• Published 24th Sep 2014
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The Witching Hour - Chaos is Change - Chaotic Ink

Part 2 of The Witching Hour. Midnight's been in Ponyville for a year and been through a lot already. But, honestly, she and her friends haven't seen anything yet.

  • ...

Ch.13 - Glimpses Into A Larger World

Midnight took a swig from her cup as a griffon and diamond dog walked by.

"Scarlet wasn't joking about ponies and diamond dogs," Sapphire said, surprise clear on her face.

"As long as they don't try and pony-nap anypony," Midnight said, smirking to show she was just joking, and popped a bit of food into her mouth.

Town hall was packed to the brim with not just ponies, but several other races and, of course, hybrids. From where she and Sapphire were standing, Midnight could see griffons, diamond dogs, donkeys, cows, goats, mules, hippogriffs, and hybrids whose species name neither knew. Some were even sporting zebra stripes, although no actual zebras were reported to be attending. In terms of turn out, this "Hybrid Ball" or as some where calling it, a "convention", was a complete success. So many had come, in fact, that several large tents had been set up outside the town hall so folks could have a bit of breathing room.

Even so, Midnight couldn't help but be glad she'd convinced Eden Rose to change the event location. Based on her own experience and conversations with others, having it in Canterlot would have been intimidating to most. Canterlot was the capital, had been for over a thousand years, and with that came a certain air about it that Midnight couldn't help but feel would have drove potential attendees away. That and an official ball would have meant fancy get-ups, something most would not have been able to afford. Midnight was happy as pie to arrive just as she was.

"Any large city is intimidating to somepony who's grown up in the country," Summer had told Eden when the noble had come to Ponyville to talk with Midnight about the plans she'd come up with. The older unicorn had been surprised at the unexpected visit from nobility but it hadn't glued her mouth shut; she'd had several clients from noble birth over the years after all. "And throwing them into such a social event practically right off the train," she'd shaken her head as if thinking of a bad memory. "No, I don't think Canterlot is the best location and I wouldn't call it a ball. What exactly is this for, anyway?"

"In my travels, I've met many hybrids and their families. They know about families in other towns and regions but have had practically no interaction with each other," Eden had explained. "I want to introduce them all to each other and start giving them a real sense of community."

"Then you need to make them feel comfortable and dragging them into Canterlot is the exact opposite. I'd suggest down-playing the event into more of a meet-and-greet sort of affair and having it in a notable town than in any city. They'll feel more at home and you'd still have a well-known name attached to it."

Eden had tapped her chin has she'd mulled over Summer's suggestion, then grinned and looked over at Midnight, who'd cocked an eyebrow back at her. "A notable town, you say?"

After Eden had gotten everything squared away with Mayor Mare (Midnight suspected Eden had wooed her with vague promises of revenue for the town a small horde of visitors could make), they had town hall booked and a date set for right before Winter Wrap Up. Eden had arranged for the tents when ALL of the RSVPs had come back with at least one guest each and when she'd gotten a note from Midnight asking if the event was going to be an exclusive or open affair. Word had gotten around and several ponies, including Berry, Derpy, and Vinyl, had asked the kirin if they could join the party.

"I know it kinda sounds like we just want to gawk, but how often do you get to meet folks that are so different," Berry had said, admitting she couldn't think of a better, kinder way of putting it. Midnight had said that as long as they actually mingled with the other guests then it shouldn't be a problem, and Eden agreed.

"We shouldn't promote this as "hybrid only" anyway," she'd told Midnight in her letter back. "They don't want to be separate from Equestria, just more accepted like any of the three tribes. Speaking of which, why don't you invite those thestral neighbors of yours? I think they'd be great additions to the festivities and we can always arrange everything for later in the evening to accommodate them."

And so everything had been set.

Everything, except for the food that is.

From the sound of it, nearly half of those attending would be omnivores at the very least and Midnight knew that she, Squeaks, Scarlet, and the thestrals would all appreciate at least a little meat to snack on during the party. Between an organized hunting party a week before the event and a letter to Long Line, they'd have a nice spread.

The smirk now on Midnight's face wasn't just from the joke. The recipe for fried deer meat Scarlet had shown her was even better when the hippogriff's mother actually made it herself, having come to Ponyville two days before the social, along with her father, to catch up with her, see how she was doing, and do what she could to help prepare. Gertrude Hawk, upon hearing what their plans were, had immediately taken over preparing and cooking the deer meat, making several other dishes besides the fried meat strips. Iron Hammer, Scarlet's father and his town's blacksmith, had helped set up town hall and the tents. The extra help gave them all a bit more breathing room and a bit of background for their hippogriff friend. "She's always been a bit of a hero worshiper," Gertrude told Midnight and Sapphire as they cooked. "If it wasn't a fairy tale hero, it was a comic book one; now she has a real one. Don't worry, she'll calm down eventually and hardly any of the others we know are as swept off their claws as she is."

And she was right. While some who had come were a little over zealous in greeting and speaking with her about the fight with Discord, most had been calm, polite, and respectful. It went a long way in soothing Midnight's initial fears of "Hybrid Power" zealots and she was willing to apologize to Scarlet for having the very idea color her perception. If she could even find Scarlet in the crowd.

"Midnight!" The kirin and pegasus turned to see Eden Rose gently but firmly pushing her way over to them. "How are you this evening?" she asked when she finally made it over to them. "Have you spoken with anypony yet?"

"I have, and they've all been very kind so far," Midnight told her.

"I'm glad to hear it. By the way, I met somepony just the other day who says he met you at the Grand Galloping Gala and wanted a chance to meet with you again. He's a professor at Celestia's school who teaches genetics and I think he's a great addition to the guest list."

Looking past Eden, Midnight's pupils shrank as she saw the stallion in question moving towards them. "Aw, buck me," Midnight mumbled as Professor Puzzle Mixer trotted up to them in almost the exact same suit and tie he'd had at the Gala.

"Hello Miss Storm! It's so nice to meet with you once again!" he said enthusiastically.

"Hello professor," Midnight said with a guilty smile. "Sorry about last time with... smacking your horn to shoot flaming cheese balls everywhere."

Sapphire looked away, cheeks darkened with embarrassment, and Eden lifted an eyebrow as she looked between the two.

"Think nothing of it, think nothing of it!" he told her, not one drop of his excitement leaving his face. "It was a rather ingenious trick; one which I doubt most ponies would even consider! Perhaps you would be so kind as to take a few IQ tests..."

"Maybe some other time," Midnight said, trying to stay polite, "when I'm not so busy with my job and organizing events."

"Perfectly understandable!" Mixer said cheerily. "And what an event this is! I overheard Miss Rose and Princess Celestia talking about it around the castle earlier this week and when I heard just how many different hybrids would be attending I simply couldn't pass up the opportunity! Can you just imagine how much my research will benefit from this?" It looked like he was about to cry.

"I'm... glad you're so happy," Midnight told him, looking at the other two and seeing they both had the same 'ooooookay' look on their faces. "But... maybe a party isn't the best time to... interview folks?"

"On the contrary! I've already spoken with several hybrids and their families!" he told her, a pad and pencil levitating into view. "Speaking of which, I must find that diamond dog hybrid and his parents; seeing as how our two species see each other, I MUST find out how they came to have a child together! I hope we can speak again soon!" And with that he plunged back into the crowd.

"I knew he was excited..." Eden said.

"I'm pretty sure he's harmless," Midnight said. "Just needs to understand boundaries a bit better."

Sapphire nodded, then turned to Eden. "He said you were talking with Princess Celestia about this?"

"Yes," Eden admitted. "I had hoped the princesses could attend as well but Princess Celestia told me they were both very busy with matters of state; a pity."

Midnight eyed the unicorn. She would have sworn that, for just an instant, Eden actually looked angry.

"Well, I had best return to our guests," Eden said, back in her normal, upbeat tone. "Hopefully we'll run into each other later."

As she trotted back into the crowd, Midnight leaned over to Sapphire. "Did she seem weird to you for a second there?"

"Yes...and no," Sapphire said in an unsure voice. "I've heard that tone from nobles who've gotten politely snubbed but Eden doesn't seem like the kind of pony who'd act like that."

Midnight swallowed the rest of her drink an shrugged. "It can't be that serious of an issue; the princesses would have told us if it was." She laid a wing on Sapphire's whither. "Come on; let's walk around and see how folks are doing. We are hosts too, after all."

"That sounds nice," Sapphire agreed. As they carefully plowed into the crowd she asked, "Do you think Honeysuckle is doing okay with the foals?"

"I don't think we've got anything to worry about," Midnight said as she swerved to avoid a wing. "Honey's good with foals and Squeaks will help her keep things in line. I DO wish Spike was with them," she added, having caught sight of where Puzzle Mixer had gone and seeing Twilight with him and Spike beside her taking notes. "He'd probably have more fun."



"Argh! You hit my weather pony! Again!"

"That's why you need to move it between turns!"

"Maybe y'all should play something different, Pinchy."

"Not before I kick his furry butt!"

"Your butt is furry, too. All our butts are furry."

"Well... his is extra furry!"

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult."

From their game of Go Fish in the living room, Squeaks, Honeysuckle, Arina, Autumn, Star Glider, Sweetie Belle, and Gin watched the argument unfold.

"Pinchy," Honey called out, "why don't you let somepony else play for a bit? You've already had two games with Wet Nose."

The young unicorn let out a loud, long groan but finally said "alright!" and hopped down, letting Apple Bloom take her place and joining Scootaloo, Bright Star, and Silent Arrow in a game of Hungry Hungry Hippocampus.

"Look at it this way Pinchy," Sweetie called over to her, "would you rather be here at least playing some games or at the party and stuck just sitting there and listening to grown-ups talk all night."

"Talking isn't so boring," Honey defended, only to realize who she was talking to when thirteen pairs of tabled eyes looked back at her. "For adults that is. Uh, Gin, do you have a three?"

The pegasus/goat hybrid shook her head. "Go Fish," she said, fiddling with the cards in her cloven hooves as she scratched her wing with one of her horns. She let out a gentle, contented bleat when she finished scratching.

"But why can't adults bring some games to stuff like this?" Wet Nose asked. "B-4, by the way."

"Miss," Apple Bloom told him with a smile. "Ah'm not like Pinchy."

Said unicorn blew a raspberry at the table.

"I mean, my dad and I play corn hole with other ponies back home and no one says somepony can't play because of how old they are," Wet Nose said, crossing his pawed front legs and thumping his diamond dog tail against the seat in agitation. His dog-like muzzle scrunched up when Apple Bloom hit one of his pieces.

"Because this is one of those things that needs to be treated seriously," Honey explained. "Maybe if and when they hold it again, maybe then it can be more of a festival atmosphere."

"But why's it got to be so late?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm usually still in bed," Bright said.

"Well, Miss Rose wanted to include Bright's, Arrow's, and Glider's parents and since they're only awake at night the party had be held late so they could attend," Honey explained. For her part, she thought it was an excellent idea to have the younger children separate from the get-together as at least some, like Pinchy, would get tired of all the talking and end up making some sort of scene. It also meant they could get to meet hybrids that were their own age and have more in common with.

At first, Gin and Wet Nose had been reluctant to leave their parents and looked like they were being left in a den of wolves. That changed when they were both swiftly pulled into games by the other foals who, beyond asking a few questions based on what they were, practically ignored the fact that they were different than them. Honey could tell it was a jarring, yet a very welcomed, change from what they were used to and she was glad to know she now lived in such an accepting town. Well, excepting of MOST creatures, anyway...

"Hey Squeaks, what's that Family Appreciation Day Mr. Night Owl says we'll be doing next week?" Glider asked as she looked over her hoof.

"It's where you bring in somepony from your family to talk about themselves and what they do," Squeaks explained. "Got any princesses?"

Glider hoofed one to her.

"So, what's the point?" Arrow asked as he picked the marbles out of his tray. "Are we supposed to judge who's got the coolest parent or something?"

"It doesn't have to be parents," Squeaks told him, "and I think the whole point is to help everyone understand where we all come from. I mean, Granny Smith seems a bit weird sometimes, but what she deals with is weird, at least around Zap Apple season."

Over at her game with Wet Nose, Apple Bloom blushed. "Yeah, Granny kin get weird sometimes, but it's thanks to her that Ponyville exists at all. Ah wonder why Ah never heard that one b'fore?"

"Shouldn't Granny Smith be the mayor if she made the town?" Scootaloo asked.

"That would be so cool," Pinchy said. "You could have her throw Diamond and Silver into prison for picking on us!"

"Now Pinchy, abusing your power is never a good thing," Honey said. "Besides, Ponyville doesn't have a prison."

"Throw them in the Everfree Forest then!"

Honey sighed, then noticed Arina's eyes were glowing. "Squeaks, I think your mom wants to see you."

The bat filly looked down at the spider. "Oh, hey mom! We're all good here; just playing some games." Both Wet Nose and Gin looked at her like she was crazy. "Oh, and tell Pinchy's mom not to let her run for mayor, or she's going to throw ponies into the Everfree Forest."

"For justice!" Pinchy yelled.

The spider turned towards Honey. "Everything's fine here Midnight. They've had dinner and we have some games going; hope the get-together is going fine."

"Say hi to my mom for me!" Dinky added.

Arina nodded, then her eyes stopped glowing.

"Uh," Wet Nose said. "What was that?"

"Princess Luna enchanted Arina so she and my mom can see what each other is seeing," Squeaks said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. "It's really useful."

"When I'm mayor, Imma pay her to spy on my enemies!" Pinchy said, rubbing her hooves together like a cheesy villain.

"Nexth time we play Pillow Knighth, can Pinchy be the bad guy?" Twist asked.


"So, uh, just curious, but if you're out of milk, can you just squirt some out or something?"


"What!? She's part cow!"

"I am so sorry."

The cow/pegasus laughed. "It's not a problem! Actually, that's one of the funnier questions I've been asked!"

"See? Not a problem. Really need to lighten up there Berry."

Berry just face-hoofed.

"To answer your question, yes, and it saves money at the market."

"I knew it!"

The cow/pegasus, Eir, laughed again. "You know, when I first heard that some of the local ponies were going to attend, I thought things would get awkward."

"What do you mean?" Berry asked.

Eir's smiled faded. "Most of the time, I get questions like "What's it like having a bull for a dad?" and "Is that thing, my udder, sensitive?" It gets really annoying sometimes."

"I'll bet," Berry said, eyes wide that anypony would be so crass as to ask that.

"Yeah, and sometimes... it gets worse," Eir continued. "Sometimes ponies will ask why I'm not with my herd, or, if I'm in a restaurant, why I'm not in the back making milkshakes or something."

"Jeez! What butt-hole of a town do you come from!?" Vinyl practically yelled. "If I ever heard somepony saying that stuff I'd deck them right there and then!"

"I think that's why you basically got kicked out of Canterlot, Vinyl," Berry said.

"Well screw those stuck-up, class-makin'-hatin' snobs! Why would I want to live in a city filled with walkin', talkin' manure!?"

"Actually it's mostly when I head into the city that I get asked that," Eir clarified. "Most folks in my town are very nice."

"See!?" Vinyl said. "Proof that cities suck! Midnight and me got the right idea; rural for life, baby!"

Eir chuckled again at Vinyl's outburst. "I definitely like your enthusiasm, and I'm glad not all ponies outside my town are how I thought they were."

"It's so screwed up that ponies still act like that," Berry said. "Midnight told us about what she went through but, I don't know, I guess I always thought she was exaggerating a bit."

"Well, ponies generally fear dragons, so she might have had a harder time than most," Eir said. "And I also heard that she spent a lot of time alone; it's easier when you have friends with you."

"Yeah, she's gotten a lot less grumpy since we first met her," Vinyl said, then she got a wicked grin. "And since she and Sapphire hooked up. Bow-chicka-bow-ow!" She rubbed the spot where Berry had hit her. "Berry, what the heck!?"

"And that's why Midnight is going to kill you one day."


A hoof tapped Eir's shoulder and they turned to find a zebra/pegasus. "Hey Amity; how's the party?" Eir asked.

"Fine," the mare said, Berry and Vinyl comparing her to Fluttershy immediately. "I just wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine. Hey, could you do me a favor and grab me some punch?"


Once she was gone, Eir turned back to the other two. "Amity, my little sister. She's a sweet heart but really shy around... normal ponies." Eir winced a bit like she'd been caught doing something wrong.

Vinyl caught the catch. "Wait, is there something you call ponies that aren't hybrids?"

"I-It's just some slang..."

"Aw, come on!" Vinyl insisted. "After what a bunch of ponies said to you I'd call'm something nasty too. You're not calling us it, so it's fine."

Eir looked side to side, then leaned in real close. "Alright. Sometimes... we call you all... normies."

Vinyl simply blinked, speechless, blinked again, then fell over laughing. "NORMIES!?" she choked out. "THAT'S a dirty word!? Hey, Berry, you're a NORMY!"

"I would love to know how Octavia puts up with a housemate like you," Berry said, embarrassed at all the looks they were getting.

"Isn't that a question for the ages," Midnight said, walking up to them.

"Hey! Hey, Midnight! You're dating a NORMY!" Vinyl laughed, clutching her sides.

"She does realize she's in the perfect position for me to kick her, right?" Midnight asked.

"I think she thinks it's worth it," Berry said tiredly.

"Is Vinyl alright?" Sapphire asked, coming up next to Midnight.

"Remember how she reacted to me being scared of spiders?" Midnight asked.

"What set her off this time?"

"Normies!" Vinyl wheezed.

"...That's it?"

"It's what we call pure-blood ponies sometimes," Eir said, looking equal parts embarrassed and wanting to laugh as well.

"It's... it's like calling a white pony 'cracker'!" Vinyl laughed. "It's not insulting, it's hilarious!"

"Is everything alright?" Eden asked, joining the group.

"Normy crackers!"


"Ignore her," Midnight advised. "She's easily entertained."

"O...kay..." Eden said, watching in morbid fascination as Vinyl finally picked herself up. "Anyway... Midnight, a couple of ponies are here to see you; they say it's important."

"Who are they?" the kirin asked.

"I'm not sure," Eden said, looking rather distressed, "but they said that their names would be enough. They called themselves Sunny Skies and Moonlit Night; do you know them?"

Both Midnight and Sapphire stiffened. "Yeah, we know them, where are they?"

Eden nodded over her shoulder. "Back in one of the last tents outside. Is there something I should know about?"

"No, just something... private," Midnight told her as she and Sapphire made their way out. "Oh, and Berry," the kirin called back, "don't let Pinchy run for mayor or she'll banish ponies to the Everfree."

Berry sighed. "I don't even want to know."


"I was told you two weren't attending tonight," Midnight said as she and Sapphire entered one of the farthest tents from town hall. The only other occupants were a white pegasus and a light blue unicorn.

"As the Princesses, no," the pegasus said. "As normal ponies attending an open social event, yes."

The word "normal" brought to mind Vinyl laughing her flank off and Midnight had to smother a snicker. "So, what can I do for you this evening," Midnight asked, attempting to sound casual for the benefit of anypony accidently strolling in.

"We have a couple of things to discuss with you," "Moonlit Night" said.

"The first has to do with your co-host," "Sunny Skies" said.

Midnight and Sapphire raised eyebrows but stayed silent.

"I suppose the best thing to do is ask how much of her family history she's told you," Sunny asked.

"Just that it goes back a long way, almost to Discord's defeat if I'm remembering correctly," Midnight told them.

Moonlit nodded. "At the very end of his brief rule, actually. Her ancestors helped us set the stage for Discord's defeat."

"I'd like to hear how they pulled that off," Midnight said, honestly curious how regular unicorns had been able to be anything more than an annoyance to the draconequus.

"They were spies," Sunny told them. "Gifted at stealth and... other attributes."

"Assassins," Moonlit clarified. "Not everything was nice and pretty back then."

"It ain't exactly sunshine and rainbows now," Midnight muttered. "So, are you saying she's actually a danger?" They all noticed the kirin's wing draped more protectively around Sapphire.

"Not in an immediate, physical sense," Sunny said carefully. "Like all nobles, she has her own interests in mind. I knew her parents and I doubt they actually taught her any of her family's... darker arts but they certainly would have trained her in the art of spying."

"We're quite sure she knows more about you than she's letting on, and for far longer," Moonlit said.

"Okay, so if she's not a danger, than what does she want with me?"

"For what we can gather, two things," Sunny said. "One would indeed be helping her find her lost son; on that she's been very truthful with you."

"The other is most likely to use you as a rallying point for the cause she is secondly most devoted to, which would be the bettering of the lots of hybrids," Moonlit added.

Midnight took a deep breath and stamped a hoof. "I knew something like this was going to happen, I said it would."

"The other hybrids aren't planning this with her, are they?" Sapphire asked, leaning against Midnight to try and calm her down.

"We highly doubt it," Sunny said. "More likely this is the first of many gatherings during which she'll slip a word or two here and there to certain ears to gently bring them around to her way of thinking."

"To what end?" Midnight asked.

"From what we can gather, simply to have hybrids be seen as equals in the eyes of ponies everywhere," Moonlit said. "A noble cause but she might try to push the issue a little too hard and too fast for many likings."

"She's not a bad ally to have," Sunny clarified, "just possibly overzealous about her cause. We simply ask that you exercise a cool head when dealing with her."

Everypony's ears, except Sapphire's, flicked. "Do you think she might have taught some of her closer confidants those spying skills you mentioned?" Midnight asked.

"I think it highly likely," Moonlit said, annoyed.

Sapphire looked back as the tent flap made a noise.

"Pegasus or earth pony?" Midnight asked.

"It looked like a pegasus from here," Sunny told her. "Dark fur?"

"Blade Dancer then, her personal body guard. She was part of the royal guard or at least that's her story," Midnight told them.

"That is true; I looked the records up myself," Sunny told her.

"Think she knows who you two are?" Midnight asked.

"She wasn't there when you came in, so I doubt it," Sunny said. "The worst outcome is that Eden Rose knows that you're on to her game. Playing along might be the best way to keep her in check."

"I knew I should have stayed out of that whole ceremony," Midnight muttered. "Or sicked Rainbow on the photographers sooner." She sighed. "Alright, so keep an eye on Eden, that's number one; what's the second reason you wanted to talk with me?"

At this, both disguised alicorns looked at each other, Sunny looking apprehensive while Moonlit rolled her eyes and nodded towards the kirin. Sunny finally sighed and looked Midnight in the eye. "We, I, would like you to look after Discord's statue from now on."


"What?" Midnight finally asked.

"Please, Midnight, hear me out first," Sunny pleaded. When Midnight didn't move or say anything, only keeping her eyes narrowed, Sunny continued. "As you recall, my sister and I lost our connections with the Elements..." Both sisters tilted their heads away from each other, "...some time ago, and we are sure that lost connection allowed the magic imprisoning Discord to weaken over time. With new bearers, there is a new factor to consider."

"Mainly that death is more likely to be a more destructive break than how ours was," Moonlit said. Sunny shot her an unpleasant look, but Moonlit pushed on. "The bearers are not alicorns and thus are not blessed with almost immortal life spans; they will grow old and they will pass on and the Elements will lose their power once again. Once that happens, there is a very real chance that this second stone prison will deteriorate much more quickly than the first."

"So, you want me to be an early warning system for when that happens," Midnight asked. "Kind of worrying a bit early for that, don't you think? I know what my job is but I doubt something will happen so soon."

"We can't see the future, Midnight, but we do agree to a certain point," Sunny told her. "But the real reason I would have you look after him is... to talk with him."

Again, the eyebrow went up. "Talk with him?"

"It's obvious now that he blames me, at least partially, for what happened all those centuries ago, so my daily talks with him only helped keep his anger and want for revenge alive," Sunny said. "Spending time with a kirin, however, might make him more docile and more reasonable for when he finally does escape again."

Midnight hummed unhappily for a few minutes, looking between the three in the room with her and various points around the tent. Finally, she said, "I'll do it, but under one condition: did any kirins from fifteen hundred years ago survive or am I literally the first kirin alive since then?"

Sunny's and Moonlit's faces fell. "None survived; of that we are sure," Moonlit said solemnly.

"However, the wyverns left Equestria after that," Sunny continued. "What they did afterwards, we do not know. There may be other kirins out there in faraway lands but as far as Equestria is concerned, you are the first one in all this time."

Midnight hummed again, considering this. "A certain point of view..." she mumbled.

"What?" Sunny asked.

"Nothing," Midnight said, shaking her head and sighing. "I'll keep the ugly piece of granite for you but I choose where to put him."

"That's as good of deal as we could have hoped for," Sunny said. "Is it okay if we bring him in tomorrow?"


"Well, at least everypony had fun," Sapphire said the next night after dinner. She and Midnight were, despite the chill, lounging on a cloud above the house. The pegasus snuggled deeper into the kirin's warm body.

"That is a plus," Midnight agreed. "Not too thrilled with the idea of another one so soon," she added, remembering how Eden had descended on them almost as soon as they reentered town hall and saying how this event was such a success and how they should start planning for the next one right away. "I think I might have gotten more respect from the others by turning her down."

"Did Squeaks tell you that those two foals, Gin and Wet Nose want to visit again, or that Eir and Amity are thinking about moving to Ponyville?"

Midnight hummed agreement. "A lot of good came out of this, no matter the intentions."

"There is one thing that does bother me, though," Sapphire said.

"What's that?"

"Is it really the best idea to put Discord and Screwball in your shed? I mean, really?"

Midnight gave an amused snort. "Who knows? It might just drive them sane. Besides, I'm sure they like their new fur hats. And shoulder warmers. And face warmers."

Sapphire shook her head. "You are impossible sometimes."

"You still love me anyway," Midnight said with a nuzzle.

"Unfortunately," Sapphire agreed with a smirk.

Author's Note:

Hybrids! Hybrids everywhere! And another reason to stay out of Midnight's shed. *insert Shed.mov joke here*

Next time is Hearts and Hooves day, so you know what that means. Bow-chicka-bow-oh spit she just went wyvern!