• Published 2nd Sep 2014
  • 5,786 Views, 162 Comments

Love at All Speeds: Running for Rainbows - LunaAdmirer25

When a young man is hurt from un-sportsman-like conduct, He is left to suffer. But as he passes out, He finds himself thrust into the world of Equestria, What kind of place will lie before him? Will he ever get home? Will he ever want to?

  • ...

Choosing a Rainbow, Running out of time

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas to all, and to all you ponies a wonderful Hearthswarming. Sorry this chapter took awhile to get to you, however I am glad to finally continue it. As your gift here it is, and I hope you all enjoy!

Proofed and fixed by Muranuse and DJ Bass Beaker. You guys are awesome. and a thanks to my friend PonyNinja88. He helped reassure my fears this chapter.

XxX Six Days until Portal opens XxX

It was a rather pleasant day, really. Shadow was just jogging around town, having finally been freed of his leg's recovery. The doctor said he was clear to go, so the first thing he did was sprint around town until the sun went down. But that was just a day ago. Today was a calm jog. Right on queue to his own exercise, he went past Rainbow's house, watching the Cyan Pegasus fly around. As he stopped for his mid-day break, carrying a picnic around for lunch, he stopped and set up.

The Rainbow Dash noticed Shadow coming up, and was finishing off her flight training. She was, trying to find the right time to pull up out of a dive without crashing but still look daring. The final swoop was perfect, and she swung around until finally landing nearby. Flapping her wings, trying to dull the tingling sensations running through them from the rigorous tense nature of her dives, she smiled. “Hey there, Romeo, I see you got some pumpkin pie.”

Chuckling, the dark colored stallion sat down and grabbed an apple. “Well, you deserve something good after all that training. I see you're getting better at the dives. That last one was a dozy.”

Waving it off, Rainbow chomped into her pie piece. “It's cool.” She waved off bashfully. “I wish it was better, but I think it will do. I figure if I can't dive too low I can put a spin to it to really make it cool.”

Finishing his apple, Shadow smiled. “Still, you will most certainly be a Wonderbolt. You had the speed, but now you have the control.” Rainbow looked away, with a slight blush tinted her cheeks.

Finishing their meal, they relaxed, just resting in the shade. Rainbow looked to Shadow. She had to say something, but she couldn't find the words. He helped her get better, not only that but he had some of the same interests as she did. Adventure, athletics, they even had nearly the same taste in music, except he seemed to like Octavia's more than she did. He always wanted to talk, he always told her how good she was doing. He wasn't a fan though, he was a friend, a good one.

But there was that doubt. Was it because of her other self? Was it because he knew her from the other side? She had to know. “So, Shadow, what's the relationship with my human self you got? She your mentor or something?”

That got a reaction, she noticed his face scrunch up and a look of surprise. After a minute, he stammered out an answer. “She's, well, she's not my Mentor. She's someone I look up to, certainly, but she's not a teacher to me. I always thought of her as someone to follow, to become worthy of. She saved me, she helped me when I needed help, and she was kind.”

Looking down, the stallion thought long and hard. “She was untouchable. She was someone I’d never be worthy of, no matter how hard I tried to be faster, to be stronger, to prove I could be her equal. She was always untouchable. I could never talk to her much, she always seemed to be bouncing around with sports and friends. After losing her friends she cut herself off, and she wouldn't even talk to me at all after that.”

Rainbow could hear it in his voice, he thought the world of her other self. But then he turned that on its head. “It's funny, really. After seeing her as a goal, I thought of her as a trophy, something to prove I could have, someone I could become worthy enough to win through my passion. But I didn't know her at all. I was too shy, I always thought myself unworthy, and never should be seen by her powerful gaze. I couldn't, not as some timid kid.”

That got Rainbow Dash on his case. “What are you talking about, you're amazing, you're no timid kid if you can keep up with me. You kicked my flank in Soccer, and just running you can beat me in a race. Though I doubt you could outrun me when I fly.”

Rolling his eyes, all the dark colored stallion could do was stand up and stretch. “Well, regardless on that, it took you to show me how silly it was to keep my head in the clouds.” With a smile, he came up and nudged her a bit. “When we first me, I thought you were just like her. Still energetic, athletic, and trying your hardest no matter what. But she will never have your passion. I guess that's something about you and this world that the other you and world have. There is always someone better, so you push harder. You're not a symbol, you're like everyone else, even if you want to become more. I'm glad I got to know you, Rainbow.”

Rainbow could only blush at that. He may not know what that nudge was like, but it was clearly a very intimate thing. Though Shadow started walking off after that.

Standing up, Rainbow called to him. “HEY!” Seeing Shadow turn, the spectral pony walked up to him. “You know, you could stay... Maybe you're some individual here, you might be the only Shadow in Equestria, you could stay without any stupid Twilight speak for horrible implosion. Whatever that word was called, paraclocks?”

Though the suggestion was not negotiable, Shadow felt happy Rainbow wanted him to stay. He didn't know why but he felt closest to her than anyone, even his own surrogate mother. “It's ‘Paradox’, meaning one person cannot meet themselves without some disaster. Maybe I am the only Shadow, as it seems there's only one Twilight between the universes, but I have a mother to go home to, Vice-Principal Luna. She would scold me if I stayed too long here.”

With her ears falling at that, Rainbow ground her hoof along the grass. “Maybe, but still. It's unfair you have to go when we're having so much fun. No one else gets me like you do, the adventure, the tricks, the passion. Sure you're more relaxed, but I've seen you, every time you run you just have that energy I always do when flying around performing tricks. And if you ever visit again it would only be for a day or two, and I'd have to fly all the way away from home and friends in order to see you for so short a time.”

It did seem a little hard to keep contact. Seeing as the Crystal Empire was a day's run away, for him anyway, and he wouldn't mind coming over as it would be easy for him to, but it would have to be a monthly thing. He still had studies after all. Sighing, Shadow kept a smile, as sad as it was. “We still got a few days till I go. We can have as much fun as you want till then. But I have to leave, no way I'm going to let that douche of a rival Jagged get away with what he did to me. I'm sure after all this time he's been suspended or something, but just like you I am competitive. If he did that to me to win a race, I'm going to have him race, just so I can beat him fair and square.”

Though he brightened up. “Maybe after that and during the summer I can stay for a month again. Who knows?”

Smiling at that, but still feeling like someone she cared about was leaving her, the weather pony just accepted it. “And when you do, we can have some more fun. Maybe I can show you some sights around the whole of Equestria for a week, who knows.” Though with a hopeful look, she couldn't help but feel wanting. “Just... Promise me you'll come back.”

Not sure why his new friend was trying so hard for him to stay, but he smiled and nodded. “Sure will. You can count on it.”

Though Rainbow wanted something better than a normal promise. “Pinkie Promise?”

Oh, he knew those, Shadow knew this one was the big one. Of course he would come back, even if it meant a few missed classes, but she was serious about this. Sitting down, Shadow went through the motions, the swaying Hoof over his chest, the flapping, and the hoof in the eye. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Settling with that, Rainbow flapped into the air, smiling. “Alright. So, how about a quick ten around Ponyville?”

Seeing no harm in it, Shadow stretched out his legs and started jogging to the edge of town. “Sure. Come on, let's go!”

It was a nice day for a run, picking up speed as Rainbow flew behind him, Shadow could only smile as he and his spectral colored friend took laps around the town. It was fleeting, a freedom he would never get back home. No care in the world, just open fields. Following the markings his magic created in his vision, he sped up faster, causing Rainbow to flap faster. He could hear her wings flapping, keeping up with him.

Running faster, Shadow shouted to Rainbow. “HEY! Race ya’! Around the town: five times and back to the picnic blanket! GO!” With that, he flew down the path at high speed, his legs carrying him in a blur, his tail shimmering in the wind.

Unknown to him, Rainbow was having a hard time keeping up normally, she was pulling out all the stops to pick up speed. As he sped in front of her, Rainbow Dash could only look in surprise. Just like Pegasi, he was so fast he was actually causing a blurring effect with his tail, the dark color creating a darker shadow to race behind him.

The third lap had already arrived, and Rainbow was nearing Rainboom speed, just to keep up. As the fourth came along, she could feel the strain. The dark stallion was getting only faster as each lap passed. It was almost over, but she had to do it, she pushed through the pain and broke the sound barrier, leaving a rainbow explosion in her wake. She sped directly around Ponyville and tried not to crash as she went to tap the blanket on the ground.

However, just as she landed, she accidentally shifted her center of gravity, her body flipped and almost crashed into the ground, but she managed to kick off the ground bounce back into the air, rolling in uncontrollable angles, locked in a dangerous flat spin.

She was moving too fast; she couldn't control the landing at such a speed. As she started to descend, her back facing the ground and her wings, at this speed, unable to fold out, she could only scream at her inevitable doom.

Just as she was about to hit the ground, however, Rainbow felt a rough tug, and suddenly felt a soft body against hers. As soon as she stopped moving, she opened her eyes. She could see Shadow jammed into the ground, groaning.

Pulling herself up, Rainbow got off him, and bit his mane, pulling him up off the ground. “Oh, Celestia! Please be ok, Shadow? Shadow come on, wake up! You won, you beat me! I wasn't fast enough even though I ended up going way too fast at the end. Come on, wake up!”

Sitting up, rubbing his head, the dark colored stallion looked up at Shadow. With a soft look, and a hardly noticeable scratched cheek, he smiled. “Nah, you beat me there Dash. If I hadn't gone so fast I might not have been able to catch you though. You ok? You were the one who spun out.”

Rainbow sat beside him, and sighed. Though she wasn't proud that he was hurt because of her own selfish competitive nature, she was glad he was ok. “Don't sound cool, you got hurt saving me from a bad crash. You need to get that looked at.”

Rubbing his face, Shadow shook his head, still smiling. “Nah, I'll be fine, just need some rest.” Though with a sigh, he looked at her with a worried look. “You scared me there, Rainbow, I thought you were toast. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked for a race and sped off.”

Pouting, the weather pony crossed her hooves. “Whilst it was fun while it lasted, you got hurt saving my sorry flank! Though it seems you only got a scratch, it could have been much worse!”

Having to roll his eyes with that, Shadow just sat by Rainbow and smiled. “Hey, if I hadn't raced you I wouldn't have needed to save you. Honestly, I didn't think you would have to go so fast to beat me either. You were holding back on me too I bet.”

Blushing, Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, feeling embarrassed. She had gone top speed to win, she had nothing left, it took every ounce of speed she could muster to beat him, and she was flying.

“Yeah, well...” Looking around, she sighed. It was only them. For now, at least. “Actually... That was my fastest. I had to pull a Sonic Rainboom to beat you. And that's my best, top speed is Rainboom speed. You were booking it, you had a black trail behind you like I have a rainbow at high speeds. You were going so fast, your legs were as much a blur as my wings. You're something else, Shadow. Definitely a Speedster.” She beamed with a half-smile.

Shadow blinked in surprise at that. Truthfully he expected her to be far faster than him. “Well, thanks... Still, you're faster by a long shot. With that speed of yours you can pass me by and leave me in a trail of dust.”

The two calmed down for the moment. Rubbing her shoulder, Rainbow looked at Shadow nervously. “You know, I was going to ask about something... You talked about my human self so highly, as if you liked her or something. I know you said you never got around to talking to her properly, but you love her don't you?”

Not knowing where this was coming from, Shadow looked down and thought about it. At one time, he might have said yes. But now? Honestly, he couldn't say. Seeing the soccer genius kicking a goal from half field in his mind made for a happy feeling, but his heart wasn't jumping like it did one point in his life. “No. At least not anymore. I think it was just some stupid crush really, looking at her like a goal rather than a person. Seeing the talent and the hero she was to me more than who she was as a friend.”

Looking to Rainbow, and seeing her fly around, his heart beat an extra beat. Blushing, he looked down again. “What was... Do I feel that for THIS Rainbow? But, I'm human, she's a pony. She's my friend, but she's here and I live... This doesn't make sense!

It was something he wasn't sure how to understand. But just thinking on it, it wasn't farfetched. He knew this Rainbow, he was happy with this Rainbow. It still made little sense from how he was even here talking to her.

The more they sat, the more the silence was becoming uncomfortable. The weather pony thought of something to say. “So, what were you going to wish for? You know, when you won that race in your world?”

Perking up, the dark stallion blinked. Thinking about the question, he sighed heavily. “It's silly really. Ask her to be my date to the prom, but seeing how that's probably not going to happen it's best to forget it.”

Standing up, Rainbow strutted up to him. “So, you'd have asked her for a date then?”

Looking at her, Shadow could only nod. “Really, it's a silly idea. Especially now, because I don't really love her, and it took coming here to even think about my stupid crush.”

Tilting her head, Rainbow looked confused. “So wait, why don't you have this crush anymore? What changed?”

A blush was her only answer as he stayed looking away from her. Groaning a bit, Shadow rubbed the back of his neck. “Honestly, it's nothing.... Just, I found out what was missing, what made me really like her to begin with. And how shallow it was. Besides, it's not like I don't still consider her someone close to my life, she did save me after all. But I have more feelings for you than I do for her.” And the hoof slapped to his lips faster than Rainbow could blink.

It was rather simple how pressure can force a tongue to spill its secrets. Shadow looked shocked at himself, looking at Rainbow whose own eyes went wide at that statement. The Pegasus shook her head a bit. “Wait, so you like me, instead of my other self? But, how? I mean, we've been having a lot of fun and getting close, but you should have still seen my other self as someone to like more.”

It was true. Shadow stood up and bowed his head. “I know, but like I said. I don't know her. I know you. It's weird, just that you and I have been getting to know each other so well, when I hardly know the other Rainbow at all. Besides, you're not some highly idolized leader, you're just a passionate athlete.”

Rainbow still thought it was unreal how he could say he liked her more than the one he seemed to love before. “That still doesn't mean you wouldn't want to get to know her later.”

Shaking his head, Shadow was getting defensive. “No! I mean, yes, I mean... UGH! Just, I would rather just keep being a good friend to you than try to go back and get close to the other you! I mean, sure I still kind of have some feelings for her, but you're the one I care about more than anything!”

Once more, he hoof shoved itself in his mouth. Rainbow blushed at that, and was quite shocked as well. She was kind of afraid to ask the question, but she did it. “So... What? You love me now? I mean, this me?”

Shadow just wanted to dig himself a hole and die in it. But he didn't know if that was because of mixed thoughts from his crush before, or because of them actually being alike in so many ways. Groaning, he sat down. “I don't know... I mean, I feel like I do, but it's so confusing! You like adventure like I do, you like to be as active as I do, you like to have fun more than the other you.”

The red on the cyan cheeks of the mare his heart was pouring itself out to for now, was just making him feel even lower. Rainbow was silent, making him feel the need to go on.

“You're reckless, sure, you don't exactly enjoy all the same music I do, you're not as into several sports as I am, but you're simply amazing, you're more a Speedster like me than the other you, you don't change your mind all the time, or are as busy as your other self. It's almost impossible not to get close to such an amazing mare as yourself!”

Rainbow sat there, just plopping down in disbelief as he ranted on how he felt. As the silent permeated, Shadow not knowing what else to say, they just went quiet. With Rainbow in shock, Shadow could only imagine what she must be thinking, and her silence had more impact than anything she could say.

With a tear, the dark stallion could only feel like a total idiot for putting her in such an emotional dilemma, and rushing whatever feelings he had onto her, even if he was still confused. Nothing else to say, his emotions running wild, between heartbreak and confusion and adrenaline still rushing through him, he could only turn and run, racing away from her. “I'm sorry!”

Seeing him run, the spectral pony shook out of her stupor and got up, flexing her wings. “Hey, wait up there!” but as she tried to launch, she felt her wing tense and she fell. Looking to her numb wing, she noticed it was scuffed, but not visibly painful. She didn't know how it happened, or when, but her wing was shot, the tip numb and limp. Though it wasn't hurting, it was numb and rather uncomfortable. Trying to race him on foot, she knew she would never really catch him, but still tried.

Going as fast as he could, Shadow just bolted, flying through the town until he found a spot near the Everfree Forest. And sat down. Though he didn't go in, knowing full well the kind of things inside waiting to eat him. He knew the outskirts were safe.

Not hearing until it was too late, the softest voice brought him back from his relaxation. “Oh, um... Shadow? Is that you?” Fluttershy lived near the forest, as shy and afraid as she was, he totally forgot about that.

Turning to her, Shadow just sighed, taking a deep breath. “Hey, Fluttershy... Sorry, I was just getting some fresh air.”

Fluttershy could see his distress. “What’s the matter? Who made you cry?”

Realizing he had, indeed, cried, Shadow quickly wiped the tears away. “No one, it's fine... Just my idiotic mouth spouting nonsense and possibly ruining a great friendship...”

It was no secret to the animal loving Pegasus, she had seen Shadow and Rainbow racing, playing sports, and talking almost constantly. It was clear the two were getting close, and she could only imagine what it would be like if they got together. “What happened? I thought you and Rainbow were happy being friends?”

Looking a little surprised, Shadow shook his head. “How do you know it's Rainbow I'm talking about?”

Giving a soft smile, Fluttershy replied “Oh, it's no real surprise. She's been talking about you constantly whenever she comes to see if I am alright, or whenever we have our group talks with the others. She hardly contains herself when you might be free for some random thing or another. It's really cute.”

Though surprising to hear he was a conversation topic, Shadow sighed as he remembered seeing the shock and silence from the spectral Pegasus he left behind. “I ruined it all... It's all my fault, I disgusted her or something. She's probably never going to speak to me again.”

Fluttershy came up to him. “Oh, but why? She's not exactly the kind of mare to let friendships go... Well, not without some huge problem they cause, like that one time with her former griffon friend Gilda...” Looking away sadly, Fluttershy remembered how scary Gilda was. “It was terrifying...”

Sitting down, Shadow just dug at the ground. “I'm just so confused... Between my feelings for the human Rainbow, my random thoughts of this Blitz character in my head, and how amazing this pony version of Rainbow is, how similar we are and how much we have in common, it's almost scary. One month ago I was fine, just staying back and away from anything, just practicing for the races I go to and admiring the human Rainbow, looking at her possessively. Now here I am, and my entire world is flipped upside down. I can hardly imagine what it was like for Twilight to be in the human world. I sometimes still look to you and see the animal shelter, how I help you sometimes there, hoping to catch Rainbow before your shift is over.”

Being the amazing listener she was, Fluttershy just looked at Shadow, raking it all in and trying to find a way to help. Nodding, the mare could only wonder. “But you know better. Besides, it's not like it's all different. I'm sure many ponies you know here do something in the human world similar.”

Shaking his head, Shadow sighed heavily. “Not all of them. Princess Celestia is immortal I hear, our Principal is still human, I doubt she's lived for many centuries. The Rainbow I looked up to as an idol, something to work towards, is busy and always leading teams, heavily active and never letting anything stop her from being amazing. The Rainbow here, as amazing as she wants to be, is simple and basic, just wanting to be the amazing flier she is, not leading but showing off, not busy but passionate. She can stop for breaks more, she can lay around in an orchard. Even you are slightly different, trying to help animals near this forest, as scary as that is, and never failing to be brave when the need arises. Your human counterpart is much more shy and scared. She only really stands up when her friends are in trouble.”

It was slightly surprising to hear all this. Twilight had said they had different views and activities. Much as their passions, their personalities, and their connection held true even through dimensions, but to hear how different, it was jarring. But she knew Shadow was taking this all in and having trouble processing such after so long knowing only one way, one person by one personality.

As he sat there, Fluttershy figured out what was really bothering him. “So, Rainbow isn't how you imagined her to be?”

Looking confused, the dark coated stallion shook his head. “It's not that, it's the fact I'm so confused. I mean... Ugh! The Pony version of her is so much more free, not as strict or active, not dividing her time through dozens of people at a time. I don't know the human Rainbow like I do the Pony version, and even if I did know the human version better, I'd just imagine the mare, and all the fun I had here with her... How I fell in love with her...”

Blushing, Fluttershy could only look at him as he had said he loved Rainbow. Of course she had thought they would make a cute couple, but to hear him say it… “Oh my...”

Putting a hoof on his shoulder, she tried to console him. “Why would that ruin your friendship with Rainbow? Does she not feel the same way?”

Again, the tears came. “I don't think so... She just sat there... She just looked at me like I grew several heads. She wouldn't say a word...” Shaking himself off, he stood back up and started walking. “Thanks Fluttershy, I'll see you another time...” Once more, he started running, much slower this time.

After a brief period of thinking why Rainbow would reject Shadow, after all she had said about him, the young peaceful Pegasus gathered the remainder of her flowers and started to her hut. It took an hour from picking and traveling, but when she finally returned, she had only a few minutes or so until she heard a knocking at her door.

“Oh? I wonder if Shadow's calmed down...”

Opening her door, she looked in surprise as Rainbow was huffing and puffing, looking at her wildly. “Fluttershy, hey, you seen Shadow around? He was heading around this direction, I don't know if he went into the forest or something.”

Before the yellow mare could say anything, she noticed the limp wing. “Oh, Rainbow! You're hurt! What happened?”

Shaking her head, Rainbow put a hoof over her wing. “It's nothing, just something to sit and heal for the night. Just snapped it against the ground or tree when I crash landed during a race with Shadow. Doesn't matter, you see him? I've asked through town making a B line for where he was going.”

Not taking that for an answer, Fluttershy stood tall. “Rainbow, you come in here and let me look at that wing right this second! I won't let my best friend just run around with a bad wing like that!”

Before the cyan mare could retort, she turned her head. “No buts, get in here and tell me the whole story with you and Shadow. And don't you worry, he's fine... If disheveled.”

Groaning, Rainbow stepped in. Being led to the other room, she sat and waited on her yellow friend. “So you saw him?”

Carrying some supplies in with her, Fluttershy nodded. “I did. He was out near the forest when I was picking my flowers.. So what happened? You two raced?”

Confirming so, Rainbow sighed. “It was just supposed to be a simple exercise around Ponyville. He turned it into a race...And me being, good old, stupid, competitive me, I accepted it. I did a Rainboom to beat him. I couldn't slow down without crashing.”

Having heard and seen the spectacle early, the yellow mare started preening the broken feathers off her friend. “Go on...”

Wincing from the pain of getting the broken feathers preened, the cyan mare just crossed her hooves. “Well, I kind of got hurt, but I didn't realize that until he sped off. He had caught me, taking the brunt of the crash. He got hurt, but it wasn't bad, he said so at least... Didn't look too bad, but still he got hurt saving my dumb flank.”

Fluttershy had seen a small scratch on the side of Shadow's face, but it looked too small to really be a bother. Rainbow's clearly hurt wing, however, as unnoticeable as the bruise was the angle shown the Pegasus all she needed to know. “What happened next?” She knew something happened, give how he acted as he told her about his feelings for Rainbow and how he saw it. Though that was it, and she was curious.

Looking down, Rainbow didn't really know how to say it. “He-he said he loved me. Or, he said how he had feelings for me, but he was confused because he did for my human self too. Which kind of made me feel bad. Like the only reason he liked me was because he loved my human self.”

Grabbing the ointment, the healing Pegasus started rubbing the joint, having to deal with the cyan mare before her hissing in pain. “Oh, sorry... But how do you know that's how he feels?”

Rainbow turned to her friend. “He told me all about it! How he looked up to my human version, how he wanted to prove he was worthy of her, how amazing she was. But... but you know, he said that didn't matter... But he still felt that way, even if says he no longer feels for my human side as much, he got to know me under the feelings he had for my human self, so our friendship is sort of built on his time with my human self, not me.”

Starting to wrap the joint, splinting it to keep it set in place, Fluttershy grabbed the bandages. thinking about what Rainbow said, and what Shadow said, she knew better, given hw she saw each act. Even if it was true, Shadow clearly, as confused as he was, felt something for the mare known as Rainbow. “So you don't want to be his friend anymore?” She asked.

Rainbow stayed silent at first, as she finished tying the bandage. “All done!”

Standing up and flexing her wing, settling it at her side, the Cyan weather pony turned to her friend. “It's not that at all! It's just.. How do I know he doesn't just care about me because he sees the human me?”

Seeing as she wasn't compelled to keep a secret, Fluttershy had to put Rainbows doubts away. “Because, he told me the opposite. It's more that he feels that when he goes back, he will see YOU whenever he sees the human Rainbow. He really truly cares about you, even if he's so confused. He's lead his life in the human world, and to suddenly see the changes - the differences - with all of us compared to those in his world, he's unsure if his feelings are truly what he thinks they are anymore. He's just as confused as you Rainbow, but he knows enough to be crying in pain because you rejected him.”

That threw Rainbow for a loop. She was wide eyed and shocked to hear this, and shaking her head, she had to ask. “Wait, rejected? I mean, hearing him say all this about me and my human self, his confusion, but also what he liked about me better than her, I never REJECTED him. I mean sure, this is all pretty mushy and stuff and it's not really my thing. If I pick someone to love like that they have to be as cool as I am!” Realizing what she said, she groaned and shook her head harder. “Not saying he ISN'T cool, but I just.. UGH! I just don't know Fluttershy! I mean... He said that? That he truly thinks of me as me, and not as my other self?”

Nodding, Fluttershy blushed a bit. “He said he had fallen in love with you, as in the Mare you. It was quite shocking hearing him say that.”

Though she did feel bad remembering the hurt look he had. “He looked so down thinking you hated him now.”

Hearing this, Rainbow sat again. With a sigh, she looked down. “I don't hate him, but I guess I didn't say anything to really stop him from thinking that. I'm an idiot...”

Though she knew Shadow and Rainbow had to get together and talk this out, she saw how Shadow felt, and clearly could see Rainbow wasn't exactly ready to talk about it. “He goes back in a few days right? Before he goes back, you should talk to him. He really thinks highly of you, and I mean this you. But maybe you should think about this. Give him a real answer, tell him how you truly feel. If you don't love him, then say so, but don't let him think you hate him. I'm sure you two can still be great friends regardless of how today went.”

Looking up to her friend, Rainbow smiled. Standing up and hugging Fluttershy, the Cyan mare nodded. “I will. Thanks Fluttershy... I should go talk to him, but least I can do is give him an answer. It'll take a while, I need time to think about what kind of Stallion he is to me.” Though in her heart, she did know what he meant to her.

But does he know.... and if he does, will it be worth it to do this between worlds?” With that in mind, she walked back home.