• Published 17th Apr 2012
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Just a day in Equestria - dave89898989

Electric Blue and friends make amazing adventures in Equestria, and mysteries are slowly solved.

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11 - The visit to Appleoosa

Finally, after all the snow was cleared in the winter wrap up, which was beautifully co-ordinated by Twilight sparkle and her amazing powers of organisation, I could see the whole of Ponyville again. Applejack told us that we're going to Appleoosa today, and staying there for a while, so I can meet my long lost companion, and the puzzle will become whole. I can't wait to meet my friend, I will never be alone after that, I can find out my origins and everything else that I want to know, and I can become a complete pony again. Maybe I'll find out how I used to be a human too. It's strange to think that I used to be totally different, and called Anne too. Nevertheless, it's time to pack a few things. I said my temporary goodbyes to the apple family, and trotted home. And then I bumped into a magenta mare, with three fillies behind her.

"Whoops, didn't look where I was going, sorry about that!" I said, guilty of not looking where I was going.

"Oh no, it's my fault really…" This pony replied politely.

"No, it was my fault; I was looking at the ground and not concentrating, sorry about that…"

"Well it's okay, but I'd be part of the blame too, as I was busy talking to my students here."

The three small fillies behind the mare were colours of yellow and red, orange and purple, and white and pink and purple.

"Oh, I see. They must look up to you as a teacher!" I said happily.

"Oh yes, they are probably the best students I have! But I noticed with you Electric Blue, that you seem to be a good teacher yourself! How would you three like to go and learn with Electric Blue sometime?" She said, making me feel slightly confused as I haven't really taught anything.

"Um… I'm not really a teacher… did you see something in me which made you think that I am?"

"Yeah I did, well it's a long story really… I remember way back in the eighties, when I met you, and we were pretty good friends back then! All the parties we had and everything! You also taught me a lot, and that's why I became a teacher myself, because I was inspired by you! Don't you remember yourself?"

I was stunned almost into silence. How could I have met her way back then? I just remember arriving here… and nothing else. "I'm… not sure I do remember that, sorry… I have a very bad case of amnesia at the moment…"

"Not to worry, but I remember that you were the best of ponies!"

"I see, well I'd love to have recalled that, but unfortunately I can't at the moment… but anyway, enough about me for the moment, I'd love to have these three little fillies accompany me for a while! What are your names, may I ask?"

"I am Cheerilee--"

"I'm Applebloom, she's Scootaloo, and she's Sweetie belle! We're the cutie mark crusaders!" Applebloom interrupted, in excitement to introduce the tiny group.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all, and I'm sure we'll have a great time together, cutie mark crusaders." I said, anticipating that something good was going to happen with the energetic fillies.

I gave my warm goodbyes to the group, and continued home. When I arrived, I went inside and immediately flopped on the couch. I remembered that I had to pack for Appleoosa, so I got up, and placed necessary items into my bag. It carried some stationary equipment, a notepad, the mysterious orbs, and my favourite coat just in case. I didn't need much, as I hadn't had much in the first place. I patiently waited until the girls were ready, and soon enough there was a humble knock at the door. I opened it, and there they all were, ushering me out of the house and to the train station. I couldn't keep my excitement contained, so I let out a few embarrassing giggles, but they didn't seem to mind, as they were doing the same. We found our seats on the train, and it prepared to leave. Fluttershy was intently sitting next to me, of course. I asked her, "So what's it like in Appleoosa?"

"Oh, it's kind of like a western place with settler ponies and buffalo, if that helps." Fluttershy replied.

"I understand, so it's full of cowponies. I wonder why my old friend had chosen that place. Still, there are so many questions to ask!" I returned with a joyful sigh.

"I hope you find out much more about yourself, Blue."

"I hope so too. I hope I won't change though."

"Me neither, I mean you're so sweet and kind and giving, and observant and cheerful and everything!"

I looked straight at Fluttershy and grinned. "Ha, thank you, but I'm not really that much…"

Rainbow Dash, who was behind me, kicked the back of my seat and said, "You mean a lot to us you know! You don't have to be modest about it, you have all these things that anypony would look up to!"

I chuckled and sighed in submission. "Heh, well I suppose you're right I guess."

I looked out of the window and saw that the passing environment had slowly changed from a grassy, inhabited place to a desert land, with a small, wooden town in the distance. I could only think of the best when it was the time to get off the train, as we had arrived very quickly. One by one, we hopped out of the carriage and on to the platform, and began our way into the settler ponies' town.

I looked around, and saw that everything was traditional to the cowpony time. Soon enough we were greeted by a single stallion, bearing a minor resemblance to Applejack.

"Hiya folks! Ah couldn't wait to see ya'll again! And boy we sure do have somethin' planned later on!" The tan pony said with whimsy.

"Hay Braeburn! How's it been since we left?" Applejack asked.

"It's been swell! Ah even made a new filly friend! And what d'ya know? You got a new friend yourselves ain't ya? What's your name miss?"
He looked at me when he asked the question, seeing as I was the odd one out from the crowd. "My name is Electric Blue, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." I spoke with a familiar friendly tone.

"Well howdy Electric Blue! The name's Braeburn. Now, you best enjoy your stay here, and we ain't got much, but ah think that it's the best place in the land! Also gals, we got a party goin' on later, and you're all invited to come!"
We looked at each other and nodded in mutual agreement. After making the introduction, we were sent to our shared house to settle in. Seven mattresses were laid out in a way so that they would all fit inside the house, and we unpacked out stuff. I remembered about the orbs, and decided to speak up about them.

"Girls, I want you to see something."
They all turned around in obedient attention.

"Now, I have these strange orbs, all matching your colours, and I want you to take yours each."

The group came forward and selected their fitting spheres, studied them for quite some time, and questioned me on what they were.

"I'm not entirely sure what they are yet, or what they could be, but seeing as I strangely had them, they could be of some importance." I announced.

"The might be something to do with the elements of harmony…" Twilight spoke up.

"The elements of harmony?" I questioned.

"Yes, each of us represents an element, so we all got necklaces and I received a tiara." Twilight showed me a picture of what she meant, and I took in that each accessory bared some sort of gem that was each of their cutie marks.

"Interesting…" I added.

"When they are together, and we use their power, we can relinquish any sort of disharmony and evil."

I registered the information, and went back to thinking internally.
Later on, Braeburn had come to get us for his party. We arrived at the saloon, and the interior looked cleaner and more decorated than before. Ponies from all over town were already inside, and so we eventually joined them happily. I was greeted by this light blue stallion, who was as bouncy as Pinkie pie. Incidentally, when they met each other, their eyes locked and they had an opposing aura towards each other.

"So, you think you can beat my parties can you?" Pinkie denounced.

"Yeah, I make the best parties around don't you know?" The blue pony snapped back.

"What's you're name hey?"

"I'm Cyan crumble, yours?"

"I'm Pinkie pie. Pleased to make your acquaintance." She snarled. "I have an idea. Meet me at Ponyville at noon, Sunday. I'll show you who makes the best parties around here."

I removed myself from the tension between the two, as I had other things on my mind. This celebration was comparable to my first party way back when I was the new pony in Ponyville. I found it to be enjoyable, as everypony else was too. Although, some were becoming tipsy because of the amount of apple cider they had to drink. I stayed away from the stuff, as I found it bitter and I wanted to remember every bit of this night.
And then I saw her. The pony from my dreams and flashbacks. This time I was able to see her coat and hair in full view and colour. This was just amazing. I could finally get to see her for real, and get this mystery solved. My predictions were true, as her cutie mark was the same as the fruit that I had stored in that box, now with me just in case it's needed. It was time to approach her. When I was close to her, I felt uneasy and reluctant, but I finally plucked up the courage to speak.

"Hello there…" I said weakly.

"Oh hi! I didn't see you there. May I ask who you are?" She replied.

"I'm… a lost friend let's say."

"Oh… wait… wait! I know you! You were the one from my visions! How could you be here?!"

"You are the same pony from my flashbacks too. Come, let's go outside and talk, I need a fresh atmosphere."
I led her outside, and we greeted each other properly.

"I'm Electric Blue, what's your name?" I started.

"I'm Destiny Bond; it's nice to meet you too! So many things for us to catch up on!" She stated in excitement.

"Judging from my visualizations, we both shared a fruit together. Do you have the other half?"

"Oh yeah, I remember having this piece of fruit that looked like my cutie mark."

We both took our halves out, and looked at each other.

"Put them together, and see what happens." I said with curiosity.

We fitted our shares together, and I felt so light headed. Suddenly, billions of images and memories flooded my mind, crushing me with its force. The puzzle was complete, and I regained my full consciousness. Everything made entire sense to me now. I felt more embodied. My personality had been fulfilled, and Destiny's had too. A tear flowed from our eyes, and we hugged each other as tightly as we could. But oh, how this vast collection of knowledge for the criteria of technology and computers had come to mind, and gave me my purpose back. Also, Anne was much more than just glimpses; she almost was part of me. I felt much more power, and our fragile states of mind were fixed. I have my whole life cycle in my head now, from a tiny filly to the mare I am now. The tree house was a prominent part of my life, as I and Destiny had visited the same place every day to have yet another adventure of ours, but soon we parted ways, for reasons unknown. Its strange how that can't be remembered, like it was repressed or something. That didn't matter right now, but what did matter were the thoughts that I had longed for, the memories of my old partner recalled again.

"Are we still going to be partners, Blue?" Destiny said out of her weeping.

"Of course we are, until the end. It's me and you Destiny, until the end, adventuring forever." I replied, adjusting to my refreshed body and mind.

"I can't wait for our next one. We have to go back to our tree house first thing tomorrow." Destiny Bond exclaimed.

"Of course, I'd love to do that."

And after that, the party was inevitably over. To hopefully keep our connection stronger, we ate our halves of the fruit, called the paopu fruit. We went our separate ways back to our living quarters, and I was still contemplating the new found knowledge of technology that I had gained.

Before I was about to go to bed, Twilight asked me something.

"So, do you have your old self back?"

"Yes, I'm back to normal, though I haven't changed much in personality, but I have much more knowledge now." I replied.

"That's good, that's very good. And now you're complete again, how is it going to work out for you?"

"Well I'm still going to be in the group if you'll still allow me, and I will be adventuring more with my old partner, Destiny Bond. Maybe you could let her join our group too?"

"Of course, the more the merrier!"

"Thank you, I will tell her the news tomorrow. And seeing as I have a big enough house, she'll be living with me too. But I'm not sure what she's going to do with Braeburn."

"We discussed it with him, and he said he doesn't mind, just as long as they are constantly writing to each other, and visit every so often."

"That's fine with me; I don't mind her coming back here to see her love interest sometimes."

"Well, we better hit the hay now, good night Blue."

"Good night Twilight."

The next morning, I sent myself straight over to Destiny Bond's house, and I proposed that she come and stay at my house in Ponyville. She quickly agreed after I explained the Braeburn situation, and we and the group made our way back to the train station for our ride home.

We parted ways back at Ponyville, and I showed Destiny around my house. She seemed to like it quite a lot, and luckily there was a spare room for her to occupy.

"I really can't wait to go and see our old tree house. I hope it's just like we remembered, with all our drawings, and your computer, and everything else that we had." Destiny said heartily.

"Neither can I, but this time we will be in the company of three other fillies, because I'm an apparent teacher, and I offered to look after them for a while." I answered with a hint of glee.

"Ooh, I can help too can't I? And we can even go back to when we were fillies ourselves, show them how it's done!" Destiny cried.

"Sure, it will be fun to show them how the old pros did it." A juvenile giggle slipped out of my mouth, of which I couldn't help because of my giddy excitement, although I am quite a composed pony, I managed to keep my cool.

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