• Published 9th May 2012
  • 1,382 Views, 31 Comments

7 Deadly Sins - Key Lime Pie

It's not easy being perfect...and everypony knows it.

  • ...

Gluttie Pie

(('Avararity' now has a few improvements and has also been bulked out, so feel free to go back and check it again. Thank you.))


Pinkie Pie hopped merrily down the stairs of Sugarcube corner. The Cakes had gone on a well-deserved night out to Hoofington, and the foals were safely tucked away in bed. Pinkie Pie, foalsitter supreme, had worked her wonders yet again!

"Better tidy up the kitchen!" Pinkie said to herself. She got out a wet mop from a side cupboard and made her way into the kitchen, singing some old song merrily, substituting words she didn't know with hums, whistles and 'lalala's'. It wasn't perfect, but it made her happy, and she was okay with that.

Having finally made her way into the kitchen, Pinkie Pie dropped the mop and gazed at the sight before her. A batch of cupcakes resting on the counter. And they were Raspberry with white chocolate sprinkles. Her favourite. Drooling, Pinkie Pie trotted over to the cupcakes nervously. She had made these with the foals earlier, but she had sworn she had put them away afterwards. They were meant to be for The Cakes when they got back...but having one wouldn't hurt, would it?

Stooping down to get a good whiff of the cupcakes, Pinkie inhaled deeply. The scent of the raspberry combined with just a hint of chocolate combined perfectly in her nose, the heat from the recently baked cupcakes making her swelter ever so slightly. Pinkie stuck her tongue out, reaching for the pink frosting. Touching the cake with just the tip of her tongue, Pinkie's eyes rolled into the back of her head, body arching and flank rising into the air in an almost perverse pose. Suddenly, she went down on the cupcake, closing her eyes in the hope the loss of one sense would intensify the other. Drawing her whole tongue across the frosting, the flavours mixed in her pallet and Pinkie groaned with pleasure.

Standing up, Pinkie licked the excess frosting from around her lips. "How selfish of me! These cakes were for Mr & Mrs. Cake, and I had some...better re-frost that cupcake..." Pinkie told herself off for being such a glutton, and went to retrieve the piping bag that still had a lot of frosting mix in it. Carefully squeezing as Mr. Cake had told her, Pinkie swirled the frosting round, brushing it off at the tip for a perfectly swirled cupcake.

A loose bit of frosting hung delicately on the end of the piping bag. Should she, or shouldn't she? Slowly but surely, Pinkie put her mouth at the end of the piping bag and sucked the frosting off. Closing her eyes once again, Pinkie couldn't resist the temptation. She squeezed hard down on the bag, frosting piling into her mouth faster than she could swallow it. Somehow, she didn't care and carried on going, draining the frosting bag dry.

Now high on sugar, Pinkie's pupils went small and her eyes darted towards the pantry door. Dashing over, she struggled to force the door open.

'No...I want more...' Pinkie whispered in an almost manic tone, bucking the door with her hind legs. Earth Ponies are notoriously stronger than other breeds, and the doors flung open with a loud cracking sound.

The Pantry was stuffed to the brim with food. Pinkie licked her lips. It was time to devour.

She started by grabbing a Cherry Pie from the shelf and shoving her face in it, licking the sauce from the bottom of the dish and smearing it all over her face in the process. Deciding it wasn't enough, Pinkie grabbed the closest thing - Frosting mix - and poured it into the pie dish, resulting in a gloopy mess that she happily slurped up, crumbs from the pie spilling onto the floor. Finishing her appetizer, Pinkie crouched down to the lower shelf and found a loaf of bread, sitting there, just asking to be eaten. Picking it up, she ferociously ripped it in two and ran to the other end of the room where a jar of mayonnaise awaited her.

Eagerly thrusting her hoof in the jar, Pinkie pulled it out and smothered one half of the bread with the mayonnaise before devouring it in literally a matter of seconds, groaning as she did so, forcing the food down her gullet at an extraordinary rate. Greedily, Pinkie Pie licked the excess mayonnaise on her hoof off, leaving it all clean. Chucking the spare bread to the side for now, Pinkie moved onto her next victim: A bag of granulated sugar. Tearing the bag open with her teeth, the bag unexpectedly ripped open, causing sugar to spill all over the floor. Pinkie immediately reached her neck down, back arched up, and began to lick the sugar, extending her tongue to reach it all, tail wagging ferociously as she did so. Something was going to fall.

A tub of lard, resting on the top shelf fell down and landed on Pinkie's head. "Ouch-ie!" She yelped, rubbing her head and looking at the mess she had created.

"What...have I done?" She said to herself, gazing at the chaotic room with glazed over eyes. 'It's so difficult to resist the temptation of food.' She thought to herself, 'But I have to stop. This is completely selfish and stupid of me.' She told her inner mind, pushing the need to express her inner demon of gluttony back. She took one step before slipping on the lard, which had spilled out of the tub after falling on her head.

Her body crashed to the floor, her head inches away from a thick, fat, cardiac inducing bar of lard. Pinkie grinned mischievously. 'Surely this wouldn't do any harm.' She thought to herself. Gripping the bar with both hooves, she shoved it into her mouth, only to pull it out again. Sucking hard on the lump of fat, Pinkie's flanks once again rose into the air, tail erect. Suddenly, the temptation was too much and she chomped down on the bar, the fat making the insides of her mouth all slick and greasy. Her eyes half-closed, Pinkie gasped for air as she felt the thick lumps of fat and grease slide down her esophagus and into her expanding, never-full stomach.

Spying a bag of Oats, Pinkie Pie bit a hole at the bottom with vigor and proceeded to let the oats flow directly into her mouth and down her throat without even the decency to chew. She found the Oats stuck to the roof her mouth, held in place by the lard she had just eaten. This simply wouldn't do. Grabbing a can of Sweet Apple Cider, Pinkie downed the whole thing and rinsed her mouth out, swallowing the contents. Greedily, she grabbed another and downed it once again, shaking her head wildly as the sweet juices of nature made their way down.

The piece of bread she had thrown to the side earlier now lay at her feet. Pinkie smiled, a wild idea forming in her head. Grabbing a lump of cheddar cheese , she began to grate it onto the bread with her teeth, catching any loose strands with her mouth. Next, she smashed tomatoes down onto the bread, rubbing their juices and letting them sink into the bread. Running out the room and back into the kitchen, Pinkie turned the oven on and shoved the bread inside, setting the timer for 20 minutes as there was time needed for the oven to heat up.

Making a wild cartwheel back into the pantry, the party pony paused as she considered her next snack. She wanted something so unbelievably sickening, so bad, yet so good at the same time. Trotting over almost nonchalantly over another shelf, Pinkie spied several baby bottles full with milk. The labels read 'For Pound & Pumpkin Cake' - this must be milk from Mrs.Cake... without a second thought, Pinkie ripped off the top of one of the bottles and downed it in one go. It was much sweeter than the average milk and very good. Hastily, she grabbed a bowl and tipped four or five bottles of pony-milk inside. Eagerly, she reached for some eggs and smashed them into the bowl, not caring if some shell got in there in the process. Her mouth drooled as she fetched the bag of granulated sugar that still lay on the floor. Tipping the rest of it in, followed with some flour, Pinkie grinned at her creation.

"It's a deconstructed cake." Pinkie explained to anyone who would listen - not that anyone was there - and began to eat the foul mixture, slimy and gloopy in texture. This still wasn't enough! Pinkie reached for a bottle of maple syrup and squeezed it into the bowl, sweetening and also thickening the mixture. Smashing her whole face in the bowl to get at the last of the mixture, Pinkie bashed her face. The pain seared through her face but she carried on eating, because she knew she must go on.

Deciding to go for a healthier option, Pinkie grabbed a bunch of bananas and ripped one off, sucking it in an extremely sexual manner, before biting a chunk off and eating it, skin and all. She popped the banana out of her mouth, making a just as lewd sound effect, making the party pony giggle in ecstasy. Still on the fruit, Pinkie reached for a crate of apples and buried her head in it, gobbling left, right and center, not caring which apples she bit, or if she was eating the core or the stalk in the process. Going up for air, Pinkie took a deep breath through her nose and exhaled through her mouth.

Suddenly having a wild idea, Pinkie Pie merrily hopped over to retrieve some chocolate and cracked the chunks into the apple crate. Mixing in some grapes as well, Pinkie decided that the mixture was not liquid enough and grabbed the jar of mayonnaise from earlier, tipping the whole contents in, scraping the dregs with a knife and licking it. In her haste, she cut her tongue, causing it to bleed. Surprisingly, Pinkie enjoyed the rich, iron like taste of the blood and stopped for a second to appreciate her own juices. The moment did not last for long, however, and she went back to her crazy apple crate creation. Deciding the mix needed a little variety, Pinkie grabbed five red onions and flung them in, before snatching a large Victoria Sponge Cake and smashing it into the crate. To finish the whole thing off, Pinkie laughed manically as she poured a whole gallon of chocolate milk into the crate. Licking her lips, Pinkie hopped into the box.

Jumping up and down, quite happily, Pinkie mixed the whole concoction with her hooves. Finding this task rather difficult, she changed tactics and decided to roll around in the mixture. It now caked her mane, tail and her whole body, but it was beginning to lose it's chunky texture and starting to take the form of a thick, viscous almost-liquid. Starting slowly, she licked the mixture from her hoof, before thrusting her whole hoof in her mouth, working it with passion and a strange desire. Licking off her body, she also ate messily from the box, the mixture getting in her eyes and up her nose, almost everywhere except the intended location.


The loud sound made Pinkie jump into the air in shock. "What was that?" She said, food slopping out of her mouth as she did so. Taking a deep whiff, she smelt her bread mixture cooking away in the oven. Her face twisting into a sickening grin, Pinkie hopped to the oven and took a peek inside.. The starter was over. It was time for dinner.

It was good to be a glutton.

Comments ( 14 )

I have a sudden urge to make a Fullmetal Alchemist reference. :pinkiesmile:
Must... Resist! :fluttershbad:

Pinkie, Nooooooooo!:pinkiegasp:
(She's gonna bloat like a thanksgiving turkey.)


I've never read that manga, actually. But thanks for the comment anyway, hope you enjoyed it C:


She'll probably do a bit more than bloat. Writing this chapter was gross but hilarious at the same time. A mix of :pinkiesick: & :pinkiecrazy:

I personally think that :flutterrage: should be wrath and :rainbowderp: should be envy
But you dhould just do what you gotta do:unsuresweetie:

Originally, it was Rainbow Dash that was going to be sloth, but Applejack is waaaay too mellow to be Wrath. That's how that one worked out.

Fluttershy I chose for envy over wrath as we haven't seen an envious side of Fluttershy. Rarity was to be envy at first, but Fluttershy? Avarice? She lives so simply it just couldn't work. Gluttony had to be Pinkie, and Lust was made for Celestia. Pride suits Twilight too much also.


Oh God is right. The next chapter will be full of a sloth-like Applejack. :ajsleepy:

That was certainly... interesting. You have a tendency to randomly capitalise words. There's quite a few run of the mill nouns that you've treated like proper nous. "Oats" "Cherry Pie" "Frosting mix" are just three examples.
While the actions were certainly Pinkie-ish, the brief internal conflict wasn't. Despite the inherent carnality of gluttony, I think you focused a bit too much on the physical. A few dashes of internal Pinkie-esque lines, especially used in perverse ways, could have added to the piece. :pinkiecrazy:
Despite that, this was still a well written and enjoyable piece. Looking forwards to more. :twilightsmile:

I was thinking
:twilightblush: lust
:raritystarry: greed of course
:ajsleepy: sloth
:pinkiehappy: idk really it's kinda hard to think gluttony
:flutterrage: wrath
:rainbowkiss: envy
:trollestia: pride because she is a alicorn
But u gotta do what ya gotta do

That's exactly what I thought. Great minds must think alike. :pinkiesmile:

Princess C. Is envy cuz she always has royal duty stuff
And RD as pride cuz she's always loving attention and such


I'll explain why i chose what I did:
:twilightsmile: - Pride, as she lets her magical prowess get the better of her and starts emphasizing on her importance and greatness to the world - Lust I feel doesn't exactly suit Twi, she'd be more shy about things like that.
:raritywink: - Greed / Avarice was obvious. It didn't really fit anyone else, except maybe applejack.
:ajsleepy: - Sloth, as she works hard all the time, I wanted to see if I could write a really OOC Applejack
:fluttershysad: - We have already seen a wrathful fluttershy a few times, so I wanted to try something a little different other than going for the obvious 'YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME!!!111ONE!!1!'
:rainbowkiss: - Wrath, because I could so easily see her snapping at the most minor of provocations. I also don't see RD getting envious of anyone. She's so self-assured of her greatness, she'd never get jealous.
:pinkiehappy: - Oh, she literally screams gluttony.
:trollestia: - I didn'r really see Lust fitting anyone else other than good old Celestia.

Now, originally, Applejack was going to be Wrath, and Rainbow Dash sloth, but RD is kinda lazy as she is, so I swapped the two of them around. Either way, thanks for the ideas and such C:


You're right, I'll probably edit this so there's a bit more of internal conflict and thoughts from our good friend Gluttie Pie :pinkiesick:

Well we all have different opinions. That's all.

you need to make more theirs no excuse

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