• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 6,015 Views, 297 Comments

Bite Me. . .Please? - Drax

Octavia Philharmonica, the apple of her parents eye, star of the Ponyville Youth Orchestra, has only ever wanted one thing, to be a vampire. And with the help of the vampire Vinyl Scratch she just might. Now if only Vinyl would agree to bite her.

  • ...

Too Bright

Octavia shuffled her feet nervously. She’d decided to forgo lunch for the day and deliver the letter instead. As a result, people were now staring at her.

It wasn’t that uncommon for people to abandon the cafeteria so they could eat somewhere else in school. They weren’t allowed to leave the actual school building to grab something. So to make up for that students would mingle in the halls, usually in their own group of friends spread out across the school. But with no lunch and no friends nearby to speak of, Octavia stuck out like a sore thumb.

That wasn’t what got her the stares though. No. Most people were staring at her because she flat out refused to sit down. She’d been standing there since lunch started, which by her count was a good thirty minutes ago. Enough time for several people to pass her by on more than one occasion and ask the usual questions. “What are you doing here? Do you need a chair? Are you selling drugs?” That last one had led to a very awkward conversation with the physics teacher, who as far as Octavia was concerned had it out for her to begin with and probably wouldn’t let this go.

Octavia let out a deep sigh as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time. It was almost 12:30. Lunch was over in five minutes, and the person she was supposed to deliver the letter to still hadn't shown up. Octavia let loose a groan of frustration. Her head fell back against the locker door with a resounding thud, as she started to stare at the ceiling, wondering where exactly she'd gone wrong.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she’d imagined this like some top secret spy meeting. All "hush-hush", and “If you breathe a word of this, I’ll stab you in the back of your neck and drop your body in the nearest river.” Hence, the attempt to look as tough as possible by leaning against the lockers. What she got were aching feet and people asking her if she could spare an eight-ball.

Octavia let out another sigh, “I guess I could just wait until after school and hope I catch them, but that’s three hours away. And suppose I don’t catch them in time? Then I have to explain to Vinyl why I didn’t deliver her letter like she asked.”

Just then a voice called out to break her out of her stupor—not a voice from the heavens, good gods no! But a voice from the deepest pits of hell where Octavia had often imagined it burning alive. “Well if it isn’t the little fiddler.”

Octavia looked up, and instantly her features hardened into a hard glare. Right in front of her, straight from the deepest pits of hell where she’d probably been busy decapitating the devil, was Sunset Shimmer. Flanked by her two cronies—Trixie and Lightning Dust—Canterlot High’s resident bully stood tall and proud, with her trademark smug grin to top it all off. The woman's pure being radiated condescension; the full brunt of which was currently being aimed directly at Octavia.

Octavia grit her teeth, doing her best impression of a girl who didn’t want to punch Sunset Shimmer in her face. “It’s a cello, and you damn well know it,” she barked. The red head just scoffed. Which only furthered to annoy Octavia.

Once upon a time in middle school, Sunset hadn’t been that bad. She’d been a little stuck-up, but for the most part she was a nice girl. Not really part of the popular crowd—there really hadn’t been one at school—but still well known enough to be considered popular. All in all, a person you could get along with if you tried.

But like all good things that go through high school, somewhere along the line she became horribly twisted. She’d managed to pick out the two of the most annoying girls in school to act as her flunkies. Trixie, a showboat who couldn't back it up, and Lightning Dust, a showboat who could, but it was still annoying to hear her talk about it. And thus began her reign of tyranny over Canterlot High.

Sunset’s eyes shifted from side to side looking for something. “Where’s your little friend Tampon?”

Octavia felt a guttural growl starting in the back of her throat. “I think you mean Bon-Bon.”

“Nope,” she shot back, the smug look on her face only increasing.

Sunset had a knack for finding your weak points and jabbing at them until you snapped. That’s just the kind of bully she was, with her two henchwoman occasionally adding commentary, but mostly just standing by for support. It didn’t help that Sunset’s face was the extremely punchable kind. “It’s the kind of face where she could just say hi to you and you’d walk up and go. WHAM! Right in the kisser, because you’re pretty sure she has something evil planned for you.”

Octavia’s glare barreled down on Sunset, but the prima donna didn’t even flinch. “What do you want Sunset?” She asked, hoping the other girl would just go away so she could get back to her mission.

Sunset rolled, “I ‘want’ you to move out of the way so I can get to my locker.”

Octavia blanched, it couldn't be. “Your locker?”

“Yes, my locker. Now are you going to move or what?” She said mockingly, drawing out the “yes”.

Octavia felt her world spinning. She knew Vinyl was cruel and unusual, but to have her deliver a note to Sunset Shimmer of all people? That would mean Vinyl was consorting with pure unadulterated evil, and Octavia was serving it little finger sandwiches by extension.

In a state of shock, Octavia took a step away from the locker she'd been leaning on. Immediately, she was flanked by Trixie and Lightning, both throwing her weird glances. Octavia wasn’t sure what most of them meant, but she got the jest of the messages. She wasn’t going anywhere, and the thought caused a small lump to rise in her throat.

To her great relief though, when Sunset walked over to put in her combination, she went directly to locker next to Octavia's drop-off point. Octavia let out a sigh of relief. Which got her a few more strange looks, from the human bookends next to her, but she didn't care. She was just happy her Mistress wasn't asking her to do the unthinkable.

“Now,” said Sunset, turning around, a Biology book in her hands. She leaned up against the lockers so that she was taking up the spot Octavia had occupied only a few seconds earlier. “I’ve been hearing some interesting things about you band geek.”

“Band?!” Octavia was fuming.

Sunset clicked her tongue, "Something about you spreading your legs for old men who buy you stuff?” She chuckled, pointing at her. “I mean, I know those instruments of yours aren’t cheap, but I never knew you were.”

“That’s a dirty lie, and you know it,” she spat out. Octavia could feel her fists clenching, but she decided to calm herself. There was nothing Sunset would have liked more than for Octavia to lose control and get in trouble. It didn’t help that Sunset was skilled in hand to hand combat, and could probably floor Octavia, before she even got a punch in.

“I don’t know,” Sunset smirked, “Seems pretty plausible to me. Besides, at least this answers that age old question. Who do you have to blow to make a few bucks?”

"I don't have to take this! I really don't, if she would just move her inflated ego a few hundred feet to the left, and she'd be tolerable.

She clasped her hands together, “I know,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice. “Next time, you can bring your little friend, Tampon along with you and get double the money.”

That was it. Sunset had crossed a line. She could talk about her if she wanted, but no one insulted Bon-Bon like that and walked away without at least a broken arm. Just when Octavia was about to roll up her sleeves and get down to business, a voice interrupted them.

“What are you doing, Sunset?” Someone asked in an exasperated voice. Octavia could swear she saw Sunset cringe as the voice spoke. And she turned her head, wondering who could elicit such a reaction from such an emotionless witch.

Standing only a few feet away—looking more annoyed about the situation than anything—was Twilight Sparkle. It was common knowledge that Sunset hated Twilight’s guts. The two were always competing for the top positions in school, with Twilight constantly coming out ahead. Still no one was really sure what caused the amount of pure hatred the red-head had for the . . . purple head. But whatever it was, it was responsible for Sunset’s face turning a particularly dark shade of red as her mouth twisted into a snarl.

“None of your business, Sparkle!” She barked at the other girl.

Twilight just shrugged, letting out a long yawn. If Sunset had been paying attention like Octavia, she might have noticed the bags under Twilight’s eyes. Instead she took it as Twilight trying to mock her. Which only succeeded in bringing Sunset a few shades closer to looking like her namesake.

“Well, you’d better do 'none of your business' somewhere else, because class is going to start in,” She decided to check her non-existent watch, “Three minutes. Which means if you don’t want to end up getting trampled, you’d better head to your next period.”

Sunset shot her a glare, a force Twilight met with a look of absolute indifference. After a moment or two of tense silence, Sunset motioned for Trixie and Lightning Dust to follow her as she left. That was it—no snide comments, no over the shoulder glares—they just left.

Octavia felt her jaw drop . . . or at least, she did until she felt it start to cramp and then she had to reel it in as quickly as possible. But still, pain in her jaw aside, she’d never seen Sunset just let something go like that. Usually, there would be some sort of attempt to put in her remaining two cents so she can pile it on later. But Twilight Sparkle seemed to have some mysterious power over the school bully.

“Uhm thanks, Twilight.” she answered meekly. she really did owe the girl for butting in. The last girl that challenged Sunset to a fight had to get stitches, and Octavia probably wouldn't have fared any better.

“No problem.” The school's resident bookworm replied nonchalantly, shuffling her backpack off of her shoulders and setting it to the side. Walking over to the lockers both Sunset and Octavia had been leaning on just moments ago, she stopped in front of locker 1364 and began punching in the combination.

“You!” Shouted Octavia.Pointing an accusing finger as her eyes threatened to bug out of her eye sockets.

Twilight turned to look at her. An eyebrow raised in the air as she shot the cellist a questioning look. “Yes?” She asked somewhat hesitantly.

“No-I-you-locker. . .” She floundered. Octavia’s hand shot into her pocket. Jumbling around the contents as she tried to grip the folded up letter. After being jabbed multiple times by a pencil she’d left in there, she managed to pinch a corner of the envelope. Pulling it out of her pocket she unfolded it, and presented it to Twilight, a slightly creepy smile threatening to overtake her face.

Twilight eyed the note for a few seconds, scanning it before her eyes rested on the crest and instant recognition flooded her face. The confused look she'd been wearing suddenly morphed into understanding—and then a look Octavia hadn’t been expecting; pity—as she gently took the note from Octavia’s hands.

For a second, Octavia dreaded that Twilight would just shove the letter into her backpack and read it later. But after flipping the letter in her hands, a few more times, she started to slowly wiggle it open with her fingernail. Octavia could almost feel herself bouncing back and forth on the balls of her feet. This was it! She would finally get some answers about how deeply Vinyl was entrenched in her school. Who else knew about this magical world here, and would they be willing to share some of that information?

. . . Or at least that's what she thought.

When Twilight finally freed the letter from its paper prison, she didn’t gasp in shock or (more importantly) confide in Octavia what it was about. No, Twilight skimmed over the brief contents of the letter and then let out a deep sigh. Grumbling something unintelligible, she reached down and stuffed the letter into a side pocket in her bag.

When Twilight turned back to her, she had a deep frown on her face, her lips formed into a thin line. “Tell Vinyl that if she wants to do this, then she should come to my house at about Ten O’clock. Bring the money with her then, and tell her to try not to draw too much attention to herself.”

Whatever Vinyl had put in that letter it had obviously ticked off Twilight to no end. Which didn't exactly surprise her, this was Vinyl after all. “Uh, what exactly did Vinyl want from you?” She asked hesitantly.

Twilight threw her hands up in the air, “What does anyone want from a witch?” She hissed. “A magic spell to fix all of their problems.” And with a huff, she slung her backpack back over her shoulder and walked away.

Author's Note:

Wohoo, another chapter bites the dust. . .on the downside another chapter that was originally supposed to be longer bites the dust. But I promised myself I'd get you guys another chapter soon and I feel like this flows a lot better than just tacking on another scene.

On the plus side, I officially graduate high school in a couple days. Yes, I'll be a free man. free to look for a job and go to college, where I'll be subject to four more years of school. Yep, liven the dream.

Anyway next chapter is when things finally start to kick off, so stay tuned as always, comment and I hope you enjoyed.