• Published 25th Apr 2012
  • 1,236 Views, 2 Comments

Of Reminiscence - SirusAstro

  • ...

Royal Until Dust

The sun -Twilight's sun - glazed brightly against all of Equestria. Though the darkly lit parts weren't shined by the elgegant rays of the sun, however. Everypony seemed to be wide awake, beginning thier duties or rather only seeing the delight of Equestria's own nature. Everypony was happy, as they always are in the day, to forget the yesterday and begin today.

The new ruler of Equestria headed to her throne. Nopony seemed to be up in the castle - about the guards, of course. Twilight didn't seem to be bothered by it, though usually, Princess Celestia wouldn't tolerate it. To atleast show she was the ruler - a tyrant - but she never is one to take advantage of such power she had. Twilight, however, didn't want to be a "Tyrant", her vision of fairness would break, atleast to her.

No guards were in sight, until one guard was on his duty - an "early bird", how the saying goes. The armor-covered stallion was standing upon the entrance to Princess Celest-, Princess Twilight's throne. He was only so far for Twilight to say something, she was still coated with sad memories.

"What should I say? Should I thank him for being up early to... serve me, or just say nothing and hope he'll think I am thankful for his appearance at a time like this?" Twilight thought about as she drew closer to the door, the guard tried not to stare directly at the Princess.

The guard decided to speak first, "Good morning, Princess Twilight," He looked at her straight on. Twilight stopped before the door, choosing what to say.

"Uh, yes, what a morning it is," She laughed akwardly. The guard saw that her ruler before her seemed to be sad.

"Your majesty, is something bothering you?" The guard asked, in worry.

"I'm... fine and can you call Twilight, just Twilight. I am more used to that," Twilight asnwered in a sad tone. "What's your name, guard?"

"Silver Plated, been a royal guard of this position ever since Princess Celestia was the ruler of Equestria, now I serve you your ho-...Twilight." Silver Plated coughed for his "mistake".

"How long have you worked as a royal guard exactly?" Twilight wanted to know.

"I've been serving for Princess Celestia for seventeen years, and to add working with you, Twilight, that would be twenty-seven years in total."

"Huh," Twilight sighed.

"Twilight, are you sure nothing is bothering you?" Silver Plated asked in worry.

"Yes there is... but it's personal," Twilight trotted through the door, not saying another word or turning back. She went up to her throne, she went up each stair that lead up to her "chair of power". She sat in it, though, it wasn't comfortable for her... this is where her mentor, her ruler positioned.

Twilight glared onto the door that lead her in here, curtains were surrounding it while a crimson rug was in it's direction. Everything seemed the same for her, nothing wasn't very interesting to her - anymore, so to say. It's a wonder how the Princess' had to see this decor everyday for thousands and thousands of years.

In her throne, Twilight stood, not moving, not focusing on anything other than her own thoughts - where she is safe and can wonder about. Her frown grew, a drip of water trickled from her eye. She closed them to seal the tears away.

"Twilight?" The voice was familiar.

"Princess Celestia?" She proclaimed, opening her eyes to see.


Her head hanged into a bow, as her tears began to flow back. As she began to sob, her memories rewinded back.

"Twilight?" Princess Celestia waited for her student to follow. Twilight was behind admiring the structure of the castle and the rest of it's glorious dignity. The purple unicorn caught up with her mentor. They cantered along the halls of the Canterlot castle, the princess was leading her student somewhere.

"Princess?" Twilight began asking.

"Yes, Twilight?" The princess replied as she followed the hall to thier destination.

"Where are we going, and are you going to tell me what you meant by 'Ruler of Equestria do not live forever?!" Twilight was in absolute need of knowing.

"Patience, my student," Princess Celestia tried to calm her student. Twilight rested her questions and followed her teacher, trusting her.

The Princess and Twilight walked to the entrance of the castle - or the lobby. The two headed down the lobby's stairs to the actual bottom of the entrance room. Celestia stopped her pace, Twilight halted a bit further from Celestia. Twilight coughed.

"Can I resume my questions?" She inquired.

"Yes, my student, for being patient," Princess Celestia gave permission, though, she was going to stop her student's interogation in a few moments.

"So, now can you tell me why you said... what you said to me?"

"Of course, Luna, can you approach us," Celestia called out, not loudly though. Princess Luna presumed out of the shadows against the walls - it was sunset of course, the light of the sun was descending away.

"Greetings, Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna aquainted in a settle tone of voice - she no longer uses the Royal Canterlot Voice, atleast thanks to Twilight herself.

"P-princess Luna, what are you doing here, it's not night-time yet," Twilight glazed upon the window nearby and saw the sun lower down. "Oh," She whispered to herself.

"Me and my sister have been awaiting for this moment Twilight, the time when we are to move on and let another rule Equestria." Celestia stated, in small excitment.

"And we couldn't have chosen a better pony than you, Twilight Sparkle" Luna pitched in.

"Wait, wha-"

"You always showed us how you had a significant amount of knowledge and responsibility. We knew you were the one to rule Equestria," Luna cutted and said straight-forwardly.

"Can one of you explain to me what you're saying?" Twilight announced. Celestia and Luna glared at each other, the Princess of the sun began.

"Twilight, me and Luna, as immortal princess', have been at watch for Equestria ever since our parents pass down the spot to rule. But throughout the long years, we began to tire from the same actions at most of our days. We have been wanting to have a rest, to regenerate from our fatigue of ruling. I, raising the sun, and Luna, raising the moon - of course, after her tranformation into Nightmare Moon - are wanting to have a difference in our lives, it's become repetitive. We are choosing you to rule and to care for Equestria; to keep at perfect harmony."

"But... you're both going to leave...?" Twilight's muzzle became sorrow.

"Don't be sad, my student," Celestia comforted the lavender unicorn.

"How can't I?" Twilight asked, sobbing. Princess wiped the flowing tears away from twilight cheeks and under her eyes. Celestia's horn began to light up, she laid it on Twilight's horn in an intersection between them. The magic began to tranfer to Twilight's horn, suddenly, she began to shine brightly. Princess Celestia stood back with her sister by her side.

Twilight, however, glowed bright white, the sight was strong towards the Princess' own eyes, an aurora explosion occured around Twilight. The princess' opened thier eyes, Twilight was now altered to an alicorn; she had the same gauntlets Princess Celestia had including the crown she wore when using the Elements of Harmony.

The new alicorn looked at herself, at her changed self. She stood in awe.

"You are now the authentic princess of Equestria." Celestia said. Twilight tears began to come back.

"But I don't want this! I don't want to you two to leave!" Twilight begged, it was no use.

"Shh, Twilight," Princess Celestia whispered as she embraced her student, Luna joiced in. The three hugged. The princess' began to fade into pixie dust beginning from thier hooves. Twilight still was crying as the princess' turned to dust. Princess Celestia was fully dust, yellow magical dust. As for Princess Luna, she faded into blue magic dust. The two types of dust of the Princess' swirled into a spiral until the they vortexed and created a nova of white.

Twilight covered her eyes from the brightness. Soon, the light dimmed down until it was gone. The lavender alicorn stood and wiped her tears away.

"I love you, Celestia and Luna," She said to herself.

Twilight jolted back, away from her memory. She used her magic to bring a scroll and a quill. Her thoughts came and she began to write.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

I miss you both so much, it would bring me happiness if you were here to comfort me. It's so quiet around here without the two of you, my friends have been out in Equestria living thier lives - the one they wanted to live. I, for one, am still sad from your farewell and leaving me to rule. I'm still so empty, i'm still at sorrow, and... I love you both.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

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