• Published 31st Aug 2014
  • 7,208 Views, 743 Comments

The Gentle Nights: Audience of One - PaulAsaran

A chance meeting at a ruined gala leads to opportunity. Luna longs to recover from her isolation and the shadows of her past, and she clings to the one pony whose music provides her comfort. She might not be the only benefactor in the arrangement...

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The Gentle Nights
Audience of One

Chapter XV

Octavia crossed out the notes she’d just written down. Her face was set in a scowl as she dipped her quill into the ink and considered the bar. Why couldn’t she get this part right? Every time she tried to modify it, it came out… weak. The music just didn’t seem to evoke the kind of sound she was after. Something was missing, and her inability to find that something was infuriating. This piece had to be perfect, but she just couldn’t see what she needed.

The quill tip hovered over the paper. She squinted at the last few notes, running the music through her head. It passed through her brain again and again, and every time she groped for that unexplainable something that failed to be there. The quill didn’t move.

With a groan, she set the quill down and pressed her hooves to her face. “What the hay am I missing?” She flopped onto her back, sending small waves of sheet music flying about her kitchen. The pages formed an untidy pile by the table, each one covered in scratched out notes and scribbled words. Octavia just stared at her ceiling and tried to let her mind go blank; maybe if she stopped thinking it would just come to her.

Octavia closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. She used to be so good at staying calm, but lately her emotions ran away all the time. Why did it have to be so hard?

She chuckled at the foalish question; obviously, it had to be so hard because of Luna. Just thinking about her made the alicorn’s face arise in Octavia’s mind. Her thoughts drifted to the dinner last night, and that in turn filled her with pleasure. Sure, there had been no progress in terms of… well, that, but it didn’t matter. It had been a first step, a door opened, a fresh opportunity. The road to Luna wouldn’t end until…

She sighed once more; the song had to be written. It was the key. Without it, she’d never be able to make her pretty princess understand.

There was a crack and a short blast of music. The combination made Octavia jolt upright. She spun about to hear the noises a second time, her eyes set on her window. Eager to take a break, she hurried to open it. “Hey, Vinyl, what’s—” Something smacked her in the face, and she stumbled back with a small cry. She grabbed the object and pulled it away. “What is the meaning of… this…”

The object was a newspaper, the Daily Royal, and right on page one was a picture of herself and Luna at Ailes du Plaisir. Her heart skipped a beat and a smile stretched her lips as she recalled the evening once more. She didn’t understand why, but suddenly she felt like electricity flowed inside her. Were she a more energetic pony, she might be running in circles right about now.

“Looks like I know who gave us permission to use the Nocturnal Theatre.”

A look over the newspaper revealed Vinyl waggling her eyebrows with a mischievous grin. “I knew you were hot to trot, Octy, but to land a princess? Sweet Celestia on a box of donuts!”

Octavia smirked and waved the folded newspaper at her. “It wasn’t like that.”


“Oh, really?” Vinyl pointed at the paper. “Then what’s with that racy little outfit you wore, hmm?”

“It wasn’t… racy.” Octavia took a look at herself in the picture. The tight bodice, the way her tail had been hiked a little too high, the hip-hugging skirt… “W-well, maybe a little, but I had to dress up. There was a dress code.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Yeah, because you don’t have a dozen perfectly suitable and far less eye-catching dresses you could have worn. If you ask me, you should have worn the suit.” She leaned over her windowsill and purred with a wicked smile.

Octavia countered by leaning against her own windowsill and flicking her mane haughtily. “I think you’re just jealous that Luna got to spend an evening with me in a posh restaurant.”

In an instant, Vinyl sobered. She stared at Octavia with wide eyes. “Whoa…”

The reaction made Octavia fidget and blush. “What?”

“I thought you’d get all hot-headed if I taunted you,” Vinyl said. “I didn’t think you’d counter like that.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “I can be feisty when I want.”

A grin spread across Vinyl’s lips. “You really do like her, don’t you?”

“I… well…” Octavia fumbled with her lips, her face burning. “M-maybe I do.”

Vinyl leered. “Maybe?”

With a groan, Octavia began rubbing her temple. “Vinyl, have I ever mentioned how much of a pain you can be? My relationship with Luna is for me to decide.”

The newspaper rose up, encased in Vinyl’s magical aura. It unfolded to the front page picture and pressed against Octavia’s muzzle. “If it’s so personal, why do you look so happy to have your picture taken with her for one of Canterlot’s most widely read newspapers?”

Octavia took the paper in both hooves and dropped to her haunches. She gazed at her own beaming face. Yes, she had wanted this. The very thought sent a thrill down her spine. “Because… because I wanted everypony to know.”

Vinyl lost her smirk upon hearing Octavia’s quiet voice. “Octy?”

“I wanted them to know.” Octavia hugged the paper to her chest. “It means I helped her. She opened up, she let everypony see us together. So she missed what I was after, s-so what? This still means something, doesn’t it?”

The world was quiet as she fought down her emotions. Out of control yet again, what was Luna doing to her? She chewed her lip and focused on her shaking hooves.

“Wow, Octy.” Vinyl rubbed the back of her head, her eyes averted. “You’ve really got it bad, don’t you?”

Octavia sucked in a long breath and relaxed. She set the newspaper aside and, with great effort, contorted her face to its old, haughty mask. It used to be so easy. “As far as everypony in Canterlot is concerned, it was just a night on the town between friends.” She gave a look that felt more imploring than she’d intended. “For now, please don’t encourage any other ideas.”

Vinyl cocked her head. “Seriously? You wore that dress and you don’t expect anypony to make some conclusions?”

“Well… Luna didn’t.”

“Ouch.” Vinyl sat back and whistled. “Alright, Octy, I’ll keep my hay hole closed. But, uh, from one who knows? Try not to get too hopeful.”

Octavia winced and averted her gaze. “I know, it’s ridiculous. Just… wish the best for me, okay?”

“Yeah, I guess I can do that.” Vinyl sighed and crossed her hooves. “You wanna talk or something?”

A curious thought came to Octavia as she stared across the alley at her old friend. It was a very pleasant, welcome one. “You’ve changed, Vinyl. You’re a lot more receptive than you used to be.”

Vinyl raised an eyebrow. “Umm… is that a good thing?”

A laugh burst from Octavia. “Yes, Vinyl, it’s a very good thing!”

“Oh.” Vinyl’s cheeks went red and she gained a lopsided, anxious smile. “Okay then.”

Octavia glanced at the newspaper and grinned. “I think I’m going to head for the Music Hall. There’s a composition I’m trying to write and I’m having trouble. Maybe the Hall will provide some inspiration. You could join me.”

“Whoawaitwhat?” Vinyl leaned out of her window, jaw hanging loose. “I totally did not hear that. Are you actually inviting me to go do something? Miss Determined Loner?”

“I’m in a sharing mood.” Octavia’s smile broadened. “Come now, Vinyl, is it really so strange?”

“For you? Absolutely.”

“Okay… maybe it is.” Octavia grabbed the newspaper and waved it. “I’m just so happy about this, and I want to share with some friends.”

“You’re gonna get mobbed,” Vinyl warned, taking the paper in her magical aura. “I’m surprised you don’t have dozens of reporters banging on your door already.”

“Oh, you’re overreacting.” Octavia sat and lifted her muzzle high. “This is Canterlot. The ponies will behave themselves, I’m sure. I need to get to the Music Hall anyway; I all but promised to see Parish and Beauty today.”

“Right.” Vinyl shook her head with a sigh. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. As much as I enjoy hanging out with you, I was just about to start packing. I’ve got a gig in Baltimare. Nothing much, but it pads the wallet. Go with you and I’ll miss my train.”

“Oh.” Octavia wilted a little. “Very well, then. I just hoped—” She blinked and looked at Vinyl. “Say, are you bringing your synthesizer?”

“Cynthia?” Vinyl raised an eyebrow and patted her machine with an affectionate smile. “Nah, not this time. She’s not exactly built for traveling.”

Octavia tapped her hooves with a blush. “Do you think… I might be able to use it while you’re gone?”

Vinyl’s head whipped towards Octavia so fast her sunglasses nearly fell off. “What? You want to use a synthesizer? What the hay for?”

She blushed and gave Vinyl her most imploring stare. “Y-you taught me that it’s really good for hearing how multiple instruments sound in tandem. I could use it for my new symphony… maybe?”

“Uh, you sure about that?” Vinyl leaned her elbow against the windowsill. “You don’t know how to use it, and there’s no way you’ll be finished by the time I get back.”

“Oh… right.” Octavia blushed and rubbed the back of her head with a sheepish grin. “Well, maybe when you get back you can show me? I could, um, use it while you’re at work or something like that.”

“Maybe.” Vinyl shrugged. “If you want, I can show you how to use it when I get back. I’d suggest you get your own, but they aren’t exactly cheap.”

“I’d appreciate any help you can give,” Octavia said with a hopeful smile. “Anything to help me get this song right.”

“Well, alright.” Vinyl rubbed her chin, a skeptical frown on her lips. “I mean, if you’re serious?”

“Of course I am!”

“Okay, okay.” Vinyl waved her hooves. “Don’t get your tail in a knot! You wait until I get back next week, and we’ll figure something out. Deal?”

“Deal!” Octavia clapped her hooves with a giggle. “Thank you, Vinyl, this will make things so much easier!”

Vinyl sagged and gaped. “Wow, this is so unlike you. I feel like I should be taking a picture in case I need proof.”

“Oh, pish-posh.” Octavia waved her hoof with excessive pomp. “Forgive me if I’m really excited about maybe, finally finishing a song, and a very important song at that. This may be the most important song of my life!”

“It’s a tribute to the princess, ain’t it?”

Octavia’s heart cut a flip and her face burned. Her entire body went stiff as she stared slack-jawed at Vinyl. “I… That is… I didn’t say…”

Vinyl’s lips curled up in a wicked grin. “Oh-ho, nailed it!” She cupped her legs under her cheeks and pursed her lips. “You’re gonna propose in the form of some cheesy song about kittens and bunnies!”

A small fire rose in Octavia’s chest. “Hey, give me at least some credit.”

“I’m just joshing ya.” Vinyl chuckled and lit up her horn. “Look, I gotta get to packing. Seriously, when I get back I’ll help you in any way I can. It’s the least I can do after you agreed to help with my stuff. See you next week?”

“Y-yeah. And Vinyl?” Octavia rubbed her hooves together and averted her gaze. “About the subject of my song…”

“I know, I know, silent as the grave.” Vinyl rolled her eyes and grabbed her windowsill. “Like I’d spill the beans on something as important as that. You need to give me some credit.” She chuckled. “See ya, Octy. Good luck!”

The window closed, and Octavia heaved a deep breath. Why did she feel like she’d just run a marathon? Slowly, she closed her own window and turned back to her apartment. Her eyes went to the mess of sheet music scattered about her kitchen. It wasn’t a very pleasant sight. Maybe if she could just hear the music, even if on Vinyl’s synthesizer, she’d have a better idea of what she was doing. There had to be something small, something fundamental that she was missing.

She closed her eyes and sighed… then saw Luna’s visage on the back of her eyelids. The image made her smile. It was public knowledge, now. She should go out and share the news with her friends!

Her worries fading, she began sorting her music.

Octavia trotted towards the Music Hall, a broad smile on her lips. More than a few ponies were casting curious looks her way and sometimes she’d hear them murmuring behind her back. For what may have been the very first time in her entire life, she relished the attention. It took all her willpower not to outright strut in the middle of the street, though she did hold her head high.

“Octy!” For once, Beauty didn’t bother to wait for her. The pony hurried to meet her in the street with a beaming smile. “Holy Goddess, Octavia, when I saw the Daily Royal I almost had a stroke! You mean you’ve been playing for Princess Luna all these months?”

“Some private client, huh?” Octavia winked and laughed at Beauty’s wide eyes.

“This is incredible.” Beauty sat and fanned herself with a hoof. “Everypony in town’s talking about it. Hardly anypony has even seen the princess since she returned a year ago, and you’re dating her!”

Octavia shook her head just a little too quickly. “No, no I’m not. It was just a night on the town, that’s all.”

“Don’t bother denying it, Octy.”

The mares turned to find Parish sitting before them, his head and shoulders slumped. He pawed at the ground and stared up at her in a way that reminded her of a kicked puppy. “I remember that dress. Ṭaṭṭūsvatī, right?”

She groaned. “Parish… It’s just a dress.”

“No, it’s not.” He sighed and shook his head. “I’ve seen you wear plenty of outfits for gigs, Octy, and you even wore a suit a few times. You never wore that dress unless you had to. You hate that dress.”

Octavia felt the heat rising in her cheeks and cast a nervous look around. The ponies in the street were making a decent showing of not gawking, but she could see their brief glances and curious eyes. “That’s… well…”

“No, it’s okay,” Parish said in a tone that didn’t match his words even remotely. “She’s a princess. Seriously, had I known that was my competition I never would have tried in the first place.”

Beauty sighed and reached for him, but Octavia batted her hoof away. There was a renewed fire in her, and she hit Parish with the full harshness of her glare. He leaned back as she took a step closer. “Is that what you think of me, Parish? That I’m so shallow as to care only about a potential suitor’s social standing?”

He sputtered, eyes wide. “I-I, that’s not… I-I mean I never—”

“What did you think, that if you showed enough money and got to play at the Gala I’d fall into your loving embrace like some flighty floozy?”

“N-no!” He stepped back and frantically shook his head. “That’s not what I meant!”

She poked him in the chest. “Luna and I have been seeing one another weekly for months. I’ve had time to learn about her quirks, her dreams, her fears. Every time you got near me all you could do was flirt! Luna sees me as an individual, not a nice flank!”

He was down on his barrel now, pupils shrunk to pinpricks as she towered over him. She snorted and leaned down to peer into his eyes. “I’m sorry, but what you offered isn’t even on my radar. Now stop acting like a child about this.”

Seconds passed. Octavia and Parish merely stared at one another, her huffing from anger and him frozen in place. After a moment, Beauty appeared and gently pushed Octavia back. “I think you’ve made your point, Octy.”

“I don’t think I have.” Octavia stepped away but didn’t stop glaring at Parish. “You’ve proven yourself no better than the noble snobs we entertain for a living.”

“Octavia!” Beauty stepped pack to touch Parish’s shoulder, her eyes wide. “That’s enough!”

“Is it?” Octavia began pacing, the cymbals in the back of her mind ringing louder than she could ever remember. “I’m sick of this, Beauty. My success shouldn’t hinge on who I choose to spend my time with! Do I not have talent? Have I not worked hard? How many days did I devote to practice, practice, practice, only to have everypony tell me I’m not good enough because my family could only afford a state school? Is the fact that I come from a poor family of teachers and archeologists in Trottingham mean I’m doomed to musical mediocrity?”

She paused and looked around, abruptly aware of the eyes upon her. Ponies were staring as if she’d grown two heads. For a moment she hesitated, but only a moment. “What are you looking at!?” Most looked away, but a few kept gawking. She grimaced and turned back to Parish and Beauty.

The sight cut her words short; Parish had covered his face in his hooves, and Beauty’s expression was the frozen definition of shock. There was disbelief in those wide eyes… and pain.

“Oh, Beauty, Parish.” Octavia sat and folded her legs to her chest. “I… I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I…” She turned away from them, a feeble whimper escaping her lips as her heart throbbed. Why was that happening so much lately?

“No!” Beauty was at her side in an instant, “No no no, don’t you dare! Let it out, Octavia.”

“N-no, I shouldn’t have.” Octavia shook her head and covered her face. “I’m hurting you. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Not at all.” Beauty hesitated. “Well, yes, you kinda did, considering I didn’t do anything. But Octy—” she pushed Octavia’s hooves down and looked her in the eye, “—you shouldn’t hold that kind of thing back. Sometimes it’s good to get a little emotional.”

“But I…” Octavia glanced towards Parish, who hadn’t moved from his spot on the ground. “Oh, Parish, I’m so sorry.”

Beauty shook her by the shoulders. “Calm down. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay, Octy.”

Just then, Parish jumped to his hooves and fled down the street at a gallop, pushing past the ponies in his way without so much as an apology.

“Parish!” Octavia started to follow, but Beauty held her fast.

“Let him go. Octavia, stop!” She struggled to hold Octavia in place for a few seconds, then cupped Octavia’s cheeks in her hooves. “Look at me, Octy. Look at me. Let him go. You’ve given him a lot to think about, and I promise I’ll go check up on him. Right now you need to calm down.”

“B-but after what I said—”

“I think he needed to hear it, anyway.”

Octavia’s energy faded and she slumped over Beauty’s shoulder. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!”

Beauty petted her mane and cooed in her ear. “It’s alright, Octy. Everypony blows up from time to time. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster all this time,” Octavia whispered. “I used to be so good at managing my emotions. What’s wrong with me?”

“You’re equine, Octy.” Beauty sat back and gave her a warm smile. “That’s all. You don’t need to bottle your emotions so much. This is actually a sign of improvement.”

“‘Improvement?’” Octavia turned her moist eyes to where Parish had disappeared off to. “I hurt Parish, and I made you into collateral damage. How is this an improvement of any kind?”

“You let me worry about Parish,” Beauty replied. “This is something he needed to hear, and I’m glad it came from you. Maybe after today Parish will look at mares a little differently. As for you—” she pressed a hoof to Octavia’s muzzle, “—you’re finally showing your feelings. That’s a good thing, Octy. How are we supposed to understand how you feel if you won’t make it clear to us?”

Octavia crossed her eyes at the hoof before pushing it down with a sigh. “Maybe that’s why Luna didn’t notice anything last night. Maybe I just don’t know how to open up.”

Beauty chuckled. “Looks like you’re getting there just fine on your own. A late bloomer, but hey, nopony’s perfect.”

“Umm…” Octavia hunched a little and rubbed her hooves together. “Do you really think Parish will be okay?”

“If not, it isn’t your fault.” Beauty sighed and crossed her hooves. “He really did bring it upon himself, the poor foal. Air for brains, I swear.” She smiled at Octavia’s uncertain expression. “Hey, don’t worry. I’ll check up on him after this, make sure of things. You just worry about yourself and catching the eye of a certain princess.”

Beauty blinked and glanced around before leaning in close. “Octy… are you really interested in her?”

Octavia chewed her lip, unable to meet Beauty’s gaze. “It feels so sudden, but it’s not. It’s been building up all this time and I…” She fumbled with her words before finally resorting to a small nod.

“Wow. Do you think you have a chance?”

Though she tried to respond, her words came out as a quiet whimper. She sagged and stared at her hooves.

“Hmm…” Beauty thought for a few seconds, but then moved a little closer and hugged Octavia. “Don’t give up, Octy. You’re a wonderful mare and I’m sure Luna sees that. You just need to make use of this newfound energy.”

Octavia’s ears perked. “Y-you really think so?”

“Of course!” Beauty leaned back to beam at her. “If you show her how you really feel, I’m sure she’ll respond.”

With a flinch, Octavia said, “I’m just afraid of how she’ll respond. And what if I blow up like I did in front of you two just now? What if I—”

“Oh, hush.” Beauty tapped her muzzle a second time and chuckled. “You’re overthinking this. Just because you got upset, that doesn’t mean it’ll happen again, or in the same way. Some emotional outbreaks are entirely positive.”

Octavia brushed her mane back, still unable to meet her friend’s gaze. “I guess I wouldn’t know.”

Beauty set a hoof to her shoulder and leaned down to look into her eyes. “This is a good thing, Octy. It means you’re gaining confidence and a bigger voice. I’m actually kind of proud: my little Octy’s growing up.”

That at last managed to get a chuckle from Octavia. “Thanks, mom.”

“You’re welcome, young lady.” Beauty sat up straight and took on a posh, lecturing manner. “But if I find out that princess has taken advantage of you in the bedroom, why, I just hope she has a good lawyer!”

A laugh bubbled out of Octavia’s throat. “Okay, that was horrendous. Leave the bedroom lectures to the actual mothers, BB.”

“Hey, you never know, I may get there someday.” Beauty grinned with a small blush. “So… you feeling okay?”

Octavia considered the question, and herself. “I think so. Thanks, Beauty, I really don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes. I’ll be alright.” She scuffed the ground and wilted. “Still feel pretty bad about Parish, though.”

“Speaking of whom, I better go find him before he joins some angsty goth band, dyes his mane black and pierces every inch of his body.” Beauty chuckled and turned in the direction Parish had disappeared. “Don’t worry, Octavia. The future is brighter than you know!”

Octavia watched her go with a smile. It wasn’t a very good one, but it was better than nothing. Hopefully Parish would forgive her this one outburst… assuming she could forgive herself, of course. Still, she trusted Beauty to know what to do in this situation, and after her foalish behavior she had no intention of getting in the way.

A glance at the Music Hall left an empty feeling in the pit of Octavia’s stomach. Was there any point in going in? Parish’s miserable face consumed her mind and shoved out all thoughts of Luna’s song. Perhaps it would be better if—

“Miss Melody!”

She blinked and turned in the direction of the unfamiliar voice. A unicorn was weaving through the thin crowd, a notebook and quill floating over her head. “If I could just have a minute of your time, I’d love to ask a few—”

“Miss Melody, over here!”

Octavia jumped and spun to find a second unicorn trotting for her from an alley. “If we could just take a statement—”

“Oh, no you don’t,” the first unicorn shouted. “This is my story and I’m not letting you beat me to it like last time, Red Ink!”

Red Ink chortled and waved his notepad at Octavia. “The Daily Royal already broke the story, what’s got your horn chipped?”


Octavia winced and looked up to find a pegasus hovering overhead with a camera and a pearly grin. “Olive Spring, from the Southern Onion. Fancy a picture, missy?”

“Where did all you ponies come from?” Octavia stepped back as the three moved in, her eyes going wide. “And at the same time, no less!”

“Oh, nevermind that,” the mare said, her quill poised over her notebook. “Now, if I may take a moment of your—”

“You don’t wanna talk to her!” Red Ink shoved past and grinned at Octavia, who was now backing onto the stairs. “She won’t get any attention, just a bit player. My interview will reach tens of thousands!”

“Yer full o’balony!” The pegasus guffawed and raised his camera. “Now, if ya’d look as pretty as ya did in the Royal Daily, I’d appreciate—” He gasped as his tail went taught and dragged him forcefully to the steps.

The mare glared at him. “Hey, lay off my story!”

Your story? Look, missy, Ah just came fer a picture. And maybe one or two questions.”

Red Ink grinned and stepped up to Octavia. “They can squabble, we can talk. Just imagine your name in highlights—”

Go away!” Octavia leaped up the stairs and headed for the doors to the Music Hall. “I don’t want to be interviewed!”

The pegasus, still being cornered by the mare, burst out laughing. “Listen ta that malarkey! Why’d ya move ta Canterlot, then?”

Octavia came to a sliding stop and turned back to them, eyes wide. “W-what? How did you know I moved here?”

“Oh, that’s nothing.” Red Ink waved a dismissive hoof. “Doesn’t take a lot of detective work to figure that out. By now every newspaper in town knows where you live, where you came from, when you were born, all that jazz.”

Her jaw dropped. The three ponies moved in, and she had the distinct impression of vultures moving in for a feast. “B-but, I didn’t want that. I just wanted ponies to know Luna and me are friends. It was never meant to go farther than that!”

“Of course, we understand.” The mare’s quill was scribbling furiously. “So what else can you tell us about your relationship with the princess? Any particular reason for the saucy dress?”

Octavia reeled from the verbal assault, barely noticing how Red Ink was snapping at the mare and the pegasus was trying to move his camera into a good position for a shot. Her eyes darted about the street. Sweet Luna, was there even more reporters coming? The world seemed to swirl around her and her breath came in gasps.

She spun about and all but dove into the Music Hall, slamming the doors behind her. Some ponies stared as she pressed against the door, until she realized there were three other entrances right next to it. Panting, she hurried into the nearest hall and entered one of the small practice rooms. She pressed her ear to the door and waited with bated breath. Seconds passed, but no sound arose.

At last she relaxed, stepping back to sit in the middle of the room. A shiver coursed through her frame, but as the urgency faded there arose a new sensation: frustration. Why had she run away? What was wrong with her? She should have seen this coming. Vinyl had warned her, for Luna’s sake!

She hugged herself and focused on steadying her breathing. Self control: she’d practiced it all her life. Now should be no different. Even if she’d never enjoyed that kind of attention, she should put up with it. Just answer a few questions and then they’d leave. Simple, right? With a deep sigh, she reached for the door handle…

There was a long pause. She stared at the door, then at her hoof. It refused to acknowledge her, and she had that sinking feeling in her gut once more. She felt just like she had when pacing before Vinyl’s door.

She sighed and set her hoof down. “What is wrong with me?”

With nothing better to do, she pulled off her cello case and prepared to practice. There was a Garden Party to prepare for, after all.

When the light faded, Luna found herself somewhere she’d not anticipated: standing outside what appeared to be a room. She glanced around, but saw nothing save grey fog. The air was neither hot nor cold, and everything seemed so balefully blank. She’d seen this kind of dream before, though, and was not alarmed. She turned to the structure before her, appearing as if a room had been made without any proper building built around it. A long, brown door served as the only entrance, and Luna wasted no time opening it.

She stepped inside to find herself in a small bedroom. The walls were covered in green wallpaper with a floral design, and a lone window let bright sunlight stream through. The floor was cluttered with blurred, indistinct toys strewn about every which way, a large trunk standing open beneath the window. A bunk bed sat in the corner, the sheets rumpled and tangled.

And there, sitting in the middle of it all at a little desk, was a young Octavia. She couldn’t have been more than thirteen, and she scribbled almost violently on some sheet music. The filly hunched over the paper, her tongue poking out the side of her mouth between bared teeth and her brow furrowed in deep concentration. Luna couldn’t help smiling at the foal; Octavia was rather cute as a child.

Yet she couldn’t linger on this; her window of opportunity was only so large. She coughed, but when this failed to catch the foal’s attention she spoke up. “Hello, Octavia.”

Octavia’s head jerked up and her eyes grew wide in that way only a foal could manage. “Princess? What are you doing in my room?”

“Your room?” Luna glanced around with a faux air of uncertainty. “Oh, so this must be your home in Trottingham. Yes?”

“Uh…” Octavia peered at her, then at the room. After a moment’s thought, she asked, “Am I dreaming again?”

Luna offered a warm grin. “You most certainly are.”

“Oh.” Octavia sat back and stared at her hooves. “Weird, I’m so small. I don’t remember—” she let out a gasp and flung herself on top of the desk. She curled around it as if it were something precious and fragile. “Don’t look at it! It’s not ready!”

Luna backstepped. “Ready? What’s not ready?”

Octavia shook her head violently. “It’s not ready! You can’t see!” She waved wildly at Luna with a lone leg. “Go away, don’t look at it!”

It took Luna a couple seconds to really understand what was happening, at which point she chuckled.

“It’s not funny!”

“Oh, Octavia…” Luna concentrated, her horn glowing brightly. After a few seconds, the little pony became engulfed in blue smoke. A loud crack arose from within the cloud, and when it dissipated a fully grown Octavia was lying atop the broken desk, her head swaying dizzily.

“W-what? What just happened?”

“Don’t be alarmed,” Luna said with a pleased smile, catching her attention. “It’s a common element of dreams for a pony to be reduced to a… ‘younger’ state. Although I must say, you made for an adorable filly.”

Octavia’s face went pink and she bowed her head, fumbling with her words. This sight made Luna giggle; she’d never realized just how adorable her friend could be. “So,” she began, leaning over the crushed desk, “just what were you working—”

No.” Octavia thrust her hooves at the desk and it promptly burst into flames, forcing Luna to back up. “It’s not ready yet!”

Luna waved the smoke away with a grim frown. “While I commend you for getting the hand of lucid dreaming so quickly, I must ask you to be warier. Unlike you, I am not dreaming.”

“Not dreaming?” Octavia blinked and peered at her. “I’m not sure I understand your meaning.”

“I’m not dreaming,” Luna repeated, pressing a hoof to her own chest. “Through my dreamweaving magic, I have manifested myself physically in the realm of dreams.”

Octavia’s eyes widened. “You mean if you get hurt, it will be real? Doesn’t that make your job dangerous?”

“Very.” Yet Luna smiled warmly. “Do not worry, Octavia. It will take more than a little fire to put me at risk. Still, I ask that you exercise caution.”

“I will.” Octavia nodded frantically. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize the danger.”

“It’s alright.” Luna sat beside her and gestured to the room. “So… this is your old bedroom in Trottingham?”

“Oh, uh…” Octavia glanced around as if just realizing their surroundings. “Yes, the one I shared with Chalk before he moved out. I wonder why I’m here?”

“There could be many reasons,” Luna replied. “Perhaps you were reminded of home somehow. Maybe you were reminded of something special from your foalhood. It may even be that you were frightened by something and sought the comforts of home.” She noted Octavia’s folding ears. “Octavia, is something the matter?”

“No, I just…” Octavia glanced away for several seconds, but finally sighed and turned back to Luna. “I had a lot of reporters come to see me these past three days.”

Luna cocked her head with an uncertain frown. “Did you not anticipate it? I thought it was a given that they would approach you.”

“I know.” Octavia stared at the floorboards, fidgeting from side to side. “I’m just not used to so much attention. They keep coming, asking questions I feel are private, trying to make me say things that aren’t true. So many of them talk as if I’m spending time with you just to advance my career.”

A smile adorned Luna’s lips. “Do not worry, Octavia. I’m not about to believe anything that might appear in the local tabloids. You should see the things they say about my sister and her protégé.”

“That’s not what bothers me,” Octavia said. She looked up at Luna with big, glassy eyes. “All I wanted was for our… friendship to be acknowledged. They all talk about my reasons for spending time with you. I don’t want anypony to think that you’re a stepping stone, but that’s exactly the kind of thing they’re writing! Everypony’s going to think I’m some shallow, cold-hearted social climber.”

Luna felt her heart splitting in two. She gazed into those eyes and felt more regret than she’d ever imagined. “I’m sorry, Octavia. Perhaps we were too quick to make our relationship public. When you said you were prepared—”

“I was prepared!” Octavia began to pace, her head hanging low. “I was prepared to see you brought into the spotlight and given a new identity, to let you shine like you’re supposed to! Why aren’t they going to you and asking questions? Why aren’t they asking me any questions about you? This was supposed to be your beautiful, shining return to the public eye and all they want to know is why I’m putting up with you!”

She turned to Luna, her eyes suddenly hard. “Why are they making our dinner all about me? Why does everything in Canterlot have to be viewed as an act of selfishness? Luna, what is wrong with this city?”

For several seconds, Luna could only gape at her. Then the emotion hit her, but it wasn’t anger or fear or sympathy. Whatever it was, it drove Luna to reached forward with her wings and pull Octavia into her chest. With a warm smile, she bowed her head to the startled pony’s shoulder, cocooning her in feathers and warmth.


“You are a true diamond in the rough, my friend,” Luna whispered. “Here I thought you were upset because of me, and now I see you were upset for me. How could anypony be so selfless?”

“I… uh…” Octavia shifted under Luna’s weight, but then began to press against the princess’s chest. “I wish I was as selfless as you think.”

“Don’t be silly.” Luna raised her head to beam at her. “Your words fill me with joy! I wish there were more ponies of your caliber, Octavia. This world would be a much happier place if it were so.” For the second time, Octavia’s face turned crimson. She promptly buried her face in Luna’s chest, eliciting a chuckle from the alicorn.

Luna leaned her head down once more and delighted in the presence of her friend. “I truly appreciate you, Octavia, in so many ways. Please, don’t let them disturb you anymore. The bridge to my public endearment cannot be crossed with but a single public dinner. We need only be patient.”

Octavia said nothing, though she nodded against Luna’s chest. Luna sighed and stroked the pony’s mane with her pinions. While Octavia remained still and quiet, she looked up and began disseminating their surroundings. Within seconds, the room was gone, replaced by an eternal starscape not unlike that which Octavia had created for her first dream lesson.

“Now then.” Luna stepped back to smile at Octavia, who continued to reach for her even after contact was lost. “Do you remember that gift I mentioned?”

Octavia’s legs remained outstretched as she looked up at Luna with blinking eyes. “Gift?”

“Yes, gift.” Luna winked. “You know, at the dinner?”

“Oh.” Octavia lowered her legs with a frown and pondered, but then her face lit up. “Oh, the gift! Yes, now I remember.”

With a chuckle, Luna turned to face the firmament before them. “I have been doing some research lately, trying to find something special. I ultimately determined that there is something you need, something important that I hope to help you with.”

Octavia sat and gazed up at her with an uncertain expression. “You mean you’ve been researching… me? In what way?”

Luna grinned. “I may not have an active role in governing Equestria – yet – but I am still royalty, and that means I have connections. So I dipped into your past in order to help you solve a problem.”

“M-my past?” Octavia hunched low. “Luna, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this.”

“Don’t worry,” Luna said with a small laugh, “I didn’t uncover any dark, dirty secrets! In fact, all I really did was ask about your family.”


The princess waved at the darkness before them, and something materialized from nothingness. It was a chair, just like one of those that might be found in a theater, and it was empty. “Remember, Octavia, how I used to… ahem, ‘stalk’ you in your dreams? I listened to your little orchestration many times. Of course, I was there to enjoy your heavenly music, but I also noticed some trends.” She glanced at Octavia out of the corner of her eye. “There was that one seat, always empty.”

“O-oh…” Octavia kicked at the non-existent ground and pouted. “So that’s what this is about. Luna, I don’t think that’s something you can help me with.”

Luna gazed at her with a deep frown. “It belongs to your sister, doesn’t it?”

Octavia merely looked away.

“Tell me, if you had the chance to talk to her again, what would you say?”

“I don’t know,” Octavia whispered. “I’d have to go to Nildia to do that, and I don’t intend to do so anytime soon.”

Luna leaned a little closer. “Why not?”

“B-because…” Octavia hunched down once more, her ears folding as she chewed her lip. “I don’t think she’d want to talk to me.”

Luna gave her a weak smile. “I suppose there’s only one way to know for sure.” She turned back to the stars, her horn shining brightly. The space before them began to shift as if it were being viewed through a sheet of water. Slowly, an image took shape within the shivering stars.

There now existed before Luna a broad opening in the air, like a window. Beyond it was what appeared to be a balcony that looked out over a thick forest of unfamiliar trees and flowers. Standing at the railing of this balcony was a young unicorn, her coat a dark orange shade and her mane possessing a very familiar gray color. On her flank was a curious symbol which, after some study, Luna realized was a claw, perhaps for a griffon?

Luna glanced at Octavia, who was staring with wide eyes at the image. “L-Luna, that’s—”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.”

They turned back to the pony, who was glaring out at the forest with a sneer. “Look at your cutie mark. What is it?”

“What do you mean?” a familiar young voice asked. “It’s a musical note. A treble clef.” A small filly appeared as if she had just walked through the ‘window.’ There was no question as to who it was. The filly Octavia couldn’t have been more than twelve.

The real Octavia trembled and shook her head. “L-Luna, why are you making me see this?”

“I am not,” Luna admitted with a solemn frown. “She is.”


“Yes,” the stranger snapped, “it’s a treble clef. It symbolizes what, Octavia?”

“Singing,” the two Octavias spoke in unison, the foal in confusion and the adult in a mere whisper.

“Exactly.” The older mare turned to her, head held high as she towered over the filly. “You should be doing that, not trying to figure out how to do something unrelated to your destiny.”

The filly sat and rubbed her head. “But I wanna play the cello like Aunt Strings. It’s still music. I’m already really good! Someday I’m going to be a master cellist and be rich and important just like you!” She grinned up at the elder pony, hope and innocence shining in her big eyes.

The unicorn threw her head back and laughed. The sound seemed to roll through the air in waves, and the filly sank low at the harsh sound. “You?” the unicorn gasped between breaths. “You want to be an elite pony? By playing the cello? Sweet merciful Celestia, that’s rich!”

The foal Octavia jumped up and glared. “What’s wrong with it? Why can’t I? I just wanna be like you!”

“I made my way through hard work,” the unicorn countered fiercely. “I put my all into my business! It’s been a long and hard road, and you want to get where I am by playing music that isn’t even related to your cutie mark?” The unicorn shook her head with a scowl. “Don’t be an idiot, Octavia.”

I’m not an idiot!” The filly Octavia stomped, her face going red and tears welling in her eyes. “I can work just as hard as you, and I don’t need to be mean about it like you do, Benji!”

“Oh, grow up.” Benjamina turned away from the foal. “Life is hard, Octavia, but it’s impossible for ponies who go against what they are. You’re a singer, so sing.”

“B-but I…” The filly hesitated, her tail wrapping around her flank as she stared at the floor. “I wanted to make Auntie Strings proud.”

“Aunt Strings?” Benjamina huffed and rolled her eyes. “That no account never-was? She’s poor and ignorant. If she knew what was really important, she wouldn’t have spent her life wasting away on something she had no business getting involved in.”

Little Octavia gasped. “Y-you take that back! Auntie Strings is a great musician!”

Benjamina turned on her so fast that Octavia fell on her back. “Then why doesn’t anypony know about her, huh? Why is she an unknown, more insignificant in the music community than a bucking ant? She’s a nopony, Octavia, which is exactly what you’re going to be if you follow in her hoofsteps! It’s no wonder the dumb mare never married, who’d want anything to do with a lifelong failure?”

The filly curled up in a ball and sobbed. “T-take it back. A-auntie Strings was a g-good pony…”

Benjamina sniffed and loomed over the tiny ball of tears. “Some good it did her. If you want to be a failure in life, be my guest, but don’t think for an instant that you can ever be my equal.”

“Stop it.”

Luna blinked; both Octavias had spoken at once. She looked at the real Octavia and was surprised to find those mulberry eyes centered on her. Tears were streaming down Octavia’s cheeks. “Stop it, Luna. Make it stop.”

“I…” Luna hesitated; this wasn’t going at all like she’d planned.

“I’ll show you!” The filly leaped up and glared through her streaming tears. “I’ll be just as important and special as you, I’ll do it without my cutie mark, and I won’t be a stuck up, mean witch like you!”

Benjamina chuckled and waved as the filly galloped away to parts unseen. “Yeah, you write me when that happens. Stupid foal…”

Something was wrong. Luna could see it, but she couldn’t quite make it out. If she were in Benjamina’s dream, then it might have been obvious.

“Luna, turn it off!”

Luna jumped at the shout and turned back to Octavia. “I’m sorry! I didn’t know her dream would involve something like this.”

Octavia’s ears perked. “Her… dream?”

“I only linked your dreams together,” Luna hurriedly explained. “I only meant for you two to see one another. I didn’t know it would involve something like this!”

“I don’t care what it is.” Octavia shook her head frantically. “J-just make it stop!”

Luna turned and waved a wing at the scene. The window began to fade, but as it did Benjamina’s eyes turned to them. She stared through the rapidly fading portal, eyes going wide and jaw dropping. She had no chance to speak before the window closed entirely and the two of them were surrounded by stars once more.

For a time, the world was quiet save for Octavia’s sniffling. Luna’s heart throbbed at the sound. “I am so sorry, Octavia. Had I known what your sister was dreaming of, I never would have—”

“How could you?” Octavia glared up at her. “You invaded our privacy, just like that!”

Luna stammered, eyes wide. “I… O-Octavia, this is no greater than anything I have ever done before. Seeing into ponies’ dreams is necessary to protect them from dangers you can’t yet understand.”

“This wasn’t you running through a random dream and helping a stranger!” Octavia sat and held herself in a tight embrace. “I’m your f-friend, Luna. You should have asked first!”

“Please, hear me out!” Luna raised her hooves as if to ward off blows. She could feel the situation slipping from her grasp, and it left a cold sensation in her stomach. “I didn’t mean to… to… to upset you. I was just trying to—”

Ooooh, looks like things aren’t going as well as we expected.

Luna’s eyes bulged upon hearing that voice. “No, not now!”

Abruptly, the night sky began to morph, bits of blackness and ever-shimmering stars coming together as a strange, warped muck and drooping like melting wax. A fog slowly surrounded them and laughter filled the air. Luna spun in a circle, her heart pounding and her mind running rampant. “Not here! Keep away from this place, you monster!”

Octavia, cheeks still moist, looked about frantically. “Luna, what’s going on?”

Yes, tell her, Nightmare. Tell her who we are and what you fear.

“Go away!” Luna’s wings flared and her horn sparked. “You are not welcome here!”

“Who is that?” Octavia asked, standing and stepping closer to Luna.

The princess jerked about to stare at Octavia. “Y-you… you can hear it?”

Of course she can. This is a dream, and dreams are our domain.

Luna reared her head with a snarl that she hoped hid her rising worry. “Be silent!”

The fog billowed about as if powered by a gale, circling them in a pale vortex. The stars and sky continued to ooze all around them. What terrors lie in this one’s heart? What beautiful agony can she reveal to us?

“L-Luna…” Octavia stepped close to her, tail tucked between her legs as her head swiveled in search of a source for the voice. A lone tendril of fog rose up like a whip and darted for her.

The cloudy limb burst against a dark blue shield. Luna thrust a wing out to cover Octavia. “You will not touch her!”

How protective. Do we believe she is special? Is she important to us? A cackle rolled through the fog like a wave. One more great disappointment. How long before she rips our heart out?

Octavia shivered as if touched by ice. “This is the monster you’ve been fighting, isn’t it?”

Monster? Is that what we call ourselves now?

Luna watched the fog rise up, forming a dense wall all around them. She trembled and pulled Octavia closer with her wings. “I won’t let you harm her. Begone!”

Another tendril reached out for Octavia, this time slowly. Luna bashed it away with her shield only for three more to come forward. We will enjoy this one…

“Luna, w-what do I do?” Octavia watched as Luna continued to fend off the wraith-like appendages. “How do I defend myself?”

“I—“ Luna ground her teeth as she pushed them back over and over again. Why was it attacking in such a lethargic fashion? It had to have some kind of scheme. Was it merely trying to wear her out? Or maybe it simply wished to test the situation and Luna’s reaction. Perhaps it wanted to drive a wedge between them somehow?

“Luna, talk to me!”

“H-hold on,” she replied fiercely. “I’m thinking!”

Yes, keep thinking, Nightmare. Think about all the things we’ll do to her before we succumb to the velvety need.

Luna’s eyes widened; so that was its game. She immediately grabbed Octavia in her hooves and pressed the side of her horn to the startled pony’s forehead. “I’m sorry, but this is going to be very uncomfortable. It’s the only way.”

“The only—” Octavia’s eyes widened as her body became covered in Luna’s dark aura. “W-what are you doing?”

The tendrils approached, testing the barrier that was weakening with every touch. “I’ll explain later,” Luna said. “Please, trust me and stay safe.”

“But I don’t under—”

Octavia’s words faded, first to an echo, and then into nothingness. Her body became a blue aura that also slowly slipped away. Her task done, Luna turned and bolstered her shield, pushing it out and knocking the fog back. “She is gone, you wretched thing; awakened and safe from your infernal meddling. Now you will answer only to me!”

That cold laughter filled the air again, making the fog ripple. Thank you, Nightmare, for clarifying things. We look forward to ripping her mind apart when we aren’t looking.

An icy claw held Luna’s heart, but she responded to the sensation with a snarl. “She will not be dreaming again anytime soon. I will not let you use her as a weapon against me! I swear in the name of my holy father, I will never succumb to you!”

Yes, we’ve said all this before. The fog began to fade. If we intend to be so boring, then we shall go find entertainment in the dreams of others.

“No, do not run away from me!” Luna’s horn flashed as she tried to construct the necessary boundaries. “Face me, abomination!”

Yet even as she felt the chains of the dream lock into place, she knew it was too late: the monster was gone. Luna cursed and pawed at the ground, only to have a glob of sparkling black gunk land atop her head. She shook it off with a snarl and began undoing her own enchantment, determined to follow the damnable creature to the bottom of Tartarus if necessary. She would protect Octavia, whatever that required.