• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


It's gonna be weird. It's gonna be dark. It's not gonna have a happy ending.

Comments ( 130 )

Role-reversed Fall of Equestria...

I thought I'd never see this day. :twilightoops: Then again, you know what you're doing, and I support ye. :yay:

Reversed Fall of Equestria? That's new.

I'll be watching this.

Eh, not really that excited for this one. It's more of a radfem daydream story than a fetish story about dominating rapists mares controlling stallions with iron fist, which you seem to note on your AN. Lack of the fetish part really drags this one down, as the theme itself becomes different from what it tries to satire. Actually I wouldn't hardly even call it a satire as it is.

If this happened i start a guild some where stallions can be stallions amd away from the mares

Also why dont they hode in thw foreat from them i would

This story made me genuinely angry. I mean like so angry I was grinding my teeth. I'm not mad at the author though, he did an AMAZING job telling the story. It just makes me angry thinking about what life would be like if this really happened. I agree that there are lots of men in this world and women like to think of us as stupid, slobbering, sex mongrels (the sex thing is true to an extent, though some males have more self control than others, and we can be stupid sometimes). I'm sorry if I'm not making much sense, this story just hit a nerve and somethin broke. Again, many kudos and thanks to the author :)

And original FoE didn't make you feel that way?!?!?

Anyway great story I love it!

This is fairly well written from a purely technical standpoint, and although I'm a bit wary of the possible future m/m content you've mentioned in the author's note, I will follow this out of curiosity... and a blazing desire for Caramel to get his proper comeuppance :flutterrage:

Also, I wonder what happened to Discord in this particular universe :trixieshiftright:

5422932 this is the first FoE I'm reading so I guess I'm missing something?

For an inversion of the fall of Equestria universe, this is more compitantly written. I would say so because the perspective is from a more relatable character, sex to him is just normal. He's not some overly dominating sadistic, nor is he some bottom crawling submissive. The whole problem I have with the FOE stories is just how hatefull they are. Really if anything, the people who revel in these kinds of stories have some serious mental issues.
As for this story, I'm interested to see if you have a message to give about the extremes viewed on gender politics and social view on sex. Or regrettably if this story will just downward spiral into rubbish by it becoming a story just for the sex.
I hope for the former as you have a great set up to criticize both radical feminism and overly sexualized stories such as FOE.

Shame people are just down voting because they just think it's another FOE story

Pretty much. It's not really satire, it's its own creation. It's not written all that badly either, and that's coming from someone whom this story does nothing for.

Serious mental issues, hm? I assure you, that's not the case. But think what you wish; if different fetishes, to you, are sign of an unhealthy mind, we probably won't find common ground anyway.

Sooooo what happened then?

I mean it's not like I'm interested in the story or anything!

I just...uhh.....b-big mac! where is big mac in all this!?

Write more if you would good sir. I am interested to see where this goes....*cough cough* Armed Revolution *cough cough*

Eh, just say no, dude. Just sit your happy ass on the ground and tell these crazy mares to go fuck a cactus. I mean, what's the worst they can do? Beat you? Okay, I can take pain and humiliation, but I do not bow to anyone. Kill you? Okay, then I die a free man. Do some weird magic and make you a brainwashed slut? Okay, my mind is gone, so I basically still died a free man.

I get the feeling that a group of stallions would try to make their own version of D-Generation X, but fail because of how the females outnumber theme and basically Elements of Harmony would go overpowered on their ass. Forget Triple H and Vince McMahon references, cause they are above that level of assholeness.

This is a funny parody idea and I'm curious where you'll take it. I was a bit off put by the fact that it's anthropomorphic but you've written it well enough that for once I don't mind. There were a few scene transitions that left me a bit off put but over all I don't have too much criticism to share. The aspects of parody and how you've inverted/twisted some things from the core concept is pretty inventive and fun, well done on that! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.

I hope aside from being a sex crazed misandry parody you'll continue to have underlying messages and moral quandaries for us readers.

Yeah, I can certainly sympathize with you. But I think what really got me was the fact that the mares in this fic have the same mindset's as feminists. :ajsleepy:

A great fic overall though, and yet it still has a large amount of undeserved downvotes.

5439962 I agree. The story is great with little to no grammar problems. People down vote just because it's not their cup of tea. Why are they here if that's the case? I'm not firing shots, it's an honest question. Before I get a lot of hate responses XD

Brace yourselves, spin-offs incoming

They probably think it's just another fall of equestria fic and just downvoted it instantly. And honestly, I can't really blame them. Rape, slavery and mindcontrol don't really sit well with most people, even if it is just fiction.

5441254 you can still support the story without supporting rape and slavery in real life, though. Just because you like the story doesn't mean you support some elements for real

The whole time I was reading it, I was thinking of this.

More, please. I like it.

Give more please also i doubt this other king even existed and if he did then he probably didn't do anything of the sort. Also RiP shining armor 07.

Welp, this is textbook Nazi Germany. A group of people think they are vastly superior to another. Check. "Inferior" group has to wear special clothing to distinguish. Check. Force all those "inferior" people into one location. Check. All we have to wait for is the Final Solution.

Note to the Author: You made me mad. Good, you got a reaction out of me. Keep up this story and don't worry about the downvotes. They are just showing you how angry they are.


Well, it's mainly because it's the exact same themes as the normal Fallverse. Rape, brainwashing, oppression, humiliation, slavery, and all that stuff is the same thing whether it's males or females doing it. If anything, people downvote to prove they're not hypocrites. If I rage against Fall stories because it's demeaning to women, what does that say about me if I think it's okay when it goes in reverse?

I didn't downvote, mind you. Just a passerby answering a question. :ajsmug:

Poor, poor Ace :fluttercry::pinkiecrazy:

I wonder what black collars are forced to do in the arena :twilightoops:

Huh. Apparently this author is incapable of not writing women. I apologize again for the voluptuous female presence in this male-focused story. I'm sure you're all duly devastated.

I, for one, don't mind at all :twilightsheepish:

I think it's the fruit the Caribou brought with them. It's making them pretty but messing with their minds. I mean, it has to be otherwise they would've asked the question 'If the female Caribou are all escaped slaves, one of them being the queen, why haven't the males come looking for them?'

This is a fate worse than death...its worse than the goriest movie or snuff film.....when's the next chapter come out?

I have a little activity for the people reading this story. It may explode my inbox, but I'd like to hear everyone's personal opinion. What would you do if this happened? I'm talking about the early stages when the mares aren't conpletely won over yet. What would you do? What would you tell your wife or girlfriend before things went to hell? I'm genuinely curious about the audience. Same thing for any women reading this story. What would you think of your husband or boyfriend, or what would you tell him? Or ask him for that matter.

Damn, and it was just getting good...you must start writing those scenes out author, for the good of all of us.

Seriously, the day the started showing up with collars would have been the day I left the country. I almost hope the Caribou show up in this story.

I'm absolutely opposed to slavery, I have no interest whatsoever in reading about gay sex, and femdom isn't exactly my thing, but I still enjoyed this story more than most FoE stuff. This gets an upvote from me.

A question on this universe, how is turning going to be incorporated? And if so is it going to be reward for certain stallions to be turned in to mares? Or is it going to be a punishment for mares who break certain rules?

5514819 Turning does not exist in this universe. The closest analogue is white collar stallions, who aren't considered "real" stallions.
Or at least, that's the current situation. Thus far we only know what Lucky Clover knows, and his story mostly revolves around Applejack and Rarity. Who knows what kind of experiments Twilight Sparkle has been getting up to in the meantime?

Won't downvote it. The story is solid and well writen. I just hate FOE and this is the reversed version of it (I think it was called UtopiaPlanitia).

I hate it with all my heart but unlike the vast majority of the FOE fics this was very nicely writen. Loved the form, hate everything else.

Not a fan of the gayness, but the description of Rarity is nice. Now can someone have the Caribou invade already! Because if this is what happens when Celestia goes bonkers it's time for some regicide.

I dislike how people are disliking this. Like why is this getting more hate than most FoE. Is it because the roles are switched?

Didn't they? I thought that's why shits they way it is, the bucks lost control of the does, Equestria took them in and Equestria became femdom. I doubt that with the way things are the Bucks could weasle their way into Equestria.
Unless you think that the Caribou armies could sustain itself without its female slaves providing for it. Meanwhile Equestria has the potential of magically powerful females, empowered male slaves that are so mind twisted they would kill themselves for a peice of ass, and intimate knowledge of Caribou tactics. It's highly unlikely help is coming.
But this femdom model is unsustainable, population decline will force a caste system to develop umong the mares. Dominant females won't want to breed so it's likely birth rates will decline until lesser females are made into breeders. Sooner or later the whole system will collapse.

6052778 For me it has more to do how sudden it is. The Stallions were literally disenfranchised overnite and enslaved the next morning. The fact there is a sports arena around the sexual torture of the male citizens is just horrible and shows how quick things have changed. The Mares took the ball and ran with it as far as they could. And unlike the normal Fall of Equestria Universe, there is no magical reason, no Macguffin. There doing it because they can. Because they want to. So yes, Celestia and Luna have let things get out of control big time. And what's worse, there will be no going back. Part of the population is pretty much playing for the wrong team. Another has been mind screwed I into the crazy bucket, and the last part is being tortured to make them turn into the other two-thirds of the stallion population.
I am kind of interested in seeing the other side of the equation, how the Mares feel about it. Some are outright shown to be unhappy. How does Celestia and Luna feel about what's happening or have they gone full on Caligula as well. Does Twilight see the cliff the train is heading for? What do the other nation see? And are there refugee's who have run for it? And if things do change, just how will the status quo fix itself? Because it won't be easy.

How do you know no magic macguffin was used? In each town or province a doe showed up and suddenly all the mares start fearing males. Who is to say that the does don't have some innate magic or secret mind manipulation. Something akin to Fluttershy and her stare? Just because Lucky didn't know what it was doesn't mean there wasn't any. Since Equestrian females held the power anyways why would the males need to be influenced?

6052878 True, very true. But from the opening chapter this seems to percolate down from the Princess's themselves. All about the 'Dangers of Stallions' and Cadance being abused by Shining Armor and then his execution. And that's when things for the Stallions got bad if you notice. Maybe some kind of magic was used. But what kind could there be? And from what? Your talking a hell of a lot of power to stick in each doe's hands. Were talking Alicorn Amulet levels here, one in each of there hands. And that would have to be used against four separate Rulers of Equestria first. And where is Discord during all of this. Bet he got stoned again, because I doubt even he could stand Fluttershy like this.

6052653 Oh please, regular FOE fics are getting way more hate that this. This fic has more likes than dislikes.

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