• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012
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Simultaneously able to type 94 wpm and still take five years to finish a story. If you're feeling generous, throw a ko-fi at me.


Princess Celestia gave her life fighting against Sombra. That's the story everypony knows and tells and mourns every year. But Twilight is convinced she was transported to another dimension, and she won't let anything stop her from bringing the sun home.

Original idea by Rated Ponystar.

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 185 )

How do ponies with no digits, let alone thumbs, use or teach the vulcan neck pinch?

Or maybe magic. That's the answer to everything, right?

I guess it's creative?

This is interesting. Favorited.

I do have a headcannon about friction manipulation magic inherit in ponies that allows them to "hold" things.

Why have it separated? You finished the whole story

Because I personally prefer reading short chapters daily instead of one big chapter once. :shrug:

4918766 Friction manipulation
Giggity :trollestia:

I agree, ride the hype train instead of opening the flood gates.

Wow, Twilight.. Sometimes taking the easy route isn't the best route. Blowing yourself into oblivion just to try out dimension traveling to find Princess Celestia is not the greatest idea. It may be the one with the best probability of immediate success, but it's also the one with the best chances of immediate failure. Here's hoping they weren't knocked between dimensions with no way to get out and that they didn't simply annihilate each other... (you know matter and anti-matter, dark magic and light magic...)

Oh so can't wait to read more:pinkiehappy:

:rainbowhuh::rainbowderp:... yeah this chapter just catapaulted this puppy straight to the favorites list. :pinkiehappy:

Interesting! Hope to see more.

Something bothers me. If they both came to this place via the same mean, why did celestia change and not twilight?


Maybe she shapeshifted willingly with her magic.

Oh dear. I figured it would be something regarding a new family, but I guess we know why the sun isn't coming home now. About how long do you expect this story to be?

I can only begin to imagine how Twilight will take this. This looks like one of the stories where Celestia was all but a second mother to Twilight. The idea of Celestia with a kid could be... awkward. Jealousy, affection, anger, I don't know, but it would definitely be awkward. And then there's Celestia objecting to going home because of her family, when the one that wants her back the most sees her as a mother and the one who would want her back the most (if she thought Celestia was still alive) is her sister, would be painful. Not returning to your family because of your family. Ow. Her refusal to go back in the first place would be bad enough, but after 15 years of Twilight trying to reach her?

How is Luna ruling, by the way? I suppose the state Equestria is currently in will come up in Celestia and Twilight's talk, but from the sound of it Luna took sole responsibility (or effectively did so) upon Celestia's death. I don't know if Twilight would have time for her 15 year obsession if she participated in the everyday management of the country. How have her relations with her friends fared these past years? If Twilight can't convince Celestia to come home with her, would she stay on Earth?

If Celestia wound up on Earth from the magic collision, does that mean Sombra went there too? If he did... is he the one Celestia had Dysis with? (is that her full name or a shortened one, btw? I suppose that, living as a human, she might use human naming conventions, but there are a number of human names that would fit into 1-name pony name patterns) If not, what happened to him? Who did Celestia have a kid with? Is he still around? But if so, how did Sombra become the type of pony/person Celestia would try to make a life with?

But if the father was her fellow pony, then I would think she would be more open to going home. The change in her daughter's form wouldn't really be that significant a thing. Hm... dimensional travel might have purged Sombra of darkness and going back to Equestria could corrupt him again, or she worries that it might infect Dysis? Was... was Dysis the result of willing sex in the first place? That could put even more of a worry on her possibly being affected by dark magic, if she isn't. If Dysis's father was a real, actual human (and still around), it doesn't seem like Dysis has any idea what her mother really is (and if she's keeping it secret from her kid, there's a fair chance that the father doesn't know she's secretly a horse, either), and exposing her new family to that truth would irrevocably alter their relationship, possibly beyond repair (although a little girl probably wouldn't see much wrong with an awesomesauce pony mom, the guy might have some objections to finding out he's been sleeping with an equine).

Why is Celestia human? I'm guessing she transformed herself via magic (as she could see right through Twilight's spell), but there are a number of unintentional things I could imagine might turn her human, depending on how magic and dimensional travel work in the story. Is she able to consciously use magic without her horn? Just how human is Dysis? While it could be innocence, she just so happens to be Celestia's daughter, which makes her ability to notice Twilight despite her Shield of Boringness a bit more suspicious. She's either a half-pony or a pony born, to the body of a human.

Is she mortal there on Earth? Are alicorns even able to have children (or if they do, are their children alicorns as well)? That would certainly be an understandable reason to stay--natural death would never find her, and having a child (or a child she won't outlive) might be impossible back in Equestria. She could also decide not to go due to the method of travel--the double magic-spolsion from Equestria leads to Earth, but would one from Earth necessarily lead back to Equestria? If she did want to go back to Equestria (with the new family, obviously), she'd be risking not only her own life, but that of her daughter (and possibly husband). Can a being from a world with no magic even be affected normally by magic? If not, Dysis would make any calculations Twilight had about how to travel be thrown way off, or might make dimensional travel with the kid in tow impossible.

Twilight's reaction to human technology (and pot) is funny. She'd probably be excited if she got the chance to figure out what it actually was, nerd that she is.

I have no idea what you might do yet, and I love it. The lack of a sad or tragedy tag is encouraging, though. You've got yourself a favorite.

This cliffhanger is maximum. :pinkiesad2:

Comment posted by Viper Redbird deleted Aug 30th, 2014

4925147 Yes, only those looking for Twilight can find her. But Dysis isn't looking for unicorns everywhere she goes. Even little innocent kids who believe they exist don't try to look for unicorns all the time, everywhere (especially considering that the stories she's told are almost certainly about Equestria ponies (which don't spend their time hiding from everyone), not the mythological, rare, shy, you-only-get-a-glimpse unicorns from Greek mythology). She would have to have been told a pony story five minutes ago, or through a ridiculously extreme act of luck (even for fiction) have been trying to find a unicorn at that exact moment, in a city, on an ordinary walk. There's no reason that she would be looking for Twilight right then.

The "power of innocence" bit mentioned in story would be a likely reason to see past the shield, but if that isn't confirmed then I think her supernatural origins are a more likely reason for it.

Comment posted by Viper Redbird deleted Aug 30th, 2014

It seems to me that wanting to see something badly enough or generally believing in it might be sufficient to elude the spell. Either that or the spell operates a little differently than Twilight thinks. Sounds like Dysis wants to see a unicorn and that, for her, is breaking through Twilight's spell. It depends on whether looking for Twilight means that you must know who Twilight Sparkle is, something about her and be searching for her specifically or if looking for a winged unicorn (alicorn) is enough to find one if she's trying to hide right in front of you. -- I sincerely hope this isn't one of those "ponies don't really exist" meta stories and there's a good reason for Celestia or a near clone to be there and not returning to Equestria.

I suppose it's possible that the dimensional travel changed her into a human, but she remembers being a pony and retains something of her original nature. Maybe she couldn't change back and so she couldn't use magic to travel back?

If Dissi is Celestia's daughter... Uhh that's mean she married right? And who is her husband?:applejackconfused:

4925715 Wanting something or believing it exists is a drastically different concept from looking for it.
If you are looking for something, you are trying to find something. It is an external action is actual purpose behind it. Wanting and believing are undirected and internal, and passive besides. The nature of those words are completely different.

The spell seems familiar to a few other things I've occasionally come across in fiction, and if it is like them then one probably doesn't have to be looking for Twilight Sparkle specifically. Someone could hear that there was some sort of funny horse in the residential district, and if they went searching for it they might be able to see her.

I doubt that ponies don't actually exist. It doesn't look like the story's going there, and it would be hard for something that only exists in fiction to make itself non-fiction, as any means to pull them from a story would require some bizarre technology--which, as travel was initiated on the pony side of thins, is rather unlikely. As for good reasons... well, whether a reason is good or not is completely subjective, but I don't think that Celestia would stay behind without one.


4923487 My exact reaction right now

Oh Twilight. Fifteen years have passed and you expect Celestia to leave at the drop of a hat? Not to make connections of some sort? To carry on with her life when unable to return? :ajbemused:


Mmmmmm, I like this, but I also feel a bit sad.

An emotional chapter. I enjoyed it. Celestia's reasons, although not as drastic as some I imagined, are entirely relatable, and Twilight's protests were entirely in line with her character.

Although I would point out that Celestia's response about abandoning Equestria doesn't exactly fly. If willingly heading into a situation of almost-certain death and somehow surviving absolved one of any responsibility to their nation, the Mane Six wouldn't have had to do anything they did beyond episode 2 (or the season 2 finale, or the season 3 intro, or...).

Hm... Celestia said is was her connection to the sun that kept her immortal. Is Twilight similarly connected to magic and friendship? She doesn't exactly manage the flow of spells and camaraderie across Equestria, so is she still mortal? Anyways, that relatively minor question aside, just how difficult is the dimension-hopping spell? Is it something that could, say, be used to visit somepony every day once in a while?

Twilight, the solution is simple. Arrange for Celestia's husband or boyfriend or whatever to have a little "accident", and in her grief manipulate her to take her children back to Equestria with you! Everypony wins!:pinkiecrazy:

So Celestia made MLP? is her human alias Lauren Faust then? :trollestia:

I don't get it way not take the kids with I mean I bet luna would love to meat them and all celestia would have to do would you the same spell she use to make her hummen

So Celestia is perfectly happy to let Luna live the rest of her millenium long life thinking she's dead? Who is this mare who looks like Celestia but in no way, shape or form acts like Celestia? :ajbemused:

Clarify for me:
This means you've finished writing the story, but there are as-yet-unposted chapters somewhere, so the [incomplete] tag is accurate. Yes?

This all works except for the bit about Luna. I don't buy at all she'd abandon her sister to eternity without her. Otherwise, cute chapter, and I expect the sun will come home at some point.

Totally not using a perception filter.
Great story so far; I look forward to reading the rest soon!
Though I do wonder why they could't bring the kids... I know the method of travel is pretty unstable, but it should be easy to add a safety spell or two!
And why wouldn't Celestia want to go back? She has a sister to see, subjects to care for, and friends she misses in Equestria. The only thing that would hold her back are her kids (solution mentioned above), really.

4929874 Celestia is immortal in Equestria, her children wouldn't be. I doubt she wants to have to watch her children die while she remains ageless. Celestia also stated that she had repeatedly tried to return home but was unable to. She would have moved on and after living a quiet life for that long I doubt returning to running a country would look appealing.

A good point, on both accounts... The immortality would be a problem, unless she made them alicorns as well. But it's still being theorized as to wether ponies-turned-alicorns are immortal or not, so that's no guarantee.
As for the return to "Ruler" status; yeah, I'm fairly sure that's a pretty big disincentive. The quiet life does sound preferable.


Twilight, the solution is simple. Arrange for Celestia's husband or boyfriend or whatever to have a little "accident", and in her grief manipulate her to take her children back to Equestria with you!

:facehoof: Does that really sound like a friendly act to you? :ajbemused:

Do celestia , who's the father?

Not commenting on the story itself, but just to inform that my Favorite is solely for tracking purposes. I intend to wait until the story is completely posted before possibly reading. Not something I usually do, but in this case, I find myself decidedly uninterested in a story about Celestia ultimately staying away from Equestria, no matter how good her reasons might be. Perhaps a bit spoilery/cheaty to wait until it's finished and check comments to see if that's what this ends up being, since that seems to be the main conflict from what comments I'm seeing so far, but I'd rather spoil it for myself than end up getting invested in a story with an ending that I'd likely strongly dislike.

I'm sad now :fluttercry: Poor Twilight

4929989 She is still technically a natural born alicorn so her kids if they transformed would be the same. the author has decided that Celestia's immortality is tied to the sun. That would be logical but for one thin. Luna's banishment. for 1000 years Luna didn't take care of the moon so she should have died by the stories logic. I think the author needs to rethink the immortality issue.

4931943 The transformation spell would probably turn them into ponies that best suit their personalities so her children being alicorns isn't assured just because Celestia is a natural born alicorn. As far as Luna's immortality, she was still in the same world as the celestial body she is linked to. As long as they are in the same realm they should remain ageless.

4932048 yet Celestia still has magic in this world and her special talent remains the same. Even if she doesn't need to raise the sun or moon she is still connected to a sun thus still immortal.

4932164 She is not in the same realm as her sun so her connection would be weakened or severed. This would render her mortal and limit her magical capacity.

Good chapter. Twilight does have every right to be upset, I think. She spent 15 years of her life, trying to bring Celestia home. I mean, as far as Twilight knew, Celestia could've been trapped in some kind of hell dimension. Celestia seems a bit aggressive to me (probably just to me :derpytongue2:) but again, it's understandable because she's build up a new life and has a family there.

All in all, I'm just hoping that this story'll have a happy ending :twilightsmile:

4933892 for three days there has been an update every day.

Some fic's take years to update.

give the author time and be paitent

4934869 you misunderstand. I am not trying to force the author to update, their story is just very good and I would love to hear more of it. The main reason that I said that is because I have been bored all day and I just want something to do :twilightsheepish:. sorry if it seemed rude

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