• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 860 Views, 5 Comments

Twilight Struggle - Twiface

Twilight and Spike shut themselves up in their castle for ten years where they play a magic board game against a malevolent spirit to prevent global thermonuclear war.

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Final Scoring: A Winrar is You!

--Final Scoring: A Winrar is You!--

“Catastrophic system failure! Initiating core shutdown per emergency initiative!”

As the official non-partisan and completely un-biased scorekeeper, Spike the dragon proceeded to score the regions.

For controlling all of the battleground countries in Solace, (and most of the continent in general,) the zebras earned six victory points. For not controlling even a single country in the region, the ponies did not earn any points.

For controlling more battleground countries in Prekt than the zebras, (and more countries in general,) the ponies had domination over the region, and earned five points. The zebras earned two for their presence there.

For controlling more battleground countries in Emerelda, (and more countries in general,) the zebras earned five points for domination of the region. The ponies earned two for their presence there.

Because both controlled the same number of battleground countries and regular countries in Centralia, the ponies and the zebras each earned three points for their presence there.

For controlling more battleground countries in Kadur than the ponies, (and more countries in general,) the zebras earned seven points for domination of the region. The ponies earned three for their presence there.

“In total, the ponies earned 13 points from the scoring and the zebras earned 23,” proclaimed Spike. “And the winner, with a grand total of 70 points and a lead of ten is…..the zebras!”
Twilight and the phantom stood silently, not saying anything. They just blinked for a few minutes, until Twilight said, “What about Primus?”

“Oh, I almost forgot!” said Spike, suddenly remembering something he totally forgot. “Let me see… with control of one country, the zebras have a presence there and earn three, bringing their score up to 73. But for Twilight… ahhh… wait a minute! For controlling all five battleground countries, and three more countries, that gives you… control over the region! Even though you’re behind by thirteen points, you instantly win the game, Twilight!”
Immediately, confetti and party streamers fell down from the ceiling and a generic party horn blower sound effect cued. These had been unknowingly hidden in Twilight’s ceiling by Pinkie in case of a ‘Twilight won THE GAME’ emergency.

A beam of bright light shot down from the heavens through the hole that the Hand of God had punched through Twilight’s ceiling (it still hadn’t been repaired) and illuminated Twilight in a spotlight of holy holiness. Twilight’s body began to sparkle and floated a meter off the ground in sparkly floating shimmeriness. A laurel wreath appeared atop Twilight’s head. Angels floated down from the skies and circled the room, floating above the ground. Ten Equestrian influence was immediately added to every country on the gameboard, signifying Twilight’s sheer dominance over her opponent. The zebra phantom, no longer having a purpose in its life, spontaneously combusted into a pile of ash, able to spread its vile communist zebra influence no longer. The glorious and pure land of Equestria was finally at peace.

And then, to celebrate Twilight’s glorious victory over her opponent, the angels in the room took a collective deep breath, and then serenaded Twilight with the most wonderful song ever heard by ponykind.