistaken, I'm not sure why the sad tag is there. This is more happy than sad.

There's no tag that seems to describe this type of story well enough. "Comedy" doesn't work, it's not "Romance", it's not really "Slice of Life" either, so how do you tag something like this? :facehoof: There's no "WAFF" tag (or something similar), so "Sad" was the closest I could get.


Ah, I understand! Though in the story, there wasn't any indication that that was the case, so I just read them as mistakes. Next time, you should draw attention to this, explain the linguistic differences in some way; otherwise people will, like me, just assume it's bad English.

Luna herself saying an incorrect line: "Child. Art thou saying that thou... likest me to scare you?

That's not necessarily bad. She could have meant "Art thou saying that thou likest me to scare [you children, plural]?" It isn't grammatically wrong. Would it not be okay to say, for example, "Is he saying that he likes me to scare them?"

Though I did find one place where Luna indeed fucked up. She says "It was thou who unleashed the powers of harmony upon us and took away our dark powers!" (Should be "who unleashedest . . . and tookest away our dark powers)

Not even the princess of the night is perfect, I guess.

*WolfGrin* I liked this. maybe you should continue it and show him helping her adjust and see where it goes from there

That's essentially my general tactic for my writing here on this site. One of those stories has already been put up on here (A New Mission).:raritywink:


I think I found it. if U post another one please let me know

4827019 This story is part of a "season" of stories (roughly paralleling the show's Season 1). Because it's meant to mimic the show's structure, it didn't seem right to label each story as a sequel to the previous one, but I might still do that in order for readers to follow along with the story series as it's meant to be read.

Now that is something I will look forward too more of. :twilightsmile:

I would have never thought that he speak in the olde tongue. I was completely surprised that it was him. I'm not going to say anymore about him because I do not want to put spoilers in the comments (even though people should know that comments usually contain spoilers). Have a fav and a like.:pinkiehappy:


Though I did find one place where Luna indeed fucked up. She says "It was thou who unleashed the powers of harmony upon us and took away our dark powers!" (Should be "who unleashedest . . . and tookest away our dark powers)

The inflection of the sentence isn't quite correct for that. If you want unleashest there you need to change was thou as well.
"It was thee" (technically "wast thee," but even then it wasn't commonly used) "who unleashest the force of Harmony upon Us and tookest away Our dark powers."

Thy skill at Olde Englishe doth lack a measure of intelligence. Mayhap thou shouldst dispense with thy bullshit-eth?

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