• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 10,778 Views, 170 Comments

PinkieShy - PatRoison

PinkieShy or FlutterPie whichever you prefer. Started cute and light, but then it all went wrong.

  • ...

Into the Depths Part 4

“I don’t think I like these stairs,” Pinkie Pie said.

The tunnel Grannie opened quickly turned into a spiral staircase leading deeper into the temple.

As the group continued their descent, Rarity stopped.

“Oh, my,” she said, “If you girls don’t mind. I think I need to sit down.”

Twilight Sparkle climbed back toward Rarity and said, “It's the feedback. It’s much stronger the lower we get. I think we’re nearing a powerful focal point.”

“I have noticed a funny feeling,” Applejack said, “But I just thought it was my nerves acting up. Are you okay, Rarity?”

Rarity smiled and tried to nod but shook her head, “I’m afraid not. There’s so much pressure in my head. It feels as though my horn will split in two.”

Rainbow Dash knelt down next to the white unicorn, “That’s not good. How long have you felt this way?”

“It started shortly after we arrived,” Rarity said, “But it only started getting worse as we began our descent.”

Fluttershy gently nudged Rarity and asked, “Is there anything I can do. I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about unicorn medicine.”

Rarity let out a giggle, “Oh, don’t be silly. I simply need to rest. Only for a moment, and we can continue. We have a duty to perform.”

She tried to stand, but Rainbow Dash held her down.

“Yeah,” she said, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. If you’re not feeling well, maybe you should stay here or go back up.”

Now it was Rarity’s turn to be incredulous. She pushed Rainbow’s hoof to the side and said, “I will not. Would you sit by and do nothing if you were feeling unwell?”

She didn’t give Rainbow Dash a chance to respond. Rarity got to her hooves and said, “You would press forward no matter what. We’re already here, so we might as well see it through together.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “Fine, but let us know if you need a break. If Twilight says that we’re getting close to something powerful, it might get worse for you.”

“I have an idea,” Pinkie Pie shouted.

The ponies cringed as the echo bounced off the stone walls.

“Oops,” she giggled, “Sorry. Anyway. I have an idea. How about you use some magic?”

Twilight shook her head, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

“Why not,” Pinkie asked, “If she’s feeling pressure in her head, why not release some of that pressure?”

“Because I would simply be adding energy to the environment and therefore making the problem worse,” Rarity said as she steadied herself.

“Your shout just a moment ago,” Rarity said. “The sounds bounced off the walls quite fiercely. The magical energy of this temple is doing the same. If I were to use magic, it would be the same as your shout.”

“Except,” Twilight said, “It wouldn’t fade like sound waves. Something is keeping the magical energy here. Whatever it is, it’s further down.”

Fluttershy walked to Twilight and asked, “Are you feeling okay?”

Twilight smiled and shook her head, “No. The feedback is making it difficult to think clearly. Rarity said it best. It’s as though my magic is constantly building and wanting to burst out of me.”

She smiled at Rarity, “As long as we’re careful, we’ll be fine.”

Rarity nodded, “I agree. It certainly will be interesting to find the source of all of this.”

The group walked for a bit more, and the spiral staircase ended. They stood at the entrance of a tunnel. Six torches, three on each side, were lit. The torches were spaced apart, with a couple of yards between each torch.

Beyond, only darkness waited down the tunnel.

“Okay,” Rainbow said, “How are we going to move forward without any light?”

“Well,” Applejack said, “How about we grab one of these torches?”

“No,” Rainbow Dash shouted, “We can’t.”

Applejack jumped back, causing her to trip on Fluttershy’s tail. Both ponies fell over.

Pinkie tilted her head at Applejack, “That did look like fun, but I don’t think now is a good time for a pony pile.”

“RD,” Applejack groaned as she helped Fluttershy to her hooves, “Just what is the big idea?”

Rainbow waved a hoof in the air, “Look, we just can’t take one of these torches. Poison arrows will shoot out at us if we do that.”

Pinkie hopped in place and said, “That’s right! Ruins and traps. It all makes sense.”

Applejack stretched and said, “Well, we still need some way to see, and I don’t think Rarity or Twilight lighting the way is a good idea.”

She turned around, and screamed when Rarity fell to her side.

“Rarity,” Applejack shouted as she ran to the downed unicorn, “What happened?”

Twilight took a step forward and stumbled back a step as she rubbed the side of her head.

“The feedback is getting worse,” she said, “I think it’s coming in waves. We’ll have to be careful.”

Rarity slowly got to her hooves and nodded, “It would seem so. That was incredibly powerful.”

Fluttershy pressed against Rarity to support her and smiled as the unicorn nodded in response.

“Should we go back up for now,” Fluttershy asked, “So we can think of what to do? I don’t want anything to happen before we’re ready.”

Twilight took a few cautious steps deeper into the tunnel and stopped. She strained her eyes as she tried to see anything in the darkness.

After a few moments, she turned back.

“You okay, there,” Applejack asked, “You don’t look too good.”

Twilight nodded, “I wanted to see if there was anything down there, but it’s too dark. The feedback seems to be growing exponentially the deeper we go.”

She glanced back to the tunnel, “If we were to proceed, the feedback could be harmful.”

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash said, “So we go on without you two.”

She turned to Rarity, “And before you say anything, this place is dangerous for you.”

Twilight shook her head, “That’s a bad idea. We don’t know what’s down there.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said, “But you said it yourself. You can’t think straight, and Rarity’s getting hurt. You two can’t stay here.”

Rarity steadied herself against Fluttershy and said, “I understand your concern. I do, but we must press on. With the six of us, we can achieve the impossible.”

She smiled at Twilight and added, “We shall manage, and I promise that I will not be a burden to you girls.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy said, “Because that’s my job.”

The ponies turned to scold Fluttershy but stopped when they saw the small smile on her face.

Pinkie nuzzled Fluttershy and said, “Nice to try and lighten the mood, Flutters, but maybe not like that.”

Fluttershy’s glanced down, “I’m sorry. I just don’t want everypony to be upset. I thought that a little joke-“

Rarity nuzzled the top of Fluttershy’s head, “And it was a fine joke. We’re just not accustomed to you using humor in these kinds of situations.”

Fluttershy nodded and leaned forward, kissing Pinkie Pie on the nose.

“Yay,” Pinkie squealed, “Nose kisses!”

Rarity managed to steady herself and made her way back towards the staircase.

“We should think of a plan of action,” Twilight said, “We shouldn’t separate, but it seems that Rarity and I are stuck here.”

Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up, and she turned toward the tunnel. Once she got the edge of the last torch, she squinted her eyes and let out a slight gasp. Then, before anyone could respond, she bolted down the tunnel.

“Rainbow,” Applejack shouted, “Where are you going?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t respond and returned with a sheepish smile a minute later. She returned to the edge of the torches and glanced back down the tunnel.

“Sorry,” she said, turning back to the group, “I thought I saw something.”

Applejack shook her head and said, “Well, don’t do that. We don’t know what’s down here.”

Applejack paused and asked, “You okay, there, RD? You don’t sound quite right.”

Rainbow Dash stiffened slightly and smiled, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just worried about my friends.”

“Let’s go back up,” Twilight said, “At least to where the feedback isn’t so strong.”

The group walked towards the staircase, and Applejack stopped when she noticed somepony missing.

“RD,” she asked, “You coming?”

Rainbow Dash stood still just past the last lit torch. The light barely touched her hooves, and it seemed that there was an invisible threshold that she couldn’t cross.

Applejack walked toward Rainbow Dash. She carefully studied her. There was something off, but she couldn’t quite place it.

“Who’s that,” a voice called from the darkness.

“RD,” Applejack called.

Rainbow Dash emerged from the darkness and walked up to Applejack.

The group stared at the rainbow pair and began to approach.

“Y’all stay back,” Applejack said, “I think I know what’s going on here.”

She nudged the Rainbow Dash that returned first, and the pony dispersed in a puff of smoke.

As the entity faded, Applejack saw her smile. It was a warm smile but grew more desperate, and before it disappeared, a voice whispered.

“Free us from this place.”

Applejack nudged Rainbow Dash and smiled as she felt the solid flesh of her best friend.

“Okay,” Pinkie Pie said, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m voting to get the ever-loving heck out of here and never come back!”

Fluttershy already had Pinkie Pie in a tight grip and trembled in fright.

“Let’s go back to the main hall,” Twilight said, “I don’t want to make wild accusations, but there has to be a reason Grannie didn’t tell us about this.”

The group nodded and began to walk towards the staircase.

“Hey, RD,” Applejack said.


Applejack adjusted her hat and asked, “Can you give me a smile?”

Rainbow laughed and asked, “Why?”

“Just humor me,” Applejack said.

“Okay,” Rainbow said, giving Applejack a warm smile.

Applejack laughed, “I know this’ll sound crazy, but that. Well, that thing. It smiled at me as it faded. And let me tell you something, Sugarcube, it weren’t no friendly smile.”

She shook her head, “I guess I just wanted to see the genuine article.”

“Sure thing,” Rainbow Dash said as they walked back to the staircase.

As soon as they passed the lit torches, two extinguished, leaving four. The air grew colder, and each pony could feel a slight tug drawing them deeper into the tunnel.

“Do you think it’s whatever is down here trying to scare us,” Applejack asked.

Fluttershy tightened her hug on Pinkie Pie and said, “They’re going a good job.”

“It’s okay, Flutters,” Pinkie Pie said, “I’ll take care of you.”

Fluttershy turned to Twilight and asked in a shaky voice, “What do we do?”

Twilight sat down and closed her eyes. Her head ached, and the disappearing apparition didn’t help matters. She needed more information but had no idea how to get it.

“I think,” she said, opening her eyes, “We’re safe as long as we remain within the light of the torches. But I don’t know what will happen when we go deeper.”

She turned to Rainbow Dash and asked, “The apparition said it saw something in the darkness. Why did you run off?”

Rainbow Dash turned back and shuddered, “I thought I heard something.”

“Heard what,” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow shook her head, “I thought I heard...”

She trailed off and stomped at the ground with a hoof.

Fluttershy walked, or rather dragged Pinkie Pie, toward Rainbow and nudged her, “What did you hear?”

Rainbow sighed, “I thought I heard Gilda, all right? I know that’s stupid, but I couldn’t help it. It sounded so real. I thought that it was really her.”

Twilight nodded, “These might be the ponies that were here during the attack so long ago.”

“Twilight, dear,” Rarity said, “Grannie said there were only six spirits.”

Twilight got to her hooves and said, “She said there were six of them. I think she meant that there were six spirits that still had their faculties. I think their affinity to the Elements of Harmony protected them all these centuries, which might have caused Grannie’s daughter to fall into despair.”

Fluttershy sat down, her nerves almost frayed, and asked, “What do you mean?”

Twilight nodded, “Well, the candidate of Generosity said that she bore a similar energy to Rarity, and Grannie opened the portal to bring you here because you share a similar energy to her daughter.”

She sighed and asked, “Fluttershy, what would you do if you knew that several ponies were suffering. What would you try to do?”

Fluttershy stared into Twilight’s eyes and said, “I. I would try and help, but I don’t know how.”

“Exactly,” Twilight said, “But what if nothing improved no matter what you did. What if the ponies got worse, and there was nothing you could do to help?”

Fluttershy rested her head on Pinkie’s shoulder and began to tear up.

“Yeah,” Twilight said, “Just thinking about it is making you sad. Imagine how she felt then. Now make it a thousand years of not being able to help. That would drive any pony into despair, especially if they were linked to the Element of Kindness.”

Fluttershy lied down on the floor. Pinkie Pie rested her head on Fluttershy’s shoulder and gently nuzzled her.

“We still need to figure out what to do,” Rainbow Dash said, “If these ghost things can make the torches go out, there must be a reason. What is it about them that’s keeping us safe?”

Rarity sat down and rested her head on the tunnel wall.

“Rainbow, dear,” she whispered, “Please. The pressure is becoming too much to bear. I can’t imagine how Twilight’s faring.”

Twilight nodded, “It’s gotten stronger. I think the spirits of this place are now active. I’m having a hard time thinking clearly.”

Applejack stepped forward and said, “Okay then. Let’s just take stock of what we know.”

She turned back toward the darkened tunnel and shook her head.

“We know that the candidates for the Elements of Loyalty, Honesty, and Kindness are all down here. We also know that there are ghosts here that weren’t so lucky, and they want out.”

She sat down and continued, “Whatever magic is going on down here keeps building like some kind of pressure cooker, and we can’t go deeper without having to deal with ghosts that can take the shapes of any of us, or can we just up and leave because them torches will go out, leaving us in darkness.”

Applejack glanced around and asked, “Did I forget anything?”

Rarity shook her head, “No. I believe that you summed everything up quite well. We are in quite a spot. Twilight and I can’t stay here, but we simply cannot afford to separate the group.”

“Um,” Fluttershy began, “Applejack said it was like a pressure cooker. Is that how it feels?”

Twilight and Rarity both nodded.

“Does that mean it’s getting worse,” Fluttershy asked.

Again, both ponies nodded.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and hugged Pinkie Pie tightly.

She slowly got to her hooves and said, “Then we must do something. We can’t stay, and we can’t go back up. If we take too long, both of you can get hurt.”

Fluttershy’s eyes turned to the ground, and she pawed at it for a bit.

“Wha-,” Applejack began.

“Hold on,” Rainbow Dash whispered grinning, “Just wait for it.”

After a few moments of pawing, Fluttershy looked up with determination, “I think I should try and meet these ghosts.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “Okay, I was expecting something but not that, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy nodded, “I think I’ll be okay since the ghosts may think I’m similar to the candidate of the Element of Kindness.”

“Okay,” Applejack said, “And what do we do if another you shows up?”

Fluttershy tilted her head and asked, “Poke them? It worked last time.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, “No way. I am not letting you go down that dark dark tunnel. It’s full of ghosts and who knows what else.”

Fluttershy began to shake as she began to lose her nerve. She nuzzled against Pinkie’s side and said, “Not if I have you with me.”

Applejack turned to Twilight to object and gasped.

“Twilight, you’re getting pale.”

Twilight was already lying down and nodded, “It’s getting worse. Much worse. I’m sorry, but I think Fluttershy’s right.”

Applejack grumbled and turned to the darkness. Her eyes glanced toward the remaining torches and groaned.

“Great,” she said, “Now that torch is beginning to go out.”

The ponies looked up, and the fire had begun to dwindle. It still provided ample light, but something seemed to smother it.

Twilight looked up at the torches and said, “I think there are runes carved on the torches. They might be keeping the ghosts from extinguishing the flames.”

Rainbow Dash stomped at the ground, “Well, they’re doing something.”

She turned to Fluttershy and said, “Go. Find out what’s going on and get the ghosts to stop. AJ and I will stay here to take care of Rarity and Twilight.”

She growled as she turned back to the tunnel.

“I’m sorry, Fluttershy,” she added, “But if they get too bad. We’re taking them out of here.”

Fluttershy nodded though she shook terribly, even Pinkie Pie leaning against her didn’t help.

“I understand,” Fluttershy said, “Please keep them safe.”

She turned and began to walk toward the darkness of the tunnel with Pinkie Pie pressed against her.

The four remaining ponies watched as they disappeared into the darkness.

“I hope we’re doing the right thing,” Rarity said as she winced in pain.

“Didn’t have much of a choice,” Applejack said, “Let’s keep hope alive and-“

She jumped back as her gaze returned to the tunnel. Ghostly figures stood at the border of the torchlight.

Rainbow Dash got to Applejack’s side in an instant and glared at the ghosts.

“You’re not getting any closer,” she growled.

One of the ghosts smiled and said, “Soon enough. Soon enough.”

The ghosts began to fade, the smiling ghost being the last. Before it faded, it took the appearance of Pinkie Pie and winked at the group.


“This is a bad idea,” Pinkie Pie said, “I’m with you, Flutters, but this is too scary.”

Fluttershy’s ragged breathing told Pinkie all she needed to know. The pegasus was terrified as well.

“Okay,” Pinkie Pie said, “We can’t see down here, but you have an idea of where to go?”

Fluttershy nodded, though it was pointless in the pitch darkness.

“I think so,” she said, “I have a feeling there is something further down the tunnel. We need to move slowly and be careful.”

Pinkie Pie kept trying to find her hooves in the darkness but couldn’t. The tunnel didn’t appear to turn, but she felt a slight incline. They were slowly going further down.

She suddenly stopped and grabbed Fluttershy.

“You hear them, too,” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah,” Pinkie Pie said, “Just like Dashie said. At first, I thought it was the Cakes, and then it sounded like my family back at the rock farm.”

Fluttershy nuzzled against Pinkie Pie and said, “I heard Scootaloo and the girls. Then I heard the sounds of my animal friends. I think the ghosts are trying to lead us away.”

“Hang on,” Pinkie Pie said as she reached out with a hoof. She felt a solid wall, but a little further ahead, she found empty space.

She listened, and sure enough, she could hear the faint cries of friends and family down the new path.

She frowned and said, “I think you’re right Flutters. Let’s keep going. Maybe we’ll find something before Rarity and Twilight get worse.”

The two walked slowly toward the end of the tunnel, not knowing that more than ghosts haunted the tunnels below Luna’s former temple.


“What’s that,” Applejack asked as she stared into the darkness.

Rainbow Dash turned and nodded, “I hear it, too. It sounds like ponies running this way.”

Though they could not see far in the darkness, the two could distinguish movement. They retreated to the brighter torches as a herd of ghost ponies threw themselves at the light. Each pony caused the torches to flicker and dim slightly.

After a few minutes, the ponies dispersed. Again, the smiling pony remained. This time, it took the appearance of Fluttershy though it was no longer smiling.

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow said before she caught herself, “No. You’re not her. We’re not falling for it.”

The apparition stopped and began to cry.

“If you are the real Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, “Come over here.”

She leaned forward when the apparition didn’t move and said, “The real Fluttershy would be here already. You’re gonna have to try harder than that.”

The apparition smiled at Rainbow Dash and retreated into the darkness.

“Let’s get back to those two,” Applejack said, “I think as long as we don’t give these ghosts the time of day, we should be all right.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head, “I hope so.”

The two returned to the unicorns, Twilight smiled at them, and Rarity lay on her side, seemingly unconscious.

“She okay,” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No,” Rarity said, “I’m simply trying to conserve energy. Now please, let me rest.”

Twilight nodded, “We’re not doing so great, but I think we did the right thing.”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash sat down at a loss for what to do.

“I hope they’re safe,” Rainbow said.


Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie continued to walk in silence, except for the sounds of their breathing.

After a few minutes, they stopped. Voices were ahead.

“Who do you think they’re pretending to be now,” Pinkie asked.

“I’m not sure,” Fluttershy said, “I don’t recognize the voice.”

“Maybe we should call to them,” Pinkie said.

She took a deep breath, and Fluttershy put a hoof on Pinkie’s mouth.

“Shh,” she whispered, “I think there’s something nearby.”

Pinkie turned to try and hear better, but there was only silence behind them, and she was about to say that Fluttershy was scared when she heard it.

The slight sound of something being dragged on the ground, along with the sound of mumbling. In her mind, it seemed like when she dressed up as a mummy and dragged a hoof on the ground.

The sound quickly stopped, but whatever it was stopped close to them.

Fluttershy lowered her hoof from Pinkie’s mouth and began to walk forward quickly. Pinkie followed, and so did the dragging sound.

The two slightly quickened their pace, and so did the dragging sound.

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yeah,” Pinkie asked.

“When I give the signal, just follow along.”

Pinkie gulped and whispered, “Okay, Flutters.”

They continued walking, all the while listening to everything. After a minute, Fluttershy whispered, “Pony pile.”

Pinkie Pie jumped onto Fluttershy, and the two rolled into a side passage.

The dragging sound just barely passed them but stopped.

Fluttershy got to her hooves, wrapped her tail with Pinkie’s and shouted, “Run!”

The two bolted down the side passage in complete darkness. The dragging sound tried to keep up but couldn’t. A distressed wail escaped the pursuer, but neither pony slowed down.

They were going solely by sound. The moment they heard voices of friends or family, they immediately turned toward the direction of silence.

The voices became louder and more pleading. Fluttershy felt tears streaming down her cheeks as she heard the sounds of long-past animal friends. Friends that she had long given their final farewells.

Still, the two kept running, and when it felt as though their strength would give out, they fell.


Twilight gently nudged Rarity.

The white unicorn opened her eyes and tried to sit up.

“I have an idea,” Twilight said.

Rarity managed to get to a sitting position, with the help of Rainbow Dash, and asked, “What is it?”

“Meditation,” Twilight said, “Perhaps if we can clear our minds, we can delay whatever is causing this.”

Rarity managed a pained smile, “Of course, I knew you would think of something.”

She nuzzled Twilight gently and added, “After all, you always do.”

Twilight smiled, and the two closed their eyes, each trying their best to clear their minds in spite of the circumstances.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked at their friends with wonder.

“Rarity’s pretty tough,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Sugarcube,” Applejack said, “That pony’s tougher than a horseshoe. They both are.”

Rainbow Dash began to turn toward the tunnel, but Applejack stopped her.

“Don’t give them the satisfaction,” she said.

At that moment, the two more torches went out, and the ponies heard the sounds of laughter.

“At least they’re having a good time,” Rainbow Dash said as they retreated back to Rarity and Twilight.


Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie tumbled down the slope and lost their grip on each other’s tails.

She heard Pinkie bump into the side of tunnel and heard her fall further away.

“Pinkie,” Fluttershy shouted but received no reply.

She soon stopped and found herself on a smooth stone floor. From the slope, Fluttershy could still hear the fading sound of Pinkie’s descent. Darkness was still around her, and she began to tear up.

Fear tore at her heart, and she curled into a ball as tears fell from her eyes.

Now isn’t the time to be shy

Fluttershy remembered Rainbow Dash’s words and got to her hooves. Pinkie Pie, her girlfriend, was down here and just as scared as she was. Fluttershy had to find her.

She felt around for a wall but found only open space. Instead, she simply walked forward, taking each step slowly.

Eventually, she bumped into an object. This felt like a small pillar, cylindrical with a flat top. She guessed that this thing was at the center of the room.

She sat down and closed her eyes. Her thoughts were focused on Pinkie Pie and how much she wanted to be with her.

Memories of past parties and the promise of future parties filled her mind, and she smiled in spite of the circumstances.

She spread out her wings and gave them a gentle flap. As she strained to feel any possible shift in the stale air, she brought her thoughts back to Pinkie Pie.

After a minute, she felt something, and she opened her eyes. Without thinking, she turned to her right and ran. The echoing hoofsteps reverberated in the tunnels, but she knew where she was going.

She was going to find her Pinkie Pie.


“Flutters,” Pinkie Pie called.

She tried to climb back up the slope but found it too unstable. There was no way back, so she had to move forward.

The ground changed to a smooth floor. Pinkie smelled the ground and sneezed at the dust. This place was old.

She could not find a wall but managed to find a bunch of vases. By accident, she almost knocked one over but caught it and placed it back.

“Whew,” she said, “Creepy ghosties are bad enough. Don’t want angry creepy ghosties, too.”

Pinkie Pie walked forward slowly, mindful of her steps, until she found herself at a wall.

The options were go left, go right, or go back. She sat down and felt the floor. There was something about the floor that bothered her.

It was smoother than stone but didn’t quite feel like marble. She lowered an ear to the floor and tapped gently.

To anyone who might have witnessed this, it would have appeared odd, but the former rock farmer knew what she was listening for.

She tapped again and nodded, “Obsidian,” she said as she remembered the stories Grannie Pie told her.

“That’s not good. I have to find Flutters.”

Just like Fluttershy, she focused her thoughts on her girlfriend, and just like the yellow pegasus, she smiled at the memories the two shared.

The difference was that Pinkie Pie felt the energy from the floor and knew where to go.

Fluttershy was coming for her, and she knew the direction to meet her.

She turned to the left and ran to reunite with Fluttershy.


The final two torches had grown dimmer, and Applejack started to weigh their options.

“Sugarcube,” she said, “I’m not liking the idea of abandoning Fluttershy and Pinkie, but we got to do something. We can’t stay down here in the dark.”

Rainbow Dash nodded, “I know. I don’t like it either, but let’s try getting into the stairway.”

As soon as she was about to cross the threshold of the stairs, she stopped, though it was closer to walking into a wall.

“Ow,” she said, rubbing her nose, “What gives?”

She then pressed a hoof and saw a ripple of energy spread through the archway.

“We’re stuck,” Applejack asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed, “Looks that way.”

Laughter greeted her, and the two ponies turned around. Just past the dim torchlight stood the smiling apparition.

It took a step into the light and retreated as it began to dissolve.

“Soon enough,” it said, “Soon enough.”

Suddenly, it reared on its hind legs and slammed its hooves onto the ground. Applejack and Rainbow Dash felt a wave of pressure pass through them, but the unicorns took the brunt of the punishment.

Both Rarity and Twilight Sparkle let out a scream and grasped their heads.

“Make it stop,” Rarity cried out, “This pain is horrible.”

Applejack rushed to her downed friends and helped them back to a seated position.

Rainbow Dash shook with barely contained fury and turned back to see the apparition only a few feet away.

“It’s time,” it said as the last two torches went out.


Fluttershy continued to run down the stone tunnel and stopped when she began to feel winded. Again, she tried to determine which way to go but what she felt had left her. Now she was truly lost.

She heard a soft voice, which was different from the earlier voices.

“Over here,” the voice said.

Fluttershy turned to her left and froze when the voice spoke again.

“You’re other over here.”

She turned around and asked with a shaking voice, “And who might you be?”

Fluttershy again had her wings spread and tried to sense something, anything, in the stale air.

“Oh,” the voice said, “You don’t remember? I’ve been waiting.”

One of Fluttershy’s feathers twitched, giving her a slight sense of direction. She needed more to go on, so she focused her wings to her back left.

“What have you been waiting for,” Fluttershy asked.

She could hear something. This sound was different from the dragging from before. This was similar, but it sounded as though somepony was crawling or trying to crawl and dragging their hind legs.

“I’ve waited so long,” the voice said as it drew closer to the shivering pegasus.

Another twitching feather. Fluttershy knew that she was on the right track. She remembered the rules of three for aviation and hoped she would know before whatever was speaking to her got too close.

“Waiting can be difficult,” Fluttershy said, “But what were you waiting for?”

The dragging stopped no more than three feet from her, and the voice said, “I’ve been waiting for you. You won’t get away again.”

Fluttershy decided to heck with the rules of three, turned on her heels, and took flight.

Behind her, the voice let out a wail of rage.

“Traitor,” the creature screamed, “I will find you! You’ll pay for what you did!”

Fluttershy touched down and continued to run. Suddenly, she stopped when she heard the sounds of hoofsteps. The echoing of the stone walls made it impossible to tell which way they were coming from or going.

Fluttershy strained her ears to try and figure out the direction to go. Eventually, she took a step forward and was blinded by a brilliant light.


Applejack stomped her hooves on the ground. Though she couldn’t place the reasoning, she knew that she had to protect Rarity and Twilight. They were the most vulnerable.

“I’m not for fighting in the dark,” she said, “But I’ll give y’all a fight no matter what.”

“Not if I can help it,” Rainbow Dash said.

Before Applejack could respond, she heard the sound of a heavy parchment being spread on the floor.

Suddenly, the quick rush of air that usually accompanied Rainbow Dash’s leaps, along with three quick gusts, blew past Applejack.

“Cover your eyes,” Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack covered her eyes with her hat, and she saw a series of sparks, followed by a bright flame.

Rainbow Dash had one of the torches in her mouth, and the ground was a sheet of flint paper.

“Might fine thinking, RD,” Applejack said, “I’ll grab the other torch.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and stood at the center of the tunnel.

Applejack looked up at the extinguished torch and reached up. She paused when she saw three sharp sticks embedded in the wall.

She turned back to Rainbow Dash, who only shrugged and smiled as best she could.

Applejack carefully knocked the torch from its holder and caught it in her mouth.

“No,” a voice said, “You can’t do that.”

Applejack paid no attention and struck the torch against the paper. Sparks but no fire.

A rush of cold air blasted the ponies, and Rainbow’s torch almost went out.

Again, Applejack tried to light the torch. Again, only sparks.

She began to panic and nearly dropped the torch.

Rainbow Dash placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder and nodded.

Applejack calmed herself and tried again.

“Stop,” the voice shouted, and the ponies felt something powerful headed their way.

With a quick, steady motion, Applejack struck the paper, and the torch jumped back to life.

She took her place next to Rainbow Dash just in time to see the apparition again.

This time, it bore no copies. It was a solitary female unicorn partially engulfed by smoke. The faces of countless ponies poured out of the smoke only to be drawn back into the cloud.

The apparition walked to the light and smiled at the defiant pair.

She turned to Rainbow Dash and waited.

Rainbow Dash glared at the pony before she felt her stomach drop.

“Fl- Fluttershy,” she asked, dropping the torch from her mouth.

Applejack managed to catch it with a hoof. She drove her torch into the dirt floor and said, “That ain’t Fluttershy, Rainbow. Even I can see that.”

The apparition looked down at Applejack and smiled.

“She has abandoned you,” the apparition said, “Just as she has abandoned the one she claimed to love.”

The apparition looked at the torch in the ground and blew it out.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash retreated back to Rarity and Twilight Sparkle but kept their attention on the apparition.

The two unicorns were barely conscious and leaned against each other. Unnoticed by the other two ponies, Twilight Sparkle slowly got her hooves and helped Rarity get to hers.

The two unicorns, both in immense agony, nodded to each other in agreement.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood in between the apparition and the unicorns.

The apparition smiled as a unicorn was flung from the smoke and tried to attack the torch in Applejack’s mouth.

Rainbow Dash punched at the ghost and let out a cry of pain. Her leg felt as though she had plunged it into ice-cold water.

She rubbed her leg, and the apparition began to laugh.

“What do you want,” Rainbow Dash shouted, “We’re trying the help you. We just need to find the candidate for the Element of Kindness.”

The apparition’s smile fell and turned into a snarl. The ponies in the cloud of smoke howled in pain for a moment then fell silent.

“Kindness,” she said, “Kindness is dead.”

The apparition turned to Applejack, and the torch went out.


Pinkie Pie ran but stopped when she felt something. More accurately, whatever she was feeling vanished.

“Flutters,” she called, “Fluttershy, where are you?”

She continued to walk forward and stumbled back when she felt something under her hoof.

Carefully, she picked up the object and smiled when she felt that it was a feather. Perhaps Fluttershy had flown in this direction.

Pinkie got to her hooves and groaned when she heard a sound behind her.

“Wait,” she said, “You’re not the same noise as before.”

She spun around and shouted, “Who are you?”

The creature stopped and said, “I’m so tired, and I finally found her.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head, “Who’d you find? Was it my Flutters? We’re trying to meet some candidate.”

Silence followed, and the creature said, “Well, you found one.”


Fluttershy’s eyes stung with the sudden brightness. She found herself in a beautiful courtyard garden. Ponies laughed as they enjoyed the pleasant weather.

She sat down and marveled at the clear sky above her. She felt at peace and wanted nothing more than to lie down for a while.

None of the ponies seemed to notice Fluttershy when she waved at them, but this didn’t bother her. They were enjoying the courtyard as much as she was.

She noticed a curious butterfly fluttering about. It was pink but had a fluffiness that she couldn’t place.

Fluttershy smiled at the butterfly and then stared in confusion when it disappeared.

She decided to get to her hooves and explore the courtyard.

Pillars lined the courtyard, and ponies sat on benches. They were made of a curious black marble-like stone that she couldn’t recognize, and she gasped when she noticed the towering fountain in the center of the courtyard.

Fluttershy walked toward the fountain, seemingly drawn to it. She quickly arrived at the fountain's edge and was about to peer into the water when a voice stopped her.

“There you are,” the voice said.

Fluttershy turned around and saw a pink unicorn standing in front of her.

“Oh,” Fluttershy said, “Hello.”

“You’re late,” the unicorn said, “We have a lot of work to do.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Oh, um, what kind of work?”

She took a step forward but stopped. There was something in her peripheral vision that bothered her.

She turned her head but saw nothing but the garden. She turned back toward the pink unicorn, and for an instant, the world was different.

In that instant, Fluttershy saw a room walled by the same black marble, and the unicorn looked vastly different.

“Is something wrong,” the unicorn asked.

Fluttershy shook her head, “Oh, no. I just thought I saw something.”

The unicorn laughed and said, “Well, don’t think you can try that excuse. There are so many here that need help, and now that you’re here, we can give them what they need.”

Fluttershy looked to the ground and then looked back to the fountain.

“What is that marble,” Fluttershy asked, “If you don’t mind me asking.”

The unicorn’s smile faltered, “Don’t worry about that. Let’s just go.”

Something pulled at Fluttershy. There was something that she had forgotten. Something important. She felt as though there was a hole in her heart.

Again, she turned back to the fountain, and a pink butterfly fluttered by her.

She smiled and said, “Pinkie.”

“What did you say,” the pink unicorn asked.

Fluttershy turned and saw the unicorn was no longer smiling.

“Pinkie,” she said, “I know somepony named Pinkie Pie. She’s very important to me.”

Without another word, Fluttershy ran back to the fountain.

“Stop,” the unicorn shouted and ran after Fluttershy.

When Fluttershy reached the fountain, she stared into the water. She didn’t see her own reflection.

Instead, she saw a ghostly form. Around the figure, a cloud of smoke hovered, and Fluttershy could see faces in the smoke.

Her eyes drifted toward the courtyard reflected in the water. There was no courtyard. All she could see was a room lined with black marble.

The unicorn finally reached Fluttershy and pulled her away.

“Don’t you dare try and leave,” the pink unicorn screamed, “You don’t realize how bad it is out there.”

Fluttershy turned and gasped at the sight of the unicorn.

She was no longer pink or living, she was the same as the reflection.

“What happened,” Fluttershy asked.

The ghostly figure snarled, “What happened?”

She lowered her head and began to tremble. After a minute, she lifted her head, and tears streamed down her face. These tears seemed the burn her as smoke poured from the lines of tears.

“I failed,” she screamed, “I tried and failed. I failed all of them.”

Fluttershy took a step back and asked, “Are. Are you the candidate for the Element of Kindness?”

“Kindness,” the ghost spat, “Kindness is a curse. The only kindness we were offered was death, and even that left us with more curses.”

“I,” Fluttershy began, “I won’t pretend to understand, but my friends and I are here to help. We were sent here by Princess Luna to help free you from this place.”

The ghost staggered back and shook her head.

“No,” she said, “There is no freedom. Not for me. Not for those I hurt. Not for your friends, and not for you.”

She disappeared and reappeared next to Fluttershy.

“You will remain here because Kindness is dead.”

Fluttershy jumped to the side and fell over.

The ghost looked down at the downed pegasus and said, “And I killed it.”


“So,” Pinkie asked, “which candidate are you?”

The creature gasped and took a ragged breath through lungs that had long lost their function.

“I was brought here because I was told I was loyal,” it said.

“Loyalty,” Pinkie said, “Well, it’s good that I found you.”

She sat down and asked, “Say, you’re not planning on hurting me, are you?”


“You know,” Pinkie Pie said, “If you’re shaking your head, I can’t see it.”

“Oh,” the creature said, “I apologize. No. I have no intention of harming you. You remind me of the boy.”

“Oh,” Pinkie Pie said, “We met him. Him and Grannie and another one who was the candidate for Generosity.”

A sigh escaped the creature, “Good. It’s good that they are still the same.”

“Yeah,” Pinkie said, “Grannie was kinda rude at first, but Boy and Generosity were friendly.”

The creature dragged itself closer to Pinkie Pie and asked, “How did you find yourself in this cursed place?”

Pinkie Pie sighed and said, “That’s a doozy. I’ll give you the short version.”

She cleared her throat and said, “Well, it began when my girlfriend, Fluttershy, found these ruins. You remember Princess Luna?”

“Of course,” the creature said, “The dream of her no longer suffering is the only balm of comfort I have.”

“Well,” Pinkie Pie said, “I have good news there. Princess Luna is fine. We freed her from that meanie Nightmare Moon a while ago.”

Pinkie heard the creature shift in position.

“Truly,” the creature asked, “Our princess is free?”

Pinkie nodded, “She sure is, and I just nodded in case you didn’t see it. In fact, she sent us here to help all of you ponies.”

She turned her head to hear anything and said, “We never thought this would take such a spooky turn.”

“I. I appreciate the effort,” the creature said, “But this is a lost cause. We are forever trapped here, and now so are you. She will never let you leave.”

Pinkie tried to get to her hooves but stopped when she felt a long dead hoof grab her.

“Please,” the creature said, “I must find her. If nothing else, I must have my revenge.”

Pinkie Pie pulled away from the hoof and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

The creature let out a growl and said, “The traitor. The candidate of Kindness, though she knows only cruelty.”

“Wait a second,” Pinkie Pie said, “You said that you found her, but I don’t think you found your Kindness.”

She tapped at the floor and asked, “Was this a pegasus?”

“She bore the appearance of a pegasus,” the creature said, “But there is no trusting traitors.”

“Flutters,” Pinkie Pie shouted, “That’s my Fluttershy.”

She then lowered and glared in the direction she hoped the creature was and said, “And she isn’t any traitor. I don’t know what your Kindness did, but my Flutters has nothing to do with it.”

Silence fell, and soon the creature said, “Odd. I don’t feel that you are lying. Do you mean what you say? Is this Fluttershy truly trustworthy?”

“Absolutely,” Pinkie Pie said, “I trust her with all my heart. She’s my girlfriend for a reason, you know.”

She smiled and said, “I know you’re super duper upset, but we want to help. Maybe Flutters and I can convince your Kindness to leave, so all of you can leave too.”

“Don’t bother,” the creature said, “It’s a waste of time.”

“Well,” Pinkie said, “If we’re stuck here forever, then what have we got to lose?”

Again silence fell. After a few minutes, the creature said, “I don’t know where the traitor hid herself. She only sends her reflection to wander the tunnels. Think of your love. Perhaps it will light your way.”

The creature didn’t wait for Pinkie to respond and crawled away.

Pinkie felt at the floor again to try and find Fluttershy but stopped.

“Hey,” she shouted.

The creature stopped and asked, “Yes?”

“Why the heck did you ponies use obsidian here? Don’t you know that’s bad luck?”

The creature laughed though it sounded closer to a cough.

“These catacombs were here long before the temple. We didn’t even know of its existence before the attack.”

“Okay,” Pinkie Pie said, “Well, there’s nothing but obsidian here, so that means a whole lot of bad luck.”

“There is nothing but misfortune here,” the creature said, “So I have to agree with you.”

Without another word, the creature continued its course.

Pinkie Pie heard the creature drag itself away, and she tried to feel for something in the stone that could give her an idea of where Fluttershy could be.

Though she didn’t like it, all she could do was wait.


Though the torches were out, the four ponies still had a flickering torch from the spiral staircase.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash glared at the apparition as it slowly came closer.

When it drew near, Applejack took her torch in her mouth and swung.

The torch passed through the apparition but with resistance, causing the ghostly unicorn to flinch backward.

She glared at her and said, “You will regret that. None of you will leave. You will remain here. With us.”

“Maybe,” Rainbow Dash said, “Then we’ll just whip your flank as ghosts.”

The apparition laughed but didn’t take another step forward. Instead, her eyes grew wide as a light began to glow behind the defiant ponies.

Before anypony could react, a bright flash illuminated the tunnel.

The apparition let out a scream and dispersed.

“Your turn,” Rarity said as she collapsed.

Twilight, sweating profusely and barely standing, cast a beam connecting each torch. One by one, they sprung back to life.

She gave Applejack and Rainbow Dash a weak smile and fell over.

“This is bad,” Rainbow Dash said as she checked Twilight.

Applejack checked Rarity and gasped at how cold the unicorn felt.

“Are they okay,” Rainbow asked.

Applejack shook her head, ”Sugarcube, I have no idea. They’re still breathing, and they might have bought us some time.”

She turned to the tunnel and said, “I just hope Fluttershy and Pinkie are having better luck.”


Fluttershy sat down on a bench, what the ghostly unicorn said still weighed on her.

She looked up at the clear sky and frowned. None of this was real.

“Why are you hiding,” she asked the ghost.

The ghost shook her head, “You don’t understand. I tried. I really tried. I tried to help get the students out when we were attacked.”

Fluttershy placed a hoof on the ghost's shoulder. The smoke dissipated for a moment, revealing the pink unicorn.

“You were trying to help the students escape,” Fluttershy asked.

The ghost nodded, sniffing back tears, “I knew it was pointless. The underground tunnels were used for storage. There were no escape routes. The candidates of Loyalty and Honesty said that we should go back and fight, but I insisted that we could find an escape.”

She let out a choked sob, “They trusted me, and I betrayed them.”

Fluttershy felt herself tear up and said, “Did you find something that you shouldn’t have?”

The ghost shook her head, “I don’t know. We heard the fighting and the screams. Eventually, we came to another dead end. The candidates were losing their patience. I tried to tell them we could escape and that it wouldn’t be safe to leave only myself to protect the students.”

Some of the ponies in the smoke surrounding her let out laughs.

“Liar,” some said.

“Traitor,” others said.

The ghostly unicorn kept her composure until a third chorus.

“Murderer,” they cried.

She broke down into sobs, and Fluttershy hugged her.

The cloud dispersed, and she found herself holding a unicorn that looked like a young teenager.

The unicorn hugged Fluttershy, and she continued to weep.

“I’m sorry,” she cried, “I never should have tried it, but we had nowhere else to go.”

Fluttershy gently stroked the pony’s mane and said, “Please tell me what you did. I promise that I will listen to everything you have to say.”

The unicorn took a deep breath and said, “We. We started digging a new tunnel. I don’t know why I chose that spot. Maybe it called to me, but soon it caved in. The candidate of Loyalty fell, and I heard her scream when she landed.”

She looked up at the sky and scoffed at the illusion she had created for herself, “She broke her back. I managed to get down safely and tried to treat her wounds, but she wouldn’t let me.”

Fluttershy remembered the creature she met after she and Pinkie Pie were separated. Part of her wanted to say something, but she knew that would make things worse.

“She’s still out there,” the unicorn said, “Still in her broken body. Looking for me because I betrayed her.”

Silence fell, and she added, “The candidate for the Element of Honesty didn’t follow us. She stayed at the top and called down to see if we were okay. The candidate of Loyalty said that I betrayed them. That I broke her back and that I would hurt her too.”

The unicorn looked at Fluttershy and cried, “I never meant for that to happen. I just wanted to help everypony escape. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Fluttershy smiled and said, “It sounds to me like this was just an awful accident and a big misunderstanding. I know that you’re scared.”

“You don’t know what it means to be scared,” the unicorn said.

Fluttershy placed a hoof under the unicorn’s chin and turned her head, so they were looking eye to eye.

“Believe me,” Fluttershy said, “I know what it’s like to be afraid. I almost missed out on love because of my fear. I almost lost my friends by doing nothing because of fear. But I didn’t.”

“How,” the unicorn asked, “How did you manage to do this?”

Fluttershy smiled, “Because no matter how scared I get. No matter how much I want to run and hide and wait for the problems to go away, I can’t. I have ponies in my life that need me to be there.”

She then nuzzled the unicorn gently and said, “Now is not the time to be shy.”

The unicorn let go of Fluttershy, and the ghostly pony returned.

“Do you think I can,” she asked, “That I can ask for forgiveness from those I hurt?”

Fluttershy nodded, “As long as you’re not alone, you can. I will be there for you, and so will my Pinkie Pie.”

The unicorn closed her eyes and eventually nodded.

“Okay,” she said, “The fountain's water will return you to the room you entered. You can leave.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not leaving without you,” Fluttershy said.

“Don’t you understand,” the now ghostly unicorn shouted, “I can’t go back. I can’t bear the thought of facing those two or my mother. I’m nothing but a monster. I deserve to be alone.”

Fluttershy shook her head, “You are not a monster. You tried to help so many ponies, but things got out of hand. You had no control over the situation, and the candidates judged you unfairly. Please, come back with me, and we can finally help you find peace and leave this place.”

The ghostly unicorn laughed softly, “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

“A good friend has taught me the benefits of being stubborn,” Fluttershy said.

She then reached out a hoof and waited for the ghost to take it.

When the ghost did, she returned to being the young unicorn she was so long ago.

“Then, let’s get back,” the unicorn said, and both headed back to the fountain.

Once they arrived, the unicorn took a deep breath. Fluttershy expected to try and convince her to enter, but she got into the water. Once both ponies were in the water, the illusion vanished, and they were back in darkness.

“Um,” Fluttershy said, “If it’s not too much trouble, can you do something about the darkness?”

She still felt the unicorn’s hoof and smiled when she heard the reply.

“Yes,” the unicorn said, “I haven’t needed light for so long.”

Fluttershy saw the gentle glow of unicorn magic, and suddenly torches jumped to life. All around them was the same black marble she saw in the illusion.

“It’s the same stone,” Fluttershy said, “What is it?”

The unicorn shook her head, “It’s called obsidian. It’s complicated, but it absorbs magical energy. The problem is that when it gets saturated, it starts repelling that energy.”

“Is there any way to stop it from, um, doing that,” Fluttershy asked.

“No,” the unicorn said, “The only way is to let the stone release the energy on its own. The problem is that the temple is now acting like a seal for the energy. There’s nowhere for it to go.”

Fluttershy nodded though she didn’t quite understand everything the unicorn said. She remembered Rarity and Twilight and said, “Two of my friends were being hurt by the energy. Is there anything you can do to help them?”

The unicorn sighed, “That must have been my reflection. I sent her out because I was scared. I guess she just made things worse.”

A smile appeared on Fluttershy’s face when she heard familiar hoofsteps drawing near.


The ghostly unicorn returned and began to attack the torches again. They were dimming but stayed lit.

“Do you see that,” Rainbow Dash asked, pointing toward the far end of the tunnel.

Applejack was focusing on the ghostly unicorn but looked past her and said, “I might be losing what little mind I have, but is that a light?”

Suddenly, the lights in the distance grew brighter as the long-dead torches sprang to life.

“No,” the ghostly form shouted, “I will not go away. I won’t be denied.”

She turned to run away but stopped when the tunnels filled with light. With no other option, she ran to an alcove with no torches.

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle had regained consciousness, though they were still in great pain, and sat up.

Rainbow Dash smiled and asked, “How’re you holding up?”

Rarity smiled, “Absolutely miserable, but that’s an improvement. Now, unless my eyes are deceiving me, are all these torches lit?”

Applejack nodded, “They sure are, and if you two are feeling a little better, that must mean ol’ Pinkie and Fluttershy did good.”

Twilight rose to her hooves and helped Rarity get to hers.

Once she steadied herself, she said, “The feedback seems to be receding, but it’s still very strong.”

She looked down the tunnel and asked, “Where is that ghost?”

Rainbow Dash grinned and grabbed the lit torch Applejack drove into the ground.

“Over here,” she said, “I’m gonna enjoy this.”

She took the torch in her mouth and walked to the alcove. The ghost backed into a corner as Rainbow Dash got closer and screamed in pain as the light touched her.

“Oh, does that hurt,” Rainbow Dashed asked, “Let’s make sure.”

She turned her head to toss the torch into the alcove, but Applejack grabbed it and spat it to the ground.

“AJ,” Rainbow shouted, “What’s that big idea?”

Applejack shook her head, “Now listen here, Sugarcube. I know you’re mad. Heck, I’m madder than a kicked hornet’s nest, too.”

She pointed at the cowering ghost and said, “But we ain’t in the business of hurting ponies, and as much as you might not like it, you know that what you were about to do is just wrong.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed and turned to Rarity and Twilight Sparkle.

“Come on,” she said, “How about you two? Are you really telling me that you don’t want to take a little revenge on this thing?”

Rarity stepped forward and said, “Vengeance is tempting, but it’s a poison. We don’t know everything that happened here, but I do know that we have to show mercy.”

Rainbow Dash looked to Twilight, who simply nodded. She let out a sigh and turned back to the trapped ghost.

The ghost looked pitiful and pathetic. Fear and anger raced across her face. She knew that she was at their mercy and there was nothing she could do.

“I guess you’re right,” Rainbow said, “We’re nothing like her. Should we find Fluttershy and Pinkie?”

“Nah,” Applejack said, “Those two deserve a hero’s welcome, so let’s sit a spell and wait.”

“Please don’t say ‘spell’'” Rarity said as she rubbed her head.

The ponies laughed and waited for their friends to return.


Pinkie kept her eyes closed when she felt something in the stone. That feeling she followed had returned.

She opened her eyes and blinked in surprise.

“Who turned on the lights,” she asked.

With a hop to her hooves, she began running toward the feeling and to her Fluttershy.

The tunnels lined with that unlucky stone made her uncomfortable. She kept running until she found a room. Inside she found her Fluttershy and another pony.

“Flutters,” Pinkie Pie called, “Who’s that?”

The unicorn turned to Pinkie and jumped back, but now that she was no longer in contact with Fluttershy, she returned to her ghostly form.

“Flutters,” Pinkie called, “Get away from that ghost!”

Fluttershy ran to Pinkie and tackled her with a hug.

“I missed you,” she said, nuzzling her girlfriend’s pink fur.

She turned to the ghostly unicorn and said, “Don’t worry about her. She wants to make amends. We can help her.”

Pinkie Pie got to her hooves and walked to the ghostly figure. She studied her carefully and suddenly stuck out a hoof.

“Well, if my Flutters say that you’re okay, then that’s all I need to know.”

The ghostly figure tilted her head and slowly grasped Pinkie’s hoof.

The two shook hooves, and Pinkie giggled.

“You’re chilly,” she said, “Let’s go back and make everypony happy again!”

The three began to walk to the slope that connected to the tunnels.

As they walked, the ghostly unicorn leaned to Fluttershy and asked, “Is she always like that?”

Fluttershy shook her head as she smiled at her girlfriend.

“No,” she said, “Sometimes she gets excitable.”

The unicorn giggled, and the three continued the long walk hoping to find redemption and forgiveness.

Author's Note:

Like Pinkie said, this took a spooky turn. The penultimate chapter is complete, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter.