• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Rainbow Dash's choice of words go over the line in front of the Cutie Mark Crusaders at the Carousel Boutique. Applejack and Rarity are ready to pay her back.

MLPFiM Copyright Hasbro

Trace provided by Vanille Cream. http://vanillecream.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Trace2-262795850

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 72 )

You know you have good friends if they will wash your mouth out with soap if you step out of line.

I loved this
thumbs up!

The moment I saw the premises, and who wrote it, I knew this would be hilarious! and I was right! As for the thing about Fluttershy finding violent movies boring, it does make sense. We just don't see those horribly hurt animals on screen in the show, cause, you know, for kids.

4834599 Of course, they'll also tie you up so you can't get away before they get to washing...

And this, friends, is why I only ever swore with my mother out of earshot.

seriously, though, the phrase scared the buck out of me when I was a little kid.

Heh! This just gives me a good excuse to read and favorite this one again. :pinkiehappy:

(By the way, I can't believe it took me this long to notice that you had an account here... :facehoof: )

Fluttershy has treated some terribly hurt animals until she finds violent movies to be boring? not big surprise.

This story was worse than Cupcakes. +1 thumbs down

I wish America had that law. I could shove bars of soap down my brother's throat and it'd be perfectly legal. :derpytongue2:

4835264 We'll it would proble poison him after sometime

4834878 Um, why and how?
Or are you just trolling?

4835401 That's the poi- I mean, uh, how sad. Never mind.




Exactly. :-D :-D :-D


A friend of mine told me about this logic, and I realized it made total sense. Fluttershy would know all the glaring inaccuracies that would make it impossible for her to be drawn into the movie.

4835484 One dose not simply troll on fimfiction

4835264 Only if he cursed around kids, knowingly, and you thought he did it often and carelessly enough to warrant that.


Fair enough, Fluttershy is actually a lot more skilled than most give her credit for, she knows how to treat animals, probably knows a few tricks for keeping calm while trying to treat a badly wounded animal, or how to help if say, a bear is giving birth. Anyway, it makes so much sense, Discord would hate it, considering he relishes in the nonsensical and the strange.

It's just a teeny bit moralistic, but the premise requires that, and it is very funny.


This is very much like my wife Rosanna, who has a degree in Natural Sciences and is very knowledgeable about zoology, botany and geology. In particular, a lot of movies with animals ring false for her -- for instance when a wolf or mountain lion is "attacking" on screen, its body language usually involves it looking at its (offscreen) trainer and going "Am I doing this right? I like working with you! Can I get a treat?" and such like. Since I've been around her a lot I pick up on this too.

Also, the noise they usually play for the roar of an "attacking" mountain lion is actually its mating call, which cracks her up every time she hears it played over a mountain lion which is supposedly being scary, because it's basically saying "I'm lonely. I want a mate!" rather than "I'm going to kill you." For that matter, actual attacking mountain lions are usually silent because they try to attack by surprise (humans are scary to them), though they might snarl and growl if they were trying to scare you off their cubs.

Also, that "skree" they play over eagles is actually the call of the red-tailed hawk.

I've just spoiled a lot of movies for everyone. Sorry. :twilightsmile:

4836191 I bet she loved Day of the Animals if she ever saw it. And the science -- excess solar radiation from the hole in the ozone layer causes a virus to mutate, both increasing animals'* intelligence AND sending them into homicidal rages? SyFy Channel classic material at its best!

* -- We're talking everything from bears to cougars to raptors to snakes to tarantulas(!) all affected the exact same way by the same virus. Oh, and an ad exec from New York played by Leslie Nielsen. I'm no expert on biology but I doubt that even mutant diseases work that way.

Was thinking there that it kind of went too far restraining Dash, until they said the tickets were actually going to be given to her and Rarity got some comeuppance for slight hypocrisy. (I really don't think that is taking a deity in vain.) Scoots could have been corrected before having to break out the soap at the end because the habit probably hadn't taken hold yet. Otherwise a good, pony related expletives redaction punishment story.

Good to see this here on FIMfic. I especially love how sweet shy Fluttershy's response to all those slasher flicks (and why would Equestria, of all places, have slasher movies?) is boredom. Because she's seen real injuries, and they don't look real.


I'm glad Rainbow Dash got the tickets. After all that, she deserved them!


Also forgets that humans are animals too.


Also forgets that humans are animals too.

Is this a joke based on the idea that a New York ad exec was affected, but no other humans beings? I'm just wondering here.


Thanks! That twist GREW OUT OF THE story.


What about Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo?

4836191 In addition, getting a biology degree involves a lot of dirty work with animals all the time. When you've cleaned fish guts out of other fishes' guts you start to get a very different perspective on all of this blood, guts and organs business. It's not some weird alien thing deep in your body you should never think about. It's part of the elegant system of workings that will keep you alive for eighty years with a little respect.

I just don't like the story.

You can put huge intimidating censor bars over words by typing (spoiler)text(/spoiler), with the parentheses replaced with [] brackets for a different feel.
******! ******! ******! ******!


Thank you for that heads up. But I'm worried that might lesson the impact when we have the 'cut away to birds flying' motif early on in the story.

Good point, the birds flying away scene was comedic genius.

4839168 And that's enough to say it's "worse than 'Cupcakes'?" :ajbemused:


There was a fanfic I came across a while back where the mane six were watching a ponified version of the original "Nightmare on Elm Street,"

Given that this is Equestria, I'm surprised the title wasn't "Nightmare Moon on Elm Street." Of course then you get an angry Luna on your case.

Comment posted by Lunix deleted Aug 14th, 2014

That Scootaloo ending epilogue should of been added in. Maybe just do one more scene. That was a nice story and it went full circle.

Fluttershy having limited editions of THAT stuff makes me want to see a more Fluttershy centered story that does more with her than "I'm shy" and "I have the hots for big mac" story. And her going on a small journey to acquire limited editions of anything Wonderbolts is a nice quirk you wouldn't really expect from Shy.

Props on all the nice ponyswears. Wish more people would use these than the human ones since, well, that stuff is always jarring since its a whole different world and I don't see them picking up the same habit of calling another pony a bitch or other human swears. Bucker is alright, but AJ bucks for a living so doesn't feel like a true pony swear. Oh rut or horseapples, though, are nice starts.


The soap is actually Rainbow Dash's. And I agree it's nice to have a story that gives Fluttershy the depth she deserves as a character.

"That Scootaloo ending epilogue should of been added in. Maybe just do one more scene."

Really? How? How would it work as a full scene?

"That was a nice story and it went full circle."

Thank you.

"Props on all the nice ponyswears. Wish more people would use these than the human ones since, well, that stuff is always jarring since its a whole different world and I don't see them picking up the same habit of calling another pony a bitch or other human swears. Bucker is alright, but AJ bucks for a living so doesn't feel like a true pony swear. Oh rut or horseapples, though, are nice starts."

My sentiments exactly. As for 'buck' that's become so engrained with the fandom it's hard NOT to use it. And I wanted to have some fun with how it could be a dirty word AND still be what AJ does for a living. Rut huh? (looks up other meaning of the word) okay, I see your point there, that one would have worked.

I'm happy this story managed to entertain you. I wanted to write something that wasn't epic or world spanning. But still entertained.

Sometimes, a good soaping will solve any potty mouth.

4836191 I especially enjoy how one of the most stereotypical 'jungle' sounds that gets put in films set in South American jungles (the 'hoo hoo hoo ha ha ha' or whatever it is) that most people think is a monkey, is actually a laughing kookaburra, which is native to Australia.


Most of these types of stories have Rarity being 'given hers' I wanted to turn that on its head.


Isn't friendship great?



Happens. I have the worst block in the history of blocks.


It was meant

Forgive me for defending my own work. But I've SEEN worse than Cupcakes, and this story is NOT worse than Cupcakes.

5375313 Yup! And so is hostage-taking! :D

5375321 I never said this was worse than Cupcakes. The other guy said that. I was reacting sarcastically to him. Note that I put the phrase IN QUOTES, and followed it with an :ajbemused: emoticon.


I was following you.


It wasn't hostage taking. Sorry. No. Just no. Over the line bub. Sorry. No. Just no. Ex-nay. X. Do not pass go, do not collect 500 dollars. Nuh-uh. That was NOT funny.

5375419 ...I was being facetious.

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