• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 6th

Matthew Penn

I write imaginary stories about cartoon horses.


There's an old saying that curiosity killed the cat, and that some mysteries are better left unsolved. What will happen if Pinkie Pie finds a calculator and decides it was a good idea to divide a number by zero? Everything.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )


Woah, acid flashback to high school ... :rainbowderp:


Nah, driving the teacher to a complete mental breakdown happened in high school. :rainbowlaugh:

This is absolutely brilliant. :rainbowlaugh:

That was cute. But division by zero doesn't have anything to do with either chaos theory, or Discord's idea of chaos??

4886225 *puts a finger to lips* Shh... Don't question Discord. Discord knows all.

ok, although I'm almost tempted to see if his theory is right I do not want to risk sinking reality as we know it in a black hole ..... so I will not do it.
Ahahahahahahah !!
I loved the scene of the hen that falls into the egg and then ........... I do not know how it comes back from her mother.
however very interesting.

Never divid for zero,NEVER!!!

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