• Published 14th Aug 2014
  • 1,267 Views, 112 Comments

The Last Alicorn - Cerulean Swirl

As each die, more letters come, all demanding the same thing. Can she find the culprit before time runs out?

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The day should have dawned pouring, dark, and depressing, and yet it did the polar opposite, as luck would have it. It was a gorgeous morning, with light spilling from the windowpanes and painting itself upon the furnishings of the grand palace. Yet, with the day being chipper, the palace residents were anything but. The maids were frowning as they tied up the heavy drapes in front of the exquisite drapes. The guard's usual demeanor looked extra sour today, and the butlers seemed more stiff than usual, if that were possible. And all of this was because of her decision. One that she had evaded all this time, one that seemed so clear and yet so foggy. One that would change her life for eternity.

Her elders had been called at dawn. They were on their way at this very moment, and yet seeing them didn't arouse the usual excitement or joy inside of her, which wasn't shocking. The general assembly that she had ordered was to start at exactly noon, and everypony in the entire Empire was to attend, or there would be consequences. At noon, instead of standing on the balcony like she had done so many times before in all her grandeur, she would stand at attention at the base of the palace where the crystal heart stood and await the pony who was the source of her pain.

The thought had crossed her mind many times to kill U before he/she could take her crown, but what was the point? Suppose U had accomplices. Suppose that U wasn't one pony, but a whole bunch, working together to have supreme control over her? If that was so, then she would never be free of the death that cloaked her. She would never truly be free of U.

Then there was the thought of an assassination, through her assumed dead chances of freedom. This was stamped out as well. If U was to be the royal now, then he/she/them would be constantly protected, of course. No one would let any harm come to the royals, even if she was a former royal. Former royal. These words echoed and buzzed around angrily in her mind. She didn't like it in the least, but as time went on further, the reality of her choice was clear. It was to be her new title.

The window that she stood in front of showed her the hustle and bustle of those down below the palace, readying for noon. Crystalline ponies with shimmering coats lingered at the base, trying not to look hasty or fearful. She could tell that they were staying close to the palace, but were trying to appear as if they were going about their normal lives and weren't worrying about her assembly. They did not have this pleasure anyway. That was granted to her, burned unseen into her heart; a fresh burden. She would do all the worrying for today. As always, he was there, standing close by, watching her observe her brother's subjects. The visitor was also there, and though she knew she should be pleased, she could not help but let the reality of this day to poison this long awaited pleasure.

Ever since the guest had arrived yesterday, she had been doing nothing but speaking with her. The visitor had heard plenty of the deaths, and had shared a particularly long weep with the lavender alicorn when a certain cyan pegasus was mentioned. As the tears were hastily wiped away, the visitor told the princess of her vow, which consisted on carrying out the late cyan pegasus's accomplished dream. The now grown orange pegasus was now in training for being Captain of the Wonderbolts, and she reasoned that she would be given this honor within a few years. If she worked very hard, and if she never gave up, the princess reasoned, this dream would very well come true.

And now as she stood, she ignited her horn with magenta magic, and levitated the crown off her head, thinking of dreams. How unfair life had been to her; it had ripped her friends and brother out of her arms, and now it was taking her crown and wings, the two things that she was working towards obliviously for the longest time. But no, she reminded herself, it was not life that was taking these things away. It was U. The last thing U could take from her now was her own life. He/she had already successfully taken everything else. Her rage mixed with her grief, and she wanted to let go of it so badly that she could taste these very emotions on her tongue.

The sound of the door opening snapped her out of her thoughts, but she did not turn. Let him or the visitor see to the arrivals; it was most likely her elders, coming for the assembly, wondering what this whole ordeal was about. She returned the crown to atop her head, knowing that it would not be resting there for much longer.

She didn't have to turn to know that he had escorted both of them in and that the white alicorn's pale eyes fell upon her figure. She didn't have to turn to know that the white alicorn would cross the room, take a place beside her, and calmly ask why she had called them there. Her eyes did not have to find her elders to know what their faces would spell; her ears did not have to hear the scolding and fear in their voices when her own spoke of what she was about to do. And what did it matter? There was no place for her now. She would escape to a land far away......perhaps one she had visited in the mirror so many years ago........and stay there forever. At least there, she would have one friend she knew. One that had yet to die.

Her thoughts had been correct on her elder's actions. The white alicorn crossed the room, followed by her sister, and they took places beside her, following her violet eyes as she watched the subjects that weren't hers.

"Twilight. Why have you called us here?" asked the sun princess, the calm resonating out of her voice just as her younger knew it would.

"I.......have called this assembly.......to stop the murders and threats against my subjects, and to stop the reign of terror from the pony known as U." was the reply. She focused on the street below her and then started to wonder if she would survive the leap.

"What do you plan to do?" asked the moon princess, worry and fear lacing her voice.

In response, the younger alicorn ignited her horn once again, and removed the crown from her head once more. This was all the explanation her elders needed, and all they would get. As she suspected, they understood without her uttering a single sound.

"You can't possibly mean........" the moon princess's voice trailed off, and out of the corner of the younger's eye she could see the darker blue alicorn turn to her beloved sister.

"This is what U wants." she said softly, staring at the crown that would soon cease to belong to her.

"Twilight, think about this. We gave you the throne because you earned it. You are the Princess of Friendship! Wearing a crown will not change that." scolded the sun princess, searching her former student's face for any sign of reconciliation.

"I've thought it through..........and I want the death to stop. I'm tired of seeing somepony alive one day and knowing them in a graveyard the next. Please...........Princess Celestia..........this is my choice." she finished, not lifting her eyes into her elder's.

"I understand that you want the threats to stop..........but giving up your wings isn't the ans-"

"And yet it is." she interrupted, the truth welling inside her much like her tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

"If I don't do what U asks, the deaths won't stop. Even if we find U and kill him/her, he/she surely has accomplices. You both have enemies. I have enemies as well. If I delay U any more than I already have, then eventually he/she will kill both of you!"
The silence on both of her fellow alicorn's ends filled her ears.

"I-I............can't let that happen. You're all I have left.......besides Scootaloo.......and Flash. If anything happened to you, I'd slit my own throat and save U the trouble. Please............let me do this. I know what I'm doing. I-I'm saving your lives." she finished, letting the last part of the truth catch in her throat, causing heat to form around her eyes, threatening the awaited tears.

Before either princess could say or do anything, an unmistakable sound filled the air around and chilled every resident in her suite down to their bone marrow. It was the chime of the clock that was stationed at the end of the hallway where her suite was built. It's loud chimes worked their way into her heart and echoed through, sending anxiety shooting through her. She returned the crown to her head one last time, and started towards the door before anypony else had a chance to react, knowing that every step took her towards her new future.

"Come on," she said, speaking softly but knowing full well that everypony there could hear her perfectly.
"Let's go greet the subjects."

The wind blew softly and gracefully through the base of the palace, and the crystal heart's eerie blue light painted only a few crystalline muzzles. The entire Empire had squeezed itself all around the small area, and despite the breeze everypony seemed to be sweating through their crystal sheen. A thousand pairs of eyes of every size, shape, and hue watched her every move as she ascended the platform that had been set up so that she could see everypony. Crystal armor clad guards were stationed at every point by the platform, with the princesses on the platform with her, him on the ground with the other guards, and the visitor at the front of the audience.

The podium was made out of pure violet crystal, with the Crystal Empire's crest stuck to the front. There was a single microphone attached to the top, and as she trudged helplessly to the podium, she was sure that this microphone would pick up everything. No need to mumble now; she might as well accept her fate. To never fly again. To never be a royal again or to feel equal or one among her fellow alicorns. To keep her mind off of the obvious, she allowed her mind to wander. She wondered if her brother or her sister-in-law ever climbed this platform to speak at this very podium. They probably never needed to.

Then, there she was. At the podium, with the microphone trained on her muzzle, and with every eye watching worriedly, intently, to see what the announcement could possibly be. She scanned her gaze over everypony standing before her. Which one of those crystal faces was U? Which one was the perpetrator responsible for her pain? For her suffering? Where was that pony? Where was he/she? She hadn't the slightest clue, and because of this the anger and the suffering bubbled up inside her chest once more. U said that they would come out of the crowd and accept the throne. Then what? When was the time for Twilight to rid herself of her never ending rage, jump off of the platform, and slit U's throat in front of everypony? To stand over U's mangled and bloody body, and scream to the entire Empire that she wasn't crazy at all, that this was the pony responsible? That everypony was mistaken about her insanity, and that her beloved princesses had been treating her strangely all for nothing?

These very thoughts in itself made her want to keel over in front of everypony and sob her eyes out. She wouldn't care, either. She wouldn't care if there was snot in her mane and red around her eyes. She would sob to everypony, demand that U show his or herself, and and have U dragged to the podium by his or her mane so that she could finally........finally rid herself of him/her. However, this was not to be the case. She was still in front of everypony, eyes dry, and still oblivious to where the source of her suffering stood.

Her silence cast an uneasy feeling across the audience, and the white alicorn, standing at attention with her sister, cast a glance over at her former student. Pain had eased itself onto her face, along with irreplaceable fury, and overwhelming suffering. The fact that the younger had yet to speak was putting the audience on edge, so the sun princess opened her mouth first and cleared her throat. Her volume was loud enough for any microphone, but the device picked up on her noise anyway. Soon all eyes shifted to their beloved elder as she set one hoof forward in a stance that welcomed relief.

"Good morning, citizens of the Crystal Empire." she said, allowing her voice to bounce off the base of the palace. Relief dawned on some faces, but worry still painted others. The elder cast a glance over at the younger, seeing if she would take up the speech, but she made no move to do so, so the sun princess continued, not letting her uneasiness bleed through her soothing.

"Princess Twilight has called all of us here today because she has a very important announcement to make."

The wind blew softly through everypony's faces as the white alicorn turned once again to face the lavender one. Her former pupil seemed to be staring off into space, as if she had forgotten that she was even in front of a waiting audience. The princess cleared her throat, and slowly lifted out the same hoof that had stepped out to nudge the younger. It worked, and the deeper violet eyes snapped into focus. It took a few seconds, but the younger's mind finally seemed to turn on. The younger slowly and carefully cleared her throat.

The microphone picked up on her throat clearing, and she allowed it to echo through the crowd. Her eyes scanned tons of pairs, looking for U. When nopony came forward, she tentatively opened her mouth.

"That's.......right." she said, carefully. Casting a look at the two alicorns beside her, she took a calm and collected breath. Sobbing uncontrollably would have to wait.

"Over the past three months, I'm sure you all have read the newspapers with my inferred insanity, and I am here to put all those rumors to rest. I will tell you the story, straight from the source." she took another collective breath, and she felt tension slightly relax in the room.

"About three months ago, my good and lifelong friend Rarity was found dead in her bathtub, and when her body was sent to the lab, it appeared that she was drowned. I was devastated, of course, but I thought it was an accident, and so did the police. I had my other friends to grieve with, and for a while, things were seemingly okay. Then the next death came, followed by another. After that I began receiving letters by somepony who signed their notes with a single letter: U. The letter came with a simple request: Give up my throne or they would continue to kill those near and dear to me.

"At first, I thought they were just dry threats, because as you all know, I am royalty, and I'm sure that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been threatened before. But whatever the case, I turned the letter in to the police, and they said that they would keep the investigations of my friend's deaths open in case I should find something, and I was also instructed to bring all letters I received to them. And then, before I knew it, my friends were dying left and right, and next to their bodies were the letters, all demanding the same thing.

"When all my friends had perished, U wrote to me and told me that if I didn't comply, the princesses that you see standing before you today would be killed as well. I was about to call an assembly when my sister-in-law, brother, and their child were found in that carriage accident. That's when the princesses decided to send me here to look over the Empire, and when I decided to continue my investigation. It seemed that I couldn't hide from U anywhere, because the letters and death streak followed me here too. That's why I did that to Roseluck.......I wanted to see if she was U or not.

"And today I stand before you in extreme and utter suffering over the deaths that my ignorance to U's demands have caused. A Queen, a prince, and a humble citizen are dead, along with every one of my beloved friends. My own brother is in the hospital, not waking, because of me. Today I am here to put all of them to rest finally, and save lives who could have been lost, for today...........I.........T-Twilight Sparkle, princess and alicorn of Equestria.......do h-hereby........."

Her hooves gripped the sides of the violet crystal podium as the words caught in her throat.
What is wrong with you?, her mind screamed at her.

Finish what you started.
"I.............h-hereby............" she stammered helplessly, her rage and grief pulsing through her ears and thundering in her heart and through her very blood. The plea screamed through her brain causing explosions of pain to dance across her conscious.

"Your majesty!"

A voice through the crowd. She swallowed hard and struggled to find the voice, hoping and praying that that voice belonged to U. Movement came through the crowd, and her heart sparked with anxiety. If U was coming through the crowd this second......she would finally look upon the face of the monster. And she would move before she could comprehend it, and kill U with every ounce of hatred that she had in her.

But the pony coming through the crowd was a crystal armor clad guard, sweat covering his brow and panting as if he had run a long way. He had something levitating with him in his magic, but from where he was she could not put her eyes upon it just yet. He fought his way through the throng, and finally ended up in front of the podium, all attention now trained on him. He panted and composed himself, leaving her and everypony else in suspense, before finally opening his mouth to speak.

"What is it? You are interrupting an important assembly." said the sun princess before he could say anything.

"A thousand apologies, your majesty, but we have found something that you might want to see."
There was a sharp intake of breath on the sun princess's end, and the moon princess watched her sister worriedly.

"Can it wait until after the assembly?" she asked, calmly.

"I'm afraid not, your majesty. I believe that it is something that Princess Twilight will wish to see. It has something to do with her investigation."

"Very well. Quickly, and then we will return to our assembly. You may present whatever you have to Princess Twilight."
But she had already had an eyeful of it. How could she mistake it? No, she couldn't. She couldn't possibly, not now and not ever. Her eyes glued themselves to it, though whispers were coming up all around the audience, that didn't seem to bother her. Only one question resonated through her mind and silenced all the emotion bubbling and overflowing over her. How.

In the guard's levitating magic, he held an object that she thought she had buried long ago. An object unmistakable to her, one that she had seen so often she thought it was a living part of the pony who had worn it. It was almost proof that.........no......it couldn't be possible. And as she threw herself onto the podium and began to sob, the princesses began to recognize what this object was; they had seen it as well. The crying violet eyes looked at the object once more and fresh tears found their way out of her eyes, for the guard's magic levitated the couch dweller's hat, worn, brown, and leather.

Author's Note:

Enjoy! Thank you so very much for reading and keeping up with the story!