• Published 13th Sep 2014
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Equestria's Warriors: King Ebon's Return - Wildcard25

Ebon is back and with the Serpentine following his command. Will the combined forces of the Elements of Harmony and warriors of the human world be enough to defeat them this time?

  • ...

Forming an Alliance

In Ponyville, Wildcard was minding his shop, until he heard the bell ring signaling a customer, "Coming," he trotted over, and saw it was Nightfall, "Hey, Nightfall, what brings you here?"

"Morning, Wildcard. Listen I came here because I need some advice." he answered.

"What kind of advice?"

"Well, you know mom's birthday is coming up?"

"Oh, yeah. I got it marked on my calendar."

"Well, you see. I'm trying to figure out what to get her," Nightfall explained, "And I've got nothing."

"Well, when you want to try and get something for somepony, you have to think of the pony and what they're into." Wild began.

"Well, I know mom loves theater and stuff." he answered.

"True, but there's more to her than her theater work. She likes stories and legends." Wild noted.

Nightfall then lifted his head up, "That's it! I'll make a story for mom."

"There you go." Wild nudged him.

"And it'll be something I've been thinking about for awhile. Thanks for your help, Wildcard."

"Anything for my surrogate son." Wild ruffled the colt's mane.

"See you later." he trotted off, as Wild watched him feeling proud.

"Ah, they grow up so fast."

Later that day, Dustin, Alistair, Alicia, Alice, Aria, Dean and Jethro were watching Eu and Blaze spar using elemental magic. Eu unleashed some ice magic, while Blaze released fire magic, causing the ice to melt, "Blaze sure knows how to use magic." Alistair noted.

"For real." Jethro agreed.

"But Eu's still got him on the run." Alicia stated.

"I wouldn't count Blaze out just yet." Dustin reminded her.

The two magic users continued pitting their magic against each other, before reaching a stalemate, "You're very good." Eu smiled.

"So are you." Blaze added.

"Ok, you two, towel off." Dean said, as the two went over to them to have a drink of water.

"The guild you learned magic from taught you well, Blaze." Alice said.

"You got that right." Blaze nodded.

"Hey, isn't that Nightfall?" Aria asked, as they saw Nightfall underneath a tree, and appearing to be drawing something.

"What's he doing?" Alistair wondered.

"Let's find out." Eu said, as they went over.

"Nightfall?" Blaze asked.

The colt looked up and saw them, "Hi, guys."

"Whatcha doing?" Dean asked.

"I'm making something for mom's birthday."

"Ooh, what is it?" Alice inquired.

Nightfall looked around seeing nopony appeared to be watching. He whispered, "I'm making her a comic book."

"Really, and what made you decide that?" Jethro asked.

"Well, my mom loves thinking up ideas for her plays and such, so I want to show her how creative I can be."

"And what's this comic about?" Dustin asked.

"Well with inspiration from the Power Ponies comic and the Five unicorns, I've made my own pony heroes. I call them the Pony Rangers," he showed them the title featuring five ponies wearing colored spandex outfits. The colors ranged from red, blue, pink, yellow, green, and their costume motifs ranged from creatures such as a dragon, serpent, phoenix, tiger, and shark, "What do you think?"

"Amazing." Aria gasped.

"Cool." Alicia smirked.

"Wicked." Dean nodded.

"Not bad, kid." Blaze said.

"Thanks, guys. I should have it finished before mom's birthday."

"I know she'll love it." Alice ruffled Nightfall's head.

"Well, I better get back to work." Nightfall, said as he continued drawing up his comic.

"We should too." Alistair noted, as the humans went off to continue their sparing.

Meanwhile off in the Badlands, Ebon was flying in the sky before touching down before a cave, "Ah, here we are." he stepped forward only to be blocked by two changelings.

"Hold it right there!" one began.

"State your business." a second said.

"I wish to see your queen." Ebon answered.

"Our queen isn't expecting company." the first said.

"That's because I'm dropping in unannounced." Ebon replied, as he blasted the two changelings into a mountain wall. Walking past them, he entered the cave of Changelings.

As he walked through the dark cave, he could hear the buzzing sound of the changelings flapping their wings, meaning he was being watched from all around. He looked above and saw a huge nest of Changeling cocoons with Changelings sleeping inside them, "Disgusting bugs." he frowned, as he continued on.

Finally he saw green eyes glowing from all around him, revealing to be more Changelings. They flew right at him to attack, only for Ebon to power up his magic and dark energy and repelled them all into the cave walls. Suddenly a female voice bellowed, "WHAT'S GOING ON IN HERE?!"

Ebon looked ahead and saw descending before him was the Changeling Queen herself, Queen Chrysalis, "Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings, I presume?" he inquired.

"You presume correctly, and you are?" she asked.

"Just a fellow royal who seeks the assistance of another royal." he answered.

Chrysalis frowned at his vagueness, "I do not follow."

"You don't know who I am do you?"

"I'd definitely recognize a creature like you." she replied.

"Then allow me to enlighten you," Ebon began, as he paced around her, "Thousands of years ago, the King and Queen of Creation did battle with a tyrannical unicorn who was always meant to be the true ruler of Equestria, but had everything stolen from him by his younger brother."

Chrysalis listened, and started piecing his story together before letting out a gasp, "Wait a second, you don't mean..."

"Yes, I do."

"King Ebon?" she gasped, while the Changelings who pried themselves off the cave walls gasped as well.


Suddenly the hostility Chrysalis had vanished, and spoke up pleasantly, "Oh, forgive me your excellency. I didn't expect the one true king of Equestria to appear..."

"In the form of some bipedal fox creature?" he finished, and she nodded, "Well, through a series of events I lost my original body and took this one as a vessel."

"I see."

"And as I stated before. I've come here in hopes of an alliance of some sorts."

"I'm listening." the queen answered.

"I have a plan to conquer Equestria, but it requires the use of you and your changeling army," Ebon began, "With your love consuming magic and shape-shifting powers combined with my tactics, dark magic, and dark energy we can take Equestria together."

"You really believe that?" she asked with a hint of skepticism.

"Of course. Changelings and Serpentine. Alone they are but mere soldiers, but when acting together they form an army unlike any Equestria has ever seen." he tempted her.

"I already know of the Serpentine's former failure to conquer the land, "Chrysalis began, "What makes you think they can do any better under your command than while they were under the command of Pythor?"

Ebon spoke, "Pythor and his fellow generals couldn't lead an army if their lives depended on it. The Serpentine needed a more competent leader. There enters me. Compared to their previous battles from before they fight harder and stronger, but I however have other enemies besides the ponies. These creatures known as humans have power that makes them formidable foes. But if we combine our forces, we can take them out like that." he snapped his fingers.

Chrysalis started getting intrigued before answering, "The plan sounds very amusing, Ebon. Though what will me and my changelings get out of helping you?"

"All the love in the land you can feed off of." he answered, putting a smirk on her face.

"You've got yourself a partner."

"Good, but before we begin I will require you to bring me something."

"And that would be?" she asked.

"My former body." he answered.

Chrysalis smirked, "I think I can manage that." she snickered, while her eyes glowed green.