• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2014



Their Queen dead, their hivemind deteriorating, their union collapsing.
Her resolve to help, her want to do things no other would be doing.
Their acknowledge, perhaps their cooperation?
If everything goes alright, maybe she can finally retire.
It's rather tiresome being equestria's 'janitor' after all.

Tags will be updated as time goes on.
cause i'm not sure of what tag to use...

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 2 )

All right, I've read through what you've got so far, and, truth be told, I'm actually pretty impressed. I like the idea of a mysterious ancient pony coming to Equestria in an attempt to reform the changelings and finally settle down. Your grammar and spelling and stuff need some work, but that's nothing a good editor can't fix. Namely, me. I'm up to chapter four if you want it. But as to your premise, I just have one question.
Why? Or more accurately, to what end?
Firefly wants to reform the changelings. Why? How does that help her? And more importantly, why are you writing this story about her? What are you trying to tell us? Same thing with Firefly herself. Her species is not canon to the series; you chose this form for a reason. Why? To what end? Why this form and not, say, an alicorn, or a unicorn, or a griffon, or anything else? What are you trying to say by having Firefly be a mothpony?
I know that's a lot to take in. I've been reading up on narrative theory recently, so I'm obsessed with making sure story has meaning. What is the end goal with this story? What is the conflict? What do the characters stand to learn?
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Firefly wants to help the changelings because they are maligned. She knows what it feels like to be hated because of your appearance, and she wants to give the changelings a chance she never really had. Along the way, she'll force Twilight and company to reconsider their prejudice towards changelings and give them another chance.
Firefly wants to help the changelings because she hates seeing things go extinct. She's lived a long time, after all, and she's also the last of her kind, so she doesn't want to put a changeling in her position. She'll force the mane 6 to reconsider their "kill all changelings" stance and respect the gift of life that even parasites like the changelings carry.
Firefly wants to help the changelings because she's obsessed with power. Her moth form may be weak, but with all the accumulated magical knowledge she's collected, she's a force to be reckoned with. She needs the changelings, not only so she can learn shapeshifting magic, but also to become a force rivalling Celestia herself. But the mane 6 will show her that power isn't everything, that friendship is the truest magic of all.
Firefly wants to help the changelings because she's an agent of change. She's seen civilizations come and go; only she remains constant, the death's-head moth of grim tidings. Perhaps she thinks changelings are the fittest species, what with their shapeshifting and hard exoskeleton and whatnot. Or maybe she just wants to see something new. But Twilight and co. will stand against her, representing the true strength of ponykind. They will protect themselves from the wave of change by standing on their principles, on their steady existence.
I don't know, just thoughts. Whatever you want to do, I want to see it really mean something. Like I said, I'm excited to see where you take it!

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