• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 1,289 Views, 24 Comments

A New Friend, a New Way - LovelyMuse

A side story to zuesdemigod131's A New World, a New Way, telling the story of Eva and her partner Absol, the past they share, and how they met Gene and Belle on Earth, reuniting on Equus years later.

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Part 1 of 2: Earth

"There; how does that feel?"

The Nidoran♀ inspected its paw before giving a happy chirp.

Eva couldn't help but laugh as she watched the gunmetal-colored Poison-type bounce around merrily, its male counterpart making excited sounds as well. The red-head got to her feet, placing the leftover bandages and antiseptic in the medicine bag on the bench.

"Now be sure to go easy on that paw from now on," Eva's partner Absol, Zero, told the Nidoran♀.

The tiny Pokémon nodded before she and her companion scurried off.

Eva sat down on the bench and ran her hand affectionately along Zero's cheek. "I'm glad to have you with me, Zero." She then quickly surveyed her surroundings and, seeing as no one was around, placed a kiss on the same cheek she had pet.

Zero returned the gesture by licking his partner's cheek back. He looked at Eva with loving crimson eyes, meeting the girl's emerald-green ones.

Tears started to streak Eva's cheeks as she tightly hugged Zero's neck, careful to avoid his scythe-like appendage. She had been raised on the ideal that all humans and Pokémon are created equal and should be loved so, but the teachings she had received while attending Ranger School had caused great confusion, making her question her morals. Even after being promoted to Top Ranger, she tried her best to avoid the Poképhilia cases, hating seeing innocent trainers being separated from their Pokémon simply because they cared deeply for each other. Eva remembered the conversation she had had with her parents when she reached out to them for guidance, the pained looks they gave her upon hearing that humans and Pokémon couldn't be together because they weren't of the same race etched into her mind.

It was not long after this talk that Zero became Eva's Partner Pokémon and the attraction between one another was almost instant. Hiding their relationship was no easy feat, being based at the center of anti-Poképhilia in Almia. Eva was almost grateful when she collapsed after getting electrocuted by a frightened Electavire, forcing her to give up her Top Ranger status due to the extensive damage to her heart. Although she would be called upon when the Union was in need of extra hands from time to time, her life had become very quiet, allowing her and Zero to express their love for one another more often.

The sound of beeping was heard and Eva let go of Zero to grab her pager. It said "From Cynthia: Call me ASAP." Eva blinked a few times and re-examined the page, making sure she had read it correctly. It had been some time since she had heard from the Sinnoh-League Champion having not spoken with her since Eva had learned that Cynthia was against the Ranger Union's ideals towards Poképhilia.

"I wonder what's up," Eva stated as she grabbed her medicine bag and got to her feet. Turning to her partner she added "I'm pretty sure the professor has a video-phone in the lab. Let's go."

In Professor Juniper's Lab…

"I'm glad you got my message," Cynthia said over the phone. "Iris said you might be at Juniper's lab, but she didn't want raise suspicion by flying over there herself."

Eva blinked in confusion. "What do you mean? Is everything alright?"

Cynthia sighed heavily and shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Has Iris ever told you of a friend of hers by the name of Gene Phillips?"

Eva racked her brain for a few seconds, then remembering a conversation she had had with the Unova Champion where the name had come up. "Yeah; Iris said that Gene is a trainer who's fallen in love with his Gardevoir, Belle, right?" That's when it suddenly clicked. Oh, Arceus, no! "Please don't tell me that the Union has found out about him!?"

"I'm afraid so. Apparently, Gene told his mother that he and Belle were going to get married, and she ratted him out to the Union. Every available Ranger is heading to Undella Town to arrest him. Iris and I have already contacted some Champions and Elite Four Members; I'm heading over there myself, but-"

Eva shook her head. "Say no more. Just send him and Belle towards the woods outside of town. I'll meet up with them and cover their tracks."

Cynthia sighed in relief. "Thank you, Eva. I'll see you soon." The screen then went black as the Champion hung up the phone.

Eva hung up the phone as well and turned to Zero. "Ready to save a fugitive?"

Her partner nodded firmly. "Ab-sol."

"Everything alright?" Professor Juniper appeared around the corner, a concerned look on her face.

"Sorry, Professor," Eva apologized, bowing. "There's trouble in Undella Town. Iris and Cynthia need my help."

Juniper nodded in understanding. "Alright, but be careful. Remember what the doctor said."

Eva smiled and gave the professor a thumbs up. "Don't worry. Thanks for everything." And with that, she and Zero rushed out of the lab.

"I'll never forgive her!" Gene stated angrily. He clenched his hands into fists until his knuckles turned white, all the while rushing out of the city with Belle at his side.

"There's no point in worrying about that now, dear," Belle replied telepathically. "Iris said someone should be waiting for us just up ahead."

Not a moment later, they spotted, to their surprise, an Absol, almost seeming to be waiting for them within the tree lines. The Disaster Pokémon motioned with its head for the two of the them to follow as it vanished over a small hill.

Gene turned to Belle, who nodded, indicating that the Dark-type could be trusted. They climbed the small hill and began to descend on the other side, but they were suddenly pulled into a hollow tree trunk by a Psychic attack. They turned and saw a Gothorita and the Absol with stern looks, as if telling them to keep quiet.

"I think I saw them go this way," a male voice could be heard in the distance.

"Even if the Gardevoir used Teleport, they couldn't have gotten far," another voice, this one female, added.

Footsteps started to come get closer and closer, dangerously within range of Gene and Belle's hiding spot.

Be ready to push our way out of here, Gene thought, knowing his partner could hear him.

Two shadows appeared over the hillside, forcing those in hiding to all hold their breath. They began to approach the tree, but yet another voice, also female, was heard, causing the first two to stop.

"Hey, guys. It's been a while."

Gasps of surprise sounded from the shadows as they climbed back up the hill.

"Miss Eva?" The female voice asked in shock.

"What are you doing here?" The male voice chimed in.

A huff. "That's not nice. Just because I'm not as high up in the food chain as I use to doesn't mean I'm still not your superior officer."

"S-Sorry," the male apologized. "You just surprised us. Everyone thought you were spending your days back in Almia."

"I was," the new voice stated. "But Professor Juniper invited me to stay with her at her lab in Nuvema Town and help with taking care of some of the Pokémon she's studying."

"Well, we're glad to have you here, Miss Eva," the first female voice said. "Hey; where's your partner?"

"I had him scout the area for the fugitive. We got this area covered, so why don't you two head back towards the city in case they doubled back?"

"Alright then," the male voice agreed. "Contact us if you find anything."

"Will do."

The two shadows disappeared and their voices slowly faded until they could no longer be heard.

After a few moments of silence, the most recent newcomer sighed. "You can come out now."

The Absol and Gothorita stepped out of the tree, the Absol turning back to Gene and Belle, silently asking them to follow.

The two looked at each other for a moment, Belle nodding her head, seeming to believe the Absol. Holding hands, they left the safety of their hiding spot and into the open.

"Sorry I had Gothorita grab you like that, but those two Rangers were right on your tail."

The couple swerved around to see a young woman with long, red-brown hair looking down at them from atop the hill. The Absol stood close to her side, while the Gothorita sat on her shoulder, a smile on its face.

"Who are you?" Belle questioned telepathically in a threatening tone.

The fur along the Absol's spine began to bristle, making him appear twice his size. "How dare you speak to someone like that who just saved your skin!" He growled.

The girl placed a hand on the Absol's head, calming him instantly. She looked at the Dark-type with soft eyes, before turning back to Gene and Belle. "Please don't mind Zero; he's just looking out for me." She climbed down the hill and stood in front of the two, extending her hand to Gene. "The name's Eva Marks. You must be Gene, am I right?"

Gene's eyes grew wide, before they turned suspicious. "How do you know who I am?"

Eva seemed unfazed by the cold attitude and smiled warmly, adjusting the blue-tipped white lotus flower in her hair with the small brush of her hand. "Oh, a little birdie by the name of Iris told me," she teased. "I hear you two are good friends."

The boy blinked in surprise, surprised at how Eva had answered in such a nonchalant manner.

Belle, however, was yet to be convinced that this Eva girl could be trusted. "How did you know that we would be here? Do you work for the Ranger Union?"

Eva placed a hand to her chin and looked at the ground as if trying to think over the next few words she would say. "Hmmm… I would be lying if I said I don't, but then again, I don't take orders from them at the same time."

Gene and Belle looked at her, clearly confused.

The red-head seemed to notice this and chuckled as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. "Sorry; I guess that sounded strange. Let me explain; you see, at one time, I was a Top Ranger, so I never had to take orders from anyone except the very top, but I had to give up my position after an accident forced me into early retirement." She pushed the shoulder of shirt down slightly, revealing blackened skin.

Shocked looks crossed Gene and Belle's faces, the sight sending shivers down both their spines.

Eva quickly covered her shoulder once more, a slightly pained look on her face. However, it vanished as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by a sincere and calmer face. She turned to Belle and said "I understand that it's hard to trust someone who you've just met, especially after what you two have gone through. That's why I'm gonna leave you with a few options. The first option is that you may leave now. I will not stop you, but I cannot guarantee that you will escape the eyes of the Union without my aid; which brings us to the second option." She picked up the Gothorita and placed it back on the ground, then took a deep breath, and finished "You may comb through my mind and look wherever you wish. I will hold back nothing if that is what it takes to earn your trust."

Zero's eyes grew wide and he looked up at his partner in astonishment. "Ab-sol Ab!"

Eva looked down at the Pokémon sweetly. "I'll be fine. It's my heart that can't take the strain, not my mind." She retuned her gaze to Belle, waiting for the Gardevoir to respond.

Unsure, Belle turned to Gene for guidance. The boy smiled and nodded, silently telling her that a little digging wouldn't hurt. Belle nodded back, then looked at the red-head. "We will give you the benefit of the doubt. I promise not to probe into anything too private."

Eva smiled. "Thank you." She then closed her eyes, opening her mind to the Gardevoir.

Using her psychic power, Belle's eyes glowed as she probed into Eva's mind, and almost instantly, she could hear voices that were part of one of the Ranger's memories.

"Do what you think is right, Eva."

"I love him, but I don't know what to do."

"Never doubt yourself, Eva. Trust your heart, for that is your greatest guide."

"I'll abandon my position if that's what it takes to get away from the judgement of the Union and be with him."

"We will support whatever choice you make."

"No matter what happens, you will always have the support of us Champions~!"

"Thank you. Iris. Cynthia."

"Let us work together to prove that humans and Pokémon can be together."


Then, Belle began to see different images, all of which made her heart flutter. She pulled out of Eva's mind and the glow faded. When her eyes returned to normal, she turned to her partner and smiled. "We can trust her." Gazing back at Eva she added "I know without a shadow of a doubt that she's here to help us."

Trusting his partner, Gene accepted this and held out his hand. "It's very nice to meet you, Eva."

The Ranger's emerald-green eyes lit up and she greatly accepted Gene's hand with her own and shook it. "The same goes for you, Gene."

Belle smiled at the forming of the new friendship, while Zero kept his neutral look, but was inside very relieved that it had gone so well.

Unbeknownst to all of those present in the forest, however, a small pink Pokémon was watching from the shadows of the trees high above, giggling to herself.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading part one of my "A New World, A New Way" crossover.

Just a few quick notes:

Eva is 21 years old
She and Zero have been partners for over five of those years
The lotus in Eva's hair looks like this