• Published 12th Aug 2014
  • 6,231 Views, 232 Comments

Fists of Fury or Something - Shocks

You know the drill. Guy goes to convention. Guy ignores common sense and buys magical item from shady vendor. Guy gets transported to equestria and gets stoned. No, not that kind of stoned. The kind of stoned where your turned to stone. Yep.

  • ...

A Fresh Start?

Author's Note:

New chapter!!!


A feeling I haven't felt in a very long time. That feeling that you just want to keep for just a bit longer, of even for a moment. However, with my luck, I didn't get that.


A felt my body flinch at the noise, my mind being pulled back away from the realm of dreams. I wasn't sure when I went to sleep, but I had been, till whatever made that sound woke me up. I tried to dig myself deeper into the sheets of the bed, hoping that he added comfort would lull me back to a peaceful slumber.


My irritation flared as that horrible noise assaulted my eardrums once again. Seriously, I want to go back to sleep. Leave. Me. Alone.


Your asking for I-


As if to piss me off even more, the damn thing started to pick up its pace, the beeping coming in quicker and faster paces. I really wanted to back to sleep, just lay here and sleep! That stupid thing reminded me of my alarm clock. I can't tell you how many times I woke up to that irritating blaring device or how many times I really wanted to throw it out the nearest window.


I swear to god. You do that one more time. Do it. Beep one more time. I dare you. Matter of fact, I double dare you motherfucker! Beep one more goddamn t-


That's it!!!!


My eyes shot open at hearing the noise, and I flinched at the overhead light. Moving to cover my face with one of my hands, or gauntlets, as I realized I was still me. With the light faded, I took notice of a small amount of rope covering part of my exsposed arm and some of my gauntlet. My eyes shot open even more as my mind registered exactly where I was.

I was in a hospital.

A few thoughts blasted threw my head in that moment.

Why am I here?

Was I in a coma?!

Am I crazy!?

Oh god, had it all been a dream?!

Now most people might have been glad the whole situation was over, but no. Not me. I was not going to let all that slide. I went through all of that. And it didn't matter?! Oh hell no. Someone was getting punched in the face for this.

As I sat up, the bed creaked and strained under my weight. It appears my gauntlets were strapped to the sides of the bed, but now that I had them in my lap, their mass was weighing the bed down. It was that moment I realized I was still in Equestria. I hung my head as I let out a deep sigh. I had woken up so many times hoping that it was all a dream, that I would wake up and everything would be normal. Of course, that was in the beginning. Before everything else. Now, leaving would hurt me more then staying.

Groaning loudly, I decided to look around my room. It was..nice. Quaint I suppose. Although their was two beds in the room, I was the only one in here. The beds were definitely made for ponies, considering my feet were practically hanging over the end. The floor featured a beige checkerboard patter that complemented the brown trim of the walls nicely. I noticed a window on the other side of the room, spotting a light blue sky outside. It was midday or late morning if I had to guess. Next to my bed was a small nightstand with an assortment of small items, in particular, a lamp with a push button switch. It looks like they invented electricity while I was gone! Still hoping for those video games though....

I also noticed a small radio device on the wall, I assumed it was something similar to the call nurse button. Lying back against the baseboard, I concluded my look of the room. Pulling my legs back in, I took note of how comfy these sheets were. Unlike those hospital sheets of earth that were always that sterile white and sometimes were really itchy, these were an interesting swamp green and felt like they were made of cotton! I relaxed even more as I snuggled(yes men snuggle) into the warm comfy sheets.

"Very comfy" , I noted out loud, feeling the sheets slide against my.....ok, that's not right!

I was very open. Down there. I quick lift of the sheets revealed that yep, I had no pants on, and some jury rigged hospital gown covered my lower half.

That's discomforting....

They took my pants. God help them if they're unusable. Not to mention my shoes and socks. Looks like its time to get some answers. Sliding out of the bed, a received a cold shiver as my bare feet contacted the floor.

"Shit!" I stumbled as my left leg gave out, I didn't realize it was asleep! Attempting to catch myslef, I reached a hand out and well...


I broke the bed. Yep, put it on my tab! But seriously, it was so loud I think the whole hospital heard it. As I stood back up, I heard he distinct sound of pounding hooves from outside my door. Not a second later did a nurse and what I'm assuming was the doctor, given he had a stethoscope around his neck, bust into the room. Now, maybe it was the fact that I was as taller then both by almost double their height. Maybe it was the fact that I stood next to a bed that was cracked right in half. Or maybe it was the fact that they had put the ropes on me and thought that would hold me. In any case, they were certainly not expecting me to be awake. How did I know this?

Well. The nurse fainted, sooo there's that. The unicorn doctor on the other hand was attempting to hold himself together, the stethoscope around his neck vibrating from his shaking. He adjusted his glasses as he looked up at me, fear somewhat present in his eyes.

"H-hello?" He asked, trepidation leaking from his voice.

"Hey" I replied, looking toward the fallen nurse. Hopefully she didn't hit her head to badly.

The doctor looked like I had slapped him silly, I think he was surprised I could actually talk. Ah, it's my arrival all over again.

"I see you are capable of communication" he stated in a much calmer tone.

"That I am, and uh, sorry about you know, that" I said, pointing behind np me to the ruined bed. The doctor glanced over quickly before returning his gaze to me. A good idea, considering he is dealing with someone who could rip him in half. Not that I would do that of course!!

"Ah, I think we will deal with that later", his voice continuing to drop the fear. Good to see him gain back some professionalism, I was never a fan of ponies being scared piss poor of me. It was funny the first few times. I even went out of my way to scare them on occasion, but it started to get tiring very quickly.

"I see you are awake. I take it you are feeling better?" He asked, moving to check on the nurse who was now regaining consciousness. One look at me and she nearly KO again, if not for the doctor holding her. He whispered something into her ear, and a second later she zipped out of the room leaving a small smoke cloud in her wake. I chuckled at the move, it was pretty funny.

"Where is she off to?" I chuckled out, still focusing on the doctor. He adjusted his glasses again, adopting a more stern expression.

"I asked her to grab your other clothes. I take it you want them back?"

"That would be great, I don't prefer to go in the buff thank you". I was definetly not going around nude. Hell no.

"Ah, yes well, we didn't exactly know what you were, so we had to remove them to get a better understanding" Heh, that must have been something, probably caught them full in the face.

"So, my junk tell you anything important doc?" I said, crossing my arms.

"All that you were a male, that much was obvious" he coughed awkwardly. This basically killed the conversation for us. I was unsure what else to say and the doctor didn't look like he wanted to press his luck with me.

"Soooo" I started.


"Uh, thanks for well, this" I motioned around to the room, minus the crushed bed of course.

"Well after Nurse Redheart brought you in, we couldn't ignore a pon- er, you being unconscious. You needed help and that is what doctors do" he stated somewhat happily.

"Thanks, I appreciate it" . I honestly felt bad about ruining the bed and I didn't exactly have money to replace it.

Just then another nurse walked in, my jeans, shoes, and ahem, boxers.. balanced on her back. An earth pony with a rather coconut white coat, sporting a Red Cross cutie mark. She stopped when she noticed me, a mix of apprehension and curiosity on her face. Looking toward the doctor, she seemed to be reassured, approaching me rather calmly.

"I believe these are yours?" She asked. Nodding in confirmation, I grabbed them off her back cuasing her to shiver slightly at my gauntlets cold touch. I raised an eyebrow when they continued to remain in the room.

"Uh, you guys mind?" When neither moved, I shrugged. Dropping the gown on my lower half, earning a blush from the nurse, seriously her coat was white, kinda hard to hide it!

I took a momentary breather before activating a rather difficult ability of my gauntlets, compacting them to near glove levels. It takes all my concentration to focus them, let alone put my pants and shoes on. Dressing as quickly as possible, I barely tied my shoes before my concentration broke, my gauntlets shifting back to their full size.

Looking back to the duo, I was surprised to see they had their jaws on the floor.

"Yes?" I asked nonchalantly. This seemed to snap the two out of their gawking, the nurse looking away while the doctor eyed my gauntlets more closely.

"Is... That normal?" He pointed a hoof to my hands. I shrugged, "Define normal". He didn't seem to satisfied with my answer but didn't prod any further. "You may return to your duties Nurse Redheart" he spoke to the mare.

Hold on, Nurse Redheart?

Before the nurse could move any further, I sidestepped to block her. She was startled to say the least and looked up to me with a slight trepidation.

"Yes?" She asked with a weak smile, " Do you need anything else?"

"Your Nurse Redheart? The one that spoke to me before I blacked out?"

She didn't quite sure what I was getting at but still answered. "Yes, that was me"

I smiled happily and held out my guanlet. "Thanks and I mean that. Hopefully I can repay you for your kindness at some point". Still unsure, she placed her comparatively small hoof into my gauntlet, my fingers wrapping around in a small shake.

"It was my pleasure sweetheart" a genuine smile on her muzzle. With her leaving, the awkward silence between me and the doctor returned. I swear, it was starting to become a problem.



"Uh..... How long was I out doc?" I asked, truly curious. Hell, back home I was able to sleep for a full day once, I wouldn't be surprised if I did it again.

"About four days" he answered casually.




"You were asleep for about four days. 86 hours if you want to be exact" he said, examining a clipboard he had levitated from my bed.


"That's...not normal?" He raised a brow. I resisted the urge to facepalm. Instead, I slid my my hand over my face, the cold steel feeling extra tingly.

"No, I sleep about the same as everyone else. Sometimes a little bit longer"

"Hmmm" he hmmm'd," Well, we didn't know much about your anatomy and considering all your vitals appeared normal, we didn't want to risk causing you unnnesscary pain"

I suppose that made sense, don't mess with what you don't know or curiosity killed the cat. Good call doctor house.

More awkward silence. Goddamn it!



"We need to stop doing this" I deadpanned.

"I'm glad one of us said something!" He laughed.

"Soo, am I good to go?" I asked, hospital fun aside, I was still a wanted fugitive.

"Well, we just need to fill out some quick paperwork and you'll be free to go. If you'll follow me?" He began to exit the room and I happily obliged him. In our short walk toward the receptionists desk, we exchanged some small talk. Turns out I was in a small town called ponyville. Why am I not surprised by the name? In addition, he mentioned Discord's defeat by the resident elements. That's right, the very people or ponies, that had the power to imprison me again were in the exact same town. Come on!!

Besides that, he also mentioned the arrival of Celly, not once but twice in the small time I was indisposed. Apparently the day before half the town went crazy over some doll that was enchanted by a unicorn. Magic. You don't get any better than this shit! Through our conversation, he received a fair amount of information from myself. He asked what I was, what I was doing here, etc. I basically told him I was new to town from a far away land and was looking to get away from it all. In truth, I wasn't lying. I was simply telling half truths, I have a strange avoidance for lying when it's not completely necessary. Finally, a few signatures on a few papers and I was good to go.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your stay in ponyville mr-", he looked at my signature, "Gaunts?"

"Just Gaunts. Thanks for everything doc" I waved as I walked out the door, a rather large smile on my face. Awesome ponies those guys. I stepped out into the warm summer day, a slight wind keeping things cool. I breathed deeply. I think today was going to be a good day.


Oh come on!!

I was walking for five minutes. Literally for five minutes. I decided to make my way through the middle of town, you know, try to get a good look around? Well, I ran into some type of farmers market, and everything went down hill form there. Considering I was easily spottable and stuck out like an alien in...actually that's exactly what this was. I was an alien to these ponies, calmly walking into their busiest spot. What couldn't go wrong?

And cue the stares and looks. Now just-

"THE HORROR! THE HORROR!" A mare shouted from a nearby stall, fainting a second later. The hold your hand to your head and faint cliche. Ya.


"Everypony run for your lives!!" Another mare shouted, causing a mass panic. Ponies began running around like chickens with their heads cut off, abandoning their stalls in a frenzy. I sighed.

I was screwed. I could already see the rainbow beam of death. I'm going to need to come up with something else for my statue pose. Maybe I should give em the full moon? Eh, I think only peter griffin can pull that look off.

"Stooooooop!" A different mare suddenly called out as she seems to deft the laws of gravity by floating in mid air. Her mane and tail were splayed out like a startled cat as she yelled. Surprisingly, her call worked, ponies literally freezing at her command. Looking back to the mare, I grew confused when she-

"Hiya!" She popped up right in from of my face!

"Sweet baby Jesus!" I yelled, sprawling backwards in a show of dignity. Collecting myself, I addressed the bouncing pink mare before me.

"Why did you do that?!" I asked or yelled, you decide. This seemed to confuse her for a second, stopping in mid bounce. Seriously, how was she doing that?! Her smile returned as she resumed from mid bounce.

"Oh well, I just wanted to say hi to the new pony in town! But it doesn't look like your a pony, but your still new to town then that means-" she let out the biggest le gasp! before disappearing in a few zipping clouds.

I just stood there. I had absolutely no idea what just happened.


"Don't try to understand her stranger, Twi's already tried that. Ah wouldn't reccomend it!" A true southern accent spoke behind me. Turning, I was met with an orange coated pony with three apples as her cutie mark, also sporting an honest to god Stetson hat! The pony whistled as she looked up at me.

"Shucks, your a tall one" her eyes suddenly narrowed, " You some kinda diamond dog?". Diamond dog? Those guys are still around? Dammit Celly did you ever actually listen to me?!

"No, I'm definitely not a diamond dog. Those guys are nothing but pain in the asses" I stated irritably. This earned a kneeslap? Hoofslap? From the mare. "Well I reckon you and Rarity would get along mighty fine then"


"Thanks...." I waved my hand.

"Applejack" she offered.

"Applejack, very fitting" I said," The names Gaunts"

"Gaunts huh? Very fitting" she smirked. I like this mare already! Looking around, she suddenly called out. "Y'all can come out now! He ain't a monster!"

...And now I'm rethinking my previous statement.

"Monster? Don't you think that's a little quick judgement on your part?" I asked, watching as several ponies began to exit their homes, the market slowly refilling with the ponies from before. Some clearly looked like they were still afraid of me and I could understand that. Still, it was a bit uncalled for.

"Well, we just get a lot a problems in town nowadays, so they're easily startled" she smiled, tipping her hat slightly. Now, many of the ponies were returning to normal, conversations still hushed around me. I tried to spot the mares that had originally called out but only caught glimpses of tops of manes ducking underneath a stall.

Hey you can't win em all.

"So what brings ya to ponyville Gaunts?" She asked, beginning to trot through the market. Seeing as I had not much else to go on, I followed Applejack. She seems to be headed further into the market, toward a particular stall that seemed to be selling....apples.

"Nothing really, I took the train here. I may be looking to stay here a while, but I need a find a place to stay, not to mention a job" I realized as I spoke how up shit creek I was. I was literally homeless. If I didn't find a job or housing quickly, things were going to turn badly for me.

"I gotta say, ah never seen a critter like you before, you not from Equestria?" She looked back, eyeing me over.

"You can say that again. No I'm not from Equestria. I come from a far away land. I basically have the clothes on my back and my gauntlets. Other then that, I'm broke" I noted. This caused her to furrow her brow slightly.

"Ya just came here? Just up and left? What about yer kin?" She asked, surprise evident in her voice. I felt my fists clench involuntarily.

"I don't like to talk about that applejack" I stated, adopting a blank face. She seemed to get the hint rather quickly. Before she was about to speak, a young voice cut though the air. "Applejack!! Did y'all get the monster?!". I groaned. Seriously?! What was I, freaking Godzilla?

The southern accented voice had called from the apple stand, as I saw a filly with a large red bow managing it. Applejack quickened her pace to reach the filly while I maintained my current walk.

" Now Applebloom, I want ya to give a warm welcome to Gaunts here, and he ain't no monster" she told the young fily. Approaching the stall, I seemed to scare a few potential customers as I stepped directly in front of the duo.

"Gaunts, I'd like ya to meet ma sister, Applebloom. Applebloom, this here's Gaunts, he's new to ponyville"

Now, comparatively to a regular pony, I was roughly about double a mare's height, hell I was the only one who could look Celly in the eye. So, standing in front of this little tan filly, I wasn't tall, I was gigantic. Her eyes went incredible large as she gazed up at me, her neck craning to take me all in.

"Your really tall mister" she squeaked out. Dah! It's so cute!! I think I just got diabetes!

"Actually, I'm normal height where I come from" I answered happily at the filly staring up at me with wonder.

"And where is that?" She tilted her head curiously. I looked away, unsure of how to answer her rather delicate question. Applejack came to my rescue though, somehow sensing my unease. She shushed her sister p, scolding her for proding. As I tired to shy away for the situation, two shiny apples were suddenly thrust into my vision.

"Here" Applejack said, motioning to the apples. I looked between her and the apples, knowing plain as day I couldn't buy them.

"I don't have any money to pay for those applejack" this caused her to adopt a serious look.

"I ain't selling em to ya, I'm giving em to ya. I made ya uncomfortable and ah shouldn't of done that so, here" she shook the apples, "take these here as an apology". Wow, that was really kind of her, but I was never one to take something I felt I didn't earn.

"That's alright applejack. I'm fine" her emerald eyes narrowed as she bored into me.

"Now listen here sugar cube, ya told me you just got here with nothing but what ya got right now, I don't see any food with ya. So I reckon you must be hungry right?" It was in that second that my brain decided that yes, I was hungry. So then my stomach rumbles louder then a volcano as Applejack grins at me.


"Ahl take that as a yes" she smiled. Reluctantly, I accepted the apples and ate them to their cores with a hunger I hadn't realized was there. By god those apples! Delicious! I noted that Applejack took note of my canines, and was now eyeing me somewhat warily, I understood that too. Some ponies just can't handle being close to a meat eater, I think that's why Lulu never like me.

"Ya got some sharp teeth there Gaunts, do ya eat meat by chance?" She started whispering near the end, thankfully out of ear shot of most ponies. "Yes, I do. Though I only need to consume a small amount every now and then. Don't worry, pony is definitely not on the menu" l earned in close to whisper. She seemed to look me over once, as if trying to decide if I was lying or not. Apparently finding nothing wrong, she smiled up at me. After that, things went pretty smoothly. After the initial freakout, most of the ponies had returned to business as usual, though none approached me directly. I didn't want to hang around Applejack's stand, she was working after all, so I decided to head further into town, approaching what appeared to be the town square, or circle in this case.

"What to do what to do" I said aloud, looking around the large space. Suddenly, a pink blur zoomed past two buildings before disappearing. I readied myself for anything. I had asked Applejack about the strange mare, Pinkie Pie as she called her, and she said Pinkie is getting ready for something. When I asked what, I got ' It's a surprise sugarcube'.

Mmhhmm. Not ominous at all. Well, you think ya got what it takes pink?! Then bring it!

I laughed inwardly, despite her gravity defying abilities, I doubt she would stand a chance against me. It's not like she has cannon or something right?

Looking toward the large building before me, I could only conclude it was town hall or something like that. It was the tallest and easily largest building in....Ponyville. Im a need a drink! Deciding to take my luck, i ascended the steps to the first level. Grabbing ahold of the door handle, careful not to rip the door of its hinges...I turned the handle slowly and..


"Dyyahh!!" I responded in a civilized manner. Somehow, it looked like most of the freaking town was in here! They're was streamers, balloons, everything for a party. With a manner that said welcome to Ponyville in big pink written letters. Originally, it looked like the ponies had smiles on their faces, however, they looked at me with a mix of fear and anxiety, many backing away slowly.

Yay. More scared ponies. Oh wait, I ripped the door of its hinges. Yep that'll do it.

So there I was awkwardly holding the remains of the door like it was nothing not to mention throwing in my height factor, ponies were not looking forward to meeting me. Except one.

"Hi again! I'm Pinkie Pie, and welcome to your 'Welcome to Ponyville party!'" The very enthusiastic mare bounced in front of me.

"Uh thank you?" I answered, standing the broken door next to the nearest wall. "Alright that's good enough for me! Let's kick this party off everpony!" A white unicorn mare spoke out, standing next to a turntable? Next thing I know, I'm hearing dubstep! Damn, the beats aren't bad at all! Go DJ pony!

After the initial scare, the party was one of the most awkward and surprisingly good parties I've been too. Not to mention there was so much food! I stuffed myself silly, especially with the cupcakes, which Pinkie was more then happy about. Turns out Applejack was there along with her other friends Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle...

She was something else....at least she fixed the door....

And Fluttershy. It took me several attempts to actually get her to say her name. Turns out she is legitimately shy. If it wasn't for those six, I don't think the party would have gone so well for me, hell, half the town looked like eh were ready to bolt when I came near. Those six kept me busy with conversation, especially Twilight. She started asking me so many questions it was getting uncomfortable. Applejack and Rainbow Dash helped control her, but when she stopped Rarity stepped in, telling me about my unique figure and suddenly saying 'Ideaaa!'. Apparently she was a fashion designer. Well, the thing was, ponies could only party for so long, at it was starting to get late, the sun was already beggining to set. It was at this point I spotted a bight white Pegasus mare with a bright pink mane, I hadn't noticed her throughout the whole party, and for some reason, I felt like I knew her but I didn't get to talk to her so eh. The ponies had seemed to get used to me, but still excused themselves as quickly as they could. Even Applejack and Rarity left, soon leaving me, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and the DJ the only ones. Pinkie was starting to clean up.

It was at that point Twilight discovered I didn't have a place to sleep.

"You can stay at the library! I have an extra room, we could continue this even further!" She clapped her hooves happily. I groaned inwardly, though I kept my smile. No offense Twilight, but your starting to creep my out.

"That's alright Twilight, I don't want to impose" I attempted to wave her off.

"You can stay with me if that's ok"

"No I insist! Think of what I could learn!"

"It wouldn't be any trouble"

"Really Twilight, I'm sure I can find a hotel or something"

"You can stay with me" I caught Fluttershy's low voice, her face buried into her pink mane.

"Sorry Fluttershy, what was that?"

"You can stay with me, if that ok with you" she whispered. Saved by the pretty pony!

Wait, I didn't mean it like that.


Fuck you!

I casually jumped at the chance to avoid Twilight's questions, and hopefully not being to rude, took Fluttershy up on her offer. During the party, we had talked a little. In fact, once I said I had cared for quite a few animals back home, did she really come out of her shell. Turns out she is the local animal caretaker, and lives in a large cottage near someplace called the Everfree forest. Where they talking about the Everfar forest? I'd have to check that out later, luckily the local library was pretty stocked, though, Twilight ran it. Joy.

My day ended with my sleeping on a large couch it Fluttershy's living room, a few small animals snuggling into the blankets I had been given. Despite the small guys fast asleep, it didn't come quick for me. For the longest time, I gazed out the window, the pale moonlight shining through the window, pushing the darkness further into the room. I looked up at beautiful sky, it was so vibrant, so alive. Luna's nights were always more beautiful than earths. Not that I ever told her that though. She and I were not friends. We could never agree on anything, honestly we were always at each other's throats. If it hadn't been for Celly, I probably would have been locked up in the dungeons indefinitely .


I sighed. It was going to be a long night.