• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 1,507 Views, 17 Comments

The Polite Changeling - Pvt blu

The story of a changeling wearing a fishing hat who is nice at all times even threatened (based of the Polite Spy )

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chapter 1: Fruitless interrogation

A Changeling woke up with the most terrible head ache. "Reminds me when the Red Scout hits me with his baseball" he grumbled to him self, "I really miss my the dustbowl, and I miss my blu team." he felt himself going deeper into depression

He looked around seeing that he was in a prison cell "The princesses or the queen's jail, I wonder which," he looked down at himself and saw his black body and his black jacket, he felt to his head to find his cap is still there "I see that I am still changeling." he left that there decided to try and sleep, lowering his cap over his eyes

"Good day sir," the changeling jumped a little and looked next to him to see another changeling wearing a fishing hat "My apologies, I am the Polite Changeling or PC for short. May I ask who you are?"

"I am the Recruit" he replied "do I know you, you sound so familiar" he asked, it was at the tip of his tongue but he could not just place his finger.... hoof on it.

"I am afraid not, for I believe this is the first time we met." the changeling responded

"I see," lowering his black cap again asking "do you know where we are?"

"I do believe we are in Canterlot's dungeon." PC replied but still grinning

"The princesses dungeon then." he grumbled "I fought Queen Chrysalis who revealed who I am. I was surprised to see that I was not a pony all this time, but I am not surprised that I am here, nor would I have been surprised if I was captured by the queen." he stated.

"Hey, you with the fishing hat, The captain wants to tort... I mean speak with you!" a guard yelled at the to from the outside of the cell

"Alright, ill see you later Recruit." PC greeted his new friend

The recruit just let out a sigh "Good luck, your gonna need it" with that he continued sleeping hoping it will help his head ache go away


Shining Armor made his way to the interrogation room, he was too find out this evil creature deep dark secretes. They did so much damage, the wedding had to be delayed for four days.He was gonna make sure that this thing wish it was never born.

"Is that thing ready?" he asked the guard outside the door

"Yes, captain." he replied saluting

"Did it give you problems?"

"No, Sir! It did not resist at all it just kept smiling and even complemented my armor." he a answered his captain again.

"I see.. your dismissed," the guard gave another salute before leaving. Strange, a changeling acting positive even in a situation like this? This was beyond Shiny. "Probably trying to get the easy why out I guess" he said to himself before entering

Shining Armor opened the door to see fishing hat wearing changeling, smile as wide as ever "Good day mister Armor, is there something that I can help you with?" the changeling asked

"How do you know my name?" he requested coldly but he then thought that every changeling knew about him for he almost married there queen.

"My dear friend, your the captain of the guard, of course everypony knows you," he happily replied "Oh where's my manners, I am the Polite Changeling, or PC for short" he introduced him self. Only to get slapped by Shining Armor

"Did I ask your name?" he yelled.

"Nice shot" the changeling replied with his grin still there

Shining just grunted at that for he did not know if it was an insult or a complement, he decided to just get this interrogation over with so he could just get this thing out of his sight " Tell me, where is your queen"

"You mean dear Chrysalis? I am afraid she is not my queen and I don't know where she is either" he said still grinning only to get slapped again

"nice shot" he just said STILL smiling before shining could say 'don't you lie to me' which some how amazed the captain

"So not talking eh? Well I have ways to make you talk" Shining Armor said, grinning wickedly, oh he was going to enjoy this.

----------The Next Day--------

"So how did it go? You have been gone for more then a day." The Recruit asked as PC came back to the cell , he was busy reading a magazine titled Mann Co. We Sell weapons and get in fights!

"Excellent, Shining Armor did a great job at torturing me, but I am afraid that I could not give him what he wanted." PC said with the last part in a little saddened tone.

"Shining Armor him self you say?" The Recruit chuckled to himself "Boy the stuff he has been through recently,what did he ask you?"

"He asked where Queen Chrysalis was but I did not know" PC replied

The Recruit raised an eyebrow at this "Strange I heard she was captured an hour after that shield blast, figured he would be one of the first to be notified unless this was some kind of prank the guards are pulling on him" rubbing his chin in thought "Mmmm... I wonder what is for dinner"

Meanwhile at the royal kitchen

Princess Celestia was eating her favorite food stuff:Cake, when Shining Armor came in looking exhausted and his armor, well defiantly not shiny

"So, how did the interrogation go?"she asked curious to find out what he found out from the changeling

"I don't know , Princess, he keeps saying he doesn't know where there queen is and he keeps complementing me being a good torturer I am,no matter what I do, I even got all his limps pulled of but he just kept smiling and reattached them." he could not take much more of this, if he had to go on like this, he will be sleeping through his wedding.

Celestia looked at Shiny confused "You know that she was caught the about an hour after the blast, right?"

this was too much, Shining collapsed right there, all his work for nothing. It was just to much for him.He got up and went out the door with a very dazed looking face and went to the dungeon going to PC and the Recruit cell"I need to see the changeling" commanded the guard in front of the cell the guard saluted and got out of the way he went inside

"good afternoon mister Armor" the wishing hat wearing changeling greeted

"You, your free and your even invited to the wedding" Said to the changeling

"What about me? nothing has happened sense i was knocked out!" Recruit called out but Shiny ignored him and and left "Well at least nothing crazy happened" Recruit sighed and tugged the magazine into his jacket

"Well ill be seeing you Recruit" PC greeted

"Yeah, and I wish only the best for you" with that the Recruit lowered his cap again for another nap "and I still wonder what is for dinner."

Author's Note:

I don't know if i should add the crossover tag because the Recruit come's from tf2 but this is his first story appearance