• Published 3rd Sep 2014
  • 2,415 Views, 222 Comments

A New World, a Fearful Way - Votederpycausemufins

After Arceus moves all the pokemon and former humans to Equus, Lea finds that being an umbreon here, isn't all it seems to be. Especially where she ended up.

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ch. 33 nightmare

“Kya! Use Ember!”

Lea was running with Kya as she tried to catch up to the people with Matrix. The attack was blocked by a Protect, which was followed by a Psyshock from their grumpig. The attack hit Kya, making the little cyndaquil tumble on the grass. Fortunately, Lea was far enough back to scoop Kya in her arms and keep running.

The next attack came from a beedrill, which was an X-Scissor. Lea was hurt more than Kya. and the small eevee let out a small cry of despair from the cage he was in.

Lea was still able to keep running, not wanting to lose her newest family member. The grumpig’s trainer looked angry. She barked a command and the vehicle they were in finally stopped. They jumped out, leaving Matrix and the cage in the vehicle.

“Grumpig, get rid of them.” The woman said.

Suddenly, the grumpig’s eyes started to glow along with its pearls. Out of nowhere, a large rock appeared. The surrounding area seemed to fade away and Kya was lifted up into the air and slammed onto the rock. Lea gave a cry of despair, but found herself unable to move. The group with Matrix had grown, and with them now was also a liepard and an absol. All of them had evil grins as Kya was brought down on the rock again and again.

When they finally stopped, the little cyndaquil was covered in blood. Lea tried to run over to Kya, but fell on the ground as her leg started to blaze with pain. She gripped her leg in her hands, hoping to somehow stop the pain.

“Don’t worry Mommy…”

Looking up, Lea saw Kya limping towards her. When the quilava finally reached her, Kya instantly turned around to face the evilly grinning absol, which had followed her over. Lea wanted to get up to help, but her one leg just got in the way, keeping her on the ground. The absol got closer, and tried to attack before Kya hit her with a Flamethrower.

When the flames died down, the absol still stood there, her horn with blood splatters on it which matched the red ribbon on the base of the horn. As Angela got closer, Lea could see her eyes were a blank white color. Once more Kya tried attacking, but nothing effected Angela. Just before the absol was upon them, she faded from view to reveal Grumpig, her eyes and pearls glowing a menacing red and purple instead of blue.

Lea tried to wrap her paws around Kya and keep her safe. But she was pulled away in Grumpig’s psychic grip.

“Are you ready for round two?” Grumpig said before smashing Kya into the ground.

Kya’s figure became even more red colored as more wounds were created. Lea’s eyes turned away as she felt something below her. She could see a large black circle forming around where she was. Shadowy tendrils came from it, and latched onto her legs and neck. Slowly, they started to pull her into the ground. Looking back up, Lea found Grumpig finishing up with Kya.

Just before her eyes were pulled into the black void, the quilava was thrown just a foot from the circle. Her lifeless body covered in her own blood. Next, all Lea could feel was pain.

And then...

"ENOUGH!!" A powerful voice tore through everything, wiping away Lea's surroundings and blasting it, and everyone else, to dust. Once the dust had blown away, Lea spotted a dark blue mare with an ethereal, star filled mane. "Art thou alright?" She asked Lea.

“What? How?” Lea said shocked as she could suddenly see again. She could feel her face was wet with tears.

The mare flew over to Lea and kneeled down next to her before wrapping the umbreon in one of her wings. "It is alright little one," she said soothingly. "The nightmares cannot bother you anymore, not while we are here."

“Thi- this was a nightmare?” Lea asked the alicorn. “Then… that means you should be Princess Luna.”

“Indeed,” Luna said with a smile. “And who might you be?”

“I’m Lea.” She replied, not wanting to smile back. “I’m.. I’m going to have to do this again…”

“What does’t thou mean?” Luna asked. “I promise the nightmares will not bother you, I shall ensure that.”

“The nightmares aren’t real! But what happened last night is! I don’t want to see Kya dead again!”

Luna looked shocked, she still wasn’t use to more nightmares being based in reality than in some kind of emotional problem as it had been with the ponies. “My apologies,” Luna said sadly. “Is there anything that we can do to help?”

Lea’s anger started to fuel her responses. “You and your sister have done enough for me. The guards that came weren’t able to help anyone! The only thing they helped with was ensure that Caddi is easy to find out! You seem to care more about fun. Everyone was too distracted by the announcement of the Canterlot Contest to notice my kidnapping! And because of that, Everyone was hurt, and some are most likely dead!” Lea finally stopped to take a breath from her small rant.

Luna remained silent for a few seconds before responding. "We... I am sorry," she said sadly. "My sister told me she was sending some guards nearby, but I did not think much of it," she sighed. "It is our fault the events that have befallen you and your friends... I am sorry, if there is anything I can do to help you, I will see that it is done."

Lea took Luna’s words in, and, after she realized she had probably come close to offending a being who could move the moon, she replied to the princess.

“I just want some kind of punishment for those ponies and pokemon, but…” She thought for a second. “I think it’s that grumpig. She did… something to them. She’s the one who caused all of this.”

“Something to them... tell me, is Grumpig a Psychic type?” Luna asked.

“Yes… and unusually strong for her specific type of pokemon. She was actually able to hurt Matrix. What’s worse is that she was the most psychotic pokemon I’ve ever seen. She was able to control my sister and almost had her kill some of our family.”

“These Psychic Pokemon seem to cause more problems than the others,” Luna mused to herself. “Fortunately, we know one who has been quite helpful with situations like this in the past few weeks, and we are sure he is more powerful than any Grumpig.”

“No, no more psychics! I’ve had enough of them! I’m beginning to see why Kya was so afraid of them before!”

Luna frowned. “Ah, Mewtwo will be disappointed... we can ensure the offenders will be arrested and moved to Canterlot, there we can have the... affected, see a Psychic for help.”

“Not sure how that will help, but thanks for the offer.” Lea paused as she finally allowed herself to fully calm down. “I should probably wake up now, shouldn’t I?”

“If that is your wish, I can return you to the waking world,” Luna told her.

“Better to face what’s there than wait in fear of what could be happening. So if you’d be able to… I’d like that, thank you.”

Luna nodded and touched her horn to Lea’s forehead. “Farewell Lea, perhaps we shall meet again in the material world.” With her goodbye spoken, she released her magic, sending her back to the waking world.

“I’ll be sure to do that.” Lea said, finding herself in a bed back in the Poke Center back home.

Author's Note:

So... raise your hoof/hand/appendage if you were confused before Luna showed up.
And speaking of Luna, I didn't write her. Zeus helped with this chapter as well. Anything you want to add?
Just that. Like always, I enjoyed helping write this, Luna is one of my favorite ponies to write.
So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter with Lea cause you ain't gonna see her for a while
This also ends the Grumpig arch of the story.