• Published 6th Sep 2014
  • 4,641 Views, 283 Comments

Old Flames and New Sparks - GentlemanJ

When a piece of the marshal's colorful past comes back to town, Rarity starts to wonder whether some things just weren't meant to be.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

When the violet-haired beauty awoke the next morning, it was to a pounding head and a mouth tasting of stale chocolate and regret. Still in yesterday’s clothes and even worse, yesterday’s makeup, Rarity was rather disoriented by the state of her dress and twice more confused when she found herself sprawled out on her living room couch instead of her nice, comfy bed. For the life of her, Rarity had no idea what was she’d been doing or why, a thoroughly unpleasant state that had her rather cross with her past self.

Then she remembered, and the groans began in earnest.

She’d told herself not to get jealous. She’d told herself not to get emotional. But she’d done just that, which lead to what always happened when she got into a truly frentic tizzy – she got out the chocolate.

In all honesty, she hadn’t realized there’d been so much liquor in those bon bons, but there had been, and the result was a series of conversations and actions that Rarity truly wished she could pick out from the fabric of space and time. Yet as much as she might wish it, she knew that the stain on the marshal’s shirt wasn’t the only one she’d have to deal with, or the most difficult.

Crawling up to her bathroom, Rarity rinsed the funk from her face and skin, thanked her lucky stars that the cosmetics hadn’t resulted in a pimple, and got busy readying herself for what she expected would be an incredibly unpleasant encounter.

Graves would be angry, possibly even livid, though he’d do what he could to hide it behind that stony silence of his. Of course, he had every right to be, considering the horrid way she’d treated him. Honestly, why had she taken out all her insecurities on him? He’d never given her any reason to doubt him, never even looked at another woman.

Okay, so he had talked with Miss Roamanaov more freely than anyone else she’d ever known. And he’d laughed a lot more with her than anyone else. And he’d gotten awfully, awfully close in their “sparring” matches. And he’d given her a cute nick–

No, no, no! She was not going down that trail again. Whatever he’d done, she was certain there had been no ill intent behind it, meaning that any unpleasantries were solely products of her own neurotic fancies. She would own up to her insecurities, apologize as profusely as possible, and pray to the twin celestials that he wouldn’t be cross with her for too long. Her nerves had never been good with angry silence.

Finally, freshly powdered, hair arranged, and dressed in her classic white blouse and pencil skirt, Rarity took a deep breath to gather her courage and went to see Graves, only to run into a slight hitch in her plans.

The marshal wasn’t there.

Locked and bolted as it always was when he left, the house was safely shut up like her jewelry box whenever Sweetie Bell came over. But where had he gone?

“Yo, ‘sup Rares?”

Starting in surprise, Rarity cast her eyes upwards and caught sight of the rainbow-haired flyer drifting lazily overhead.

“Oh. Hello, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity smiled. “Do you happen to know where the marshal might be?”


“Wait, really?”

“Yup. He took the first train out this morning.”

“And how would you know that?” Rarity asked with more than a slight amount of surprise.

“ ‘Cause I saw him?”

“You were up by the first train?” Rarity blinked. “But… how?”

“Because I’m… always up?” Rainbow Dash blinked in return. “I always get an early practice in, just like the Wonderbolts. Duh.”

Well if that wasn’t just the satin lining on a bolt of linen. She’d always known Rainbow Dash to be the perpetually nap-happy loafer. Who’d have thought there’d actually be a reason?

“… Yeah, so like I was saying,” Rainbow Dash continued, “Seems like he was in a pretty big rush, wherever he was heading. My guess is Canterlot since that spy chick went with him and everything.”

This? This was precisely what Rarity did not need to hear.

“Y-you mean that he and… Miss Roamanov… left together?”

“Uh huh. Like I said, first–”

Now it was Rainbow Dash’s turn to be surprised as Rarity took off faster than anyone in heels has any right to move.

It was worse than she’d imagined, far worse. Of course, she’d expected that Graves would be upset with her, but to this degree? Then again, she had told him to – ugh – get out. Of course, it had been an excited utterance and one that had only intended to last till the following morning. But what if Graves had taken it more literally? What if… what if he’d actually– no, no time for pessimism. Now was the time for action.

With an energy born of almost desperation, Rarity jumped back to her desk, swept away the numerous candle stubs she could not remember burning, and instantly got to work. Graves was gone, but if the tear was still fresh and in sight, it’d be much easier to mend. If the marshal and – ugh again – Araneida had gone to Canterlot, and the chances were good they had given their mutual connections, then it might be possible for Rarity to use the city to her advantage and try to win Graves back.

Were Cadance and Shining Armor available? She’d have to see as they would be powerful allies indeed. Locations? The two hadn’t spent much time their together, but she could probably rustle up a few romantic spots for a hideaway, assuming he was still willing to– no. Pessimism later. Conversations? As long as Araneida was around, that would be tricky. How could Rarity maneuver so that she would be able to–

A knock at the door completely derailed her train of thought.

“Rrrrgh! Of all the… ugh. Coming!”

Trying to swallow the irritation of being interrupted, Rarity got up in a huff and went to answer the untimely summons.

“Uh, hi, Rarity,” Twilight Sparkle smiled, just a bit nervous upon catching her first look of her fashionable friend’s flashing eyes. “Is this a bad time?”

“In a manner of speaking,” Rarity sighed, more exasperated at the circumstances than at her friend. “I seem to be having a slight… domestic dispute with Graves, so I really should be–”

“Oh, if that’s the case,” Twilight interrupted brightly, “then this might help.” And to Rarity’s great surprise, the town bookworm reached into her sweater vest and pulled out a envelope addressed to her in a very familiar hand.

“My word, is this from Graves?” Rarity blinked.

“Seems like it,” Twilight nodded. “Spike just burped it up a few minutes ago, so I figured I’d run it over and–”

Snatching the letter with unseemly haste, Rarity pulled open the plain wax seal and unfolded the document. There, in the blocky print she’d grown so accustomed to seeing, was a short, simple message.


Please come to Canterlot by the first train tomorrow. I’ll be waiting.


“… Uh, Rarity? You alright?”


“You kind of drifted off there,” Twilight frowned. “Everything okay?”

“Oh. Well, yes I suppose… that is, I would think…” Taking a deep breath, Rarity recollected her thoughts and began anew. “Honestly, I’m not quite sure.”

“Ah, I see,” Twilight nodded in that understandingly enlightened way all scholars somehow seem to pick up through their books. “Well, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. After all, there’s nothing short of an apocalypse that can get between you and Graves, now is there?”

“One would hope not,” Rarity smiled weakly.

With a small exchange of pleasantries and tentative plans for tea later in the weak, Twilight bade her farewells and returned to the library, which left Rarity alone with her thought that now centered completely on the document in hand.

Graves had contacted her, which was good, right? After all, it meant that he wasn’t going so far as to cut all ties, as she’d feared. On the other hand, he’d never communicated by letter before; perhaps he was so upset with her that he couldn’t bear to speak with her? But what if he was just being considerate of her deplorable state from last night? She hadn’t liked what she’d seen, and she certainly wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to witness it either. But then again, he had left with Miss Roamanov, which could very well mean that…

Round and round the thoughts went, a veritable merry go round of thoughts that had about as much forward movement. No matter how much Rarity puzzled over the letter, there was just not enough for her to work with. All she knew was that Graves had left town with his agent friend after a particularly unpleasant meeting with her, but now wished for her to come to him. For even one as astute as her herself, the possibilities were simply too many to count.

Thus, the sun had set on a particularly odd day. Rarity had been all ready to face the music, only to realize the entire symphony had vanished. Whether this was a good or bad thing was well beyond her ken and with nobody who knew of the marshal’s intent, the most important question of why he’d left remained woefully unanswered.

Ah well, at least it would soon be clear, right? Crawling under her downy comforter – makeup meticulously removed this time – Rarity sighed as the malaise of a problem deferred without satisfaction dragged her into a fitful and uneasy sleep. Tomorrow, she would get on that first train to Canterlot. Tomorrow would be the day where she could hopefully resolve all this once and for all.


The first train to Canterlot always left just after sunrise, which meant that Rarity was up hours before in order to get ready. Preparation for big events always took some time, and today might very well be the biggest event since– no, it might very well be the biggest event period.

The perfect outfit. Silk blouse, newly made and tailored to fit like the famed qi pao with a navy pencil skirt just as snug and blue enough to bring out a subtle match with the sapphire of her eyes. Sensibly elegant heels and a thin chain of aquamarines about her neck finished the simple ensemble. Graves appreciated the simple. He would probably appreciate the look.

Makeup. With ample time this day, she could really get to work hiding the dark circles from too many restless nights. A dash of rouge, a brush of paint, and just the tiniest touch of powder to accent what was already there. Scents? A touch of her usual lavender perfume, perhaps. Just a touch. The marshal had a rather keen nose, and too much could be far worse than none at all.

Hair. A hundred strokes through her violet tresses brought out their inner luster and a quick twirl returned them to their usual, soft curls. Tie them up? She could try to redo the fanciful do she’d worn for the Gala last year. … no, Graves seemed to like the way they fell about au natural. She would leave it as is.

When finally she finished, Rarity actually look almost the exact same as she usually did. Almost. Anyone could a good job with the right paints and clothes. The real difference lay in the details. Everything Rarity had done was exactly in line with her typical attire, her look so to speak. It was only in the minute accents and those subtle improvements that elevated her from a very pretty girl to a stunning beauty.

She hoped. Whatever her own thoughts on the matter, the real importance came down to what Graves thought. Would it be enough to soften his mood and give her a chance to apologize? At that moment, she could only wait and pray.


As the train screeched into the station under a bright, late morning sun, an outwardly composed and inwardly frentic Rarity gracefully deboarded.

She hadn’t slept a wink. Usually, she could catch a few restful z’s on the long trip over from Ponyville. Then again, she hadn’t gotten much sleep last night, so could she really have expected any different?


With a muffled yelp, Rarity made a quick pirouette and found herself looking up into the gunmetal grey eyes of her beloved Graves.

“Good… good morning,” she replied, a touch breathless from the mix of surprise and jangling nerves. “How are you, today?”

“Good,” he nodded. “You?”

“Good. Quite good.”


It was an awkward conversation, but then again, it was a rather awkward meeting. While Rarity was usually good about picking up on the marshal’s subtle cues, he’d gone into one of his stony moods again. His face was decidedly more… impassive. Guarded. Whatever he was thinking, it was locked up more tightly than the Elements of Harmony where the sentries had been given clear orders to break rank for nobody. Not even with Rarity.

That wasn’t good. Or was it? She really couldn’t tell.

“So…” Rarity began once her delicate cough broke the stifling silence, “you… wanted to see me?”

“Yeah. Come on. Let’s go.”

“Go?” Rarity blinked. “Go where?”

“You’ll see.”

With no choice but to follow along behind as the marshal turned about, the two made their silent way across the station square. Silent, because Graves seemed about as chatty as a Brother of the Silence, and Rarity because the lump in her throat probably would have choked off any words she tried to say. Instead, she instead chose to watch.

He looked the same as he ever did, what with his broad, flat-brimmed hat pulled down and a long, leather coat gently rippling in the wake of his long strides. Really, it wasn’t fair. Here she was, positively beside herself with nerves, and he just strolled along all easy breezy, fancy free. Well, she had to admit it wasn’t all bad. After all, he had at least been willing to meet with her, right? Even if the circumstances were rather suspicious to say the least, that had to count for something. Plus, she got to watch him walk. No idea why, but there was something about seeing him, all stoic silence and immovable strength that sent a pleasant tingle all throughout her body. Really, why did he have to go hiding it so with that coat? Perhaps if she fashioned a…

As Rarity became increasingly absorbed in her pleasant little fantasies, she failed to notice where it was that Graves was leading. More her loss, because paying attention could have spared her a good deal of shock.

“Alright,” he rumbled. “First stop.”

Rarity started. She looked up.

Wait, what?


It wasn’t…

It couldn’t…

It just didn’t make sense.

“Graves,” she gaped as breath left her lungs in a startled gasp. “This… this is…”
