• Published 9th Sep 2014
  • 3,449 Views, 148 Comments

Five Nights at Freddy's: Finding the Truth - Ravings1

A young stallion starts working at a new pizzeria, but finds it to be more complex then a simple night watch.

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Night 7

Midnight slowly poked his head into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, it wasn't quite his shift yet, but he needed to do something to kill time, and checking on Celestia was a top priority. He was surprised when no guards came looking for her today, but he felt as though it would be better if they didn't, not yet at least. He was considering telling Princess Twilight about it, but he decided against it, Celestia may have already been killed, he did not want to see another princess brutally killed. Once he saw that the robotic band wasn't paying him any mind, he quickly entered and made his way to the backstage door. But upon arriving at the door, Midnight found two employees, who seemed to be trying to open the door in question.

"Come on..." the stallion grumbled, fumbling with the door handle as a mare watched him struggle.

"I don't think it's going to open," the mare said with a sigh, but the stallion ignored her and continued messing with the door.

"What are you two doing?" Midnight asked, startling the two and receiving a yelp from the mare, who he had accidentally snuck up on.

"Oh, um, nothing," the stallion said quickly, standing up straight, stopping with the door.

"Nothing? Really?" Midnight said, already knowing they were doing something.

"Look, it's none of your business," the mare said, beginning to push Midnight away, but he shook her off.

"I think it is my business! Especially since I work the accursed night sh-mmph!" Midnght retorted, but the mares hand being placed on his mouth kept him from saying anymore. The two looked around worriedly, making sure Midnight didn't attract any unwanted attention, once they were sure they were in the clear, they both looked back at Midnight.

"Okay, look, so we found out someone was killed last night, but we aren't entirely sure who," the stallion began.

'Celestia...' Midnight thought sadly.

"So whenever somepony is killed, we take the suit and incinerate it. But we can't do that right now, because the door is somehow locked," the mare finished up, saying the last words with a hint of annoyance.

"Wait, what do you mean 'somehow'? Does this door not normally lock?"

"The door doesn't even lock in the first place!" The stallion grumbled, fed up with the door.

"Hey calm down, look, let's just try tomorrow," the mare said, the stallion let out a sigh of defeat and left the door alone. The two of them started heading back to their original jobs, but the mare stopped and looked back at MIdnight. "Hey, how long have you been working now?"

"Tonight's going to be my seventh night," Midnight answered, causing the mares eyes to widened.

"You... you're crazy, that and either incredibly lucky, or you know how to survive. Most ponies don't even make it past the fifth night, let alone the sixth. I'm honestly surprised... why are you even coming back still?"

"I have my reasons for coming back," Midnight simply stated.

"Oh... well, good luck tonight, you'll need it," the mare said, before going back to join the stallion. Midnight was about to head out to prepare for tonight, until a sudden noise distracted him. He looked back at the backstage door with wide eyes, the noise was coming from within, it sounded like somepony groaning in pain.

"Celestia!?" Midnight exclaimed, going over to the door and placing his ear on it, there was no mistaking it, that was Celestia's voice behind there. "Celestia, just... hang on! I'll figure out someway to get you out... somehow," Midnight said, only receiving more groaning. He slowly started walking away to get ready for the next night, but was once again stopped by a voice... one he did not want to hear.

"Well, look who it is! Everyone, I would like to turn your attention to Midnight, the stallion that, though he has only been working here for a week, has already made a big impression! Let's give him a round of applause!" Freddy said cheerfully, moving his mic in order to clap for the stallion, which was hen followed by the applauds of the audience. Midnight had froze with fear in his eyes, even the employees had stopped what they were doing, now looking at Midnight with fear and confusion. "And for this special occasion, we would like him to come on stage with us and help us sing a special song tonight!" Freddy once again said, striking more fear into Midnight's heart. He turned to face them, forcing on a smile.

"Heh heh, thanks for the offer, but I really don't sing," Midnight said, trying to worm himself out of the situation.

"Nonsense! I'm sure you have a wonderful voice!" Chica said, beckoning him over.

"Sorry, but no thanks," Midnight said, about to turn around, but then felt somepony pushing him forward towards the stage.

"Oh come on Midnight! Don't be a party pooper," Lyra said, pushing him towards the animatronics.

"N-no, really, I don't sing!" Midnight said, trying everything to stop himself without hurting himself or Lyra. "Lyra, please!" He pleaded, but she didn't listen and kept pushing him forward. He was starting to get dangerously close to the stage, and his fears were growing. Finally, he pushed Lyra out of the way, and sprinted for the exit, bursting through the door and running out. Many of the ponies looked at the fleeing stallion confused, including Lyra and Bon Bon, the latter who was helping Lyra back to her hooves. Freddy let out a low chuckle, as did the other two band members.

"Well, I guess not everyone is willing to have fun," Freddy said with a smirk.


Midnight got settled into his office for the seventh time, after the incident earlier today, he promised Lyra and Bon Bon that he would explain everything. He owed it to them some sort of explanation after pushing Lyra to the ground like that, he was just worried how they would take it. Just as the clock struck twelve, the phone started ringing, causing Midnight to let out a yelp and jump in his seat. He looked at the phone in bewilderment, why would he be receiving a call now? Slowly, he lifted his hand and set it to speaker, at first there was no response from the one on the other side.

"Hello?" Midnight asked, hoping it would get the caller to start talking, but receiving no response, he tried again, only to be met with the same results. "If this is some sort of prank, I swear!" Midnight yelled out in annoyance, for all he knew, it could have been a couple of teens pulling a prank on him, hell, even some kids. But what he heard drained the color for his face.

"It's me..."

"C-Celestia?" Midnight asked, his voice trembling, even though he couldn't see her, he knew something was gravely wrong with her.

"Soon, you too, Midnight, will know the Joy of Creation," Celestia said, just then, the phone cut out. The stallion sat there for a moment before realizing that he wasn't doing the one thing that kept him alive for so long, checking the cameras. First came Freddy, who was alone on the stage at the moment, second was Foxy, who was already about to sprint down the hall. Next came Bonnie and Chica, the former was in the closet, and the latter being found in the restrooms. When Midnight checked the dining area, his eyes widened at what he saw.

Standing in between two of the tables, was Celestia, except, this wasn't the Celestia he knew. Her body now resembled that of an animatronic, she was no longer her towering height, only now as tall as Freddy, her hair was no longer flowing in an invisible breeze, now just hanging limp against her head, the same could be said for her tail. Other than that though, everything else looked the same.

"Celestia... what the fuck did they do to you?!" Midnight cried out. Switching over to the backstage camera, he could now see inside, there wasn't any blood anywhere. They didn't stuff Celestia into an animatronic, they TURNED her into an animatronic. He didn't know how they were able to accomplish it, and he didn't care why, though he felt as if he already knew the answer. The camera then cut out, and when it resumed, Celestia was gone. Switching to the east hall corner, Midnight saw the alicorn standing at the far end of the hall, her mouth hanging open as if it was broken.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..." Midnight panicked, Celestia was one of them now, now he had five animatronics to worry about, one that he could have considered his friend. "Fuck me, Freddy why?!" Midnight yelled out, setting the tablet down and rubbing his eyes. After taking a moment to calm down, he could only focus on one thing now, surviving. But even if her got out of here alive what was he going to do with Celestia, he didn't know if he there was a way for him to return Celestia to normal, he didn't even know if he could. Checking the west light, there was no sight of Bonnie, however, upon checking the east hall light, Midnight found Celestia peering into the office through the door.

Without hesitation, he slammed the door on her, from what he heard over the phone, he knew he couldn't trust her right now. When the door fully closed, a loud bang resounded through the office.

"Holy shit!" Midnight exclaimed, looking back at the door that was currently keeping Celestia out. She had slammed her fist against the door, most likely in irritation of being locked out. Midnight let out a sigh, seeing that the door could keep her out without it being broken down and checked the cameras. First came Foxy, who was now sprinting down the hall, but it was in vain as Midnight closed the door on him. Going back to the feed, Freddy was looking at the camera on stage still, Bonnie was found in the hall's corner while Chica was found in the east hall. But instead of looking at the camera, she was looking at Celestia, who was also in the camera shot, facing away from it and looking at Chica.

Midnight didn't know why they were looking at each other like that, but he couldn't care much about it. He opened the right door, and checking the left door light, he opened it seeing that Bonnie wasn't there. While flipping through the camera screens, only now did he notice something else in the room with him. Looking up from the tablet, his eyes landed on the cupcake sitting on top of some monitors. Midnight realized it was the same cupcake that Chica was holding while on stage.

"Was that always there?" He asked, reaching up and pulling it down. When he actually felt the cupcake, he realized it was like the animatronics, seemingly robotic. While he was examining it, the metal cupcake suddenly blinked, startling Midnight, but not as bad as the animatronic head did. There was a reason this thing was in here, and Midnight didn't like it. Just then, a thought crossed his mind, he remembered where Bonnie was, and he wanted to to get rid of this cupcake. He smirked as he stuck his head out of the west hall, seeing the robotic rabbit heading back into the dinning room.

"Hey, Bonnie!" Midnight called out, getting the bunny's attention. She looked back at him, tilting her head, confused by the stallions actions. When Bonnie had fully turned around, Midnight brought the cupcake up and chucked it at her. The animatronic had no time to react as the cupcake hit her nose. Midnight let out a small laugh as Bonnie grabbed her nose, as if it had hurt her. The rabbit glared at Midnight as she started sprinting down the hall. "Oh shit..." Midnight said, as he pulled his head back into the office and slammed the door shut on Bonnie. The robot angrily banged on the door before eventually giving up and making her way back to the dining room. Midnight simply chuckled to himself.

"Heh, stupid fucking robots,"


Most of the night past on with the same routine, and though Celestia would appear on either side, it was still the same. Freddy has not moved from the stage all night, causing Midnight to worry about what he could be planning. Midnight closed the west door upon seeing Foxy sprinting down the hall. After he banged on the door a few times, what he did next was unexpected.

"Open the door, ye landlubber!" Foxy yelled through the door, shocking Midnight that the animatronic was actually saying something to him. After regaining his composer, Midnight yelled back at him.

"Here's a better idea, go fuck your-" Midnight was unable to finish what he wanted to say when Foxy's hook pierced through the door, causing Midnight to scream out in fear. "Holy Shit! What the fuck is that hook made out of?! Titanium?!" Midnight questioned. Foxy pulled his hook out of the door and looked at Midnight through the hole he made.

"If ye comes back tomorrow, I will personally finish ye off me'self!" Foxy said, before heading back to his cove. Midnight just sat there, not know what to do, but he was knocked back to his senses when the power suddenly ran out, plunging the building into darkness. In almost no time, Freddy was at the door, playing that haunting song. However, this didn't last as six o'clock soon struck, allowing Midnight to let out the breat he was holding in when he saw Freddy. Gathering his things, he headed out, but stopped at the door to outside. He looked back at the backstage door sadly.

"I'm so sorry Celestia, I... I don't know what to do to help you," Midnight said, before leaving the building.

"Heh, he's loosing," Chica said, chuckling darkly.

"I can see that Chica," Freddy replied.

"Tomorrow will be fun, especially with my newfound grudge against that little shit," Bonnie said, rubbing her nose.

"Don't worry, when we catch him, you can have the honors," Freddy said, earning a smile from the bunny.

"That is, if Foxy doesn't get to him first," Chica said, causing the pirate fox to poke his head out of the curtains.

"Ye heard that?" He asked.

"Of course we did, we even heard Midnight's response, you two were yelling so loud," Chica responded, foxy just sighed.

"I'm just gettin' fed up with this damn guard."

"We all are, we never had a guard survive this long, not only that, but he is also finding out our plan," Freddy said.

"Oh yeah, I still remember the last pony that tried to find out about us. We ripped her limbs off her body, ah, her screams were joy to my ears," Chica said.

"You don't have ears, Chica," Bonnie joked.

"Shut up."

"Aside from that though, our progress is outstanding. Soon, Equestria will know the joy of creation," Freddy said, smirking and producing a dark laugh.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone it's Ravings the Rabbid here!

So here it is, Night 7. Celestia is now an animatronic, and it seems Freddy is one step closer to his plan. What will happen? Well, I hate to say it, but we are nearing the end of FNaF: FtT. Before the final night, I will be taking an extended break to dedicate myself to some cover art. Perspective is a bitch for an amateur artist.

So, until then, see ya guys next time!