• Published 13th Sep 2014
  • 1,949 Views, 141 Comments

Springtime for Sombra - GreyGuardPony

Manehatten! Bustling metropolis and center of Equestria's theatre scene. And in that city, three friends will have to think fast to save a disastrous production. About King Sombra.

  • ...

The Train There

Morning came early, as it was want to do in the Apple household.

Skitch-Sketch was already beginning to stir when the rooster crow cut through the morning air. A month and a half of living on Sweet Apple Acres had begun to make its routine almost normal for her.

Not that she particularly enjoyed it, all the same.

Her ears swiveled towards the energetic clip-clops of Apple Bloom rushing past the door as she flopped onto her side- correction, her flank. She had those now. Though- four months on since her transformation- she still found herself sometimes forgetting that it had happened in the mind numbing doldrums of that half asleep-half awake state that exists just as one begins to stir. Her current state quickly came crashing back to reality, however, when she tried to wiggle her fingers and toes while stretching and the immovable nature of her hooves once more became apparent.

With a grunt, the unicorn flopped out of bed, landing on those hooves with a loud thunk and a wide yawn.

The guest room that had become her bedroom still mostly showed its Apple Family influences. Simple walls that were a mixture of wood paneling on the lower half and pastel green paint on the upper. Apple painted on the bed, apple painted above the door, apple painted on the door.

Still, she had been working to add her own taste in decoration to her living space. A pencil sketch of the Chicago skyline was pinned against one wall, a drawing of her own family (with her female self rather than male) pinned in the middle of that. Around the rest of the room, sketches of her Ponyville friends and neighbors adorned the walls, creating an improvised pencil gallery of ponydom.

Trotting across the floor with a slight sway in her step, Skitch paused before the sturdy square dresser and attached vanity mirror that was nestled against the left hoofed wall. Three brushes, a nail file, a dull metal hook like device (known as a hoof picker, according to Rarity), and pair of clean towels waited for the morning ritual.

And what a morning ritual it was.

Skitch had quickly learned upon returning to Equestria that daily bathing really wasn’t something ponies did. Which wasn’t to say that they didn’t bathe at all, quite the contrary, in fact. But pony coats produced their own natural oils that helped keep them soft, shiny, and somewhat water resistant. Excessive bathing and shampooing could strip those oils away leaving one’s coat, as Rarity would put it, “a horribly dry and itchy rats nest”; a characterization of rats that Fluttershy had immediately objected to, the pegasus pointing out their grooming habits.

Thusly, Skitch had moved to a routine of daily brushings, with a bath every three days or so, and shampooing every other week.

Picking up the first brush (use of her magic for minor things had become second nature at this point) she attacked her coat, moving down the length of her body in a series of circular motions to work the dust and dirt loose. Once that was accomplished, she switched to a longer bristled affair to straighten everything out. The third brush attacked her mane and tail, working the kinks out of their naturally wavy state.

Then it was time to check her hooves. This was where she was quite glad that Equestrian ponies seemed to be double jointed pretty much everywhere. Each one was checked and then cleaned with the pick, great care being taken to make sure nothing was wedged between the frog and the nail of the hoof. Finally, the towels were used to rub down her coat for a final polish.

“Oy vey.” She sighed, taking in her groomed appearance in the mirror. “Two more years of this.”

She paused for a moment, a slight grin crossing her muzzle.

“My coat is shiny though.”

“Skitch!” Applejack’s voice hollered up the stairs. “Ya better move your tail before all the breakfast is gone!”

With a half cry-half yelp, Skitch charged down stairs sliding into the crowded kitchen. Delicious aromas immediately hit her nose from the thinning repast spread out across the apple wood table.

It was waffle day!

Crowding into a seat next to Big Mac she eagerly joined the flurry of hooves the scooped food onto their plates. She had learned that being slow and precise was a good way to go hungry rather quickly upon moving in. Despite the large quantity of food that Applejack and Big Mac cooked each morning, the whole family ate like...well, horses.

The stacks of waffles, scrambled eggs (the fact that ponies could still eat eggs was something she appreciated) and hay bacon (the existence of which still boggled her mind) dwindled in quick order, until there was only one fluffy waffle left. Skitch’s magic and Big Mac’s fork lashed out for it at the same time, the pair finding themselves stuck in a breakfast based tug of war.

“Big Mac.” Skitch glared. “Leggo my Eggo.”

“Nope.” The stallion smirked back.

“Drop the waffle!”

“Ya drop the waffle!”

They were almost snout to snout now, neither one willing to back down.

“I want it.” Skitch declared.

“Ah’m bigger than you. Ah need the energy.”

“Consarnit you two.” Applejack drawled. “Just kiss and get it over with already.”

Skitch sputtered in indignation, losing her grip on said breakfast treat. Big Mac took advantage of her lapse in concentration to scarf down the waffle and trot for the door to get a jump on his morning chores, Apple Bloom slipping out behind him. Skitch glared daggers at Applejack, the farmer chuckling at the unicorn’s indignation.

“Not funny.”

“Aw, lighten up.” She grinned back. “Ah was just teasin’.”

“‘Sides,” Granny Smith grinned. “You two would be downright cute together.”

“Nope.” Skitch responded with a frown.

“Now, now.” The elderly Apple chided with a wave of her hoof. “Yer a fine young mare in the prime of yer life.”

“Mrs. Smith.” She blinked. “I was human. I’m still planning on changing back when I can.”

“Well, nopony’s perfect.”

Reduced to a stunned silence, Skitch could only watch as Granny Smith trotted from the room with a chuckle and a wink. Applejack shook her head, pushing Skitch’s dropped jaw closed.

“Ya’ll right there?”

“...That depends. Did your grandmother just try to set me up with your brother?”

“Ahh, I’m sure she was just kidding.”

“Uh huh.” Skitch rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say AJ. Anyway, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Nothin’ that I can’t handle with Big Mac. Go ahead and take the day off.”


“Skitch. How many jobs ya been working to try and earn your house back? Take a break. That lawyer Celestia gave ya seems to have things well in hoof.”

“Hmmph.” Skitch frowned, heading for the door. “I was expecting him to back down when I threatened the lawsuit. But no, he’s downright prepared to play this out to the end.”

“And yer gonna win.” Applejack nodded, throwing a leg around her friend’s neck. “You’ve done nothin’ but try to help Equestria since ya got here. Even when you have done some...foolish things.” She finished with a shoulder punch.

“You’re never going to let me live that secret file thing down, are you?”

“Maybe. But right now its still somethin’ ah can rib ya about.” With her peace said, Applejack calmly flipped her stetson onto her head and trotted out the door. “See ya tonight.”

“Hmm. A day off then.” Skitch thought, shrugging. “Ehh. Why not.”

- - - -

Skitch celebrated her day off with another two hours of sleep, throwing on her saddlebags and wandering her way towards town after the sun had gotten a good start on its journey through the sky. Ponyville’s farmers were already at work, though, as the season moved into late summer the pace of their output had slowed. It was time to preserve stocks, begin to prepare for the autumn and winter, and the final harvest of the season.

Becoming part of a farming community had been another one of those minor things about the shift in her life that she had never really considered until it happened. Living in Chicago, food was the thing she got at the store, or at Giordano’s when she wanted a deep dish pizza. But now she was surrounded by green and could get fresh produce pretty much whenever she wanted.

Damn, I could go for some Giordano’s though.

Crossing into town proper her journey came to a pause as a pony crossed the street in front of her.

Time Turner.

The stallion trotted along with bit of a jaunt in his step, humming a cheerful tune as he slid a few pears into his saddlebags.

Skitch’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the hourglass cutie-mark on his side. Like all Bronies, she was at the very least aware of the fan interpretations of Doctor Whooves. She couldn’t help but wonder if that was the case in this universe.

On the one hoof, she hadn’t noticed anything like daleks or cyberponies skulking around and he looked kind of similar to a pony she had seen on the night The Collector attacked. On the other one, many assumptions she had made about this world had been wrong so far, and he was eating pears.

The Doctor hated pears.

She hesitated for a few moments, before following, hanging back a few feet to try and not make it obvious that she was basically stalking him. She could only imagine the conversation that she’d be forced to have with him if he did notice.

“Well, you see, I was following you because I thought you were an alien madman with a box that travels through time.” She muttered under her breath, following the circuitous path that Time Tuner was weaving through the streets of the town.

So far, he hadn’t noticed, stopping every so often to chat with other ponies, usually about clocks. Being Ponyville’s resident clockmaker, that did make a certain amount of sense. But as they traversed almost the whole length of Ponyville, Skitch was beginning to get the impression that she was being given the run around.

First it was to Sparkler’s jewelry shop, then back towards the Cafe, then a loop back around town towards Carousel Boutique, before turning around yet again and heading back towards his home.

Said home was one of the houses near the outskirts of Ponyville, much like Fluttershy’s. Unlike Fluttershy’s however, Time Turner’s abode was near the more benign Whitetail Wood, rather than the untamed Everfree. He disappeared inside his simple two two story building, leaving Skitch staring at the front door.

“Hmm.” She frowned, trotting around the right side of the building. Sure enough, there were a few windows along that wall. With a grunt, she reared up on her hind legs, resting her forehooves on the edge of the window to peer inside.

The living room was nice looking at least. A long couch decorated with a few throw pillows was set across from a fireplace, with another sitting chair for guests to the right of that. The circular rug was plush, and the room was bedecked with clocks.

But there was no sign of Time Turner or a TARDIS yet.


Jerking away from the window, she spun about to find the form of Twilight Sparkle staring at her. The unicorn had one of her eyebrows raised in an expression that asked “Why?”. Skitch grinned back, nervously rubbing at one of her forelegs.

“I can explain.”

“Please tell me this isn’t that whole time pony thing again?”

The conversation between the two about Doctor Whooves and time ponies in general had been interesting, to say the least.

“I wanted to confirm.” Skitch frowned.

Rolling her eyes, Twilight began to trot away, Skitch falling into step alongside her. “I can already confirm for you!” She sighed. “Because everything that you say is impossible! Especially time travel!”

“Just like humans didn’t exist either?” Skitch fired back, a smirk playing across her muzzle.

“Okay.” Twilight paused, frowning at her. “That doesn’t count. You’re not from this universe. You’re saying that time ponies and a time traveler with a blue box-”

“A police call box.”

“A box that’s based on technology we don’t have! We don’t even have phones yet.”

“Well, yeah. He’s a time traveller.”

Silence hung between the two ponies for a moment, Skitch grinning goofily, Twilight glaring back. But then Twilight sighed and shook her head.

“Do you and Pinkie plan stuff like this?”

“Not really.” Skitch shrugged. “She’s just Pinkie. And I’m just me.”

With a sigh and a flick of her tail, Twilight started walking again. “You two are going to drive me insane.”

“Considering Ponyville, you’ll be in good company.”


“What!” She grinned, poking her friend in the side. “They’re your words!” Her horn glowed for a moment, and she spoke again in Twilight’s own voice. “Everypony in this town is crazy!”

“T-that’s not fair!” Twilight sputtered. “That was before I got to know everypony!”

“Twi. I’m just pulling your leg.” Skitch smiled. “So, were you in the right place at the right time to see me making a fool of myself?”

“More that I saw you following him, and then I decided to follow you.”

“Ahh, so it’s a bit of a conga line of following ponies.”

“Umm…excuse me.”

Both ponies stared up at the gray coated pegasus that was hovering overhead, dressed in the blue jacket and cap of Equestrian Postal Service.

“Oh! Morning Ditzy.” Twilight smiled. “Can we help you?”

Dipping her wing into her saddlebags, Ditzy presented a collection of envelopes. “Just have your mail. You got a bit of a stack this time Skitch.”

Skitch took the envelopes, looking each one over. The first was plain brown, about as thick as a book, its neatly written address indicating that it was from her lawyer. The address on the second envelope, also brown, was unfamiliar, but from Canterlot. The third was pristine white, and sealed with the mark of the sun, indicating that it was from Celestia’s desk. The fourth, also white, envelope was from Manehatten of all places. Breaking the seal on the first, Skitch unfolded the small brick of documents and began to read.

“What’s it say?” Twilight asked, as Ditzy flew off to continue her rounds.

“Seems that the Canterlot Chronicle is moving to quash my injunction, on the grounds that I’m interfering with their ability to conduct business. Great Writ’s fighting it, naturally.”

“You don’t sound that worried.”

“Father’s a lawyer, remember?” Skitch shrugged, folding it back up and tucking it into her saddlebags. “I’m well aware of how long these things take. And Riche seems intent on making sure this goes all twelve rounds.”

“And how long do you picture those rounds taking?” Twilight asked as Skitch began to open the next letter.

“There’s a chance I’ll be human again before I have that house back if he really wants to drag this out.”

Skitch turned her attention to the simple brown letter, a frown growing deeper on her features as she scanned each line. Then, without so much as a word, she folded it up, tucked it into the saddlebags and moved onto the next one.


“Don’t ask.”

The envelope from Princess Celestia was next. Opening it revealed a golden ticket that was familiar to both Skitch and Twilight.

“For the Grand Galloping Gala?” Twilight asked. “Aren’t you already invited?”

“Considering that was a false memory, she probably wanted to make it offical again.” Skitch reasoned, quickly scanning the accompanying note. “Which is exactly what this says.”

The final envelope had a wax seal on the back, depicting ponified versions of the comedy and tragedy masks. Skitch broke it with a flick of her magic and pulled the letter from within. Her frown quickly reversed itself as she read its contents.

“Oh ho! Now this is something.”

“Good news?”

“Looks like a theatre company in Manehatten wants my help on a production. A Perfect Pegasus Productions. Doing the special effects and what have you. Says that they’ll pay handsomely.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at that.


“Really.” Skitch nodded, waving the letter at her. “Depending on how handsomely, it might put me over the edge to make a down-payment on my house.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me” Twilight frowned.

“”Well, no. I mean it says right there-”

“Skitch! Think about it! Why would a theatre company all the way in Manehatten ask you for help? I mean...it’s Manehatten! The city’s even bigger than Canterlot, and its one of the centers for overseas immigration! It’s packed with ponies!”

She began to pace, slowly circling Skitch-Sketch as she ranted. “There is no way they wouldn’t be able to find somepony who could do what you could do. It has to be a trap! Lure you to a strange and bit city...”


“And then maybe they can extort you, or hold you hostage, or even try to kill you!”


“I’ll write Princess Celestia. She needs to know.”


Twilight stopped mid step and mid rant.

“Okay, first.” Skitch began to enumerate. “I grew up in a big city. I know how to handle myself in them. Two, I am still the ‘alien’ around here. They could be wanting to add a little more ‘mystery’ to the production by having the human working on it. And three, if things start to look too hot, I can always get out of there.”

Twilight’s frown deepened, the unicorn looking quite unconvinced.

“Skitch, a week ago we went to the most corrupt city in Equestria helped put a pony in jail. You’re not some nobody from earth anymore!” Her jaw dropped, eyes going wide as she suddenly realized what she had just accused Skitch of. “N-not to say that you were worthless or anything.”

“No, I get it.” Skitch frowned, her tail giving a nervous flick. “You’re saying that I have to be careful and that I can’t just be the face in the crowd anymore.”

Twilight sighed shuffling a hoof. “Alright. I can tell that your mind is made up. Just...take somepony with you. If nopony else will go with you, I will.”

“Don’t worry Twilight. I’m sure that one of our friends might want to tag along for a trip to Manehatten.”

- - - -

The search was not going well.

Applejack couldn’t get away from the farm right now, for obvious reasons. Likewise, Fluttershy had a recent influx of patients to take care of and would be staying right in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash was a similar no go. There was a Wonderbolts show in Caterlot, demanding her attention. And Pinkie Pie...well, she had gasped and taken off halfway through her sentence.

Which left Rarity.

Admittedly, she could just have Twilight come along, but Skitch could recognize that Twilight was obsessing right now. And if she brought Twilight along, there was a good chance that the unicorn might get more wound up. Skitch hoped to save Twilight that stress.

Pushing the front door to Carousel Boutique open, she stepped inside. The pastel pink and purple interior was looking less garish to her these days, more warm and inviting, much like Rarity’s personality. It seemed like she was growing more used to the colors and general tone of Equestria. As each day ticked by, Equestria just felt more and more real to her, no less vibrant or legitimate than earth. Maybe a little more like home, in a way.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is-” Rarity began her spiel, swooping down upon the unicorn before she realized who it was. “Oh! Good morning Skitch. Is there something I can do for you?”

“Well….I have kind of a favor to ask you. Would you like to come with me to Manehatten?”

Rarity raised one of her thin eyebrows. “You’re going to Manehatten?”

“Yeah. I actually got an offer for some work up there on...well, whatever the Equestrian version of Broadway is. And since I need every bit I can get my hooves on right now, I’m going to go take a look.”

“Well, I commend your efforts, but why?”

“Ask you to come along? Twilight doesn’t want me to go alone. She thinks it might be a trap of some kind.” She shrugged. “But I don’t want her to come along and stress out about things constantly. She needs some time to calm down.”

“Hmm.” Rarity hummed, before breaking into a smile. “Well, it just so happens that I also have business in Manehatten. We shall go together and see all the sights!”

“I’ll hold you too that Rare.” Skitch smiled back.

- - - -

The next morning, Skitch-Sketch made for the train station. Trotting down the road from Sweet Apple Acres, she adjusted her saddlebags of holding, making sure they were fitted snugly across her back. Inside rested a few belongings, mostly things for hygiene, the dress Rarity had made her for the Gala and a money pouch of her precious bits.

With her belongings packed for a two day trip and possible multi-day slice of work afterwards, she made for the train station. Rarity was already waiting outside the ticket office when she arrived, a pastel pink suitcase resting at her side. She also had a thermos in hoof and looked much less enthused about being awake right now than Skitch was.

And yet, her mane is still perfect. Skitch mused as she trotted up to her. “Good morning Rarity.

“Mmph.” She grunted, raising what Skitch guessed was coffee to her lips. The thermos stuck to the end of her hoof, a phenomenon that Skitch had taken to calling “tactile telekinesis”. Still, after a sip of her brew, she was already beginning to look more with it. “Ahh. Better.”

“Not a morning pony are you?”

“A lady needs her beauty sleep.” Rarity smiled, picking up her bag and sashaying over to the one of the ticket sellers. “Two for Manehatten please, private cabin.”

The teller swung his gaze towards the schedule and clock on the wall. With a nod to himself, he set about stamping out the ticket, marking the destination and number of passengers. “That’ll be eighty bits mam.”

Rarity dug the coins out, placing them in neat stacks before the teller with an exacting attention to detail. He by contrast, gave them a quick count before sweeping them into his cash drawer with single lazy sweep of his foreleg. Taking the ticket, Rarity lead the way, Skitch rummaging in her own bag as she followed along.

“I owe you fourty then?” She asked.

“Oh, don’t worry about it darling. This one’s on me.”

“You sure about that?” Skitch blinked as they trotted into the train car. “Eighty bits isn’t anything to sneeze at.”

“It’s quite alright.” Rarity dismissed. “Truthfully, I could use a friend on this trip.”

“Really? Why?”

Entering their private cabin, Rarity quickly stowed her baggage before flopping onto one of the padded benches with a dramatic flourish. “I am going to Manehatten to visit my father.” She explained, lazily twirling a hoof in mid air. “Which is always an interesting experience.”

“Oh, because of the whole gender thing?”

“Yes.” Rarity nodded. “He…” She frowned, “It isn’t that he was against my transformation or tried to stop it. He wanted me to be happy. But on the other hoof, he’s never really...understood it and why I like fashion the way I do.” She sighed. “I think that he still sees me as the little colt he was teaching how to play hoofball.”

“I’ll be honest.” Skitch shrugged. “I’ve seen the pictures and I still have a hard time picturing you as a guy. By the standards of femininity on earth or equis, you kind of are the archetypical example in a lot of ways. Plus, I’m just so used to thinking of you as a mare.”

“Well, that’s kind of the point. I am a mare and always have been.” She smiled. “And the fact that you do think of me as one makes me smile.”

“Well, I’m glad to be your temporary Pinkie Pie then.” Skitch smirked.

“What about yourself?” Rarity asked, the train whistle sounding as the train began to move. “How are you handling your transition? The...effects…” She coughed demurely, a slight flush creeping into her cheeks. “That one must get used to going from male to female...well...we’ve already seen the effects of that once.”

Skitch sunk in her seat, her own cheeks burning. Rarity was referring to, of course, the first heat she had experienced upon her return to Equestria. Which had been an utterly embarrassing affair. She hadn’t been prepared for the surge of hormones and just how naked she had suddenly realized she was. Sinking even lower in her seat, she remembered her desperate rush to Rarity that time.

“Rarity!” She had shouted, bursting through the door like the Kool-Aid Man. “Panties!”

“Excuse me?” She blinked.

“Underware! Lacy underthings! Clothing! Something to cover up more with cause...cause….”

“What? What is it?”

“I’m...naked.” Skitch whispered.

It had not been her proudest moment. “Well, when I’m not making a complete fool of myself, I’m doing alright.” She shrugged. “The change in species is still the stranger thing to deal with though.”

“Ah, yes.” Rarity frowned. “I am still sorry this happened.”

Skitch shrugged. “I don’t want to overstate it. I mean, trust me Rarity, there are a lot worse fates in the multi-”

Her explanation was interrupted by the rapid tapping of hooves on the car window. Both ponies looked to find a pink maned head grinning at them. Upside down. Skitch slid the window open with a raised eyebrow, allowing Pinkie Pie to squirm her way inside.

“Pinkie? What are you doing here?” Rarity asked, rather confused at the sudden presence of the earth pony.

“Duh! I’m totally coming along!” She beamed, hopping up and down with wild excitement. “I’ve always wanted to go to Manehatten! The birthplace and home of vaudeville!”

“Huh.” Skitch blinked. “They have that here too?”

“Yuperoony!” Pinkie grinned even wider, lowering the front of her body close to the floor and rapidly tip-tapping her hooves. “I used to listen to vaudeville broadcasts on the radio aaaallll the time when I was a filly! I have to come!”

“...You could have told me that at the time Pinkie.” Skitch chuckled. “I didn’t think you wanted to come.”

“Sorry Skitchy! I was so nerviouscited!”

Rarity smiled. “Well, if you wish to join us on our little Manehatten adventure, we’d be glad for you to join us.” She paused for a moment. “Though, there is the question of how you got on this train.”

Just then the door to the cabin slid open and the conductor stepped inside. “Tickets please.”

Skitch and Rarity facehooved.

- - - -

After the situation was worked out with the conductor (and Pinkie Pie paid to stay) the three friends settled in for the day and a half journey to Manehatten. Pinkie and Skitch mostly passed the time with card games. Rarity by contrast used the time to do some sketching, her brain chewing on both new possible designs and the question of what her father wanted.

The train snaked its way north, passing Canterlot and then curving east to follow the foothills of the mountain range that bore the city of the alicorns aloft. Skitch looked up from the poker hoof she was holding, watching the granite peaks whip past.

“What’s the matter Skitchy?” Pinkie interrupted. “You never seen mountains before?”

“Well, not this close. Chicago is pretty much surrounded by flat plains.” She shrugged. “I was just struck by how they looked like some mountains in a fantasy movie I watched back on earth. I’m half expecting an ancient dwarven kingdom to lie beneath those mountains.”

Rarity cocked her head at that statement, looking up from her sketching. “You’re not too far from the truth darling. According to Twilight, there used to be a great city of the diamond dogs under those stones. It was the capital from what I remember. I believe we’ll pass the the old gates on the way to Manehatten.”

“Oh.” Skitch blinked. “I’m surprised there was another large city so close to Canterlot. Wouldn’t there have been territory conflicts?”

“Well, the diamond dogs were largely a subterranean race.” Rarity answered, returning to her sketching as she talked. “There weren’t many places for them to cross paths with ponies. And Celestia was friends with the king at the time, so it worked well.”

“What happened to them?”

“The Age of Nightmares.” Pinkie answered sadly, tapping at her own cards. “That’s always the answer to the question ‘What happened to whoever.’. I’m just glad it’s faaaaaar in the past now.”

Shrugging, Skitch returned to her card game diversions, not wanting to push that particular fact. It was a few hours later, when the train did pass the entrance to the ancient diamond dog kingdom, that she broke away again and peered out the window.

It really was like something out of Lord of the Rings. The entrance rose high, carved directly into the dark granite itself. Crenellated battlements soared over the double stone doors that were at least twenty feet fall by Skitch’s estimation. The doors were flanked by two equally large diamond dog statues, standing with noble bearing, one paw outstretched, one paw resting on the hilt of a giant pick.

A short and narrow valley ran from the gates to the edge of the train tracks, a quaint little village nestled between its slopes. It reminded her of Ponyville in a way, though the buildings had more in common with the stone gates, than the thatch roofed cottages of her home away from home.

“I guess that’s a diamond dog village?” She asked Rarity and Pinkie, who were watching it pass with her.

“Yes, I believe so.” Rarity hummed, tapping her hoof against the glass. “Diamond dogs have been living in Equestria since their mountain kingdoms fell.”

“You sound like you know a bit about them.”

“Hmm. Perhaps a little bit. You know Sparkler? Owns the jewelry store?”

Skitch nodded. “Yup. I’ve seen her around town.”

“She gets her gems from a diamond dog supplier. He seemed nice enough so we’ve exchanged a conversation or two.”

The journey lapsed back into its boring routine, then three of them sleeping in the car that night. Skitch awoke the next morning, to Pinkie Pie’s head resting on her side, the party pony softly snoring as the morning sun streamed in through the windows.

Skitch gently patted her on the head, before carefully extricating herself from the pink snuggles and returning to the window. The stone and glass spires of Manehatten rose in the distance, looking like they could have come right from 1920’s earth.

Skitch smiled at the sight. It was the closest to being home she had experienced since coming back to Equestria. Ponyville was a quaint little village. Canterlot was Minas Tirith with horses. Even Neigh Orleans, while a major city, with it’s low buildings was something rather foreign to her. But Manehatten, set upon a peninsula of land, with it’s collection of skyscrapers dominating the center of the skyline, stirred memories of Chicago and its own towers.

She couldn’t wait to see what was waiting for her within those concrete canyons.

Author's Note:

To answer the first question, that I'm sure everyone will have about a story involving the Equestrian equivalent of Broadway and vaudeville.

Yes, there will be musical numbers later.

I've actually been listening to more than a few of them while writing this to help get in the right mood while writing. And as we see, Skitch is quite as capable of engaging in crazy Ponyville shenanigans as anypony else! Time Turner may want to get a restraining order or something.