• Published 15th Sep 2014
  • 670 Views, 7 Comments

Damaged - A Mysterious Pony

One Element of Harmony damaged. So, what happens?

  • ...

Capítulo Uno

'Twas a day like no other in small Ponyville.
The skies held gray and there was a small, little chill.
The Pegasi were daunted by this brewing storm, so they left off in a hurry, not even in form.
The birds were so scared they flew North for the winter, too bad they didn't think to know that the clouds held no snow.

*Gasp!* What was that thundering off in the distance! Was it Discord?

"No, I'm visiting Princess Twilight. Paperwork... the greatest weapon to the god of Chaos."

Well, if it wasn't Discord, then maybe it was Gilda!

"Dude, I'm not even in the series anymore. They introduced me as a jerk and so I was never in a second episode."

Perhaps it was Lightning Dust, then.

"Same as the Griffin."

Well, if it wasn't Discord and it wasn't Gilda, nor Lightning Dust then I cannot think of anypony else who could be stomping about.

"It's me, okay?!" The yellow Pegasus came lumbering forward. Her head held low and her nostrils flared.

Fluttershy's eyes held anger and malice. Why are you angry, Fluttershy?

"Because I can be, that's why!"

Oh no! Whatever happened to the Element of Kindness. Discord! Are you responsible for this crisis?!

"What are you talking about?! What crisis?!" The Draconequus puffed in a smoke. He took out his tooth and poked it at me. "I am very busy, don't you see?! OW! What the--?!" He turned and saw his best friend holding an apple atop her hoof, chuckling all the while.

"*Gasp!* Oh, Fluttershy! What happened to you, my dear. Why are you acting all vile?! We have to get to Twilight. There might still be time!"

"I'm not going anywhere with you, Disco!"

"It's Discord. And look over there!" He pointed out in a direction with grace and disbelief.

"What?! What is it?! Where?!"

Discord zapped them to the castle with a snap of his fingers and a grin. "Why, Fluttershy, over there!" He grabbed her with a comically large hand and threw Fluttershy at Princess Twilight's throne.

Twilight Sparkle was reading on scones for some weird reason when a what hit her was an ice cream cone. She looked up to find the culprit. "Hey, what's the big idea?! Be nice or see yea'. That was a weird sentence I just said."

"It was me, Princess. And I'm so terribly sorry for the intrusion, but, uh... we have a problem." He pointed at the yellow ball of anger.

"*Gasp!* Discord! What did you do to Fluttershy?!"

"Why does everypony think I did something?!"

She gave the collage of animal partsa blank stare. "Have you heard your name lately?"


"Fluttershy! Are you okay? Are you hurt? What's troubling you? Are you sick? *Gasp!* You are sick! Sit down! Sit down! Tell me everything!"

"Whatever... " Fluttershy sat down in the throne with her Cutie Mark engraved in it.

"Good. You got her to sit." Discord said.

"Discord! Now, tell me Fluttershy. What's bothering you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Really... ?"


"Hmmmmmm.......... "

Blank stare.


"*Gasp!* Twilight! What did you do?! Why did you knock Fluttershy unconscious?!" Discord flew over to the knocked-out Fluttershy.

"Oh, she should be fine within a couple of days. I just undamaged the damaged parts of her head."

"That doesn't even remotely make sense."

"Yeah, well, nothing does anymore."



'Twas nearly dawn when Fluttershy awoke with a yawn. She was in a hospital gown and all her friends were wearing frowns. Except for Pinkie. "W-what happened?"

"Somethin' happened to ya' element so Twilight just bopped ya' on the noggin'. And, apparently, ya' seem jus' fine."

"Just like I said, too!"

"Well, anyway. We're jus' glad yer' okay, sugarcube."

"Yeah, thanks. At least nothing bad happened, but, um, I have one question."

"Anything, darling."

"Who is that adorable pink pony over there?! So cute!"

Pinkie Pie stood shocked, stunned, flushed, and flattered. "What?"

"I mean look how cute you are. Especially when you're embarrassed."

"I'm not embarrassed. I'm just... surprised. And I like surprises."

"Do you like this one?"

"Uh... I don't know if I should."

"Oh... you should."

"Riiiiight... Twilight?! What did you do to Fluttershy!" Rainbow accused the purple Princess.

"Nothing! Honestly, I would never hurt a friend. Especially Fluttershy!" Twilight had back up into a corner, crouching low and scared. "I-I could check her brain waves or optic nerve to see if she has neurological or visual damage."

"I don't know. You caused enough problems already."

"Jus' let her do it, girl! Gosh, calm down!"

"I'll calm down when I want to calm down! And I choose to calm down now. Not because you told me to, 'cause I want to!"

Twilight walked over to Fluttershy and looked into her eye. Twilight puffed up a large magnifying glass and focused on the eye or in. "Well... it's just as I suspected. Her optic nerve has a tiny, itty, bitty, little, small scratch and her brain is receiving any image and perceiving it distorted and for her she thinks she sees the opposite of what an object actual looks like."

All together now, except Twilight. "What... ?"

"*Sigh... * Anything Fluttershy sees, a muscle that connects her brain to her eyeballs is damaged, and anything she sees is like the opposite. She looks at a ceiling she sees a floor. She looks at a pretty okay mare, she percieves that mare as a handsome hunk of a stallion."

"Ohhhh... "

"But that doesn't explain why she doesn't know who I am. *Grunts!*" Pinkie Pie was struggling to release herself from Fluttershy's death hug, wondering how Fluttershy even got her into this position. "Wow, Fluttershy! You're stronger than you look!"

"I'm also faster."

"Wha-? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Do you wanna' find out?" Fluttershy looked at her... in a way that made Pinkie really want to get out of that hug.

"Well, about her memory... that was kinda'... my... fault. Hehe." Twilight sheepishly said.

Rainbow Dash lunged at Twilight, but was stopped by Applejack, but not before she opened her mouth, "I'll bust open your head!!"

"Calm, Dash! Calm!"

"What is the big fuss about? Is there something wrong with a mare liking a stallion, a cute one at that, too. Hey, what's your name?" Flutters asked her pink teddy bear.

"*Grunts!* Pinkie Pie! Now, please let go! I think my lungs are starting to tear!" Pinkie gulped up a breath after Flutters followed clear.

"Pinkie Pie? That sounds like a boy's name! I'll call youuu... Bubble because you're so bubbly and happy all the time and... Berry because you look like a strawberry and I bet you're as sweet as one too. If you know what I mean?"

"I really don't! And I'm Pinkie Pie!"

"Mmm... nah! I don't like it. You're Bubble Berry now."

"*Groans!* Twiliiiight?!"

"Don't worry she'll be back to normal soon."

"How soon?" They all asked simultaneously.

"The maximum is two months." Suspicious stares, "Really!"


"She just has to stay with Pinkie Pie until that point."

"What?! Why?!" Again at the same time, "We have to stop doing that. Stop! Stop!"

"Well... because she thinks Pinkie is a stallion now. So when she gets better she has to see that Pinkie Pie is not a stallion."

"Well, can't you make something for her so she'll get better sooner?" Rainbow asked, finally relaxed.

"Yes, of course, but it'll take a few days."

"As long as she gets better soon."

"Okay, I don't know what you girls are talking about, but get out. I want to go to sleep with my new snuggle-bunny!"

They all said goodbye, expect for Pinkie Pie. She lay next to Fluttersh; her Pegasus friend's arms around her torso with a smile on her face. "At least she's happy... " The bear hug tightened. "How did I become the main character?!"

Comments ( 7 )

One Shot reviews has read and graded.
This story was a complete mess. I lost my way in the first few sentances. The plot is well thought of but poorly displayed. In most cases it was hard to figure out who was saying what. Scenery discription was amateur and rarely given. This is not the authors first fiction and has simply dropped the ball on this one. We suggest getting proof readers to scan your work before posting.

Overall score: 49%

Think we graded wrong or are too biased? Tell us why at the One Shot Reviews home group page. Thank you.

5007448 Sheesh! Oh, my gosh! Calm down! This story was just to help me get out of my writer's block; just to, you know, like, just write out whatever came out of my head. I knew it wasn't good, but I don't think it's the worst thing you'll ever read. Don't take it that seriously, people! I'll write it in the Author's Comments section, if you'd like! :fluttercry: :fluttershysad:

5007448 I meant Author's Notes. Sorry. :twilightsheepish:

5007628 Only trying to be proffesinal :ajsmug:
no hard feelings? :twilightblush:
If you edit the story we'll gladly regrade it :raritywink:

5008074 Water under the bridge! I'm the same way; correcting everybody who says things wrong or has bad grammar when they talk. By the way, you spelled professional wrong, no offense. :twilightsheepish:

5008720 haha now we're even then :rainbowwild:
Thanks for understanding.

5011562 Now, that I thought about it, I think I'm going to change the story and the tags.

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