• Published 16th Apr 2012
  • 19,505 Views, 1,847 Comments

The Great Brony Migration - Laichonious the Grey

The bronies of Earth are forced to flee to Equestria in order to find peace.

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Epilogue: Spectra

Click, step, click, step, click. The steady rhythm echoes in the massive, marble overlaid entrance to the headquarters of the FBI in downtown Washington D.C. A straggly-dressed young man of about thirty or so saunters, as much as he could with a crutch, to the solid front desk in the bright foyer. His gangly arms and unkempt brown hair seem very much out of place as he passes another man, much older, in a sharp business suit. The young man smiles at the raised eyebrow of the other federal agent and fingers his own badge, dangling from his neck on a lanyard that proudly depicted the Mane Six marching along its length alternating with their respective elemental symbols.

“Hey there, Wit.” One of the security guards calls to him as he approaches. “Have a good weekend? I see you’re down to one crutch this week.”

“Eeyup,” Wit says with a tip of an imaginary hat. “Doctor says the boot might come off in another week. I’m lookin’ forward to havin’ my foot back.” Wit hands his ID over to the guard, Jeff, with a flourish.

“Heheh, strange how much you need somethin’ and you don’t even realize till you don’t have it, huh?” A little electronic beep echoes in the building as the computer logs his ID into the system. “So, you gonna take lunch in today or out? I hear they got quite the selection of the menu for this week. Tell you what, since you boys moved in downstairs, the food’s been gettin’ better and better.”

Wit smiles as he puts his ID back around his neck. “Hah! It’s amazing what you can get done with a little well placed and tenacious emails. Yeah, I think I’ll sample the improved menu today. I don’t feel like running around looking for a bite to eat.”

Jeff makes a note on his console, a smile creasing his face. “Well, I guess there’s a reason why they call yah Wit,” he chuckles.

Wit shrugs. “Well somebody’s gotta do it, otherwise it’d be stuffy as a dude with hayfever up in here.” He puts his hand beside his mouth and leans forward conspiratorially. “Y’know these Feds take themselves so seriously, it’s a wonder how they don’t fall over from boredom.”

Jeff gives a snort as his companion guard rolls his eyes and smiles. “Heheh, well, don’t work too hard today, Wit.” Jeff says with a wink.

Wit gives the guard a quick salute. “Never do, never do. See yah at quittin’ time, Jeff.” Wit spins on his crutch to the side of the desk, heading off to the super fancy elevators. The surgically clean stainless steel doors part at his approach. A wonderfully synthetic ding plays from the elevator’s speakers and a pleasant, fake, female voice asks, Up or down? “Down, please, SB six.” He says in a clear overly enunciated voice.

Security clearance, please.

“Agent Wit, Six-oh-oh-five.”

Voiceprint confirmed. Welcome back, Wit.

The elevator dings once again as he feels the slight acceleration of the metal capsule dropping down into the shaft below the building. Sub-basement six, my own private lair, he thinks to himself as he descends even deeper into the earth. The high-speed elevator slowed as the third red light blinked above the door. Fingerprint, please. Miss Elevator asks. Wit presses his thumb up to the plate next to the door, where the normal elevator buttons probably used to be. It was rather clever of them, if an intruder got this far and failed the fingerprint thing, they’d be stuck in the elevator like a metal wrapped present. The elevator dings its approval. Have a nice day. Wit salutes to the hidden camera in the upper back corner, as always, and steps out into the fluorescent hall.

Bright tubes embedded in the translucent ceiling illuminate the narrow hall that runs to either side of him. He takes a right, heading to his second most favorite place in the world. A few clicks and steps bring him to the threshold of the Internet Counter Terrorism Division. The guys had taken to calling it the CMC Headquarters, CMC standing for Cyber Management Center. The big wigs upstairs didn’t understand it, probably never would. They don’t spend a lot of time down here anyway, the only “top brass” interaction they had was through Agent Barker, and that was just fine with Wit.

The wall facing the big glass door to the CMC Headquarters has the letters ICTD, laser cut from steel and backlit with color-changing LEDs. Just below the letters, a poster of the Mane Six captioned “Pwnis Rule”, was taped to the wall. Wit turns left, to their workstations and his office, running his fingers over four horseshoes nailed to the wall with his free hand. A daily ritual they all participated in. Once again, the top brass didn’t get it, but they humored the techies with their strange ways. If only because they produced results.

He smiles as he enters the half-light of the workstation lounge. It didn’t look anything like a government operation, the best part of it in his opinion. Several coolers, stocked with all sorts of fizzy drinks, stand around the room in a circle around their cubicles. The cubicles themselves are decked out with lights, posters and random toys. As usual he was the second one to arrive.

“Do you ever sleep, Hawk?” he asks the short-haired ginger illuminated by his monitor across the room.

“Mmyeah, I sleep. I don’t hobble like the rest of yah is all.” Hawk sticks his tongue out in concentration as his fingers fly over the controller of the antiquated Xbox 360. “BOOM! Headshot biyatch! Wahaha! I still got it!” He claws at his headset sitting on his desk. “D’you see that Scammy? Got you good! Wanna go for a best 20 out of -- what? Oh yeah, you gotta get over here don’tcha? Well hop to it slowpoke.”

Wit chuckles while opening the door to his office. The lights automagically come on and his computer resumes from his session last week. He leans his crutch in the corner and falls into his mega comfy chair. A blinking icon catches his eye on the screen. He makes the motion of grabbing the icon and throws it at the top of the screen. The action opens his email and his eyes pop at the most recent message.

From: sethisto@equestriadaily.com

Subject: Prepare

Wit taps the air in front of the screen to open the message and glances at the time/date stamp; today at five AM. He blinks at the screen. The whole thing consists of a little .gif animation of Derpy--or Ditzy--flying across the screen dropping letters.

He runs a hand through his hair, pursing his lips at the screen. Is this for real? Almost eight months since the exodus and I get a message with an animation in it? His hand hovers over his intercom, just a push of the button away from scrambling his whole team into a trace hunt when a soft hiss emanates from just above him. A flash of green light just below the ceiling tiles bursts forth with a loud pop and a wisp of green flame. Before his disbelieving eyes, a scroll falls from the afterimage of the burst of light in his vision and lands on his lap. It is bound in a strip of red silk with a glob of golden wax sealing the ends, impressed with a sunburst.

Wit stares at the scroll. He doesn’t move a muscle for at least a minute. Finally, his hands tremble as he picks it up, the faint smell of singed parchment and a thick artisan ink fills his nose. He breaks the seal with a flick of his thumb under the ribbon. His breathing is rapid as the scroll unfurls slightly. Carefully, he unrolls the parchment and sets it on the desk. Flowing letters cover the page.

Dear Wit,

We have a special task for you. I have been watching your progress over the past few months and feel that now is the time to approach you with the truth and this important responsibility. Your friends are here with us, safe and sound. We owe a great deal to you and your fellows. We also regret the loss of the four, killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I saw that you were injured, quite badly. It gladdens my heart to see you getting well.

I am sorry it took so long to contact you, but we had to be sure that our actions would not upset the Resonance of your world. Through much research and hard work, your friends have created a rather bold plan. We are still unsure of how much we can put in writing, that is, how much information we can give you without upsetting the balance.

I have seen your world, from the time that it was fresh and new, and it saddens us all that so much has transpired to take the magic from it. From the actions of your friends, our worlds were brought closer than they have been in ages. It is our solemn duty to once again extend the hoof of friendship and help. The connection is weak for now, but it will strengthen. Though you may feel that you have not done much, I can tell you that you are a driving force behind the strength of your world. That I am able to send this letter is a testament to what you have accomplished.

For now, you cannot respond to us, or see us. But we are watching and we are behind you. Though we have never met, I feel that we are friends; kindred spirits out to bring what is good to light and to share happiness with others. Never give up, Wit. The days may seem dark and the nights might oppress but we are here.

You will receive a package soon. Guard it with care.

Princess Celestia

He barely breathes as he reaches the end of the letter. This isn’t real. He thinks to himself, staring at the scroll. He’s dreaming, yeah, dreaming. Wait. A package? Soon? How soon was soon?

Another faint hiss comes from his right. He looks at the source just in time to be blinded by another flash of green light. He blinks away the afterimage to find a small parcel, wrapped in a coarse brown paper and tied with twine, sitting on the floor. Wit bends and picks up the package, surprised at it’s weight. He undoes the twine, letting the paper fall away, to reveal an ornate wooden box. It is about two inches square, all sides carved in relief with vines and leaves. The carving is so intricate he could swear he sees the leaves of the vines shift in an imaginary breeze. He lifts the lid by undoing a brass latch made to look like a key. Inside the box, resting on a cushion of purple velvet, is a seed no bigger around than the tip of his pinky. Sitting next to the seed, is a little strip of paper. More of the same flowing letters from the scroll adorn the paper. It reads: Plant me, when the time is right.

Holding the little box, Wit looks around the room. It could have been his imagination, but the colors around him seem a bit brighter.