• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 3,771 Views, 10 Comments

Prismatic Dusk 2 - Blueninetails

Shortly after becoming prince, Prince Dusk Shine is informed that a particular stallion wishes to see him, despite the fact it wasn't part of the job description. Good thing his marefriend, Rainbow, has volunteered to come along.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Author's Note:

Finally, after a year, this is done and ready. Sorry, I took so long guys, got seriously more distracted than I really should've.

With that being said, it appears that one of you were probably quite right about making this only 2 chapters, this is by far the longest chapter I've ever written for anything. So a far warning, this is a rather long chapter, so I wouldn't blame anyone for skipping over some details. Hopefully it's at least a good read for you guys, and you'll enjoy it.

"Wait..., that's your father?" Dusk asked outloud to Rainbow, who either didn't hear the question or she merely ignored it. Not that it was that surprising really, the stallion's mane is more than enough to suggest that.

"Since when did you become a royal guard, Dash? I thought you always wanted to be a Wonderbolt." Rainbow's father stated.

"I still do." Rainbow shot back.

"Really? That armor you're wearing sure looks pretty heavy for a Wonderbolt."

"This has nothing to do with that, Dad, the armor is for a one-time deal I'm doing."

"Excuse me if I come off as rude, but are you the pony who asked to see me?" Dusk asked as he walked over to them

"Oh! Right, my sincerest apologies Prince Dusk Shine." Rainbow's father replied as he gave a bow.

"That's quite alright...Also, you really don't need to bow."

"Why...? Isn't that what I'm suppose to do when addressing Equestrian Royalty?"

"Well..., yes, but...I'm still getting use to this stuff." Dusk groaned.

"Anyway, yeah, I'm the one who asked to see you."

"Well, my current authority isn't really that great at the moment, but I'll see what I can do to help."

"Don't worry, I'm sure you're more than capable for this, and probably the only pony who could. Before we do though, I must ask: why is my daughter standing here wearing royal guard armor?"

"Oh, um...Princess Celestia informed us that due to this request technically falling under as an official royal summons request, it was necessary that I have a guard present."

"And, that's where I come in. I offered to guard him." Rainbow added as she puffed out her chest.

"Oh, is that how it is?" Rainbow's father replied with a chuckle, "Well, I suppose I should be somewhat proud of her for it. Not many ponies get to say their kid got the chance to be a royal guard. As for the other thing, I was hoping on merely spending the day with my daughter and finally meet her special somepony face-to-face."

This earned a surprised look from both Dusk and Rainbow.

"Don't look at me like that, you had to have known this was gonna happen sooner or later. Dash made it a point to tell me that she was now dating you in several letters over the past few months. You must understand; it's my job to look after my kid." he explained, "I just felt like getting it over with and saving us both the irritation of doing it later."

"Dad, you didn't have to do this." Rainbow stated

"Well..., I suppose I did expect to do this eventually, I guess I...I just haven't prepared myself fully to do so yet." Dusk replied in an embarrassed tone, "I don't think you needed to ask for an audience to do this though."

"You'd think so, but you're probably one of the hardest stallions I've ever tried to get in contact with. Whenever I'm free from work, something happens that calls your attention away. When you're free, I'm bogged down in paperwork. Would've sent a letter to Dash about it, but she'd probably delay it more." he explained, "So why not ask for an audience? I finally get to meet you, and I'm allowed to use it as an excuse to get out of work for the day."

Dusk didn't reply immediately as he contemplated the situation. True, he did have to do this eventually. He and Rainbow had been seeing one another for quite some time now, it's pretty close to a year now since they had started dating, and their bond only gets stronger each day. Problem was, it seemed like a fairly large step, he hadn't even done this with Rainbow Dash and his parents yet. Granted, his parents had met Rainbow several times already, but it was never really in the same context as to now.

"Well, you did go through all the trouble to do this, so I guess I wouldn't mind following through with this plan of yours." he replied after a moment of thought.

"That's the spirit! Knew you wouldn't let me down. Now, I really didn't have any particular set plans for the day. So I guess I'll just follow you around as you go about your royal business for the time being. We can talk along the way."

"I don't really have a lot to do in regards to being a prince. I'm still relatively new, my work -if any at all- is mostly within the council, and I'm still not certain if any of the current council members have fully come to terms with me becoming royalty."

"Everyday life then, I don't mind. Like I said, I don't exactly have anything else better to do today."

"Alright, but just so you're aware, I'm gonna conclude this as an audience request, and will begin considering it a personal matter from here on out."

Rainbow's father nodded in understanding.

"Excuse me for asking, but I don't believe you ever formally introduced yourself."

"Oh," he replied before facehoofing as he chuckled, "of course, where are my manners? My name's Rainbow Blaze, though a few of my friends call me Spectrum."

"Nice to make your acquaintance Mr. Rainbow Blaze." Dusk then put a hoof out toward the other stallion

"The pleasure's all mine, Prince Dusk Shine." Spectrum replied back as he shook Dusk's hoof.

"Just 'Dusk' will be fine."

"Dusk...Yo, Dusk." Rainbow Dash whispered to him, nudging him a few times

"What is it Rainbow?" he whispered back as Rainbow pulled off to the side.

"Are you sure Dusk? I mean, you don't have to do this today if you don't want to."

"Your father has a point Rainbow, this is something that had to be done eventually. Why...? Do you and your father have some...unresolved issue or another?" he asked in a careful tone.

"What?! No, no, Dad and I were always cool with one another, it's just that...You sure you want to do this today...?"


"Alright..., if you say so Dusk." Rainbow replied with a nod.

As the next hour came and went, Dusk, Rainbow, and Spectrum, pre-occupied their time in the Royal Garden as they munched on some food, compliments of Princess Celestia. They had gone to the garden mostly because Spectrum had never actually seen the garden in person before, and it seemed like a pretty good idea considering they were fairly close by anyway. While there, they bumped into Princess Celestia, who was personally seeing the progress of the gardeners that day, just before she had to rush off so she wouldn't be late to a meeting with her agricultural adviser. Before she had to rush off though, she asked for one of the servants to bring the trio something to munch on after hearing Rainbow Dash's stomach.

"If you don't mind me saying so, sir," Dusk said, Rainbow already munching away on her third slice of cake, "what do you do for a living? I mean, I'm sure it's nothing you needed to put aside just to see me."

"I work at the Weather Factory, as the Senior Rain Officer."

"Senior Rain Officer?" Dusk asked, hoping that Spectrum would go into deeper detail about the position.

"Second Class." he remarked rather proudly.

Rainbow rolled her eyes at the statement, "It's not that impressive of a position, Dad, it's not even the highest position for the Weather Factory."

Spectrum chuckled in response, "Maybe not, Dash, but I didn't hear you say that when you were a filly, and I was just a Rain Officer. In fact, I believe you were rather impressed that I was in charge of a team half of what it is today."

Rainbow merely snorted in response, and took another bite of her treat.

"How many ponies are on your team now that you've gotten a higher job position?" Dusk asked

"About 60 last time I checked." he replied, before taking a quick pause to take a small bit of his food just for taste, "It's a managing-type position most of the time, helping plan the rain cloud allocation for Canterlot and Trottingham and every settlement, town, and city in-between."

"That's quite a size-able amount of area, especially Trottingham."

"No kidding," Spectrum chuckled, "That city is in the top three when it comes to rainfall. I do travel around though to the towns and cities as needed, but otherwise it's a nice job as long as things go without a hitch." he then looked at Rainbow, who was almost done with her food, and had parts of it all around her mouth, "I could've sworn your mother and I taught you better table manners than that, Dash."

"Huh?" was all Rainbow could say, before looked down at her muzzle and licked whatever bit of food that she could reach around her mouth.

"You always seemed to do that, even when you were just a filly. Hm..., there's an idea, tell me Dusk, mind hearing a little bit more about Rainbow Dash? There's quite a few stories I can tell you of her Flight Camp days."

That immediately caught Rainbow's attention as her eyes widened and she started shaking her head.

"Rainbow's never really mentioned much about Flight Camp to me, I guess it would be interesting to hear it." Dusk replied, not noticing that Rainbow was shaking her head.

"Here's a good one." Spectrum stated with a grin just before starting.

For almost two hours Spectrum recanted what he knew about his daughter's Camping days, which unfortunately were rather embarrassing for Rainbow to have Dusk know about.

"I'm quite aware about Rainbow's tendency to be aggressive when she's pushed to that point, but I never thought she was that...rambunctious as a little filly." Dusk replied

"Like you wouldn't believe. I think it got to the point I was starting to worry the camp would kick her out."

"Hey, it isn't my fault that Billy liked picking fights with me." Rainbow stated defensively.

"Yes, but you did continue the fight Rainbow." her father stated, "I think that's enough hearing about my daughter and myself for now. What about you, Mr. Dusk Shine? Care to tell me more about yourself?"

"Well..., there really isn't very much to say about myself to be honest. I mean other than being Princess Celestia's personal student, I'm just a librarian."

"Not according to my daughter." he remarked, "Dash mentioned you're actually quite the talented individual."

"I think she's just exaggerating the facts a little." Dusk nervously remarked, though a slight blush from the obvious compliment quickly formed on his cheeks.

"Exaggerating my blue feathers, Mr. I'm-Princess-Celestia's-personal-student! Come on Dusk, why hide something that makes you cool?" Rainbow asked with a smirk as she looked at him.

"Because, it's not like most of what I do is actually that impressive, Rainbow Dash. I mean, sure, I'm rather well-practiced in a variety of different spells, but most are rather foalish at best. I can teleport short distances, instantly heat up an object, and I know a spell that would add a mustache to anypony's face, how is that impressive?"

"You also used a spell to add wings to Elusive -something even you admitted was a difficult spell, saved Ponyville from a raging baby ursa, finished a spell that a centries-old dead guy couldn't finish, and convinced me...ME...to actually consider reading a book. Do you have any idea how many of my past teachers would be patting your back right now?"

"That 'dead guy' happens to be a very important, historical figure in unicorn history, Rainbow Dash." Dusk remarked as he shot a glare at her.

Rainbow seemingly ignored his statement as she continued talking, "You have more talent in magic than any unicorn three times your age, Dusk. So why brush-off something like that...?"

Dusk sighed in frustration, "Let me change the subject." then looked at Rainbow's father, "If you don't mind me asking, since this is suppose to be a 'meet the parents' kind of event, will I be meeting your wife, Rainbow's mother, as well?"

"Mom...?" Rainbow asked as her ears suddenly perked up to full attention position.

"Oh, yeah, you will later this afternoon." Spectrum replied, "She works as part of the recreation department for Cloudsdale, particularly in early flight training, and she'll probably be there until she gets out of work later."

"So, she's a teacher I take it...?" Dusk asked, a little different from what he expected to hear, but didn't complain. Being a teacher is a rather respectable position.

"Well, it actually is mostly classroom stuff, so I guess you could say that. Though I think she prefers the title of 'coach' better."

"That's because 'coach' sounds cooler." Rainbow remarked.

Dusk smirked in response, not really saying anything, before looking towards Rainbow's father again.

"Also, if you two wouldn't mind, could you keep the fact I called in sick today between the three of us?" Spectrum stated in hushed voice, "The missus doesn't need to know that I didn't go to work today."

Rainbow readily agreed with a grin and firm nod, before gesturing that her lips are sealed

Dusk was understandably less willing to agree compared to Rainbow Dash, but agreed to not say a word about the matter. He wasn't sure if there was any relationship issues between Rainbow's parents, or if Rainbow's mother had an even greater disapproving stance when it came her husband's use of sick days, but decided it would be better he doesn't cause any unnecessary strain between Rainbow's parents.

"Anyway, back on subject, to be honest with you, Dusk, I was mostly interested in what you had to say about yourself and not what my daughter had mentioned in her letters." he continued, "It was actually a bit shocking to both her mother and myself that the one she fell head-over-hooves over was a librarian. For a while we thought she was just pulling our tails and was trying to prank us."

"Hey, Dusk's a cool librarian, Dad." Rainbow remarked

"I understand that Dash. You've probably expressed how cool he is more times than I care to remember in all of your letters." then looked back toward Dusk, "You see, given Dash's personality, we assumed that anypony she ended up falling for, and possibly marrying, would've been more like her: strong, athletic, and especially having a strong interest to be in the air. So imagine our surprise to hear that you were a pony who strongly valued knowledge, enjoyed being indoors, and a pony who pretty much couldn't fly. Well..., at least you use to." he chuckled as he pointed out Dusk's new wings.

"Well, I can't really argue with that. I had the same impression of Rainbow Dash as you and your wife had, so it was probably just as surprising to me to hear that she did indeed like me." Dusk admitted, "Not that I have any complaints, of course." he added before looking at Rainbow from the corner of his eye, and giving a gentle smile.

Rainbow merely replied back in kind with a smile of her own.

Spectrum chuckled at the scene before him, able to see that spark in both Dusk and Rainbow's eyes that very much reminded him of when he and his wife first met.

After promptly finishing the food that had been provided to them, Rainbow was more than eager to stretch her wings and burn off the calories from one of the sweeter dishes that had been provided. She had been mostly on the ground for a good portion of the day, working hard to portray herself as a guard; and, had also decided now was as good as anytime to begin teaching Dusk a few basics of flying.

Initially, Rainbow wanted to get Dusk airborne as well, but to her displeasure, he refused. While he had been able to take off and glide for his own coronation, he only took a crash course on the basics -and, he did admittingly cheat a little by casting a spell on himself, he wanted to take it slow to avoid injuring himself. So, he was pretty much just standing on the ground getting coached on how to move his wings properly from Rainbow, who was hovering in slow circles around him.

Spectrum merely watched the two from the sidelines, mostly musing to himself how strange the scene in front of him was playing out, it was...unusual to say the least. In front of him, he was watching his daughter, still clad in armor, minus the helmet, throwing commands at Dusk, who still had his crown on, on the same lessons he had taught her as a young filly. In short he was watching a prince take orders from a trainee guard.

The older pegasus silently chuckled to himself, "Well, this is turning out to be an interesting first meeting." he muttered before hearing the sound of hooves approaching from behind.

"Good afternoon you two." Elusive shouted out to Rainbow and Dusk.

"Huh? Oh, hey there Elusive." Rainbow greeted.

Dusk greeted the unicorn with a quick nod, before Rainbow poked him and getting him back to training.

Elusive then looked to Spectrum, "And, a good afternoon to you, sir." he politely greeted.

"Nice to meet you." then looked towards Rainbow and Dusk before looking back at Elusive, "A friend of Dusk and Rainbow's, right?"

"Yes, indeed I am. My name is Elusive."

"Oh, yeah, the up-and-coming tailor, nice to meet you, my name is Rainbow Blaze." he extended a hoof out to the unicorn.

Elusive accepted it and shook hooves with him, "A pleasure making your acquaintance. By any chance do you have any familial relations with Rainbow Dash? You seem to have some resemblance to one another, and I do mean more than just her mane and tail."

"Well, I am her father, so I hope she does."

"Oh, I beg your pardon."

Spectrum waved hoof, dismissing the matter, "I'm spending the day here at Canterlot to catch up with my daughter, and finally get to meet the stallion who won her over."

Elusive nodded in understanding, "Then, perhaps I should just pa- Wait, are you the one who asked for an audience with Prince Dusk Shine?" Spectrum nodded in response, "I'm not sure if you needed to go as far as needing to do that just to meet him."

"You'd be surprised how difficult it was for me actually."

"Hm..." Elusive quickly mulled over the statement, "Actually, having known Dusk for quite some time now, I may be inclined to believe you. He does tend to be difficult to distract once he starts any of his research or reading."

"Just work on getting that movement right for now Dusk, and you should be ready for a good flight in no time." they heard Rainbow state, as she and Dusk made their way toward Elusive and Spectrum.

"If you say so Rainbow."

"Trust me Dusk, you will."

"Finished with training for the day?" Spectrum asked them.

"Yeah..., Dusk just needs to practice a few motions is all." Rainbow replied

"Rainbow Dash, Dusk, pardon my rudeness, but allow me to quickly pass on my message before I take my leave." Elusive rang in.

"Why the rush?"

"Your father informed me what's going on right now, that this is a family catching up with you and meeting your stallionfriend kind of situation, and I do not wish to be so intrusive of the matter."

"I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind, he's pretty awesome like that."

"Well, I guess it would give me somepony else to talk to just in case you decide to drag Dusk off somewhere for a quick kiss without me seeing." he stated as he placed a hoof on his chin before smirking.

"Dad! Seriously...?!" Rainbow exclaimed as Dusk nervously grinned and blushed

"I'm your father, Dash, and I am allowed to embarrass you once in a while in front of your special somepony." he merely remarked, earning a groan from his daughter.

"It does seem Rainbow's father doesn't have any problems with you staying, Elusive." Dusk stated after clearing his throat to detract from his embarrassed blush.

"Yes, it does appear that way; but, I must still insist that I have no place in this kind of situation."

"Understood. So what was this message you wanted to tell us?"

"I just wanted to inform Rainbow Dash and yourself about where the others were in case you were interested in finding them. Applejack returned to her room at the castle for a bit of an afternoon nap, Pinkie went to Doughnut Joe's for a chat and baked goods, and Fluttershy is going to be with Barb and myself at Silvershoe Park."

"Is there an event going on there?" Spectrum asked

"Nothing too extravagant, just the message regarding a particular migratory butterfly species being there, which Fluttershy is rather elated about." Elusive replied with a smirk.

"Yep, that's definitely something 'Shy would go for." Rainbow remarked.

"Speaking of Barb, where is she anyway?" Dusk asked Elusive, "I know she was still sleeping in her bed when we left the castle to see Shining and Cadance off, but I haven't checked on her since."

"Apparently, she had slept in most of this morning, before going off to talk to an old acquaintance of her's by the name Moon Dancer. Right now she's back in your room, said something about needing to take care something real quick for you before accompanying me to Silvershoe Park."

"Hm, I don't recall asking Barb to do anything for me today..." Dusk thought to himself as he wondered if there was indeed something he had asked of her, before saying, "Okay, thank you for letting us know Elusive."

Elusive gave a nod before heading back towards Dusk's room, hopefully Barb was done with whatever she was supposedly doing.

The three sat in silence for a brief moment, before Dusk decidedly asked, "So, um...any idea when your wife will be arriving?"

Just then a shadow from a passing pegasus flying overhead was cast upon them. Looking up, they saw a pinkish pegasus with a deep-blue mane and tail flying in a spiraling fashion down towards them, before landing right next to Spectrum.

"Perfect timing as always sweetie, we were just talking about you." Spectrum stated

"Mom!" Rainbow exclaimed as she quickly glomped her mother.

"Careful! You're not exactly a little filly anymore, Dash." she stated as she laughed at her daughter's enthusiasm, "Also, why are you wearing armor...?" she asked under her breath.

"I'm still just as awesome though, right?"

"You know I can't answer that, I'm your mother, my answer is always 'yes'." she remarked, earning a proud grin from Rainbow.

"Dusk, this is my mom, Fire-" Rainbow was saying before stopping as she noticed Dusk's expression, which looked to be quite shocked as his eyes were as big as dinner plates and his jaw hung open, "Dusk...? Yo, Dusk, you there...?"

Rainbow looked at what Dusk was looking at, which was apparently her mom, before looking back at him and saying, "Wait are you gawking at my mom?!"

"No...I mean, yes, but...not in the same sense you're probably thinking." he replied before turning his attention back to the older pegasus mare, "My sincerest apologies for staring, it's just that...You're name is Firefly, right?"

She raised a brow in response, "Yeah..." she replied, wondering if they had actually met before.

"As in, Sergeant Firefly...?"

"Wow, Sergeant, huh?" she remarked with a smirk as she scratched her chin, "I haven't been called that for, how long now...?"

"Wait, what...?!" Rainbow asked outloud

"More than fifteen years I think." Spectrum rang in

"Yeah, that sounds about right. I haven't been called that in over fifteen years. How in Equestria did you know that? Have we met...?"

"Well, not directly, per say. Do you recall a stallion by the name of 'Shining Armor'...? I'm his younger brother."

"Of course I remember him, other than him marrying Princess Celestia's niece, he was one of the better cadets I trained back in the hay day." she replied, before giving Dusk a look over, "His brother, huh...? Hm, I guess I can see that. Your jawline is kinda similar, but you're a little on the shorter side though I think."

"Hold on!" Rainbow shouted, "Mom, you're in the military?!"


"Since when...? How come you never told me about that?!"

"You never asked." she replied with a shrug, "I joined before I met your father, figured it was something impressive I could add to my resume for later. Anyway, I resigned when you were five so I could be closer to home, and be there for you as you grew up. Besides, by then your father already started earning enough that I didn't need to earn a military-mare's paycheck to help us get by."

Rainbow gave a groan in response, which earned a chuckle from her parents. Dusk did try offering her a kind smile to ease some of her frustration, but Rainbow could tell he was just as amused as her parents were.

As the day continued, the group eventually moved from the garden area to Dusk's old personal lab when he was still living in Canterlot. The room itself was initially the castle armory when it was first built several centuries ago, back when the number for needed guards was a fraction of what it was today, before it was used as storage for old, worn out guard armor that was no longer used, then into the lab it is today. Princess Celestia let Dusk have the hardly used room as a place to study since it was relatively close to the library, and it allowed Dusk the freedom to create a mess of papers without irritating other ponies when he got into one of his usual study and research modes.

For the most part, the room had been kept intact since Dusk since last used it, with the exception of particular piles of papers being neatly piled onto a table and placed beakers and flasks neatly onto shelves.

The four mostly chatted about the details of Dusk's study of magic under the Princess, about some of the adventures they've been on, and how Dusk and Rainbow's relationship had started and gone so far. Rainbow's parents did have some concerns about some of the adventures, since some of them Rainbow had never mentioned to them once. Rainbow did try easing their concerns, saying 'it was no big deal' or 'Hey, they still managed to do it unharmed', not that it helped that much.

As the time approached to sunset, and Dusk gave a sigh as Rainbow and Firefly excused themselves for a moment to go into the hallway, the old lab was starting to feel cramped with four ponies occupying the space inside, and both mares were more than eager to get somewhere a bit more spacious. After having the basement of Golden Oaks Library as his lab for months now, with all the extra space for scrolls, his research books, and machinery, even Dusk had to admit the smaller-in-comparison room was bit more stuffy than he last remembered.

Spectrum gave a yawn as he stretched out his wings, before letting out a light chuckle and saying, "Bit of a slower day than I expected for being in the company of a prince. Still, I suppose it's better than having to worry about whether the cloud quota was met today and whether any accidentally drifted off somewhere it shouldn't."

"I did say I was quite new to the job."

He gave a nod in response, "I wonder if the elites here are still just as nosy about things as they are when they show up elsewhere."

"I'm sure not all the social-elites around Canterlot are as...intrusive as you're making them out to be"

"Oh, I'm sure they aren't, but if it's fine with you, I think I'll wait till after I meet some more of them. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of them are good ponies at heart, but so far any of 'em I've met seem to take more interest in my job than anything else."


"The last one I met threatened to get me fired actually. A middle-aged mare came to the factory about two months ago fuming about how the factory could schedule a rainstorm on the day her husband's garden party was scheduled to take place; and, to my...luck, she was from Canterlot, so she was told to file the complaint with me." he stated as he rubbed the side of his head, "I may manage all the weather teams within my sector, but I just run the logistics. I make sure it rains as needed based on my boss's numbers and the supposed climate of the area. Something as local, like the day it's gonna rain, is really up to the LOCAL weather team to determine and implement."

"I suppose I could understand that at least. Having grown up in Canterlot, you do quickly learn how easily irritated some ponies will become when their intended itinerary for the day is ruined." Dusk admitted, silently also remembering how so few in the council have accepted him as a prince at the current moment.

Spectrum nodded before looking out towards the door that leads out into the hallway then back towards Dusk, "Seeing that our pretty mares are gone now, how about we have a stallion-to-stallion talk. Tell me...why DO you love my daughter?"

"Oh, um...well..."

"It's a simple question really. Why do you like Dash? As you indicated yourself, you're an intellectual, a pony of academia, so what made you interested in an athlete?"

Dusk remained silent for a moment, before saying, "Admittingly, I don't really think about that, about how Rainbow is more athletically inclined compared to me. Honestly, now that I think about it, Rainbow and myself probably would never have gotten this far if she was as intellectually inclined as I am."

"Oh! Really now...?" he remarked, now extremely interested in what Dusk had to say.

"Yes," Dusk replied as he briefly nodded, "I'm certain of it. As much I'm sure I would've had a more enjoyable time if she was as intellectually inclined as I, in the long-term though, at some point we probably we would've argued a lot because of how critical I can be with particular subjects of study and how stubborn Rainbow Dash can be."

Spectrum couldn't help but chuckle under his breath.

"I love her because she IS that stubborn, thick-headed athlete that she is. She's strong, brave, she's loyal beyond reason, beautiful, and it is hard not to be impressed by her flying skills." a pause as he smiled, "I know I can trust her to never abandon me or our friends. She's just...more, more than I could've ever hoped to have in a marefriend like her."

Spectrum smiled, "Good, that's good to hear."

At that point, they both heard an angry shout come from the hallway. Both stallions looked at each other before quickly making their way out into the hallway, where they saw Rainbow sitting on the ground as Firefly was in mid-hover with an angry stare at her daughter.

"You're the one who asked me to do this, Dash, you asked me to help you improve your stance as a guard, and, right now I'm looking at the sloppiest stance I've ever seen in my life!" Firefly shouted.

"I didn't think it meant you'd go crazy on me, Mom! Also, what kind of crazy tactic is shouting out at a trainee for making a mistake?"

"'Crazy'...?! You dare question your own mother and commanding officer?"

"Yeah, I dare!"

"I'll have to teach you respect then." and raised a hoof to hit Rainbow.

Rainbow froze for a moment before ducking, expecting the hit, but it never came as a purple aura surrounded Firefly's hoof.

"What's going on here?" Dusk asked out loud as he quickly put himself between Firefly and Rainbow, Spectrum not to far behind him, but taking a position just right next his wife.

"Dash asked if I could help her improve her appearance as a guard, so the actual ones won't think less of her while she's a temporarily one. Though I'm not sure if that'll actually work." she replied, saying the last part in more hushed tone.

"Yeah, at least that was the idea, until my mom went all crazy about it." Rainbow complained

"Call it what you want, Dash, but I didn't make Sergent for nothing."

"Well, I have no quarrel with your tactics, but I can't tolerate you inflicting physical harm on Rainbow to do it." Dusk stated, letting Firefly's hoof go.

"So, you'd even protect Rainbow Dash from being punished by her own mother?" she asked in a stern voice.

Dusk didn't answer right away as he looked at Firefly then over his shoulder toward Rainbow Dash. Rainbow merely looked back at him with her head cocked to the side. Eventually he turned his attention back towards Firefly and nodded, "Yes, but not for the same reason I think you're suggesting. I'm not sure how Princess Celestia approaches how the guards are trained, but right now Rainbow is serving under me and I don't approve of physical altercations to correct issues -even though, technically, this is no longer royal business, but personal. Also..., it's because Rainbow is my marefriend." he turned to look at Rainbow, "I don't want to see her get hurt, even if it means having to stand between you and her."

Firefly merely glared at him, as if silently challenging him. Adamant of his decision, Dusk held his ground, though he'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a bit intimidated by Firefly.

Firefly scoffed as she smirked before looking towards her husband, "So, is that enough for you, Blaze, or do you want me to intimidate the kids more?"

"I think I got what I wanted out of it."

"Awesome." a pause as she scratched the back of her head, "I didn't leave the military just to shout at Dash and pick a fight with the Princess's personal student."

"Wait, huh...?!" Dusk asked

"You tell them, Blaze, it was your dumb idea anyway."

"Hehe..., well, you see, I...I wanted to test you is all, Dusk." he explained in a nervous tone.

"'Test me...'? Test me on what exactly?" Dusk asked

"Test you on how readily you're willing to protect Dash."

"Like I'd need something like that." Rainbow remarked, "Come on, Dad, I don't need somepony else looking out for me. I'm a full-grown mare, and I know how to fight for myself."

"Of course, you are your mother's daughter afterall; but, there are other things out there that I know you won't be able to defend yourself from, so I needed to know who I'm leaving you with can do that." he then looked at Dusk, "I suppose I do owe you an apology for that."

"No, it's okay, that won't be necessary, I think I can understand the motive. Though, simply asking me would've worked just the same."

"Our actions speak louder than words. If I had asked you, what could've you told me that would've ensured me that you're not just telling an old fool, like me, exactly what he wants to hear?"

Dusk opened his mouth to reply, but quickly hesitated as he thought about it. He actually couldn't think of a proper answer, at least for the moment, and nodded.

"If that's that, mind if we grab something to eat?" Firefly asked, "I've only had a daisy sandwich all day, and I'm starving."

"I don't see why not." Blaze replied as he looked at his wife, "How about we go to your favorite restaurant here. What was it called again...Cuisine de la Mer, I think it was."

"Sounds about right. How about you two?" she asked as she looked at Dusk and Rainbow, "I mean, if you're not hungry, or if you've had enough for the day, especially after that crazy stunt of mine..."

"I guess I could go for something right about now." Dusk replied, "What about you, Rainbow?"

"Sounds cool, I am pretty hungry anyway." Rainbow replied with an eager grin.

With that settled, they made their way to the restaurant. Rainbow's parents mostly lead the way, as Dusk wasn't even sure himself where it was, despite that it was within reasonably good trotting distance from the castle. The restaurant mainly served tropical-style dishes with a slight focus on seafood. As a restaurant located so close to Canterlot castle, it was naturally a high-end, classy, know-proper-etiquette kind of eatery. The group was allowed into a secluded area that overlooked the majority of the restaurant, and was usually a place meant for the high-ranking elites of Canterlot, including royalty. It was a good thing they got that table because Dusk and Firefly were the only ones who showed any semblance of proper table manners, as Rainbow Dash and Spectrum made it rather obvious they didn't know enough proper etiquette.

Dusk merely looked at both, with more focus Rainbow Dash of course, with utter amusement, while Firefly could only look away in embarrassment. Now, Firefly would never say she was a fancy mare, especially since she has no issues with throwing away table manners when at home, but couldn't Spectrum at least try when they weren't.

Once their meals were done and paid for, and the sky was now quite dark, the four stood out in front of the restaurant as Rainbow's parents prepared to bid the two younger ponies a good night.

"Now you remember to come visit more often, Dash. Letters are fine and all, but that doesn't excuse you for not dropping by at least to say 'Hello' whenever you're in Cloudale." Firefly remarked as she gave her daughter a hug.

"Yeah, I get it, mom." she replied and hugged her mother back

"Take care of yourself, Dash. Also, like your mother said, drop by and visit more often, who else am I gonna talk to when I want to complain about work." Spectrum stated with a chuckle.

"Oh, don't chew her ear off with those stories. She probably already has enough to deal with from all those adventures she apparently goes on." she then raised a brow as she realized something, "You know, now that I think about it, Blaze, you were here before me."

"Uh, yeah...so I was..." he replied with a nervous grin.

"And you didn't say anything about Dash's flight camp days as much I thought you would during our chats. Did you already tell them?"

"Yeah, he has." Rainbow remarked as she glared at her father, "And, a lot of 'em were kinda embarrassing. What the hay?!"

"Well, I figured it might've been helpful." he embarrassingly admitted.

"Helpful...?! How could-" she was saying before she groaned, "Dad, is this another test thing?"

"Well..., it was an idea between your mother and I."

Rainbow groaned in annoyance.

"Just hear us out here, Dash."

"In what way did you think it was helpful?" Dusk asked, genuinely curious.

"Well, we figured it would be more helpful for your relationship if you knew more about Dash."

"Here, I can explain it better." Firefly said as she rolled her eyes, "Here's something embarrassing you can learn about Blaze, this prism-brain didn't actually figure out I was a royal guard till AFTER we were married." she mentioned to Dusk and Rainbow, who gave a surprised reaction.

"I might've known it if you actually told me you were before we were married."

"'If I told you'...?!" she repeated with a smirk in an incredulous tone, "I told you five times before we were married that I was a guard."

"I-I don't remember, how can you be sure? I've never even seen any indication that you were a guard."

"Okay, how about the date that when we first came to this restaurant? You picked me up for that date just outside the gate near the barracks. Didn't that at least hint at it? Or...perhaps during said date, I was wearing my uniform and the badge that showed I was a Sergent." she replied with a large, amused grin.

Spectrum could only give an embarrassed smile as he rubbed the back of his head, admittingly recalling said night that Firefly was indeed wearing a casual uniform.

Rainbow was now on her back laughing loudly, her forehooves wrapped around her stomach as the armor she was wearing clattered loudly at her movements, while Dusk was trying to suppress his, as his scrunched-up muzzle seemed to indicate.

"Okay..., so maaaybe I really wasn't paying as much attention to that detail as I should've."

Firefly smirked, "You think?" then paused to shake her head and look towards Dusk and Rainbow again, "Anyway, because of that, for a while we kinda felt that maybe we didn't know each other as well as we thought we did, and made our marriage feel weird. Weird enough that we almost let it fall apart before it had even started."

Dusk coughed into his hoof before nodding, "I see."

After a moment of silence, at least long enough for Spectrum to shake off his embarrassment over his wife's admission, he said, "Thanks for taking the time to see us today, Dusk, I certainly appreciate it."

"Likewise." Dusk said as he extended a hoof.

"Now you take good care of Rainbow Dash for us, you hear? Especially on those adventures of yours." he said as he shook hooves with Dusk, "Firefly and I are putting our trust in you that you will. Make sure we know it's well placed."

"I promise, I will do my best to protect her."

"Hey, Mom, how about before you guys go, how about you give me those pointers about my guard stance." Rainbow rang out with a grin

"Seriously...?! The day's over, Dash, so unless you actually plan to sign-up, I doubt it would even matter."

"Come on, Mom, it'll be something awesome at least; and, it'll be way easier since you don't need to shout at me anymore."

"I wasn't kidding about that shouting stuff I said earlier, Dash." she remarked with an unamused look.

"Just let me try at least."

Firefly remained silent for a brief moment, then sighed, "Fine...First, put you're helmet back on, and show me your guard stance, again."

Rainbow did so, and assumed her earlier stance from when she and Dusk were at the library.

Firefly waited a moment to see if Dash would make any final adjustments and corrections before delivering her thoughts, "That's your stance? I've seen foals with cardboard armor do a better job. I'll tell it to you again, but I'll adjust things manually." she stated as she trotted over to Rainbow's right side.

"First off," she then whipped Rainbow's hind leg with her tail, "get off your tail! Unless you're taking a break, no sitting on the job."

"Ow! HEY!" Rainbow yelped as she got onto her four hooves.

"Wings tightly at your sides, hooves facing forward, back straight, chest out like a proud eagle, and finally, eyes forward." Firefly pressed on, physically poking or adjusting where Rainbow needed it, "And I don't care how cute you find Dusk, or if your father is behind me trying to make you laugh with one of his faces." she added then quickly faced her husband.

Spectrum wasn't trying to, but the lack of eye contact with his wife seemed to suggest he was thinking of trying.

"Remember, unless addressed by your superior -which, I guess is technically me here- or either the Princesses or Dusk, you are to keep facing forward. Good..., what do you think Dusk? Look good to you?"

Dusk gave Dash a good look over to assess her pose. Dash did for a brief moment look at Dusk, but was quickly reminded to look forward with a tap on her nose from her mom. Dusk did linger a little bit at certain points, the armor and pose really accentuating some of the main traits he actually loved Rainbow Dash for: strong, brave, and loyal. He did make a slight adjust himself, by straightening out the frill on the top of the helmet, which afterwards he nodded in approval.

Neither Firefly or Spectrum couldn't help but chuckle at the notice that Dusk did actually smile as he was observing Rainbow.

After telling Rainbow that she can relax again, the two older pegasi bid them a good night and finally took their leave as they flew back to Cloudsdale side-by-side, a slight conversation about how Spectrum did beat her to Canterlot sparking between them. Afterall, sure, Spectrum got out earlier than she did, but she was a faster flier than he was.

Now left alone again, Dusk and Rainbow lingered for a moment, until Rainbow's parents were no longer visible, before making their way back to the castle.

"Well, this was certainly an eventful day." Dusk remarked as Rainbow once again snaked herself under Dusk's wing so it would be drapped over her back as they walked.

"No kidding. By the way, you seriously owe me like a ton of random personal secrets about you now, because it's unbelievably unfair that you heard a lot of personal things about me and I don't know any about you."

"I doubt there's anything about me that you shouldn't already be aware of by now. I don't have exactly many things about me that are really worth keeping a secret about. I'm an introverted and studious librarian who until he came to Ponyville decided books were more important than interacting and making friends with other ponies."

"Well, what about your brother, we didn't even know you had one until you got that invite for his wedding a couple of days ago."

"It honestly never crossed my mind that it was imperative for me to mention him to either one of you guys. Also, neither one of you ever really asked."

"Okay, what about your diary?"

"Journal." Dusk corrected her

Rainbow raised a brow and smirked in amusement, before saying, "Journal" as she rolled her eyes, "What about that?"

"It didn't really have much in the way of personal secrets, if anything most of what was written in my journal were records of my day-to-day life and personal researches. The only real personal secret written in it was the one regarding my feelings for you." he explained then brightly smiled, "Which is a secret you're already aware of."

Rainbow couldn't help smiling herself, then pressed moved herself closer to Dusk so her body was pressed up even more against his, which would've been more welcoming if the frill on top of the helmet wasn't being pushed up into his face.

"Alright, what about that dance? I wanna know something about that."

"Dance...? What dance?"

"I dunno...that weird dance you were doing with Cadance. How'd it go...? 'Sunshine, sunshine...something about ladybugs...'" Rainbow explained, saying the lines of the song in a monotonous way, as if she was embarrassed just for knowing about it.

"Wait! You...! How did you-?!"

"I saw you and Cadance doing that during the down time when we were trying to fix up everything for the 'actual' wedding."


"Well...?" she asked with a very cocky smirk, "What was that dance about?"

Dusk hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Well, its something Cadance taught me when I was a still a colt and she was still foalsitting me. It was like a...secret hoofshake between me and her."

"You know, it was probably cool when you were a colt, but now..." she stated trying to hold back her laughter, "It just looked ridiculous!" she shouted as she let our her laughter, "It probably would've been less ridiculous if you were a mare or something."

Dusk's cheeks merely turned a shade of red in embarrassment as he pulled away from the laughing mare.

Rainbow continued to laugh for a moment longer, seemingly not caring that others around them could hear her, before finally pressing herself back up against Dusk as her laughter started to cease. She nuzzled him lightly, which did ease his blush slightly, before allowing her position to practically mirror her pose previous to Dusk pulling away from her, the frill included.

"You know..., it's nightfall, and the whole business regarding that summons is done, you don't need to wear that armor any more."

"What about you? You're still wearing your crown, Prince Dusk Shine." she replied with a smirk, "Yeah, I know, but I think I'll keep it on for a bit longer. I mean, it seems kinda cooler now that I know my mom used to wear armor like this one."

"As if everything has gone full circle?"

"Yeah, I guess something like that."

The two then fell into a peaceful silence as they walked the remaining distance to Dusk's room at the castle. Initially, Rainbow was suppose to head back towards the armory and return the armor, but figured it could wait till tomorrow since it was borrowed out during day guard shift and it was now the night shift.

"Just remember to return the armor first thing tomorrow morning, Rainbow. I'd rather not you or myself get in any trouble just because you decided to hold on to that armor longer than intended."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Well, have a goodnight Rainbow. I'll see you tomorrow morning." and gave the pegasus a hug and kiss on her cheek, which she returned in kind with a strong hug and lots of affectionate nuzzling.

After pulling apart, Dusk turned to open the door to his room, but before walking in he looked back at Rainbow, who hadn't moved an inch from position.

"Something wrong, Rainbow?"

Rainbow scratched back of her head, before saying, "No....well, kinda. I was hoping you'd be cool with it if...you know, if I can stay with you for the night."

"You want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Wouldn't be the first time. What's wrong that I want to spend more time with my stallionfriend?"

"Nothing, nothing's..." he relied with a grin as he looked away then back at her, "Okay, if that's what you wish. Please, mares first." and stepped aside so Rainbow can go in.

Rainbow grinned then fixed her standing posture as she trotted in trying to look official, not that it stopped her from letting her tail lightly brush up against the underside of Dusk's chin.

He didn't say anything as he followed soon after Rainbow, as a lone thought about the fact it would be soon be one year since he had the fortune of calling Rainbow Dash his marefriend, what should he do to commemorate the occasion?

"I wonder if that jewelry store is still around?"