• Published 9th Sep 2014
  • 2,804 Views, 26 Comments

Escape From Equestria - HunterBraxton

What happens when three best friends and a truck get dumped in to an Equestria that wants to kill them? What if their only hope is to escape with no actual plan?

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Chapter 2

Escape from Equestria
Chapter 2

“Well then, I do believe some proper introductions are in order.”

“Why don’t I just start beating all of you into the ground? Equestria doesn’t have time for spies.” The rainbow haired girl said as she stared into my eyes, hers filled with boiling rage.

“First off, because there is three of us,” I said, gesturing to my friends and then myself, “and only one of you. Secondly, we don’t want to bring any harm to you, and if we wanted to then we could have. And thirdly, Equestria? Is that where we are now?”

“How do I know you aren’t spies? Humans have never meant anything but trouble!”

“You know of our species? Are there more of us?”

“Well, you’re just an old mare’s tale. But still, you could be spies! You’re not supposed to be able to speak equestrian.”

I let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of my and said, “Listen, we’re not her to hurt you, okay? We just want to go back to our homes in Tennessee. And we really need some help with getting there.”

“Ten- what?” Our colorful acquaintance asked in confusion, tilting her head to the side slightly.

“Tennessee.” Mack corrected her.

“Gatlinburg, Tennessee to be precise.” Brian chipped in, adding to her confusion.

“You guys are seriously weird.” She said, pointing at all three of us.

“We could say the same of you, people where we’re from don’t usually have rainbow hair, or tails, or hooves, or be half horse for that matter.”

“Hey! Don’t call me a horse! I’m a pony for your information.”

“Ah. Terribly sorry, I wasn’t aware of your species prefers to be referred to as. Back to the introductions. My name is Cain and these two devilishly handsome fellows are Mack and Brian.” I said pointing to each of my companions as I said their names.

“Rainbow Dash.” She said, letting her guard down a little.

“Excellent. Moving on, where we come from there is no place called Equestria, and there are no ponies of your sort.”

“Of your sort? What is that supposed to mean?”

“We have ponies, but they are intelligent like you, nor do they walk on two legs. Like I was saying, I have determined, that we are no longer in our world. Now, would you be so kind as to take us to some sort of government official?”

“I could take you to my friend, Twilight. She’s one of the princesses, and lives right here in Ponyville. Plus she’s really good at magic, so she might be able to send you back.”

I stood there looking at her, not saying anything. Just trying to comprehend exactly what I had just heard. “Princess? Ponyville? Magic?” I stopped for just a second, once again trying to comprehend the words I was hearing. I turned around to look at my friends, but they were just as confused as I was. “Okay, whatever, let’s just go. We don’t have much of a choice anyway.”

“Can we take your thing?” Rainbow dash asked me.

“My truck?”

“Yeah, your trunk. It looks awesome. Can we take it?”

“Truck, not trunk. It is awesome, thank you. However, I think it would be best if we walked, having three creatures that aren’t supposed to exist walk through town will be enough of a shock, a black mechanical beast will just make matters worse.”

“I’m not walking anywhere. Those ponies can black out for all I care.” Mack said.

Rainbow then got right in his face and began to angrily shout, “Hey bub, you better watch what you say or Celestia will have you locked so far underground, you'll never see the light of day again.”

“HEY!” I interjected as I got between the two. “Rainbow, he’s stupid, don’t listen to him, and Mack, be nice. If you want you can stay with the truck, you might just have to come rescue us anyway.”

“Cain, I’m not nice, we’ve been brothers long enough for you to know that.”

I let out my hundredth sigh of the day and said to him, “I’m so fucking done with you,” before I started to laugh a little.

“Alright, let’s do this. We take the truck to the edge of the forest but no further.” I walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. “Rainbow Dash, I suppose you would like a front row seat.”

“Would I!” she excitedly exclaimed before jumping in.

Mack and Brian climbed into the backseat and I took my usual spot behind the wheel. I turned the key and the engine roared to life. Rainbow looked at everything in awe. “Too cool.” She said in a mesmerized voice.

“You ain’t seen nothin yet.” I said shifting it into drive and giving it some gas to move forward as fast as I could manage in the thick trees. Within minutes we were once again looking at Ponyville. Brian, and I exited the truck, Brian opened Rainbow’s door for her and she hopped out, meanwhile, I climbed into the back and started digging around in the bed box. After a minute or so I had found the two items I was looking for, a pair of handheld radios. I put some batteries in both and turned them on. “Mack, take this and keep it on, they have a range of six miles so if you have to fall back into the forest some; so be it.” I took my own radio and tucked it into the inside of my jeans. “If shit goes south, you’re our only hope.”

I walked over to Rainbow and Brian and looked at the two mile walk ahead of us. “You two ready?”

“Yep.” Brian simply responded.

Rainbow Dash, however, decided to extend her wings and jump into the air. “Let’s go.” And she started to slowly fly forward. It didn’t take her long to realize that all three of us non-winged humans were staring at her in shock.

“What are you guys looking at?”

“You can fly?” I asked her in pure amazement.

“Umm, yeah. Come on, let’s go.”

Brian and I simply looked at each other in disbelief. I gave myself a few good slaps to the face and followed her with Brian by my side. I looked at my pocket watch to see what time it was, and the hands said 8:47. The walk was long and hard. I spent most of my time gazing at the mountains in the distance, wondering what was beyond them. Most of the time I was gazing at the castle hanging off of one of mountains. I turned my head to look at Brian, he was staring straight ahead at Ponyville. Rainbow dash was above and in front of us flying with her arms crossed. I had a very good view at her rear, which was the closest I had ever seen to perfect. Even though she was a completely different species from me, I would still give her a ten out of ten. I’m not sure how long I was blatantly gawking at her rump, but I soon felt Brian tapping on my left shoulder. I looked over at him and was met with his famous shit-eating grin, and he could barely contain his laughter. My eyes grew wide as I realized what was so funny. I shook my head violently denying his silent accusation, as I was doing so he was just nodding slowing, there was no use fighting it, he got me. He then pulled out his phone, unlocked it, and began typing something. When he was finished typing he handed it to me, he had pulled up the notepad and typed out Go get ‘em tiger. Well, at least I know he would be supportive. I hung my head in defeat and laughed silently. I looked at him again and he was giving me double thumbs up with the same grin on his face. I just shook my head and faced toward our destination, but not before having another quick peek above me. This of course earned me a little bit of snickering, and a good-natured punch to the shoulder. To retaliate I backhanded him in the stomach. “What are you two doing down there?”

I immediately pointed at Brian and said, “Miss, he hit me.”

Brian looked at me for a second like ‘you little son of a bitch,’ but it didn’t last long before we both began to do a LOL. Rainbow Dash just squinted her eyes at us with her mouth open slightly. “I’m taking a pair of sixth graders to see a princess.”

“Oh, come on, Dash, we aren’t that bad.” I called up to her.

“Yeah, we could be making penis jokes.” Brian retorted.

Rainbow didn’t say anything to us, she only face palmed and flew a little faster.

It didn’t take us much longer to reach Ponyville. We walked across a small stream on a cobblestone bridge and were immediately greeted by many different disapproving reactions. Some were confused. Some were scared. A few were absolutely disgusted. One pink mare, I think that’s what they’re called, with blond hair and a white flower tucked behind her ear screamed out, “The horror! The horror!” and ran away in a zig-zag pattern with her arms up in the air.

One mint colored pony with what appeared to be a horn on her head was on the ground being drug off by a cream colored mare. With one hand she was digging into the dirt trying to hamper her… I’m going to say companion. With the other she was reaching towards us longingly, I was slightly scared of what her intentions were. Was she just curious? Did she want to steal my kidney? Brian was already missing one of his from a situation involving Taiwanese strippers in Kaohsiung City. Or was she that scary type of kinky where they lock you in a dark room and only feed you Viagra for three days before the cops show up? While she was being drug off she was saying “Look Bon Bon! Humans!”

“Lyra, shut up.” The cream colored mare said to her crazy looking victim.

I wasn’t sure which one of them I should feel sorry for. I shrugged and mentally wished them the best of luck anyway. Brian must have noticed them too, he tapped on my arm a few times with the back of his hand and asked me, “Should we be concerned about her?”

“Quite possibly, we can’t have a repeat of that time in Azerbaijan now, can we?”

A violent shiver ran down his spine at the thought of that. “Oh sweet Jizzus, no!”

“Or that time when we had to rescue Mack from that Latina sorority, and they had him naked and chained to the floor?”

“I still can’t get the image of his ass out of my head, at least they gave him a sock.”

“Yes, a tube sock. It did so much good!” I said with a chuckle at the end.

“I have a feeling that I really don’t want to know what you guys are talking about.” Rainbow said without even looking at us.

“You don’t.” Brian and I said in perfect unison.


I looked at my pocket watch again, it was almost ten. I was somewhat surprised at how long it took us to get here. We continued down the main street of Ponyville. Closer to what I think was the center of town there was a large square that the ponies used as an open air market. In the center was a fountain and on the other side was a multistory building that I suppose was the town hall. We walked right past this and soon passed a building that looked like it was made of gingerbread and candy. Through the windows I could see a pink pony with extremely poofy hair bouncing around with her eyes closed, tongue out, and a tray of what looked like cupcakes in her hands. The sight of them made my stomach grumble. I hadn’t eaten anything besides a few snacks at the party, but that was a long time ago. “Hey, Rainbow?”

“Does this Princess Twilight friend of yours have food?”

“Of course, why, are you hungry?”

“Yes, very.”

“Me too.” Brian seconded.

“I doubt she wouldn’t have Spike cook something for us. What about Mack?”

“If she doesn’t lock us up or try to kill us I’ll contact him and tell him to come.”

By the time we were done discussing food we were already on the Princess’s doorstep. Rainbow Dash landed and walked over to ring the doorbell. As soon as she did a loud resounding dong could be heard. Above us someone shouted “Coming,” and the clopping of hooves on crystal could be heard. A deadbolt was undone and the great door swung open. On the other side was a purple furred pony with a deep violet mane, I noticed that she had both wings and a crown. I have observed thus far that some of these ponies have horns, some wings, a lot have neither, but only one has both. “Rainbow! What are you doing here? And why haven’t you been answering your-.”

It was then that she noticed us standing there. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging wide open, I could have sworn I saw a fly, fly straight in. “Hi. My name is Cain, and this Brian. And judging from the fact that you match the color scheme of this castle, you must be Princess Twilight, and Rainbow has told us so many good things about you.”