• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 4,519 Views, 130 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: I Am Immune - SouthernCross

He thought he was going to become a pony. He didn't.

  • ...

Sparks are Lit

Gunther Angern was a patient man, as the old saying goes 'Good things come to those who wait.'

His body may be approaching the half century mark and his hair losing it's colour but he was still fit, decades of military service having ingrained a training and dietary regime that kept him strong, lean and ready. It was this background that saw him get scouted by the HLF and put in charge of an entire cell.

That, and his mind was as sharp as ever. Even as he boiled with hatred for the pony scum tainting his world his tactical mind contemplated, planned and analysed every new event from every possible angle. Where other cells would strike whenever and wherever they could with wanton abandon, Gunther kept his head on his shoulders and his soldier alive, and human, to fight another day by picking his targets carefully.

The only reason he hadn't bombed Bureau NA67 yet was because he wasn't satisfied with the gathered intelligence, he simply didn't know enough to launch an attack that would kill as many pony-scum and hoofkissers without getting most of his unit killed in the process.

So the man known as Overlord found himself watching a recording from a local news team showing that very Bureau in ruins. The kicker being the one the attack was being blamed on was a hoofkisser who had apparently used magic. While still human.

But Gunther wasn't angry about this boy managing to achieve in minutes what he had planned for months. He wasn't even upset about the fact no one had apparently been killed, leaving the public consensus to see the whole thing as one big accident. His temper didn't flair at all, instead his mind took what he knew apart piece by piece and reached the most suitable course of action.

“Pat, go down to the techs and tell them to find out everything they can about this boy... and this Sandy Valet.” He ordered calmly as he steepled his gloved hands in front of his face, “Oh, and assemble a team to head out and... 'invite' them to join us once the techs have what we need.”

A silence filled the room as a question was left unsaid.

“Yes, you may lead them.”

A woman in her mid twenties and garbed in a nun's habit smiled serenely at her commanding officer, though the smile didn't reach her hardened eyes. There was a reason why Gunther was sending a team rather then a single agent, he never did anything without a reason.

He was predicting a battle, and if there was one thing that could be counted on it was that Gunther's predictions where never wrong.

Her smile grew, today was going to be a good day.


A unicorn mare paced back and forth in front of an emergency relief tent set up by the National Guard within minutes of Bureau NA67 exploding. If there was one thing to be said about the Collision it certainly sped up how quickly first response teams did their jobs.

The particular tent she was pacing in front of was a triage tent filled with Red Cross volunteers and military doctors. It also housed her youngest son who had yet to regain conciousness.

An Earth pony stallion trotted up to her and placed a fore hoof across her withers, giving her a reassuring rub, “If there is one thing for sure about our boy, he's a tough bastard.” The stallion remarked as his green eyes met the mare's blue.

“We're talking about a guy who bit through his lip because someone kicked him in the face from an odd angle... and didn't even feel it until two days later.” A unicorn stallion that was both taller and younger then the other two ponies added with a laugh, “I doubt this is going to slow him down for long.”

The mare sighed, “I know that.” She half glared at both stallions and added, “But I'm a Mum! It's my job to worry about my boys!”

Both stallions rolled their eyes and smiled.

None of the three had chosen pony names yet and still used their old human names. They where the Gwyn family and all three where waiting for word from the doctors about the youngest member of their family. The only one to not be a pony, James.

The Earth pony stallion glanced at the unicorn stallion and asked, “Why do you suppose James didn't turn into a pony when they gave him the potion, Paul?”

Paul thought for a moment then replied, “Probably something to do with magic, John.” He crossed his eyes and glared at the horn on his head, the only reason he agreed to go pony was because it was life or death and he wanted to call dibs on some prime real estate, “I may have this thing on my head but James was the one who read what the Ponies made available for us. I don't know squat on how that shit works.”

Their ability to swear was an anomaly that Native Equestrian ponies immediately remarked on after the explosion. It seemed that the magic in the explosion had effected all the Newfoals in the Bureau, although they all still accepted being ponies (they had all been there voluntarily) but whatever part of the transformation that suppressed their ability to swear had been 'switched off' allowing the potty mouths to flow freely.

All the nearby humans where in stitches, naturally. The sight of something so cute and cuddly swearing like a sailor was just hilarious. The Newfoals had also regained the part of themselves that understood that, add the pony part that made them want to make others laugh and you get a camp full of cute, cuddly ponies swearing every chance you get and a whole lot of humans with an oxygen shortage.

One Native pony had the bright idea to try a censorship spell. Naturally this only made it worse, because as all humans know; implied swearing is funnier then actual swearing.

The older stallion stroked the beard on his chin with his free hoof, placing his flank on the ground for support before looking at the mare again, “Lynne, you read some of those books with James didn't you?”

Lynne glanced at her husband and shook her head, “Yes, but I only stuck to general knowledge about ponies.” She explained, “James was the one who wanted to learn the details.” She glanced at her horn and chuckled, “He'll probably say my being a unicorn represents my family's royal ancestry or something.”

John grumbled under his breath, “Yeah well, you two may get the flashy you-beaut model but I got the ol' reliable one.” Lynne and Paul both smirked at that. Although John had become an Earth pony and got a strength boost from it, some of his human appearance had carried over, namely his pot belly and spindly chicken legs.

Paul was quite well built for a unicorn stallion, sure he wasn't as muscular as the Equestrian Royal Guard but he was definitely above average. Years of moving pallets full of screws had made him quite strong as a human and it had translated well to his pony body.

On the other hand Lynne, despite playing the matronly role, didn't look all that matronly. In fact she looked much more akin to an independent and strong mare who just happened to also be a middle aged mother. As a human she had been a book keeper, a damn good one, and had also managed the family's taxes along with her and John's finances. And that's without taking into account her years of ten pin bowling, finding out Equestria had bowling alleys had put an end to her last objection to going pony. Despite a bit of pudginess it was quite easy to see she was fit for her age and was likely to active well into her later years.

At that moment one of the human nurses poked her head out of the tent's entrance and looked at the three ponies before telling them, “He's awake now if you would like to see him?” She jumped back as she received her reply in the form of a unicorn mare charging through the door.

In an instant the mare found her way to her youngest son's bedside and held herself upright on the edge, “James! Are you alright?!”

The young man smiled at her warmly and pulled her into a hug without hesitation, “I'm fine Mum.” He said reassuringly as he held her tightly, “They're just trying to find out what happened is all.” He pulled away from his mother and looked her in the eye, “I'm more worried about you guys. Are you all ok?”

Lynne pressed her muzzle into her son's chest and nodded, “We're all fine.” She explained before slapping his shoulder with a hoof, “But don't you ever make me panic like that again young man! I was so worried you had gotten yourself killed!”

James winced from the pain caused by his mother's hard hoof, “Ow. Mum, careful with those... the explosion was more gentle then that...” He said with a smirk.

“You seem to be taking this all rather well.” He heard his father's voice say from near by, “Since out of us you where the most enthusiastic to go pony.” Paul nodded from wear he stood at their father's side.

James just shrugged before reaching out a hand to a glass of water that rested on the stand next to his bed. His blue eyes shifted to yellow as a green aura of light enshrouded the glass and it floated across the room into his hand. Taking a sip he said, “Well... I guess it hasn't sunk in yet...”

Then he paused and looked at the glass, then the stand, then his family and then said, “How the bloody hell did I do that?!”


Twilight Sparkle was not a happy mare. After the Collision, which had been entirely accidental as far as she was concerned, and the realisation that the magic of the Barrier had weaponized itself and was acting in accordance with it's own will, every other nation of Equus and several factions on Earth had set about vilifying Celestia.

It simply wasn't fair, Celestia was trying to help the humans. Yes, Celestia had made the Barrier initially but now that it was out of control she had done everything in her power to give the humans a way out. So what if she was preventing the other nations from helping as well? Humans admitted to being indecisive when all the choices where in their hands, giving them the choice of dozens of species to transform into would have paralysed the entire Conversion Bureau system placing billions of lives in peril.

Billions, the realisation that the human species was that large boggled the young Alicorn's mind. The total population of Sapient life on Equus was barely one billion. While the human world had between eight and nine billion.

She could understand the frustrations of the other nations, that was an awful lot of new ponies that would suddenly be part of Equestria. She admitted they where at least somewhat justified in that regard.

The problem was many of those nations where calling Celestia a tyrant and that she was intentionally commit genocide against an entire species. Celestia was many things, and even Twilight had to admit she made mistakes, but a tyrant who would willing murder an entire species? That wasn't something she could ever believe to be true.

It was the genocidal tyrant portrayal that the Anti-Pony human groups believed as well. Problem was they had access to human weapons and technology making them considerably more dangerous. Add the fact they felt like a cornered animal and you get one very volatile package. Several Bureaus had been destroyed by these groups leaving hundreds dead.

The Princess of Magic and Friendship had to admit the whole 'Save Humanity by Making them Ponies' plan was going pear shaped, and it was doing so very quickly. She wasn't even sure they could maintain Native Pony morale long enough to save all the humans...

Maybe a more radical approach was needed to-

She found herself dragged out of her musings by one of Celestia's Royal Guards galloping up to her and saluting briskly. The white coated stallion was sweating profusely, apparently having galloped quite some way, “My Princess! I bring a message most urgent!”

Twilight simply nodded, “Very well, speak.”

“Bureau NA67 was destroyed three hours ago.” He began as Twilight nodded, she knew that much already thanks to a pegasus messenger, “It has been confirmed to have been an accident, you Highness.” That was news to Twilight, at least the poor soldiers marathon hadn't been pointless, “And...” The soldier paused and Twilight blinked before he continued, “And there was one other thing...”

Violet eyes widened at the implications of what she was hearing.

Author's Note:

Something I noticed as the favourites rolled in... most of them where from Canadians...

What is with me and Canadians? Most of my ex-girlfriends as well as my dear fiance and a few other friends are from Canada. It's like the entire country wants me to migrate or something... (except my fiance's folks who want to send the Mounties after me...)