• Published 26th Aug 2014
  • 4,203 Views, 54 Comments

Silent Scream - The Princess Rarity

Bulk Biceps knows he can trust his little butterfly... so he confesses something.

  • ...

So many things to tell her, but how to make her see?

Silent Scream

by The Princess Rarity

Bulk Biceps was nervous; and this was unusual. Very unusual. He normally never got nervous about anything. Not even when he had to go to the Equestria Games, and represent Ponyville. Or the time he lifted over two hundred pounds in the National Strongpony competition. Especially not when he finally went out on a date with the cute little mare who lived in a cottage with a bunch of animals and she looked like an angel.

He just wasn’t the type to get scared easily…

...except for bugs. He didn’t like bugs. But that was beyond the point. He didn’t get anxious over silly things like this. It was only a confession. He had done gutsier, and weirder, things.

So why was he freaking out over something so simple?

All he had to do was say a few words. What could be so hard about that?

“Um, snowflake? Sweetie? Are you ok?” Fluttershy spoke up, in her soft, demure manner.

“Y-yeah,” Bulk stuttered. “I’m fine, butterfly.”

Snowflake. Butterfly. They were silly little nicknames they had given each other over the past few months that they had been dating. But Bulk Biceps couldn’t help but feel guilty when he realized that Fluttershy had noticed the edge in his aura.

He poked at the mug sitting in front of him, and watched the strangely colored liquid of the herbal tea slightly ripple. He decided to force down a sip; anything to get his mind off of what he was thinking. Normally, the drink was bitter beyond belief, but with enough sugar, it was decent. Weird herbal beverages aside, Bulk Biceps liked this sort of thing, hanging out with her. More than liked it, actually. Fluttershy was such a sweet pony, and she was so kind. Anyone in the wide, wide world of Equestria -- stallion or mare, griffon or zebra, etc., etc. -- would be crazy not to go out with her, if given the chance.

So this was exactly why he was scared inside. He wasn’t so sure if he could say what he had to say.

As stupid and wimpy as it sounded, he was scared of chasing her away.

If Fluttershy knew- but then again, on the other hoof, if she didn’t know, she would find out-

-it was so unnecessarily complicated! Anypony reasonable would have confessed it a while ago. And of course, he obviously wasn’t anypony reasonable. He was a wuss that way, and he would have hated to admit it out loud.

It was just one statement. Or perhaps, a lot of statements. It could end up to be a long story-

Bulk Biceps noticed Fluttershy’s pretty blue eyes looking his way, and he smiled nervously. She would understand, wouldn’t she? She was too nice not to. Then again, maybe not. Maybe it was an act, maybe he was being tricked, maybe this whole relationship with her was nothing but a silly delusion… and maybe, he was going crazy from worrying.

“Um, so, h-how have you been?” Fluttershy said. “How has your week been so far?”

“Good,” Bulk replied.

Normally, he would have said more. If he was in a better mood, he would have told her about how he took a trip to Cloudsdale to help foals who were in training for the Wonderbolts stunt pony brigade. Or he might’ve offered her an invite to that new Disneigh movie in theaters he knew she would like. But he didn’t feel like talking, about anything. If he couldn’t say what was itching at him, he’d probably start screaming. He didn’t really like doing that, especially in front of Fluttershy. It didn’t scare her like it used to, but Bulk Biceps could still tell that it made her uncomfortable.

He had to say it. He would freak out if he didn’t.

“What’s been going on with you lately?” he blurted out.

This was far from their typical date talk. Usually, they would find some sort of common ground or a new topic to discuss over. That was the thing; Fluttershy was one of the few ponies who understood him, and brought out the softie. Bulk Biceps seemed scary and loud to anyone else. But right now, today was looking like a trainwreck.

Fluttershy perked up and gave a small smile; a sign that she was still hopeful this date would turn out alright. “Oh, well, um, on Monday, I went to Zecora’s because I had promised her that I would help her tame some of the wild animals in the Everfree,” she explained.

Bulk Biceps tuned in on the story of how his little butterfly had found the good in a fearsome Manticore, and in doing so, helped reunite it with it’s cubs. For a brief moment or two, Bulk wondered what Manticore cubs looked like; but he couldn’t pay attention for long. His thoughts kept reverting back to the main point in his mind.

The point he couldn’t make.

“And the Manticore cubs are so cute,” Fluttershy gushed. “They have the most adorable roars.”

“Do they?” Bulk mused.

Fluttershy nodded. “Maybe later today we could go into the Forest?” she offered. “I bet you haven’t seen all of the unique flora and fauna that live there. There’s anaconda snakes, gecko lizards, jasmine flowers, and the most amazing redwoods grow in the lower level.”

Her expression was shining like the sun, and Bulk smiled wide.

“Of course we can,” he said. “Sounds like fun.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle as she clapped her hooves in happiness. Every little thing about her was undeniably adorable.

Fluttershy brushed her mane out of her face, and stammered softly.

“Um, b-but I-I just wanted to know, if… um… you’re ok? You seem a bit out of it today. I- I don’t want to seem like I’m prying, I’m only concerned,” she said.

“Oh,” Bulk muttered.

So she did notice. Of course she did.

“I’m fine,” he admitted. “Just thinkin’ about things.” The truth. Not completely, but close enough.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Fluttershy offered.

Bulk Biceps frowned slightly, showing much hesitation. She did want to know- but once she found out, would she- well, this was Fluttershy, she would never- would she? His thoughts were dancing, and going insane from this mental debate. He was going to scream, if he didn’t do something.

“Y-yeah,” he murmured. “Can you listen for a bit?”

She nodded, and adjusted her seat so she could sit up straight and give her undivided attention to him. Her smile was so inviting. He could do this. He really could.

He breathed deep. One second at a time. This would be easy.

“Well,” Bulk stammered. “Maybe it’s easier if I show you.”

He reached back, and took out a very small, almost miniscule, piece of folded up paper from in between his feathers. In all seriousness, he was surprised it had stayed in the place he had left it. His hooves were shaking as he unfolded the paper, and he looked at it for a moment.

He was this close. He was going to tell her.

“Here,” Bulk said, as he held out the paper.

“What’s this?” Fluttershy inquired. She took it, and noticed that the paper was actually a photograph. She murmured something softly under her breath, and she furrowed her brow as she looked at it. “Um, c-could you explain who this is? I mean, it looks like you as a colt, but-”

“It’smyson,” Bulk blurted out.

He felt good for not screaming. Then again, he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders now that he had finally told her. A scene flashed in his mind; Fluttershy would break up with him in the easiest way possible, and he would be alone. That seemed like one of the worst things Bulk Biceps could think of--

“I’m sorry?” Fluttershy said, as her eyes went wide.

“Uh, it’s-” Bulk felt his heart pounding. Not many ponies knew this true fact. “It’s my son.”

“It… is?” Fluttershy whispered.

“Y-yeah,” Bulk replied, with a shaking tone of voice.

He could’ve sworn, he was going to faint. She was probably furious, or scared, or maybe both, and she was most likely going to break up with him now and to think, he was almost convinced that he was falling for her…

...he had doomed himself.

Bulk Biceps took another sip of that disgusting herbal tea to keep himself stable. Fluttershy was still staring at the picture, and he had no idea what that distant look in her eyes meant.

“I - I gotta go pick him up from school in a little bit, actually,” Bulk mumbled.

“What’s his name?” Fluttershy asked.

“Sorry?” Bulk said. His voice went a little loud, and he winced at it.

Fluttershy placed the photo back onto the table, sliding it back to him. “Your son. What’s his name?” she repeated.

Bulk’s crimson eyes went wide.

Did she genuinely care?

“Uh,” he stammered. “Featherweight. He’s a nice kid. He’ll be ten soon.”

“So, his mother,” Fluttershy mumbled. “What’s-”

“She’s been gone. Since he was two,” Bulk said softly.

A soft oh escaped Fluttershy. She wrung her hooves one over the other. “So, you raise him on your own?” she mused. “That’s very noble of you. It takes a strong will for anypony to do that.”

Bulk Biceps could barely believe it. She was so… open. She cared. Other ponies judged at first.

He managed the smallest of smiles. “I do what I can,” he said.

Fluttershy placed her hoof on his, and looked up at him, giving a warm grin.

“It’s ok,” she murmured.

Those two words. It was perfect. Bulk Biceps had all of the assurance in Equestria now. He was alright. He had been worrying over nothing. This was his little butterfly, after all. An element of Kindness, through and through. He hesitantly leaned in, and kissed her cheek. She squeaked in that cute way she always did when she was surprised, and a blush covered her entire face.

“Thanks for understanding, butterfly,” he said.

“It’s no problem, snowflake,” she replied.

Bulk cleared his throat, and gave a small, lopsided smile.

“So, um, do you want to go for that walk now?” he inquired.

“I’d love that,” Fluttershy beamed.

Life was good now. Despite his tiny wings, right then and there, Bulk Biceps felt like flying into the air and doing a flip. Everything seemed alright.

~ la fin ~

Author's Note:

I confess, Shyceps is really cute! So I decided to express my love for it in a short oneshot that expands one of my headcanons. Maybe I'll make an epilogue or sequel where Fluttershy meets Featherweight? Dunno, the future is undetermined. But I thought this was something fun to mess with. Hopefully, you guys liked this story. If so, please comment, upvote, fave and all of that crazy awesome junk that makes me smile and keeps encouraging me to write horse words.

--The Princess Rarity

p.s.; Sorry if I suck at writing Fluttershy. Ironic, seeing how the BronyLand quiz says I'm just like her.

Comments ( 54 )

D'aw. Cute! I have to admit that I don't quite ship them, which is why I made them relatives in my EG fic, but I also enjoy seeing well-written Flutterbulk.

I know I've seen the idea that Featherweight is Bulk's kid somewhere else--I know Jordan179 has that headcanon too--but maybe it's just that it makes a certain sense.

Anyway, this was cute and also convincing as HECK, as in, I had to tell myself, "No, I do not ship this!"

This is really freakin' adorable!
I might have to ship this now...:pinkiehappy:

I chose to have Featherweight be Bulk's child too. And I agree with you -- Bulk taking care of his son would if anything make Fluttershy like him more, rather than less.

(which actually makes sense -- it shows that Bulk's caring and responsible).

I loved this. Well done, your highness! :heart:

I love Bicepshy! It's so cute!! One of my favorite ships next to Thunderjack. A great job on your part! Keep up the good work!:rainbowkiss:

Cute. :yay:

Guess I need to add this to some groups now...

PLEASE write more. Featherweight being Bulk's son is one of my favorite headcanons about him. I also have it in my head that Feathers is mute, and speaks through sign language that only Bulk and Cheerilee understand.

Not sure why that came up...

ANywho, this was adorable. Great job! :ajsmug:

I read the chapter title and immediatetly thought "the truth about my past, impossible, she'd turn away from me", so congrats on doing that. I'll read the actual story later.

dat chapter title tho

This fic was 2adorable4me... Nice work.

This makes two good Shyceps fics that I have read.:yay:

Like, fav and added to my recommendation group.

I prefer songs where I can actually hear what the guys singing, to wit...

I...now kinda ship this. It actually does raise an issue that would be a concern to single parents. Not that I can relate to their struggle; I don't have a kid. Still, I can see this happening this way and it was handled well.

I also like the concept that Bulk and Featherweight are related in some way... whether it's father/son or brothers. There's something about it that works. Three of my stories feature them together; one as the main characters, and two as cameos.

I've noticed that Shyceps has really taken off as the replacement to FlutterMac, probably because there's some decent canon scenes that can back it up, although Filli Vanilli finally gave FlutterMac some good fodder as well.

Damn, that was amazing! :rainbowkiss: Totally faving this! :heart:

The truth about my past
She'd turn away from me.
He's holding back, he's hiding
From what, I can't decide
Why won't he be the [pony]
I know he is, the [pony] I see inside?

Jesus, please may this be canon some day soon.

Featherweight is Bulk Biceps' foal? He probably takes after his mom more. Are step-parents common in Equestria?

I love how the two sides of his mind interact with each other, you pulled that off really well.

Well, wasn't this cute?
Have a thumb, my dear. :twilightsmile:


although Filli Vanilli finally gave FlutterMac some good fodder as well.

Maybe, but it also gave CheeriMac a nuke.:eeyup:

I have a bit of a soft spot for this pairing.

Dawww! That was so cute. I am a huge fan of this pairing. There should be more of them.

Wow, interesting theory on Featherweight being Bulk's son. That aside, ADORABLE! :yay:

It's one of those strange ships you can't help but love and feel it works. You get a fav! :pinkiehappy:

Henshin-a-hell yeah, baby!

This story was cute, not gonna lie, but it also had me getting my exercise by jumping to conclusions. I seriously thought that his big confession going to be admitting his feelings for Fluttershy. I wasn't quite expecting his big reveal to be what it was. It's understandable for a man to be nervous about bringing something like that up in a new relationship, but I'd expect Flutters to respond with nothingless than 100% compassion as shown here. VEry good read.

Your Antagonist

Ah! Lovely Shyceps story! There's never too many of them. :heart:

My only complaint was there wasn't a marriage proposal. I require a followup, preferable documenting their wedding.

Short and sweet way I like it. :raritywink:

Whoever down voted this has no soul.

Yeah i'm with Seether00 on this.
needs the what he said.

4906648 HeadCanon adjusted. Snowflake/ BB is Featherweight's father.

Hmm, what could express m-

:pinkiehappy: "Just go with D'AWWWWW you silly mule!"

Fine fine. D'aaaaaaaaaaw.

:pinkiegasp: "Was that so hard?"


:pinkiehappy: "Glad I could help!"

Very nice! Very nice indeed!

I liked it. Short, simple, to the point.

Well done!

~Skeeter The Lurker

this was an adorably enjoyable read. that it was. thanks for sharing it with all of us to read.

VERY good! The buildup, the reveal, all of it, well done!
I can now see shyceps as viable, and featherweight being bulk's son introduced a concept that made so much sense it blew my mind!

D'awwww this story was adorable!!!

Fluttermac Shippers have souls, I personally love all ships myself...well, save for Dislestia, that is the only ship I will never ship without it ending.

Oh, this is soooooo cute!


Masterfully handled, as well. Totally did not guess what Bulk's confession would be, and I love the way you pass off the 'tragic backstory' without dwelling on it, just with his voice going soft... this story is just a gem, thank you! :yay::heart:

Awwww, so sweet! I don't really have any OTPs, but ShyCeps is a pretty cute couple. And nicely paced to. Quick, to-the-point, no filler, pretty much exactly as much as was needed to make for an interesting little story.

That was - certainly something else. A very nice and interesting change of pace from what I usually see in these sorts of stories. I'll be honest and say that I've never read many Shycep stories but the title and description of this one had made me curious enough to try it. Needless to say that I was not disappointed in what I got out of it.

The pacing was well done and characterization seemed very real and not too over the top. A few times there I could almost feel the sort of lump in the throat that poor Bulk Biceps was probably feeling. Dialogue seemed natural and flowed as if it were a real conversation - a somewhat tense one where neither side had something even close to a correct (and accurate, on Fluttershy's part, since she did correctly guess something was bothering him) guess as to what the other party had on their mind or what their reactions would be.

And to avoid spoiling the ending? I'll simply say it was not what I expected and made the story that much better for it. A refreshing sort of end that you don't seem to find much of anymore.

Plus it wrapped up nicely, without leaving me feeling like there was something missing or that could/should have been wrapped up by or before the ending. And it was good enough that while I could have gotten away with a simple positive give or demand for "moar", I wrote all this up instead.

Seeing as how Bulk is Scootaloo's Dad (I'm sure of it!)... does that mean Fluttershy's going to be her Mom... and now that Rainbow Dash is Scootaloo's adopted sister... does that mean Fluttershy is also Rainbow Dash's adopted mom? :pinkiecrazy:

So adorable!

So beautiful! And I really like this pairing of Fluttershy x Bulk Biceps. Keep up the good work. :raritywink:

Nice little fic even though Fluttercord is my OTP xD

My name is RogueUnicorn, and I approve of this ship.

A sequel, please, i like stories like this, alot.

5196554 Judging by your profile pic, she doesn't like discord, nor does the fandom of ponyships.
*Fluttercord diminishes*
What will you do?

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