• Published 12th Sep 2014
  • 1,615 Views, 107 Comments

Doctor Whooves: Silence Will Fall - LightOfTriumph

The Doctor has been given his task by the White Gaurdian and is off to 80 years in the past. Landing in Dodge Junction, he meets up with a familliar man with an unfamilliar face.

  • ...


The five spent the night in the Dodge Junction jail. From midnight to noon. Twelve hours wasted, twelve more to prove to Discord the true threat of The Preacher.

The Eleventh Doctor had noticed a book marked with three dots on the front of it, he had been reading it since they had gotten thrown in, and he was almost finished.

The Equestrian Doctor was merely staring at the ceiling, quietly contemplating their next move.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were taking it in different ways. Sweetie Belle was excited to be doing something new (it concerned the Doctor when she said that she might be able to get a cutie mark in crime), Apple Bloom was just looking generally irritated, and Scootaloo was screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Let! Us! Out!" she yelled. "I told you a thousand times, the reason we were breaking curfew is that your preacher is a space alien who wants no one to answer a question that could end the whole universe and we CAME HERE FROM THE FUTURE!!!"

"Just keep on screamin' that at the top of your lungs to him," Apple Bloom said dryly. "That'll prove you a'int a kook who needs to locked up..."

"Well it's true isn't it?!" Scootaloo shot back.

"Sheriff Smith?" Apple Bloom asked. "I've never seen this filly before in my life."

"Will you two knock it off!" Applejack shouted.

The two fillies stopped bickering and the Doctor looked at Applejack.

"Do you want to leave?" the Doctor asked. "I'm not an idiot. I always knew this was a temporary arrangement, but I think we've had fun, despite everything."

"We have...," Applejack started.

"But?" the Doctor asked

"But this Regeneration thing," Applejack asked. "It has me right scared. Everythin' about you just changes on a dime? The way you look the way you act the way you think... The way you treat your friends? I gotta ask Doctor, and you better be honest with me, have you ever become someone you aren't proud of? Have you ever become a bad guy?"

The Doctor thought hard about what to say. "Not yet," he answered honestly. "I did however get a glimpse as to what that wouls be like. Odd story, but I was my own prosecuting attorney. He called himself Valeyard. Since then I've tried to make sure it never comes to pass."

Applejack looked at the ground for a while. "How many times can you do this?" she asked. "You said that he was on his last one, does that mean..."

"That's the good news!" the Doctor said cheerfully. "Regeneration is hell on the body. The only reason you can only have thirteen is because your body won't survive a fourteenth. This, however, is a new body for me. I've regenerated once, that means there are twelve more to go, I'll be hanging about for quite a while."

Applejack smiled. "That's good to hear."

All of a sudden, a mare walked into the door of the Sheriffs office. She had blonde hair, and wore a modest dress. She had a pretty face and a familiar smile. She carried a saddlebag on her back. "Who are the new residents, Silver?"

"Hey, there Sweet," Silver Smith blushed as he saw the mare. "These're just a few folks from the future so the filly claims. They probably just had a little too much to drink. I'll send'em home once it wears off."

Sweet shrugged. "Here." She put a package on Silver Smith's desk. "I don't want you gettin' hungry. I worry about you, Sugarcube."

Silver opened the package to discover a beautifully prepared pie. "Oh," Silver said dreamily. "Sweet you are an angel."

"I don't suppose there's a piece for us?" the Doctor asked.

"You're in jail, and you expect pie?" Silver asked.

"Fair point," conceded the Doctor. He turned to sweet. "Hello! The bizarre looking one with his face in the book an I are the Doctor!"

Sweet simultaneously looked hopeful and concerned. "You're doctors? Really?"

Silver Smith looked up from his pie. "Well... I guess now I see why you guys were gettin' drunk," Silver said bitterly. "I'm going to have to keep you in here until we can get you two a train outta Dodge. I'm sorry, but it's too dangerous for a doctor to be stayin' here, as much as we need one. Those whackos would lynch you if they found out you were here."

"The people who worship at the Church?" Eleven asked, speaking for the first time in twelve hours.

Silver looked stunned at the Eleventh Doctor's calm demeanor. "Yeah," he said after a while. "They call themselves the Silence, they think that somehow a doctor could spell Armageddon for all of us."

"They ran the last two out of town," Sweet said indignantly. "Dern fools keep on gettin' sick and dyin'. None of'em will look for any sort of medicine."

"Of course," Eleven said. "Once you've demonized one Doctor you'll soon demonize them all. Hate comes from fear, after all. Reading this tells me that the Preacher had a lot to fear..."

"What is that you're reading?" the Doctor finally asked.

"Look at the symbol on the cover." Eleven held out the book for the Doctor to look at. "It looks like just a design, but it isn't. It's punctuation, that's what caught my eye."

The Doctor squinted at the books cover. "Sweet Celestia, you're right," he said finally. "That's an Ellipses."

"A who what now?" Scootaloo asked.

"Dot, dot, dot," the Doctor explained. "How you phonetically write-"

"Silence," Eleven finished. "This is a Bible. The Silence's holy book. They never had one before. This one was written here, by the Preacher. It talks about how he landed in Equestria. Apparently after the events that led up to my wedding..."

"Mazeltov, by the way," said the Doctor dryly.

"Thank you, much appreciated," Eleven smiled. "He was dragged into the void and, to quote the book, 'crashed through the barriers of this world.' He goes on to talk about the Silence's final goal..."

"Killing us," the Doctor finished.

"Yes and no," Eleven said cautiously. "Apparently I'm not a very easy man to kill. They've decided to take a more... comprehensive approach to killing us this time. Read this."

Eleven handed the book to the Doctor, who read a passage out loud. "And the preacher saw a million, billion worlds as he fell through the Darkness. Cast there by the Speaker. The Unholy Doctor. He saw beauty in each and every one, and a tear fell from his eye. One had to die so that the rest could survive."

"Wait," Sweetie Belle thought for a moment. "Is he talking about universes? A universe has to die so the rest can survive? How does that work?"

"Simple," said the Doctor finally. "Me and Bowtie will be in it at the time. If we go out with this universe, we are never getting to Trenzalore."

"That's," said Apple Bloom in a very small voice. "A bit drastic, ain't it?"

"Even for them," the Doctor pondered. "Even they wouldn't resort to ending an entire universe on purpose. Why do this?"

"Hold on!" Silver Smith spoke up. "You can't tell me you actually believe the hooey that book has been spoutin'-"

"Sheriff, you need to let us out of this cell," Eleven said sternly. "If I'm wrong then no harm done. Send us on the train before we get lynched. If I am right I'm the only one who can stop this universe from falling into nothingness. What do you have to lose?"

Silver looked over at Sweet, and she nodded. "Must be out of my dam mind...," Silver said as he unlocked the gate.

Eleven made his way out of the cell with the Doctor chasing behind, his companions following him out. "You still haven't answered my question. Why? For that matter, how?"

"I figure that 'how' will be answered once we get to the church," Eleven said. "The why is simple, the Preacher lost his mind. In falling through the void he saw something that would turn anyone insane. He saw the figure his Religion demonized everywhere. Their was no safe place to hide from him. No universe was without him."

The Doctor was stunned. "You can't mean..."

"Read the next passage if you don't believe me," Eleven smiled. "We were closer to the Lynchpin then we ever thought possible. You should feel flattered! It means the White Guardian might have some taste..."

The Doctor couldn't believe his ears, but after reading the next passage...

"He saw the Speaker spread across all realities. No universe was absent of him. Infinite speakers. Infinite Unholy Doctors.

Infinite voices to break the Silence."

Author's Note:

I TOLD you, you guys were making it way too complicated! I think a lot of people did in fact see this coming, but thought I was saving it for last. Trust me guys, I got something WAY better than this planned for the Quintets finale.

Oh, and before you complain, yes. In the old west, not only was it LEGAL for minors the CMC's age to get drunk, it was not even uncommon. And yes, they would be thrown in the town jail to sleep it off.

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