• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 1,665 Views, 132 Comments

Adventures Across Space - zalla661

Trixie B. Lulamoon is now the proud Commanding Officer of a shiny new NX-20 starship. As she and her crew set off to adventure they'll learn that the universe is far more cruel and unforgiving than they imagined it could be.

  • ...

Sol Dios Part 1

Author's Note:

Hello and welcome back my fans and dedicated readers! So a quick note there is a lot in this chapter and I'm sorry if it feels jumbled up. I had planned for this a long time ago when I first read Starring Trixie by Metroid_freak. Great story that inspired mine go read it and give him some love.:scootangel:

So to start off here's a little recap for those who don't want to reread the previous chapters, don't feel bad I'm the same way, so the Enterprise and Hydra have teamed up with their allies to fight against the Equis Empire who have from from an alternate reality to conquer the universe.

Now a lot of you may have been wondering why warp technology don't exist in Equis, it will be explained here but warning it sounded better in my head and wasn't done well I feel, so sorry. :raritydespair: But I hope you'll like it none the less.

Now for some terminology if you aren't familiar.

inertial dampers: A starship system used on almost all starships to counter the effects of rapid acceleration and deceleration of the starship by sustaining and absorbing the natural inertia of a vessel as it moved through space or if it was under attack from another vessel.

A starship could not jump to warp speed without inertial dampers, as the rapid acceleration would smash the crew into the walls, killing them instantly.

So with that out of the way this is the first of two parts to the end of the Empire arc. Then adventure awaits! Also a big callout to Metroid_freak for letting me butcher his characters.

Enjoy everyone!


Personal log stardate….

I… it has been three days since he was taken from me. After the fall of the Solar Imperium in the mirror universe Cole was taken by a new enemy who rose from the ashes of the failed alliance between the Terran Empire and the Solar Imperium.

Now he’s trapped on that ship, the Sol Dios. A ship, no more like a planet sized station powered by a star at its very core. I’ve managed to track their movements with a little help from our old, acquaintance Q and now all i have to do is wait for the ship to prepare for wormhole entry.

Hang on Cole, Trixie is coming.

(End Recording)

*Enterprise Bridge Archer*

Captain’s log stardate November 20, 2154.

After a spacial anomaly sent the enemy fleet back to their battle station over Earth's star it has given us some breathing room to reform our ship ranks. I'm revealed to hear that most of our ships made it despite having to face 24th century technology. Although, I wish Commander Octavia shared my enthusiasm. From what I've seen... that appears to be only a human trait.

Turns out the Romulans and the Empire's ships were far more numerous than we imagine, but all hope is not lost. We have devised a plan that with any luck will lead us to victory. A plan to destroy the enemy capital ship that’s consuming our star.

After consulting with Commander Octavia it was decided that the Enterprise and the Columbia would lead a strike force to destroy the enemy battle station before it consumes the star completely. After this turn of luck I’m feeling confident that we’ll be able to stop the Empire’s advance and win this fight.

(End Recording)

Archer looked at the viewscreen at the futuristic Romulan vessels from his seat on the bridge of the Enterprise. They were massive, fast, and hit hard. In the two minutes it took the Enterprise to analyze them the future Romulan craft destroyed over a dozen ships.

Starfleet and its allies were now on the defensive. Their weapons were proving to be little match to the large future Romulan warbirds shields. Scans showed them to have an output that made all but the Andorians and Xindi weapons useless. This forced the fleet to focus on protecting the Andorian and Xindi ships while they focused on the future craft. This was proving to be costly however.

One advantage they had was the versatility of the Xindi fleet. The Xindi were a race that had six distinct species and with each came their own spin on their ships.

First was the Reptilians and insectoid Xindi. Both are warrior based and have a knack for building great warships. The reptilians preferred larger more powerful ships while insectoids had smaller but more agile ships. However advanced their warships were the reptilians had narrow mind berserker mentality making them nearly obsessive with one goal so much they might ignore all but that one goal. The insectoids seemed to have more, flexible thinking.

Then there were the primate and aboreals. Primates were almost human physically while the arboreals were more like giant yeti. Their ships were more scientific than anything and were rather small in size. Archer had personally been one one before and it was only big enough to hold a crew of ten at best.

The last and most elaborate of all the Xindi were the aquatics. Whale like in shape with long arms these Xindi need water to survive. Essentially their ships are giant water tanks out in space. Their ships boast great shield, armor, and weapons vastly overshadowing every other Xindi species. That being said their only problem was if their ships were damaged they could lose water fast.

The last of the Xindi was the avians, but they went extinct long ago according to records.

Not long ago the Xindi were tricked into attacking humanity by transdimensional beings from the future attempting to wipe humanity from existence. Turned out that humanity would lead a rebellion against these beings in the future and save the galaxy with their allies, including the Xindi. After many intense battles and many losses the Xindi finally allied with humanity but the seeds of mistrust still linger in the hearts of both Xindi and humanity. Archer hoped the alliance would hold until the Empire was dealt with.

After their charge behind enemy lines, the Hydra and Enterprise had to retreat from their cavalry raid past the enemy lines to help defend the Andorian vessels which were being targeted by the future Romulan vessels. This was due to the Andorian vessels being rather slow compared to most of the other ships in the fleet. Andorians, like Klingons, focused on power versus speed in their ships. Their ships weren’t slow by any means but their lower mobility was proving to be their achilles heel as the Empire ships out maneuvered them at every turn.

Powerful as they were the Andorians had to rely on their allies for cover as they charged into battle. The fleets had to engage close quarters or risk being destroyed by the enemy rail canon ships, but left themselves vulnerable to the Romulans who used this to their advantage. As a result more Starfleet and their allies ships were being destroyed than they were taking out from the Empire.

The Xindi were just as bad off. Their smaller ships stood little chance in a firefight and the larger ones were proving to be too slow to dodge enemy fire. It was a simple numbers game. Starfleet and its allies had the power to overcome their enemies, but the enemy fleet outnumbered them considerably to where it made no difference, and Starfleet was suffering great losses as well.

All in all the battle as going poorly.

Archer gave an order to Mayweather to take the Enterprise and have it placed side by side with an Andorian vessel called the Kimari. The Kimari was a vessel he’d come to know well and respect along with its captain.

Coming alongside, Archer ordered a communication channel open to the Kimari. Once upon a blue Andorian appeared on screen. His two blue antenna lifted from a droopy position at the sight of Archer.

“Captain Archer…. How long has it been?” The Andorian asked in a calm tone.

Archer gave the Andorian a small nod. “Too long Shran.”

“Indeed. We always seem to meet when trouble brews. You are nothing but a trouble magnet, you know that?” Shran asked in a play tone, pointing at Archer, making the human grin.

“Yeah, we do seem to do that often.” Archer had to agree with his blue friend. “More often than not you seem to helping us.”

Shran scoffed with a dismissive gesture. “We only help because i hate being indebted to anyone,” Shran looked at the screen with keen interest. “Especially to the likes of you pink skin.”
Archer groaned at the nickname Shran called him by. It was what the Andorian originally called humans during their first encounter at a Vulcan shrine on the moon of P’jem. It was there that Archer and some of his crew discovered a Vulcan listening post to spy on Andorian, homeworld to the Andorians. This inadvertently started a conflict between the two worlds and Archer was thrown right into the middle of it. Thanks to his relations to Shran however he was able to stop the conflict at its source.

Since then Archer and Shran have run into each other on several occasions but never when the galaxy was at peace. Archer figured Shran prefered it that way despite all his belly aching he does.

“Shran, I need your help with something.”

Shran looked at his human friend with peaked interest. “What is it Archer?”

“I need your help to get a friend who was taken by the enemy.”

Shran gave a look that said Archer wasn’t probably going to like what he had to say. After giving it some thought Sharn leaned over in his chair and rested his chin on his hands.

“Alright Archer, I’ll help you. BUT, I expect a favor in return.”

“Consider it done.” Archer replied.

Shran then leaned back in his command chair allowing his body to relax. “What do you have in mind?”

“I think you’ll like what I have in mind.”

*Detainment Cells Battleship Avenger*

On Heiress Luna’s ship Trixie was being escorted to a detainment area and placed in a cold cell by herself. As she passed by several chambers she noticed that all of them had prisoners in them. One in particular had a strange device in the center with a human being held suspended inches above it.

For a brief moment they made eye contact

She could hear a voice, whispering deep in her mind. It was like hearing an echo all around her. A perfect resonance that made her think the voice was all around her. As she was forced into her cell, and energy field came up ceiling her inside, and silenced the voice in her head.

She thought it was strange, but she could have swore she heard the voice before. Yet she could not place where or when she ever heard it try as she might. Over the next few minutes she sat in her cell thinking about the battle raging on outside the ship.

Every time it shook Trixie could feel a throbbing in her head. Like something was trying to pry into her mind. After five minutes of enduring this, Trixie sat down and let her mind wander. A feeling of nausea overcame her.

The feeling only grew as time passed on. Then she became dizzy. Her disorientation forced her to lay down on the cold steel surface of the Avenger. After getting as comfortable as possible she fell into a deep sleep.

Trixie felt the nausea pass as time seemed to go on for eternity. As she lay there on the cold surface the world around her turned to black and trixie found herself floating in what seemed an endless black void.

Was it a dream? She wondered. It felt like a very strange dream. As she looked around in the void she heard a small resonance of some sort. That resonance grew and eventually became a full blown laughter followed by a most obnoxiously joyful voice.

(Helloooo! Hellooo! Welcome my friend!)

Trixie groaned hearing the annoying voice echo in her head.

(What do we have here? A little pony? Oh, is that Trixie!? My goodness the time flies!) The voice said as a main in a red uniform appeared.

Trixie looked at the human. He was tall light skinned with short curly black hair and a large mischievous smile that made trixie’s fur stand on end.

*Insert image here*

(Well, hello again Trixie.) The human said bowing in an exaggerated manner. (I am Q! And do I have a deal for you!)

Trixie groaned not wanting to deal with this right now. Getting ‘up’ she floated in suspended space as the human floated around her several times before setting himself on the void and ‘stood’ there.

Trixie glared at him. “What do you want, and better yet what are you, and how do you know me?” Trixie asked.

The man sighed with a most pathetic face. (What- did I not introduce myself earlier? I’m Q?)





“Okay, what do you want, Q?” Trixie asked again crossing her arms still floating in place.

Q grinned taking a step forward towards Trixie and slowly he began to circle her.

“Well you see I need your help with something.” He began. “I have a friend who was recently captured by Evil empress Sunbutt OP Queen of the multiverse and I need your help freeing him.”

Trixie looked at Q as he stopped in front of her.

“Say I did help you, what do I get in return?” Trixie asked.

“Well, I can help you. I can help your friends…. Or well, more specifically my friend can.”

Upon hearing Q say friend, made trixie take pause. She knew she didn’t have many options. She had no way of escape, no way to get to the Hydra, and worst of all she saw the battle fared poorly for her allies, meaning the Hydra was in jeopardy.

Considering her position Trixie thought it behooved her to help Q get his friend back. She had a responsibility to her crew and the lives of those fighting against the Empire. Plus, this man Q seemed to possess some kind of power, if her being in a black void was any indicator. That or she was hallucinating.

“I can assure you, little pony, that you are in fact not hallucinating.” Q said with a smirk creeping across his lips, as he crossed his legs. “If you doubt my limitless powers I can show you something that’ll change your mind.”

Snapping his fingers, Q expanded the scene of Octavia which zoomed out to show the Hydra in full view. The Hydra looked as though it was put through a starship blender. The outer hull was heavily damaged. One naccel was inoperable, the hangar was in shambles, and power was out over several decks.

Trixie felt her heart beginning to race as a group of Romulan warbirds, including one of the larger ones, charged the Hydra. The equine ship turned tail to retreat back to the safety net of its allies but was being pursued without remorse. Green disruptor bolts flew across space to the Hydra hitting it from every conceivable angle at its rear. Tiny explosions appeared all over the ship as the shields lost power and the Hydra began taking heavy damage.

Enterprise and the Columbia, along with several Andorian cruisers, charged trying to assist the Hydra. Their energy cannons hit their marks on the Romulans. Changing tactics the smaller Romulan craft took cover behind the larger one using it as a shield against the incoming fire.

The Empire and the Romulans were on the verge of overrunning the Federation and its allies when a bright flash surrounded the entirety of the Empire's fleet and sent them back around the Sol Dios.

Trixie sighed in relief seeing her friends were fine. Her ship survived, and that meant Octavia was fine. Seeing the enemy fleet reassemble Trixie quickly turned to Q who gave her a gesture that said, ‘what will you do now?’

“Okay, I’ll help you.” Trixie tried to say in a non demanding tone.

“I’m glad to see you’re more cooperative than most. My dear friend Picard and Cole are nothing if not entertaining but getting them to do anything can be a most boring chore.” Q said thinking back fondly at the memories. “Cole was especially fun to deal with! Oh and the fun we had! I could tell you stories. There was one time with a mariachi band-”

“Has anyone told you you’re a irritating imbecilic fool… Q?” Trixie asked in an irate tone to Q.

Q stopped in place for three seconds before he laughed (the fakest laugh Trixie ever heard), slapping his hands over his thighs. Trixie growled feeling her temper rise as Q continued his mock laughter.

Finally calming himself Q went to adjust his red uniform top and gave Trixie a most serious look. His humorous grin faded giving way to a deep contemplative purse of his lips. Then his eyes narrowed, not in a hostile way, but in a casual analytical way.

He approached Trixie kneeling down to her side and said to her in a low tone, almost a whisper.

“I’d think carefully before you insult a superior being. After all,” He paused and with a wave of his hand, made an image of Octavia appear. “Don’t you want to save your little friend?”

Scanning over the image, Trixie felt her heart nearly stop. Octavia was sitting in her command chair yelling at other around her on the bridge of the Hydra. Trixie gasped as the ship shook and sparks flew over Octavia forcing her to cover her face.

Sunset and Star Stripe were trying to put out a fire at their station behind her. 3rd of 5 was on the floor unconscious, Vinyl was at the helm in his place. Lyra looked like she was desperately trying to communicate with other ships and the bridge itself was a heaping mess.

Trixie glared up at Q. “What do you want me to do, Q?”

“Well as you’ll soon find out I can’t really do much in this reality due to rules from the Q Continuum and such since I was told to hold back. Dumb Picard….”

Trixie rolled her eyes clearly waiting for Q to get over his sob story.

“-anyways, I have a friend that was taken and I need you to free him. You see the Empress has him and he would be more than willing to help… if you help him.” Q said with a playful smile on his lips. “Maybe then he’ll help you, cause I’m not allowed to.”

“Right… So where is this friend of yours?” Trixie asked, with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

Q chuckled. “Well as luck would have it he’s in the cell next to you, but I’d hurry he might not be there long.” Q said causally.

He then snapped his fingers creating a bright flash of light that blinded Trixie. The unicorn averted her gaze and covered her eyes from the bright light. The feeling of nausea returned full force and she felt like she was thrown by some mighty force.

Suddenly the light disappeared and Trixie’s eyes shot open. She sat upright quickly feeling disoriented from her experience, but she could remember every detail. Not waiting for her feeling to pass, Trixie, clumsily waddled to the edge of her cell and looked into the next one over.

Just as Q said there was a prisoner there, the same human from before. He was staring straight ahead with a calm expression, but defeated.

Just past him she could see group of security ponies walking towards the cell from the entrance of the brig. Quickly, Trixie reached for her hind leg boots and detached the heels with her hooves. Having a magical suppression ring sucked but she was just as good with her hooves as she was with her magic. Having an earth pony mare friend didn’t hurt either.

Quickly she pulled a small device from her first heel and replaced it back on her boot. From her second heel Trixie wired the first device to a small battery and attached the device to the side of the energy field of her cell. As the guards came up to the cell next to hers Trixie activated her device which sent a pulse through the frame of the ship and shut off the energy field with a loud hiss.

The guards turned just in time to see a flash of blue before they were knocked out. Having dealt with the guards Trixie dragged them into her now unoccupied cell and left them there. Returning to the cell where the state was Trixie approached the statue cautiously.

Taking the security ponies to her cell she locked them inside. She then returned to the cell where the human was and gave him a good look over. He was tall but a bit on the short side and an average build for a human from what Trixie figured.

He looked shocked by the sight of Trixie. The look of shock was quickly replaced by a playful smile.

“What kept ya, Trix?”

*Hydra Bridge*

Commander’s Log stardate November 20, 2154.

Archer has come up with crazy plan to destroy the enemy battle station. Actually it’s more along the lines of suicidal. I only agreed to it so we could save Trixie. Personally if it were up to me we wouldn’t be doing this plan, but I know Trixie would be up for it.

That mare friend of mine.

I swear Trixie is insane and when I get back she and I are getting very familiar with our beds. (Pause)

“Computer delete last line.”

(Last line deleted. Do you wish to continue?)


Ahem. Trixie has a bad habit of jumping head first into things. Sometimes I feel she’s trying to win the crews approval, or maybe even prove herself. Whatever her reasons I’ll be having a few choice words with her once this is over. (End Recording)

Octavia let out a breath of relief. She was sure the enemy had them and it was all over. Thankfully some kind of spacial anomaly sent the pursuing ships back and gave them time to retreat and lick their wounds, but she wasn’t counting on it happening again.

The fleet had retreated to the Sector 0 point to blockade Earth. All in total they lost about 1/3rd of the entire fleet. With time running out Archer and a few of his allies came up with a plan to save the Earth. It would be costly but it was necessary to save the galaxy.

First though, the Hydra had to be repaired as much as possible.

“Damage report…” Octavia said to nobody in particular.

From behind her Sunset looked over her station, scanning the ship as a roster of the ship wide systems came up. Her face contorted to a frown as she furrowed her brows assessing the damage.

“It’s bad Commander,” She said looking down the list. “The ship has taken heavy damage to the outer hull, armor is almost gone, most of our major systems are down, inertial dampeners weapons, propulsion, navigation, we’re barely holding main power, and thrusters are barely functioning.”

Octavia groaned in a most unlady like manner. While she prided herself to being as dainty as possible, and everyone knew she wasn’t, she found it hard not to just give up on the spot.

“Augh, since we left dry dock, nothing I mean NOTHING has gone our way.” She whined.

The remaining crew looked at their commander with worry. The grey mare's eyes were worn and tired. Bloodshot red with dark bags underneath. She looked to be the walking dead, yet she lived and breathed.

“Why can’t we just have one good thing happen for once?” She complained throwing her arms in the air.

Just then the ship's proximity alarms sounded, and Octavia groaned again in frustration.

“What is it now?!”

“Commander! We have another spacial anomaly coming from directly behind us!” Claw said.

Sunset confirmed the readings with a short ranged scan. “Confirmed ma’am. It’s some kind of… temporal anomaly. *THOOM* We’re caught in the wake of the anomaly.”

“Vinyl get us away from the anomaly, Lt. Sunset Shimmer, continue monitoring the anomaly.”

Everyone performed their tasks without question. Vinyl steered the ship clear from the temporal anomaly while Sunset continued her monitoring. Just then the computer beeped signaling an approaching ship originating from the anomaly.

“Commander! There’s a ship coming from the anomaly! It’s coming right for us!!” Sunset yelled.



Vinyl turned the ship hard to starboard. One thing Sunset wished she said was the inertial dampeners were offline. For when Vinyl shifted the ship to starboard with the emergency thrusters. The sudden movement, topped with the inertial dampers being offline threw half the crew and Octavia to the opposite side of the ship.

Vinyl herself was flung from her seat and into the wall just above Lyra. The mint green unicorn ducked just in time to avoid the 110 pound pony from smashing into her face. Octavia barely managed to see the main viewer to see a small ship skim past.

It was a small ship. Smaller than the Hydra but just slightly smaller than Enterprise. It was similar to the human ship's, saucer section but was triangular in shape, two naccels of blue and red, and was very fast.


It flew past the Hydra scraping along the full length of the hull before managing to pull away before it hitting the hangar bay at the rear of the ship.

Once the ship was clear it veered off in a wide turn flying up along side the Hydra. Several Starfleet ships circled around mistaking the craft for an enemy ship, but held fire while Commander Octavia opened a communication line.

“Lyra, hail the ship… let’s see who we’re dealing with.”

Lyra’s head poked from under her station desk. Vinyl was lying on top with a silly grin on her face. Lyra rolled her eyes and shoved the mare to the floor. Vinyl landed with a heavy thud and the ship shook slightly just as she made contact with the floor.

Everyone on the bridge looked at the white mare who was beet red like tomato.

“WHAT!? It wasn’t me!” Vinyl cried indignantly. “It’s the inertial dampeners! They were offline!”

Octavia sighed remembering Vinyls antics back in the Academy days. There were many fun filled days, often involving the Academy Dean and security, but they were fun none the less.

“Of, course Vinyl.” Octavia sighed. “Miss Heartstring, please open the line, and Vinyl…”

The white mare in question looked at her CO.

“Go to deck ten. We have a gym there. I won’t have you breaking the ship cause you can’t go one day without your apple crumpets.” She said with a playful smirk.

Vinyl was about to retort when the entire bridge crew snickered, even Claw had to snap his beak shut to not outright laugh. Defeated Vinyl slunk to the back to the bridge and sat beside Sunset Shimmer who regarded the more sympathetically.

“I like those crumpets too,” Sunset said.

Looking up from her console, Sunset noticed Vinyl was smiling at her which made her blush.

“Y-you wanna grab some after this is over?” Sunset suggested.

“I’d like that.” Vinyl replied.

Meanwhile, Lyra put on her headset and opened a line to the new starship. When the view screen came up everyone stopped what they were doing and stared. On the screen was a blue unicorn mare with a simple silvery mane, deep amethyst eyes and wore a red and black top with Starfleet's insignia on it. Around her neck was a small necklace that depicted a black alicon head with wings and a red jewel in the center.

This mare was equally surprised to see the ponies on the other side of the screen as she stared slack jawed at them.

“T-trixie!?” Octavia bellowed loudly before fainting.

Vinyl shook her head tapping her violet visor. “Drama queen…”

*Sol Dios Celestia’s Chambers*

Empress Celestia looked upon the battle from her throne. Several view screens showed her the battle from several angles, most of which were from the perspective of her ships. She was impressed by the resolve of the enemy fleet. She walked over to one of her balconies looking over her battle station as it absorbed the radiation from the sun below.

It was like looking into a large fiery tube being sucked up by a vacuum into space. Empress Celestia loved it when her station absorbed another star. It was what kept her going.

It was a technological marvel of her own design. Large, powerful, and was capable of destroying entire star systems. Empress Celestia was ready to crush the humans once her station had absorbed the Sol Star.

Until then she would commit her forces to soften the enemy fleet. Though it was really just to buy time for her battle station to get ready.

Opening a channel to her sister's ship Empress Celestia was surprised to see her sister frantically running up to the screen. Her right leg was missing and her ship appeared to be in complete disarray.

Frowning, Celestia glared menacingly at her sister who cringed at the white alicorns glare.

“What happened?” She hissed at Luna.

Heiress Luna chuckled. “Well, heh heh, funny story...”

Empress Celestia furrowed her brow, sparks flew from her horn onto the ground burning through the polished floor and through the steel floors beneath.

“Speak.” The Empress snarled.

*Earlier Avenger Holding Cells*

Trixie released the human from his restraints allowing him to move about freely. While the human got his bearings Trixie ran to the edge of the cell to look around. Suddenly she felt the human pull her into a bear hug.

“Hey what are you doing?” Trixie asked alarmed by the show of affection.

The man put her down and gave her a confused expression. A few seconds passed and the man got a look on his face like he just realized something.

“Sorry, thought you were my Trixie. Sorry about that.” He said.

He ran out of the cell and went to the edge of the brig where a single console was. Trixie still confused as to what was going on ran up behind the human and tugged his pants with her hoof.

“Uhm, excuse me? How do you know me?” Trixie asked annoyed by the human ignoring her.

“Huh? What do you mean? You don’t know?” The man asked as he tapped the control panel.

Trixie sat by his side, almost like a dog companion would, and tapped her hooves impatiently on the steel floors making loud clopping noises.

The man stopped momentarily to look down at Trixie making her stop. Once she was done tapping her hooves, the man went back to trying to open the doors.

“My name’s Cole by the way. Cole Stevens.” He said reaching out with his hand.

Trixie regarded the hand for a moment then shook hooves with Cole.

“Very well, Mr. Stevens. Care to explain to me how you know me yet?” Trixie asked yet again.

Cole had to try really hard to not say some smart remark at Trixie.

“I’m from an alternate reality.” He said. Seeing the confused look on Trixie’s face he racked his overactivity imaginative brain for a way to explain this concept to her.

“It’s kinda like… Okay, think of this,” He unzipped a pocket from his flight suit and pulled out something Trixie hadn’t expected to see, a small piece of paper.

Cole ripped it into two pieces and balled them up in his fists showing both to Trixie. “Okay, alternate realities crash course. Think of these two balls a two different galaxies. You with me?” Trixie nodded and Cole continued. “Okay, now instead of galaxies imagine, if you will, that this ball of paper (left hand) was your entire universe and all its being. This one is just like the first one but let’s say for example you were left hooved instead of right hooved-”

“Trixie is left hooved.”

Cole groaned throwing the ball of paper away. “And the analogy is lost. That’s not the point though” He added quickly. “Look, simply put there is a whole multiverse of realities where, how can I explain this? Ugh, it’s easier when you see things… Just think of realities as little balls where each ball has an entire universe in it. Now, each one has differences. Some are small and subtle, like the hoof analogy I used,” Trixie nodded in understanding as Cole continued. “Others are far more different. Like in my universe there is no space program for Equestria, but here there clearly is.”

“Oh! Trixie understands! So does that mean there is a universe where Q isn’t a bastard I want to kick in the face?” Trixie asked almost hopefully.

“YOu know Q?” Coles demeanor soured immediately at the mention of Q’s name.

Trixie sighed. “Yeah, he said if I freed you, that you’d be willing to help me save my ship and friends.”

Cole immediately perked up. The change in his posture was so quick Trixie was sure she felt some whiplash from it.

“Well, in that case we should get going.” Cole said opening the sliding doors to a hall. “Here let me get that off of ya.”

He reached for Trixie’s horn, but the mare backed away still feeling wary of him. Cole allowed her to get some space between them so she could be comfortable. Which seemed to payoff. Slowly she inched back towards him and allowed his finger to take hold of her magical suppression ring and gently slipped it off.

Cole then put the tiny device in his pocket and zipped it up.

“Come on let’s go.”

As the two set off down the hall they were surprised to see very few ponies. Most of the ponies they ran into were servants consisting of earth ponies, pegasi, and zebras. They ignored the human and unicron as they made their way through the ship. Stopping at an intersection Cole consoled Trixie, “Okay, so what’s the plan?”

“What do you mean, ‘what’s the plan’?” Trixie asked sarcastically.

“Well, you freed me! So what’s the plan?” Cole hissed back at Trixie.

“I don’t have a plan!” Trixie said through stained teeth.

“Well we can’t run around the ship and hope that-”

Cole stopped mid sentence as the ship's alarms sounded. Quickly the ran into a room off to the side right as a security team of ponies ran past heading back to the brig. Cole stood there looking around trying to come up with a plan when trixie used her magic to pull the last security pony into the room and slammed her head first into the wall.

The poor earth pony fell to the floor, her full riot style gear clicking on the metal floors. Cole took point to watch for any other patrols while Trixie bused herself with stirpping the pony of her gear. The mare groaned rubbing her head as she slowly began to wake. She opened her eye sto see Cole and Trixie as she was being stripped of her gear.

Her eyes went wide with alarm. She then attempted to break free from Trixie but the blue mare used her magic to hold her down and delivered a hoof punish across her face knocking her out cold. After a good two minutes trixie finished putting on the mares gear and dragged her body to a nearby escape pod and threw her inside after binding her.

Once stored away Trixie launched the mare into deep space with a grin on her face. She turned to see Cole giving her a stern expression, almost disappointed.

“What? She could have ratted us out?” Trixie said shrugging her shoulders.

Cole’s expression hardened.

“Oh, don’t give me that look, at least I didn’t jettison her into open space.”

“Ugh, fine. So what do we do now?” Cole asked.

Trixie then pulled out a stun baton from her belt. With a whip of her wrist she brought the baton to life as blue energy streamed through it and Cole got a worried look, backing into the wall.

“Don’t worry Mr. Stevens. I have a plan but I need you to buy me some time.” Trixie said tapping the rod against the wall making it spark. “To do that, I need you to get captured.”

“W-what are you doing?” He stuttered. “I don’t like where this is going.”

“Trixie promises it won’t hurt that much,” Trixie said calmly like she actually believed it, then again it could have been her poker face for all Cole knew.. “Now, clench your teeth.”

“What the Hell does that- GAHHHH!!!”

In space no one can hear you scream. In this case there was no way anyone could hear a full grown man scream like a little girl as a blue unicorn tased him to unconsciousness.


A short while later Cole could barely register the sensation of being carried. His vision was blurry and he felt a sore pain in his gut. He barely remembered being tased by Trixie in a room then nothing.

He could see a faint outline of the halls as he was carried somewhere wide and open before he was dropped in the center of this large room.

Slowly his vision began to clear and he was greeted by a large blue muzzle in his face with the harshest looking eyes he’d ever seen thus far. He nearly gasped at the sight of Heiress Luna grinning down at him.

“Welcome back, Mr. Stevens.” Luna said. “So glad you are here to witness the destruction of an entire universe.”

Cole looked around and saw he was surrounded by security guards from every angle. He tried hard to pinpoint Trixie from the crowd but found no indicator that she was here. Rather he saw no evidence of her being here at all.

He weakly looked up at Luna with a smug grin. This made Heiress Luna do a double take.

“What’s that look for?” She asked him coyly. “Know something I don’t?”

“You only have me. That means my companion is out on your ship doing some damage.” Cole said.

Heiress Luna laughed loudly. Behind her some of the crew even managed to chuckle lightly.

“Oh, Mr. Steves! Hahaha, I never knew thee to have such a sense of humor!” The alicorn barked out between laughing and choking.

To her surprise when she managed to calm down she saw Cole wasn’t smiling at all. In fact he looked rather serious. So serious she almost bought into it.

“It doesn’t matter anyways. Your friend won’t remain free for very long. I have guards all over this ship and in just half an hour this entire universe, this entire reality will be nothing more than an empty point in the multiverse.”

Luna then went into a full blow maniacal laughter while Cole sighed waiting for the next big event to happen, unaware that someone was at the weapon station eyeing him.

The security pony slowly walked over to the weapons station and relieved the officer there. Sitting down the pony began to work on the console. Cole watched this pony carefully until Luna stepped in front of him.

“It’s not nice to ignore a lady talking to you, Mr. Stevens.” Luna cooed at him.

Cole scoffed looking away trying to seem cool. “Funny, I don’t see one here. All I see is a mare who has a nose browner that wet mud during a rainstorm.”

Lunas eye twitched and her ears flopped. Flaring her nostrils her horn glowed a dark blue and Cole regretted opening his mouth entirely.

“I hate-”


The Avenger shook as its mass driver fired destroying three other mass driver ships along with two of its Romulan warships.

Luna's attention immediately went to the weapons station and to pony who occupied it. The pony looked up just as Luna lowered her head to fire some kind of spell at them. Cole barely had time to register what happened when he instinctively leapt forward hitting Luna's body full force with his.

In the end he was only able to surprise her into shooting past the pony at the weapons station. To him it felt like he threw himself into a brick wall. Despite her small size Luna was surprisingly heavy.

Landing on the floor he looked up and quickly rolled to the side as Luna’s large hooves came crashing down where his head was denting the metal floors. Finishing his roll Cole managed to get up as his restraints fell to the ground and a disruptor floated over to him in a pink glow.

He looked back at the weapon and saw the pony who was at the weapons station removed her helmet revealing it to be Trixie. Not a surprise but he grumbled wishing the mare told him of her plans earlier.

Trixie pulled her own disruptor from her belt and shot at the four other security ponies dropping them before they had a chance to react to what was going on.

Luna quickly put up a magical shield as two more bolts came flying at her. She then grabbed hold of Cole and threw him at Trixie. Cole yelped as he flew towards the blue mare but was quickly grabbed by her pink magical aura and set down beside her under the cover to the console.

By now several security ponies had stormed the bridge while the enemy fleet was in disarray. Cole popped over the counter and fired at the nearest security pony. The pony dropped to the ground with searing hole in his chest.

Cole looked over his weapon for the stun setting but realized there wasn’t one.

Concerned he nudged Trixie beside him, “Hey where’s the stun setting?”

“Stun are you kidding?” Trixie yelled at him. “We don’t have time for that!”

“Mind letting me in on the plan then? I’ve been pretty patient so far with you I deserve to know!”

“Do you always complain so much?” Trixie retorted shooting over the counter again.

“Only when crazy mares like you are involved.” Cole replied dryly.

“Well if you’re done belly aching we need to get off this ship and get to the Sol Dios.”

“I’m sorry, but what? Are you insane?!” Cole nearly scream as bolts dodged over head. “Never mind, you’re Trixie and if there is one constant in the universe with you is that you're a tsundere storm of crazy.”

“Trixie is not tsundere! Yandere or anything of the sort!”

“... You actually know what that means?” Cole asked surprised.

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Look we can discuss this later. For now we need to get out of here!”

As the words slipped from her mouth Trixie leapt over the counter and put up a magical barrier that absorbed the energy bolts from the security ponies weapons, followed close by Cole. Luna was beginning to get furious as she stood by watching the chaos ensue.

“Stop them don’t let them get away!”

Trixie Bashed her way through the security ponies with her magical barrier. Once they reached the door Cole smashed his palm against the door panel, opening it.Trixie slipped past Cole and pressed herself against the wall allowing him to follow.

Using her magic Trixie Sealed the door and shot the controls with her disruptor making it sizzle and spark.

“That should hold them for now.” Trixie said.

“Yeah but not long,” Cole added. “So what’s next?”

“Next we run and steal a shuttle before the ship explodes.”

“Oh, right ship explo-what!?!”


All around them a series of explosions filled the ship's interior. Flames erupted and Trixie had to put up a shield bubble around herself and Cole to prevent them from getting hurt by the initial explosions.

After the initial blasts a piece of debris fell on top of several ponies including Trixie’s shield. The impact of the debris cracked the shield and forced Trixie to put more magic into it. Cole watched in awe at first, but then he realized Trixie was struggling with holding the shield.

Thinking Cole gentle picked up Trixie, which surprised her, and he walked to the edge of the magical barrier. He leaned in a gently whispered in her ear to lower the magical shield. Trixie was unsure at first but hearing the man's gentle voice she decided to take the risk.slowly she retracted the energy from the magical field and made it shrink in size.

Cole slipped from underneath the debris and made a mad dash towards a hallway where there was a small clearing from and debris.

Gently Cole set Trixie Down as ponies ran around them, completely ignoring them.

“You alright, Trix?” He said.

Trixie blushed slightly from the nickname. “I’m fine. Come,” She said standing up on her wobbly hooves. “We shouldn’t dattle.”

Not missing a beat Trixie Began running down the hall with Cole at her heels.

“What did you do?” Cole asked as the rounded a corner.

Trixie shot two more guards at the next bend. Cole jumped over them still keeping on Trixies tail.

“I set the mass driver to overload. If we don’t get off the ship there’s no telling whether we’ll still be here or cosmic dust in the end.” Trixie said rather calmly.

Cole ran up to a pair of blast doors as two ponies jumped him and Trixie. “You’re awfully calm- for, considering…” Cole punched the pony on him in the muzzle sending him spinning to the floor.

“Nice job,” Trixie Said head butting the last pony.

“Yeah, shall we?”

The two continued running down the halls of the ship. To their surprise there were very few ponies aboard the ship and security wasn’t a tight as one might have expected. In fact aside from the occasional guard and servant pony there was almost no one aboard. It took them less than two minutes before they reached the hangar bay. Once inside they were surprised to find the hangar was empty except for a small squadron of fighters that Cole recognized on sight.

“What are these?” Trixie asked inspecting the ship's.

These are Jem’Hadar Fighters.” Cole said.

“What’s a Jem’Hadar?” Trixie asked looking for a way to enter one of the fighters.

Cole walked past her to the rear of the fighter and opened it. After reading the unicorn inside Cole ran in and closed the door to the fighter. Afterwards Cole ran to the bridge of the fighter and took the pilot seat while Trixie took the copilot seat.

“Can you fly this thing?” She asked in a worried tone.

“It’s just like any other ship, how hard can it be?”

The inside of the Jem’Hadar fighter was dark. Unlike traditional Jem’hadar craft this one was painted dark blue inside with black making if very dark inside even with the lights on.

Despite this Cole found it very easy to control the ship. Powering up the Jem’Hadar fight lifted off the ground of the hangar. The fighter hovered a few feet off the ground and spun around to face the closed doors of the hangar. Trixie tried activating the hangar doors while Cole took hold of the controls and activated the thrusters.

“Let’s do it-”


Not paying attention to what he was doing, Cole accidentally put the fighter in reverse and sent it flying backwards into the walls with a loud boom.



“Tsundere.” Cole muttered under his breath.

Trixie glared at Cole who silently and awkwardly altered the thrusters and the ship began to slowly head for the hangar doors. Trixie rolled her eyes and activated the fighters homing beacon and piggybacked the signal to the hangar controls and opened the door.

As they flew out of the hangar they looked back to see the Avenger and blown apart into two pieces and was now surrounded by Starfleet and its allies who had engaged the enemy fleet. Once they were underway Trixie nudged Cole and pointed to one ship out in the chaos.

Trixie scanned the area and found her ship the Hydra making a mad dash towards one of the open ports on the Sol Dios. Trixie nudged Cole and instructed him to follow the ship while she sent a signal to them. Cole muttered some smart alack remark under his breath as he turned the fighter to pursue the Hydra.

While on approach they received a communication from teh Hydra. After getting everyone up to speed on the plan the Hydra reduced speed to allow the fighter to catch up to them. meanwhile Cole looked at Trixie and wondered how different she was from his Trixie. (Who he dubbed prime Trixie from his universe).

When he thought back to the Avenger he noticed that Trixie's magic was extremely weak for some reason. It made him wonder what made her magic so weak. He'd seen first hand what unicorn magic was capable of, and his Trixie was no slouch, so what was the deal here? Being himself he decided to ask in the most sensitive way he could.

"So, hey back on the ship, what was up with your magic? Did that suppression ring dull it or something?" He asked cautiously. "I mean if it's not something you want to talk about it's fine too." He added quickly.

Trixie didn't say anything at first, but after a few seconds while they aligned with the Hydra she decided then to give him his answer.

"It was something I was born with. A birth defect caused by an accident from long ago." Trixie explained.

"Oh, sorry about that." Cole said sincerely.

"It's fine. Your ships... they use warp technology that uses antimatter?" Cole nodded. "Well, we once tried utilizing warp technology long ago. At the testing facility in our capital Canterlot, there was a facility to test the first warp drives we developed. However, there was an accident that left a mark on all who were there. A defect that suppressed the magical capabilities of all who were near the drive when the incident happened.' Trixie explained easing the controls to allow the Hydra's tractor beam to pull them in. "The reactors of the drives blew and sent out a shockwave that was never identified, but it suppressed the magical abilities of all in the blast radius to near nothingness. I am the third generation to suffer from this affliction from my grandmothers side."

Trixie ears drooped down and she gave a sad sigh. "I once wanted to be a Logitech engineer, but my magical limitations prevented me from pursuing that dream. I have more magical capabilities than the average afflicted pony, but I'll never have more than a foals level of magical capabilities for the rest of my life," She said rubbing her horn gently. "Instead I pursued a career in mechanical engineering and became a Master Engineer First Grade."

At her words Cole felt both guilty and proud of her. Even though her dreams were dashed, she never gave up on the core of her dream. Becoming an engineer. It made him wonder what drove her to keep that goal in mind and never lose sight of it. He soon got his answer when they landed in the hangar bay of the Hydra and while Trixie stood outside the craft getting dressed in her own uniform, Cole looked away until a grey earth pony mare ran up to Trixie and tackled her from behind.

*Archer's Ready Room Enterprise One Hour Earlier*

Octavia managed to get herself back up after fainting at the sight of Trixie on the screen. Once everyone managed to settle down Trixie managed to explain to Octavia that she was from an alternate reality and was her to save her closest friend. Considering they were running out of time, Octavia made the call to just accept what was said and question it later.

For now she and Archer had a plan that involved flying into the Sol Dios and destroying it from the inside. This other Trixie Showing up just provided an opportunity that Octavia and Archer were all too willing to exploit, but first they needed Trixie’s help.

From the comm. Channel Archer, Trixie, Commander Shran of the Andorian Imperial Guard, and Octavia were having a private 4 way conversation in their own personal quarters.

Archer started with the opening statements right after Trixie finished explaining she was from an alternate reality to the group. “Alright, now that we are all up to speed we need to discuss what we’re going to do about this battle station the, Sol Dios?” He asked looking at Trixie over the channel.

Trixie nodded. “Yes captain. You see when me and my friend Cole first met we were dragged to another reality where we faced off against an Imperialistic equestria that was at war with another faction called the Terran Empire. A version of Earth and Starfleet, if they were militaristic expansionist.”

Trixie then looked over to Octavia.

“They were fighting against Equestria, which was called the Solar Imperium. Like the Terran Empire they sought to expand and conquer the galaxy. When Cole and I left we shattered an alliance between the two and in the wake we left came the Equis Empire from the next reality over. They seek to conquer all and destroy anything in their path. Your universe was next on their list.”

From her position Trixie noted the reaction from each of the commanding officers. Archer and Octavia looked worried. Archer paced around his chair like it was a nervous tick, Octavia began twirling her hair with her hoof, but Sharon didn’t seem convinced. He seemed to be deep in thought but his look said it all. He didn’t believe her one bit. If his look wasn’t enough for all present his words would reinforce that.

“How can we trust you?” He asked. “How do we know this isn’t some kind of trick?”

“Shran.” Archer hissed at the blue Andorian.

To his surprise though Octavia jumped in to defend him.

“I agree with Commander Shran,” Octavia said calmly, almost Vulcan like. “We don’t know where she came from. If this alternate reality thing is real, and I highly doubt it, how can we verify the story?”

Archer seemed at a loss for an explanation. That didn’t stop him however, from coming up with something to say.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.” He said slamming his palms on his desk. “I will not stand by and watch my homeworld die because I couldn’t reach past my limited understanding of the universe.”

Archer quickly sat back down in his chair and leaned closely to his monitor. It was an odd habit but it was one he’d picked up on over the years during his travels across space. He would never tell anyone who asked but the truth is, he did it to give the sense he was invading someone's personal space when really there was a great distance from them.

“My homeworld is going to lose it’s star in a matter of minutes. That is very real. It is happening. Regardless of this, alternate reality thing, I don’t care about any of that! I want to save my world, my people! If destroying that battle station and relying on the help of a stranger is what it takes, then I’m all for it. That’s only because, I’m out of time. We’re out of time.”

Archer looked at prime Trixie.

“Trixie, I know we don’t know each other, and I have no right to ask this of you but, can you help us?” Archer asked. “We need a lot of small ships for a plan we came up with to destroy the station.”

Trixie looked at each of them before asking, “What is the plan?”

Archer looked to Octavia and the grey earth pony mare took the helm of the conversation.

“We plan on attacking the Sol Dios directly.” She said.

“WHAT?! Are you crazy!? Why would you do that?” the other Trixie all but yelled in surprise to the suicidal plan.

Octavia adjusted her collar can calmly stood up. She brought up a detail scan of the Sol Dios.

“Scans made by Enterprise show the Sol Dios to have one major design flaw. All around it are these weapon ports. We believe these are weapon port that house some sort of high powered weapon. They’re big enough for smaller ships like Enterprise and the Hydra to go through, but larger ships like the Kimari and the Xindi can’t”

Trixie gave a wary look. “You aren’t suggesting-”

“Yes, we’re going to take several smaller ships into these ports and fly down them into the battle stations main reactor. From there we’ll unload a full alpha strike on the core and destroy it. Then there’s just the matter of escaping the blast.”

“Escaping the easy part,” Shran added into the conversation. “But the question is will there be enough time to destroy the reactor? How many ships should do this?”

“Five ships, the Enterprise, Hydra, Columbia, Area, and with your permission we’d like to have your help Trixie. We could use a 24th century ship on our side.”

Trixie looked like she was about to explode. “Okay, so let trixie get this straight. You want us to go down a random hole in the station and fly down it like some Star Wars movie and hope we make it there and maybe have enough time to destroy a planet sized reactor with five tiny vessels?”

When put like that Archer had to admit it sounded very stupid.

Trixie will agree to this, but only if you help her find her friend.” Trixie said in a demanding tone.


“Heh, this plan sucks.” Trixie said.

“Then we’re all in agreement then?” Octavia concluded when she noticed the internal communication line was beeping.

Tapping the comm. She spoke loudly into the mic, “What is it?”

“Commander the fleet has engaged the Empire's fleet.” Lyra's voice said from the speaker.

“Guess so we’re out of time.” Shran said with a sense of urgency in his voice.

“Shran is right. Our star is going to be wiped out if we don’t act now. Let’s go to work and good luck.” Archer said closing the communication line.

Octavia shook her head heading back to the bridge from Captain Trixie’s ready room.

“Alright everyone! It’s time to go to work. Just like we planed! GO!”

At her command everyone went to work. 3rd of 5 powered up the Hydra’s engines, Claw brought weapons online, and Sunset and Vinyl were both working silently in the back of the bridge while Star Stripe went back to engineering.

Outside the Hydra came alongside the Columbia while the Enterprise and Kimari joined up with the USS Ares in front of the Hydra and Columbia. Once they formed up Octavia took a deep breath to help relax herself. And not a moment too soon. Once she did Claw signaled that there was an incoming ship with two life signs on it.

Once they realized Trixie was one of them they opened the hangar doors and slowed down to allow the Jem'Hardar fighter into the hydra's hangar. once secure the fighter landed and the Hydra continued full speed with its allies towards the Sol Dios.

*Hydra Hangar*

Octavia made a mad rush through the ship taking the turbolift until she reached the hangar bay. Once there she was greeted by the usual sight of the bay being overrun with ponies, griffins, and changelings. She spotted the Jem'Hadar fighter easily among the bombers stored there and made a her way towards it.

Then Octavia noticed Trixie who was talking to a human while she changed into her spare uniform. The human was looking away while she got dressed. Even though ponies never wore clothes regularly it was still nice to see humans had a sense of decency in them. From what little interactions Octavia had with Archer, humans seemed to be a very modest and humble species.

She ignored the looks she got as she ran as fast as she could towards Trixie and tackle hugged her from behind. She cried into the mares back holding her tightly, while Trixie gave her an annoyed look and tried pushing her off.

"Octavia... everyone's looking at us..." She whispered harshly.

Octavia shook her head and ignored her. "I don't care. It's just great to have you back Trixie."

Cole looked on the happy scene before him until his view was blocked by a bag of Crispy Chex. He grinned taking hold of the bag in his hands to see his Trixie smirking a few feet behind him.

She ran up and hugged him as he lifted her like a cat in his arms swinging her around playfully as they embraced each other.

The reunion was cut short when the alarms sounded and the voice of Sunset Shimmer was heard over the speakers.

"All MAREs commandos to your fighter! Repeat all MAREs commandos to your fighters!"