• Published 6th Aug 2014
  • 862 Views, 6 Comments

The Third Diamond - The Delirium

Every pony knows that Rarity and Sweetie Belle are sisters, but what if they had a brother that no pony knew about?

  • ...

A Hospital Visit, A Request, and A Thank You

Neon Light had no idea where he was. All he could see was compete darkness. The last thing he remembered was going into a burning building to save a young colt. Neon thought he heard his sister scream, but he wasn't sure. He tried moving, but quickly stopped when pain shot through all of his joints. Slowly, he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a small white room. Neon was lying on a bed adjacent to the door. Chairs lined the left side of the room, and the right side included an enormous pile of gifts. He stared hard at the pile and realized most of them said "Get Well Soon." on them. Wondering why he would need get well soon presents, he put two and two together and realized he was in the hospital. Neon looked into the mirror beside his bed. He could see in the reflection that a large bandage was wrapped around his head and a few patches of his fur had been burned off. He was bout to inspect the damages to the other parts of his body when he heard a pony walk in. He turned his head and could tell it was a nurse looking down at a clipboard.

"Well, well, Mr.Light. You've been through a l..." She stopped when she looked up and saw that he was awake. "Oh. Your conscious. That's good to see. How are you feeling, Neon?"

"Lousy. My body hurts all over."

"Well, that's to be expected. While you were in that burning building, a large part of the second floor collapsed on top of you. It was lucky that you were so close to the exit that your sister saw it happen and called for help. Neon stiffened at the mention of his sister.

"Rarity! She's going to kill me."

"I don't think so. She's been extremely worried about you. Once you were taken to the hospital, Rarity went to you home to grab your little sister and rushed here. The two have been in the waiting room ever since."

"Do you think I could see them?"

"Of course. I'll send them right in." The nurse trotted out of the room and towards the waiting area. While she was gone, Neon contemplated what he was going to say to his sisters. He didn't have long to think, for just then Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked into the room. He could see that both of them had been crying. Their eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Sweetie's muzzle still had some fresh tears on it. The two siblings made their way to Neon's bedside and instantly embraced him in a giant hug.

"Ow, ow. Not so tight." After they had let go, Sweetie Belle hopped into the bed with her brother and nuzzled against him. Meanwhile, Rarity prepared to scream her lungs out.

"Neon Light! What did you think you were doing? You left the house when I told you to watch Sweetie Belle and then you just gallop into a burning building!"

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cried. "He was just trying to help. And he did. Thanks to him, Featherweight got out of the Cakes' shop alive." After considering her sister's words, Rarity decided to speak again.

"I know you did a good thing, Neon, but we were just so scared. When I saw that ceiling collapse on top of you, I..." Rarity could not go on, as she was choking back tears.

"Rarity. I know how stupid of me it must have been to go in there, but I had too. I had to save that colt. I'm sorry for making you worry, but I don't plan on leaving you just yet."

"It's just that...We already lost you for a whole year. We didn't want to lose you forever." With that, the mare completely broke down and started sobbing into her brother's chest. He embraced her tightly as she did so.



"Can I stay at your place for a little while longer?"

"Of course you can." Neon then wrapped both of his sisters at once in giant hug.

Two Months Later

After Neon had gotten injured in the fire, he had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. Every day, his sisters would come in to spend time with him. And ever since he got out, Neon continued to spend every day with his sisters. Sweetie Belle introduced him to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Rarity let him set up the lights at a fashion show where her clothes were being modeled. Life was good for the young stallion. Currently, Neon was laying on the couch that served as his bed for the past few weeks. Although it was very uncomfortable, Neon had gotten used to how stiff it was and managed to make it work. He was reading a Daring Doo novel when he heard the doorbell ring. He got up and trotted to the door. Once Neon opted it, he saw a small colt standing outside. He looked familiar, but Neon did not know where he knew him from.

"Neon Light?"

"Yes, that's me. Do I know you?"

"Actually, you do. I was the colt you saved from the fire two months ago."

"Featherweight! It's great to see that you are okay."

"Ya, I was in the hospital for a couple of days, but after that I tried to forget about the whole thing. Then I realized I never got to thank you, so thank you."

"No need. I was just helping out another pony."

"But you saved my life and I heard you got hurting doing it!"

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that now we are both okay." Featherweight smiled up at Neon and turned to leave. He suddenly stopped and turned his head back to Neon.

"Hey, Neon?"


"I was wondering if you could tell Sweetie Belle to meet me at the playground in an hour." he said, blushing. Neon grinned at the colt's request and answered him quickly.

"Sure thing."

"Great!" With that, the colt trotted off and away from the Boutique. Neon closed the door and went to lay back down on his couch. Before he could even make it there, Sweetie Belle opened the door and walked in with a sad face.

"What's wrong Sweetie Belle?"

"All of the other fillies have coltfriends except for me. Why doesn't any pony want to date me?"

"Oh, Sweetie Belle. You're going to like hat I have to say."

Author's Note:

Sadly, this is the last chapter of The Third Diamond. Never fear, for I plan to make a sequel very soon. Look out for it along with any other of my stories.

Comments ( 1 )

Interesting story. I think this story was nice to read. May be been improved if more detail and major plot twists were added. Thanks for the OC Neon Lights. I think that is a good brother for Rarity and Sweetiebelle.

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