• Published 29th Aug 2014
  • 1,059 Views, 32 Comments

Bad Apples - Rox

Applejack discovers her parent's journal in the attic, where she learns the fantastic truth about the life of the two most infamous outlaws of recent history

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That Dusty Book

Applejack took in a deep breath, then promptly sneezed, as she heaved herself up into the dusty attic. This room hadn't been cleaned out in years for one reason or another, and Applejack had finally decided enough was enough this spring. Only trouble was, where to start? There were boxes of junk with junk stacked on top of them with more junk on top of those.

She squeezed past a few boxes that read "photos" and "Big mac's stuff" and into another corner where everything was just a plain mess. There were several sheets covering who knows what along with a broken lamp and that dusty old record player they had before the brand new one down in the living room. Deciding that she had to start somewhere, she started by lifting an unmarked box off the player.

It was a lot heavier than she had originally thought it would be. She heaved to toss it onto her back to make it easier, but upon landing all it did was unbalance her. Applejack backtracked backwards trying to gain control, even after the box fell off her flank. She tripped over something and brought her crashing down into the wall, smacking the back of her head against the old wood.

"Ow, ow, ow, ooh wee that smarts," she muttered. Then the wall broke, and the boards fell right on top of her head.

"Dang it! Ow!" she cursed, pushing the offending wooden boards angrily. She got up to inspect the damage, still holding her head in her hoof and rubbing the sore spot under her hat. To her surprise, the boards were not snapped. They were cut cleanly in two in a way that could only be done with a saw, and the open spot in the wall had revealed a secret nook.

Applejack, forgetting the pain for her curiosity, ambled over and reached in. She wrapped her hoof around the object and pulled it out to reveal a dusty, brown book. She turned it over in her hooves and set it down on a nearby box.

Her heart skipped a beat when scrawled onto the cover, in hoofwriting she hadn't seen since she was a filly, were the names "Lily Bloom and Red Apple." Her parents. Applejack couldn't believe what she was holding, stunned that she had never heard nor seen anything about it before. Wait! Now, maybe she did. Granny Smith had said something about her Pa keeping a journal with her Ma, but also about never being able to find it.

And now here it was. Applejack scooped it up in her hooves and was ready to charge downstairs with it when she stopped in her tracks. Applejack looked at the book, and the longer she did the more painful feelings she had long buried resurfaced. She'll share it with the rest of the family. But first, I wanna read it.

Applejack felt a little bit sheepish for even thinking that, but she felt she deserved it. She didn't ask for much, so it would be just this one time. She found a working lamp and brought it over to a wooden box, where she set down both the book and the lamp. After dragging a raggedy old pillow over to sit on, Applejack flipped open the first page, and began to read. As she did, her imagination soared as she pictured the day her father wrote the first entry. The day he met Lily Bloom.

May 4

I really don't care much for dances. There, I said it. There's just too many ponies all jammed into one place while the couples dance and the rest of us watch awkwardly from the sidelines. Even in Ponyville, where I know just about everypony, it's just a plain unpleasant experience.

Having this view in mind, there was no way I could know how this year's Ponyville Days Dance would be different. As the gala began and Ma ran off to help oversee the festivities, I once again found myself on the edge of the dance with my stallion friends, strategically positioned a few steps from the refreshments and across the floor from the mares.

My best friend Magnum was right there with me, shooting the breeze. I guess I should also say we're sorta rivals. While he may have footballs has his mark and I have just an apple, we've had more than our fair share of athletic competition. He wins some, I win some, me more than him. But that's why I like being around him so much, there's never a dull moment.

"So, Mags, you gonna finally ask Pearl out?" I asked him. He's been crushing on the pink mare for a year now but still hadn't gotten the courage to ask her already.

Magnum just scowled at my jest. They're both unicorns, but in terms of interests they are so different. He's an athlete, and she's a seamstress, as promised by her three button cutie mark. Still, I can tell Magnum would like nothing more than to court her. That is if he can ever get up the nerve. So I just did what good friends do and teased him mercilessly.

"Ok, if you're so confident, why don't you go ask one of those pretty mares over there to dance? First one to get a dance partner wins" he challenged.

"You're hopeless but you're on!" I accepted. We spat on our hooves and shook on it, sealing the deal. Of course we both realized that wouldn't be quite so polite so we washed our hooves in the fountain before splitting off and finding a partner. At first I walked confidently across the floor. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty darn good looking if I do say so myself. What girl wouldn't want to dance with me. Then when I was about five paces from one huddled gaggle I froze in place. Would somepony please tell me why they like to travel in packs? It makes it harder, ya know!

Nearest to me, there was this comely yellow mare with braided orange hair and a pink bow, also wearing a beautiful light blue dress that complimented her sea green eyes just right. And as Celestia as my witness she was downright gorgeous. I wanted to dance so badly with her, and I would like to say that I swooped in and we danced the night away and I won my bet with Magnum.

Sadly, this is not the case. I retreated faster than a chicken being chased by a timberwolf, hoping desperately that nopony was looking at me. I returned to my previous spot, and sat waiting for Magnum to return, no doubt with news of a successful attempt. Though I did feel a little better when instead he came scrambling back, looking mortified, having completely failed at his own attempt. So that's where we stayed for the remainder of the dance, hardly talking and sipping apple cider.

So, maybe I'll regret not talking to that mare. I didn't even get her name. Who knows, perhaps I'll wake up tomorrow and I'll have forgotten the whole thing. I heard Carrot Cake was planning to have a cupcake giveaway, so that'll probably be where I'll be once the chores are done. I wouldn't dare think of leaving before then, or Ma Smith would have my backside for a trophy.

May 11


I thought I'd get over it just like that, just like all the stupid little crushes I had as a colt in school. But it's been a week and and I just can't stop! I can't even applebuck properly. What's worse? I made the mistake of telling my sister Apple Leaves what I was thinking about, and now I'm sure half the town knows.

On the plus side, I think I finally learned her name. It took going through a couple of ponies and more than one whispered conversation, but I learned her name was Lily Bloom. Her name is just about as pretty as she is. I saw her today buying a load of apples. I'd like to say I held my cool and handled it professionally, but I was so fangled up that Apple Leaves ended up having to shove me aside and make the sale.

She probably thinks I'm an idiot.

May 18

The miracle of all miracles happened today. Ok, so I was having a hoof wrestle with Magnum again. We're in the midst of a long series of who's really the stronger stallion. Anyways, we were doing that and this small crowd was gathering, and Magnum must have gotten tired because I won. The ponies around started clapping and much to my suprise, one of the ponies watching was Ms. Lily Bloom. She didn't have the dress today, but she was still as pretty as ever. Plus she still wore that pink bow and something about it made her even more beautiful in my eyes.

And here's the miracle: I actually talked to her.

"'ello," I said, proud that I could muster coherent words.

"Hi. I don't believe I know your name," she said. Oh boy, her voice was sweet too!

"Red Apple," I manged to say back. "But I know your name, Lily Bloom."

Yep, hello creepy town, and I knew it even then. But for some reason she just laughed and started a conversation. I told her about Sweet Apple Acres and Ma Smith and my big sis; small talk like that. She told me stuff too. She has little colt brother named Orange, and they grew up in the big city. They decided to move to Ponyville to return to simpler roots, and are running a simple flower shop. We didn't talk for long, and well I didn't quite get the courage to ask her out just then. But I now knew where she lived, and you know what? I'm gonna ask her out.

May 20

Still haven't asked her on a date, and I'm too embarrassed at the idea that any of my kin will one day read some of my failed attempts to do so.

Therefore, as far as ya'll are concerned, nothing happened. And don't believe what Apple Leaves says!

May 28

I couldn't be higher if I were a pegasus. So last night I finally got the nerve and I took Lily Bloom on a date. It wasn't anything too fancy, even though I did find the fanciest restaurant in Ponyville, that's just not saying much. I felt like a fool the whole time. Ma and Pa taught me how to be civil but I don't know anything about how they do it in the city like Lily. She seemed so perfect that all I could think about is how could she have possibly agreed to go out with a hick like me.

We took a stroll in the park after dinner. The night was clear, and the Mare in the Moon seemed to be smiling down on us. I couldn't have pictured a better setting. We didn't say much, but she leaned so close to me that evening. I have never felt this way before about a mare. I wish I was a more eloquent writer like Mark Twain so I could write down. But I'm not, so I won't try. Sufficeth to say that it was a best night of my life. You know why?

We had settled on a park bench, taking in the cool night air, watching the stars, and watching as a pegasus on the night weather crew pushed a single stray cloud out of the way. I looked at her, and she looked at me, and the words just wouldn't come. I stammered for what felt like weeks before she put her hoof gently up to my mouth.

Then we kissed. I am not even ashamed to admit it was my first, because the wait was worth it. Honestly, the rest of the night was a blur. I dropped her off at her home and I practically floated back here and into bed. It's morning now, and those feelings aren't going away. I'm gonna see her again today.

July 7

I suppose I should introduce myself properly. I am Lily Bloom, and today I was married to my sweetheart Red Apple. It was a simple affair by Manehatten standards, but to me it couldn't have been more perfect. We held it in front of the Apple Family Barn with what seemed like the whole town there to watch. Red's friend Magnum was the best stallion of course, and little Orangie had carried the rings down the aisle with the cutest little purple pegasus named Flitter as the flower filly.

The wedding dress was just like I had imagined, though Red insisted that I wear my bow in my mane as well. I suppose I can't blame him, for I also insisted he wear his hat with his tuxedo. I'm sure my Grandmother would turn over in her grave at such informality but to me it was simply perfect. Besides, I'm going to be living the country life from now on ain't I?

It appears my dearly beloved has only recently started this journal, but he has agreed to let it become ours, so you'll be seeing both our writings from time to time. We also decided we would confide everything both here and with each other, to make sure we do nothing that we aren't proud of.

Our new family is beginning, and I couldn't be happier.

August 1

Oh boy, where do I begin? I guess this journal is going to become more secret now, because we promised we would write everything important down. I guess I never expected something like this to happen.

Ok, me and Lily have been married blissfully for just under a month now, and we just completed a successful applebuck season. It was a bigger harvest than we ever had before, and I'll say that Lily Bloom is a born natural at it. She worked just as hard and strong as if she had been doing this her whole life.

As usual, we took the first batch to the Rich family, whom always purchased several bushels of apples and jams for their general store. They always give a fair price and honestly their purchase alone is depended upon by my family to hold us over to cider season in the fall. Usually the aging Stinking Rich is the one we deal with, but this time we dealt with one of his sons Really Rich. Now we agreed on the usual price but Really insisted on us signing a contract, citing some legal mumbo jumbo with the store and new regulations and stuff that I really didn't give a flying hoot about. So I signed without reading it, something I just might live to regret.

Really Rich gave us a bag of money which, again, I just took on good faith and left the entire cart of apples with him. It wasn't until I got home that I discovered that there wasn't even a third of the amount we agreed on in the pouch. I was sure it was an honest mistake, because despite the family's rather ominous name they had always dealt fairly. But when I got there, Really Rich shoved the contract in my face.

"See, according to this you agreed to that amount," he sneered. I took the contract and to my dismay he was right.

"But we shook on it, does honesty mean nothing to you?" I said angrily. I hadn't been that angry at anypony in all my life. I had half a mind to buck him in the teeth even as he denied ever agreeing to such, spewing some phony tripe about how the papers never lie. Needless to see I was furious all the way home, perhaps even in a wrong state of mind. I kicked open the door to our home, startling Lily and Apple Leaves something fierce. My sister left the room, saying something about chores as I proceeded to rant about the injustice that had been done to us. Ma probably would have had a heart attack if she had been there but she was off visiting kin.

I don't know how long it was before I finally stopped yelling myself hoarse in our kitchen, but sweet Lily Bloom listened to every word with a thoughtful look on her face.

"It just ain't fair," I said, throwing my hat against the wall.

"We'll be okay, Red," Lily soothed. "We'll figure it out."

"You're amazing Lily, but we needed that money to last," I said distraught. Lily didn't say anything at first, and I was afraid I had hurt her feelings somehow. She walked over to the linen chest and opened it, rummaging around in it and producing a couple of large patches of cloth.

"Is it really that bad?" she asked me in the most serious of expressions. I nodded and buried my face in my hooves. I'm ashamed to say I wallowed in self pity like that for several minutes, just listening has my bride shuffled around the kitchen doing something. I finally opened my eyes to see her carefully operating a pair of scissors on the cloth, and was surprised when she lifted it to her face and tied it on, making a mask around her eyes. She had already tied another one the top of her head with all of her mane tucked inside it.

"What's that about?" I asked.

"If our family needs it that badly, then we should do something about it," she said.

Now, I know we promised to write all our secrets down, and I can't claim that I took it completely ok with what she revealed, but sufficeth to say that they did not leave Manehatten just for a fresh start, but so that Lily could escape some of her youthful follies. I am just a little ashamed to say that when it was brought up now, I did little to convince her not to go back to that place. Rather, she managed to convince me that it was just, and I am not ashamed to admit that I will stick by that now.

"So, what is the plan, then?"

"Well, I happen to know that every Thursday, Really Rich hauls the store income to the bank. He always does it after dark and takes a long way around even though they live only two blocks away."

"How do you know this?"

"Really Rich is something of a subject of gossip. That pony is more paranoid than a mouse in a snake den," Lily pointed out. It was true, and tonight I suppose it was for good reason.

So we concocted a plan and disguises. My red coat is fairly recognizable, so Lily made makeshift cloaks for both of us out of dark bedsheets, and I took off my hat while she left her bow. I felt just a little ridiculous, like I was a little colt pretending to be a superhero again. We kept out of sight from Apple Leaves, deciding to leave my sister out of it (and she's still unawares) and slipped through the orchards towards town. Lily led us to a point in the park where we would be hidden from anypony walking on the path, and there we waited.

It was nearly two hours and quite dark outside before Really Rich finally showed, drawing a small cart with a tarp overlaid, with what was sure to be the money chest. My wife gave the silent signal, and I charged ahead. Really had no time to react before I tackled him to the ground. I held him down with all my strength, which wasn't too difficult considering I was quite bigger than his scrawny build, while Lily pounced on the chest and pounded the lock off with a hammer.

Really Rich let loose a stream of curses and cries for help, so I knew we didn't have much time. Lily proved fast and scooped two big hooffuls of bits and a few gems into a pillowcase, whistled low so as not to talk, and we both bolted. We ran west into the forest first before turning towards home.

As planned, we tore off our disguises and hid those under a random barrel in the barn, and we hid the pillowcase of bits, well, on the bed with another pillow on top to conceal. It was almost certain that Really Rich would suspect us, so even this journal will be put into hiding for the time being.

I will not say that what we just did was right, and I don't expect we will ever do it again. But if we're being open in this journal. I admit it was something of a rush.

Applejack pushed back from the book, not believing what she was reading. Her father, the wisest, gentlest stallion she ever knew, and her mother, the sweetest, most caring mare she ever knew, had participated in robbing somepony! How could that be? Even if it was once and when they were young it was still hard to comprehend.

She was almost scared to go on, fearful of what she had already read. But she calmed down, reassuring herself with no memories of shady dealings in those early years. So she pulled back up to the box, found her place on the next page and continued reading.

Author's Note:

So, what more deeds are in store in this hidden journal? I'm not telling, you'll have to read the next chapter!

And yeah, this was really cheesy. Hope I'm don't make anybody too mad with this rendition, but I hope to at least keep you entertained for just a few chapters. This will not be a long story.