• Published 22nd Sep 2014
  • 1,198 Views, 30 Comments

Carousel Designs, LLP. - Taialin

When Rarity collapses under her mountain of orders, only one pony can offer her help. Fluttershy, however, has problems that are just as dire. Perhaps they could help each other out . . .

  • ...

1. Employment


Rarity screamed at her clock. "Yes, I know I have a spa date with Fluttershy! Could you please stop ringing and let me finish writing these stupid letters?!"


Rarity put her face down on her desk and groaned. "What am I doing, yelling at my alarm clock? I really am delirious with stress."


Rarity glared at her now alarm-less clock. "Fine, you win. I'll finish this letter, then I'll go meet Fluttershy."

Rarity set her eyes back on her desk, which was full of opened envelopes, unread missives, and a half written letter. She grabbed a quill in her magic and continued writing:

Dear Madame Lafleur,

Thank you very much for your order. I have processed your request for a formal evening gown and the many stipulations you added to it. Attached to this missive is a sketch of the final design. If you have any changes that you would like to supply, please send them now, and not later. It makes things so much easier.

Based on the material and complexity of your gown, I can give you an estimate of 1200 bits. If the sketch is to your liking, and you do not have any changes to supply to it, you may pay either the estimate in full or a 30% deposit. Once I receive your payment and measurements, I can begin purchasing materials and making your dress.

I may not be able to start on your order for another few moons. I apologize, but sometimes I get far, far too many orders to complete in a timely manner. Once I receive your payment, you will be placed in the waitlist, and I will start on your order as soon as I get to it.

Rarity of Carousel Designs


Aloe's ears perked up. Upon hearing the sound, she checked her calendar. Yes, it was that particular day again. Aloe got up from her reception desk and walked over to the door. She already knew full well which pony was on the other side.


The bell over the door tinkled as Aloe opened it. As expected, a butter-yellow pony was standing meekly on the other side. Aloe would have chided Fluttershy for knocking to enter a public place, but she had long ago given up on trying to make Fluttershy less courteous.

"Good afternoon, Fluttershy!" Aloe said. "Will Rarity be joining you today?"

"Hello, Aloe." Fluttershy walked into the spa while Aloe closed the door behind her. "Yes, I think Rarity will be coming too."

"Alright. Go make yourself comfortable, Fluttershy, and we'll take you when your friend arrives." Aloe smiled sweetly and pointed to the chairs in the waiting room.

"Thank you, Aloe." Fluttershy sat down and picked up a magazine.

Aloe went off to one of the back rooms and retrieved Rarity's monogrammed bathrobe. It was the same ritual Aloe had gone through several times before. At the beginning of every week, Rarity and Fluttershy would come in for "The Usual," a deceptive package that included nearly every service the spa had to offer. It used to be called "The Deluxe." She also went to fetch Lotus, her sister. Rarity always insisted the two of them attend to herself and Fluttershy personally.


It wasn't long before the bell rung again, signaling to Aloe and Lotus that their other client had come.

"Fluttershy! I'm sorry I'm late. Aloe, Lotus, The Usual!"

"Right away, Rarity!" Aloe and Lotus rushed in to get their two clients started.

Rarity and Fluttershy were sitting in the sauna. Aloe sat quietly to the side, next to the red-hot rocks. Every so often, she would ladle more water onto the rocks and fill the sauna with a fresh cloud of vapor.

It was only now that Rarity decided to speak. "Ugh, Fluttershy, you would not believe how many orders I received this week. My waitlist has never looked so long."

"Oh no, more?" Fluttershy asked. It had been this way for a while. Rarity would receive more orders than she could complete and, as a result, arrived at the spa more and more stressed each week. It was a regular occurrence now that Rarity would come to her weekly constitution with her mane in shambles and bags under her eyes.

"Yes, Fluttershy. They're never letting up, those Canterlot ponies. Perhaps it was a mistake for me to take that business trip. Now everypony can't get enough of my designs, so they're sending me letter after letter."

"Oh, well I'm sure someday the orders will stop coming soon, and you can catch up," Fluttershy reassured, not entirely believing her own words.

"That day can't come soon enough. Oh, curse you Canterlot folk!" Rarity shook her hoof at the ceiling, as if beckoning Princess Celestia to come and burn her waitlist to ashes.

"Oh goodness, Rarity," Fluttershy murmured. She didn't have much to say during these rants, but then again, she didn't need to say much. Fluttershy knew that all she needed to do was to lend a sympathetic ear until Rarity ran out of steam and sufficiently de-stressed.

"Yes, Fluttershy. Maybe a few moons ago I would have loved to have some more business, but this?" Rarity shook her head. "This is just ridiculous."

Aloe, trying to remain out of her clients' ways, nevertheless coughed politely and said, "I apologize, Rarity and Fluttershy, but it's time for your hooficures now." She got up to move out of the sauna.

"Oh yes, thank you, Aloe." Rarity got up and followed Aloe, talking all the while: "I really have to get these orders done quickly, too. Otherwise, ponies will get restless and look elsewhere."

"Oh, I'm sure." Fluttershy got up to follow behind Rarity.

"Now, let me tell you about the latest letter I received. It was from somepony named Madame Shimmershine, and she wants quite the dress . . ."

". . . and then she made changes! Do you even know how frustrating it is when a client wants to change a dress after it's completed? She didn't even want to pay for them either! Can you believe it, Fluttershy?"

"Um, of course, Rarity," Fluttershy said, distracted. She and Rarity were now in the hot tub, the final part of their spa trip. Fluttershy was concerned. Rarity had never complained for this long before. Normally she would be apologizing to Fluttershy about her ranting about now. But today, Rarity was still ranting.

"So now I have so many ponies waiting for orders, I need to put them all in a binder to keep them straight. I just can't deal with this stress for much longer." Rarity sighed and rubbed her temples for the umpteenth time. "I could really use some help right now."

Fluttershy gasped, suddenly paying attention again. "Some help? Rarity, you've never asked for help before!"

"I know, Fluttershy. That's because I've never really needed it. I've always been able to keep up on my own." Rarity looked down and shook her head back and forth. "But now, I don't see how I can possibly catch up. I need help, otherwise I'll just keep falling deeper into this hole and never find my way out. It's either my pride, or my business."

"Oh dear. Why don't you ask Coco for help?" Fluttershy offered. Coco was a nice mare they had met in Manehattan and, despite previously being just an assistant, showed real promise for the fashion industry.

Rarity looked up at Fluttershy. "Coco Pommel? Yes, she is a fine mare, but she's busy in Manehattan right now, making costumes for Final Take. I can't possibly take her away from that."

"Oh no. How will you manage then, Rarity?"

Rarity sighed and raised her hooves helplessly. "I don't know Fluttershy; I just don't know." She dropped her head into her hooves. "This is just too much work for one pony. I'd pay a thousand bits for some competent help right now."

Fluttershy gasped, scarcely believing her ears. "A-a-a . . . what?" She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. "Wh-what did you say, Rarity?"

Rarity opened one eye and directed it at Fluttershy. "I said I just can't handle this much work alone. They're too many orders."

"O-oh." Fluttershy sagged, dropping until her mouth was just over the surface of the water. "So that's what you said, Rarity."

Rarity opened both eyes, looking at Fluttershy curiously. "Er, yes darling. I can't handle this much work alone. Do you need me to repeat it again?"

"N-no. That's okay." Fluttershy came back up, assuming her previous position but looking a bit more despondent than before.

Rarity sat up completely, a little concerned. "Are you alright, Fluttershy?"

"I'm fine."

The slumped shoulders and sad expression said otherwise. Fluttershy had never been a very good liar. Nevertheless, Rarity let the issue slide. "Well, if you're sure, darling." The worries for her friend were quickly replaced by her own. "Still, I need some help from somewhere. Preferably it'd be local help, but nopony around has the expertise to make dresses up to my standards. Well, except for you. But you have—"

"Me?" The previously despondent yellow pony was now quite surprised. "You think I could make dresses up to your standards?"

"Of course, darling. You give yourself too little credit if you don't believe that yourself. Don't you remember that gala dress you made for me?" Rarity smiled. "It was one of the most well-made dresses I'd ever seen."

"Oh my." Fluttershy hid behind her mane, a light blush on her cheeks. "You really think I'm good?"

Rarity smiled wider. "Darling, you are excellent! I daresay, if your cutie mark was a needle and thread, we would make a fine partnership." Her smile dropped, as she remembered the issue at hoof. "But I can't ask you to help me. You have your own job to do, after all."

"Job? If you could call it that." Fluttershy sighed and sunk into the water. "I have too much free time at the best of times. My pets take care of themselves, even Angel if he wants to. The only time it's busy is during Winter Wrap Up."

"But what about taking care of sick animals?" Rarity protested. "Surely they keep you busy."

Fluttershy shook her head. "They would if I had any. Dr. Goodall, the veterinarian, is back from her sabbatical, and she takes care of all the sick pets." She sunk a little lower. "And wild animals don't get sick very often. Even when they do, they prefer to take care of themselves."

"Oh my goodness." Rarity put a hoof up to her mouth. "I'm sorry; I had no idea."

"It's okay. You didn't ask." Fluttershy looked back up to her friend. "So, I guess I really don't have that much to do at home." She put her hoof up to her chin in contemplation. "If you still need my help, and you think," Fluttershy blushed, and continued, "that I'm good enough, I . . ." She took a deep breath. "I can come over and help you."

Rarity gasped. "Oh, darling, would you really?" Rarity put on her best pouty-face.

Fluttershy smiled, and nodded. "Yes, I would love—ah!"

White crossed yellow as Fluttershy was cut off by an attack to the barrel. "Oh thank you thank you thank you, Fluttershy! You have no idea how much this means to me! You are my best friend ever!"

Fluttershy smiled even as she was being squeezed. "Y-you're welcome, Rarity, . . . but . . . you're squishing me."

"Oh, I'm sorry, darling. This just means a lot to me." As Rarity released her hooves, she glanced at them and grimaced slightly. "Though, I think we should get out of the hot tub now. We're getting pruney!"

Fluttershy nodded, and the two ponies eased themselves out of the water and back to the reception desk. Before Rarity paid, she said to her friend, "why don't you come to my Boutique this evening? I'll have everything set up by then."

"Okay, Rarity. I'll be there."

"Splendid!" Rarity gave Fluttershy another squeeze. She said earnestly, "thank you again, darling."

Fluttershy hugged her friend back. "Of course, Rarity. Anything for a friend."

Rarity released the hug, a smile on her face. She looked back at the reception desk, and paid her half of the bill. Fluttershy did as well, but she took a curiously long time digging about in her saddlebags to produce the required number of bits.

As the two friends exited the spa, Rarity called out, "goodbye Aloe, goodbye Lotus! Thank you!"

Fluttershy was back home, waiting for the time when she could head over to Rarity's boutique. There were still a few minutes before she had to leave. In the meanwhile, Angel bunny had been deep in debate with Fluttershy, speaking with the language of squeaks and stomps.

*squeak squeak grrr THUMP*

"I know what she said, but I can't do that."


"Because she didn't mean it, that's why! She only said it once and never again! She probably forgot she said it at all."

*squeak THUMP grrrr THUMP*

"Oh, of course I'm going to! She needs help, and I'm the only one who can. Bits or no bits, I'm going to help Rarity complete her orders!"

*grrrr* Angel pointed to Fluttershy's cash box.

"I know we're empty, Angel."

Angel then pointed to another box, labeled "friend fund."

"I know that's almost empty too. I've been trying, Angel."

*squeak squeak squeeak* Angel raised his paws in a helpless gesture.

"I know, I know! We need bits! I'm trying, Angel. I'm trying . . ." Fluttershy trailed off, rubbing her eyes.

*grrrr* Some other creature might have been convinced by Fluttershy's show, but not Angel. He had been under Fluttershy's care for too long. Sometimes his mistress needed a hard kick to the flank to get going. Literally.


"Ouch! Angel!" Fluttershy sat down and rubbed her rump.

*squeak grrr grrrrr THUMP squeak grrrr*

"But I've been trying, Angel. I've been trying really hard."

Angel shook his head angrily. *grrr grrr THUMP grrr*

"Oh. You really think I'm playing the victim?"

Angel nodded. *grr grrr GRRR squeak THUMP grrr GRRR!*

"Oh no! Angel, you're right! It's not nice to play the victim all the time."

Angel nodded again. *squeak grr GRRR!*

"That's right! I don't want pity! I can take care of myself! I'll earn myself some bits from somepony!" Fluttershy pounded a hoof on the ground. Her eyes locked with Angel's, a determined look on her face.

Angel bounced and squeaked victoriously. A moment later, he stopped and pointed a paw at the door.

"Oh my! Yes, Angel, I need to get going." Fluttershy calmed down and grabbed her saddlebags as she headed out of the cottage. As she was about to leave, she turned around and said, "are you sure you'll be okay by yourself? I won't be able to buy you food tonight, after all." She looked at her bunny apologetically. "I'm sorry."

Angel nodded; he could make do with the grasses around the cottage. He shooed Fluttershy off with his paws.

"Okay. Bye, Angel, I love you!" She shut the door.

Angel slumped down to the ground, and sighed in a job well done. If all went well, Fluttershy would be back with money in hoof from the white pony. Maybe then he could heckle her for his favorite salad again.


Rarity opened the door to the Boutique and found Fluttershy standing outside. "Hello, Fluttershy. Thank you again for deciding to help me. I've just finished setting up your workstation."

"Hi, Rarity. Thank you." Fluttershy stepped inside the Boutique and allowed Rarity to close the door behind her.

Rarity walked to her workroom while Fluttershy followed. Rarity said, "I was just about to start an order when you arrived. Could you just sit tight for a little while? I will have some work for you in a moment."

"Of course, Rarity."

When they got to the workroom, Rarity sat down at one desk, and pointed at another desk on the other side of the room. "You can sit there, Fluttershy. Your tools should be beside your desk. Let me know if you need anything else." Rarity turned her attention back to her desk.

"Thank you, Rarity." Fluttershy sat down at her own desk, and put her saddlebags down on the floor. She waited patiently.

Meanwhile, Rarity was marking out shapes on rolls of fabric. "So, if that's what the haunch is going to look like, then I'll need a swatch . . . like this!" Rarity picked up a pencil in her mouth, carving out some thick, solid lines, marking out pieces on the roll that would be cut later. "And the seamline . . ." More lines, these dotted, were drawn just inside her solid ones. "And that's it! Fluttershy, could you cut these swatches out?"

"Of course, Rarity." Fluttershy fluttered over to Rarity's workstation, picked up the fabric roll, and brought it to her own bench. She surveyed the pieces that needed to be cut. Six. Fluttershy took out a sharp, pointed knife with a long barrel from her saddlebags. With near-surgical precision, she carved out the fabric.

Rarity looked behind her. A whisper of a frown crossed her face. "Fluttershy, why don't you just use the shears? I left a pair on your bench."

Fluttershy put down her blade. She turned around. "I'm just more comfortable with knives. It's how I cut my fabric at home. I'm sorry; did you want me to use the shears?"

Rarity walked over. "Well, I prefer using shears. Knives can leave ragged . . ." She surveyed the piece Fluttershy had just cut. The edges were as sharp as Rarity had ever seen. She smiled. "But it seems like you know just what you're doing! Carry on."

"Oh. Okay, Rarity." Fluttershy turned her eyes back to the fabric, and continued cutting.

The two ponies continued to pass their work around. Rarity marked out pieces of fabric, and Fluttershy cut them out of the rolls. Before long, they had all the pieces needed for the order cut out.

Rarity came over to Fluttershy's desk, where all the pieces of raw fabric were laying. "Very good, darling. These pieces look marvelous. Why don't you sew up the sleeves, and I'll work on the body." Rarity took the pieces required for the body, leaving Fluttershy with two: one for each sleeve.

"Okay, Rarity." Fluttershy leaned over to start working on her part.

Fluttershy rolled up a single swatch to form a sleeve, and aligned the dashed lines on the top and bottom. Using her sewing machine, she sewed the sleeve shut along the line, leaving a seam behind. Picking up an end of thread with her mouth, she used her tongue and teeth to deftly thread the needle and knot the end. Taking the needle to the sleeve, she sewed the seam to the body with a topstitch. Finally, she folded an end of the sleeve several times to form a cuff and sewed that shut with a blindstitch.

A few minutes later, Fluttershy had her sleeves completed, ready to be attached to the body of the dress. Fluttershy waited patiently for Rarity to finish.

"And, done! Fluttershy, are you . . ." Rarity looked back at Fluttershy's finished work. ". . . Yes, you are! Excellent!" Rarity took Fluttershy's finished sleeves and took them back to her bench for attaching to the main dress. "Fluttershy, could you work on the collar? It's rather decorative, so look at my sketch for the details." Rarity pointed at the sketch pinned on the wall. "I'll work on assembling the main dress."

"Okay, Rarity."

"Hrm . . . Let's do this." Rarity's magic flared as she directed her needle and thread at the sleeve, and attached it to the body at the armscye. After doing the same for the other sleeve, she took a moment to examine Fluttershy's hoofwork. "Hmm. The stitching is tight, the seams are good, the hems . . ." Rarity put on her glasses, and leaned in closer. "Marvelous! Just as perfect as that Gala dress was! Fluttershy," she called out, "where did you learn to sew like this?"

"Oh." Fluttershy looked back at Rarity. "I taught myself. Like I said, I have a lot of free time at home." Fluttershy then held up a finished collar. "How's this?"

Rarity walked up to Fluttershy to examine the collar. It looked absolutely beautiful. "Just perfect, darling!"

"O-oh!" Fluttershy hid her face behind her mane. "R-really? I'm sure it's not that good . . ."

"Don't be so humble, Fluttershy! You have talent; treasure it!" Rarity was vaguely aware that she might have resented Fluttershy for her talent some time ago, but she felt none of that jealousy now. Perhaps it was because Fluttershy was working with her business now, and not apart from it? Rarity shook off the thought. "Just attach the collar to the rest of the dress, and we'll be finished with this order."

"Okay, Rarity." Fluttershy walked over to Rarity's bench where the nearly finished dress lay. She took up her needle and thread and began stitching the collar in place.

A few minutes later, Fluttershy was finished. Rarity had been watching her the entire time, jaw agape, marveling at how Fluttershy could sew so well and so quickly with just her mouth. Fluttershy held up the dress and said, "is this good?"

Rarity quickly closed her mouth and said, "ah, yes, Fluttershy, that is perfect. Thank you." Rarity took the dress in her own magic with a smile and placed it on a ponnequin, next to several others. "Now that the dress is complete, I can send it to the client."

"Oh, that's wonderful, Rarity. How many more do you have to do?"

The smile on Rarity's face dropped. "Lots." She shook her head, reapplied her smile, and levitated over a small table and two cushions. "But before we move on, how about we take a break? After all, long hours mean shoddy sewing." She went to the kitchen to prepare some tea.

"Okay." Fluttershy sat down on one of the cushions and waited patiently for Rarity to come back.

The unicorn soon returned, teapot and teacups floating behind her. "Ginger tea. I know it's your favorite." She sat down opposite Fluttershy and poured her a cup.

"Oh, thank you, Rarity. That's so nice of you." Fluttershy took a deep breath, taking in the spicy bouquet.

Rarity sipped at her cup and tried to make some small talk. "A fairly standard order this one was. They're normally not a problem, but I've been getting so many lately. Cocktail dress, Canterlot unicorn, 500 bits."

If Fluttershy had tea in her mouth, it would have ended up on Rarity's face. "F-f-five hundred bits? Th-th-that's standard?" she sputtered.

"For Canterlot, yes. It's a lucrative business, but more stressful than I could have ever imagined." Rarity shrugged. "Such is the nature of dreams, I suppose. They're never quite what you expect."

"Still, those bits . . ." Fluttershy trailed off in a daze. She shook her head and mumbled to herself: "I could really really use them right now."

"What was that, darling?"


Though the words were different, Rarity recognized the tone in her friend's voice. She frowned. Fluttershy had never been a very good liar. "Darling, are you feeling alright?" She narrowed her eyes. "Or are you keeping something from me?"

Fluttershy's eyes widened. She stuttered frantically, "I-I-I'm sorry! It's just, yes, I mean, no, that is, I-I-I—"

Rarity raised a hoof, cutting her off. "No, I'm sorry; I can see you don't want to talk about this." Rarity very much didn't like Fluttershy keeping secrets from her, but if revealing them sent her friend into a panic . . . Well, a lady should have more tact than that. "You don't have to say anything. Let's just finish our tea, and we can get back to work," Rarity said curtly.

"O-oh." Fluttershy fidgeted, now feeling guilty for keeping a secret. "B-but . . ." She took a sip of tea and took several deep breaths. "Maybe . . . maybe you should know. We said we wouldn't keep secrets from each other, right?"

"Well, yes. But if you don't want to talk about it, I understand."

"I-I think I should."

"Well, okay then. But only if you're sure." Rarity leaned forward, making sure she wouldn't miss a word.

Fluttershy rubbed her hooves together, figuring out how to start. "Um. It just seems like you make a lot of bits. And well . . ." She trailed off.

Rarity was worried. "Darling, do I make you jealous because of how much I earn?" She looked away and sighed guiltily. "That's why I don't discuss finances in Ponyville often."

Fluttershy waved her hooves in front of her. "Nono, I'm not, I promise I'm not." Some more deep breaths. "It's just, you make custom dresses that sell for lots of money. And I, well . . . I just take care of animals."

Rarity nodded ruefully. "I suppose that's true. And taking care of your animals doesn't pay very well?"

"Um . . . well, no, it doesn't. I get most of my money patching up other ponies' pets when they're sick."

"And since Dr. Goodall is back in town now, you don't even have that."

"Yes." Fluttershy twiddled her hooves some more. "I . . . well, I don't really have many bits to spare most of the time. Any bits I have go to food for myself or my animals." Fluttershy looked down, refusing to look at the pony across from her. She said shamefully, "and I don't even have enough for that now."

The concern on Rarity's face escalated to horror. "Oh my goodness! Darling, I never thought you were so in need of bits! Every time I saw you, or one of our other friends, you always had some money on hoof. I never knew you had so few bits to your name!"

Fluttershy retreated and put half her face behind her mane. "I . . . always have bits for you. It's my 'friend fund.' I . . . I don't really want you girls to be worried about me," she whispered.

Rarity shook her head. "Fluttershy, we are your friends. You don't have to put on appearances for us. If you don't have spare bits to go shopping, or out to dinner, just say so, and we will accommodate you." Rarity fixed Fluttershy with a steady gaze, a serious expression on her face. "I, for one, would be glad to cover your expenses."

Fluttershy shook her head emphatically. "No, I can't let you do that!" She sighed, averted her eyes, and said quietly, "you girls already . . . accommodate me enough." Her voice dropped even further until it was almost inaudible. "I need help training, flying, s-singing. Sometimes I even need help talking." She lifted her head, eyes deep with sadness. "I can't burden you with this too. That's not nice at all."

Rarity's eyes were filled with sympathy. "I understand how you feel, darling. But you must realize you are not imposing anything on us when we help you with your problems. We all have them."

Fluttershy remained still, unmoved by Rarity's words. "I already have enough problems. I don't want you to know that I'm p-poor, too." Fluttershy closed her eyes, gathering the courage to say what was to come. After several deep breaths, Fluttershy looked up, a fierce look on her face. She stomped her hooves on the ground. "I'm going to solve at least one problem by myself. I'll earn myself some bits from somepony!" Not a second later, those hooves came up to cover her mouth. "Ohnonono, you weren't supposed to hear that!"

Rarity looked at Fluttershy, bemused. "What do you mean, 'I wasn't supposed to hear that?' I think it's a wonderful idea, solving your own problem and finding your own mon . . . ey . . ." Rarity drifted off, thinking back to their spa visit earlier in the day. She spoke her next words carefully. "Darling, back when I said 'I'd give a thousand bits for some help,' you didn't happen to mean—"

Fluttershy practically threw herself onto Rarity's hooves. She sobbed heavily. "Oh Rarity! I'm so so sorry! Oh, I must seem like such a selfish pony to you, only doing work for the money! I promise you Rarity, I Pinkie Promise even! I really really do want to help you with your work because I know how stressed you can get and it's fine if you don't pay me if you think I don't deserve it I'm just happy that you—ah!"

Fluttershy stopped her babbling as soon as she felt hooves wrap around her midsection. At some point, Rarity had given the pegasus a hug. Fluttershy's eyes widened, moisture in the corners. Rarity leaned close to Fluttershy's ear and whispered, "Oh darling, you are nothing but selfless. You are a wonderful friend, and I am very thankful that you decided to help me. I do not see you as any less of a friend because you decided to make a financial decision at the same time." Rarity gave Fluttershy a peck on the cheek. "But make no mistake darling: you will be compensated for all your hard work. A selfless mare such as you certainly deserves that much."

Fluttershy blushed at the kiss and the compliments before returning Rarity's embrace. She closed her eyes, tears held long in wait finally rolling down her cheeks.

"Th-thank you, Rarity."

"You're very welcome, darling."

Rarity continued to hug Fluttershy for several minutes, until she was sure Fluttershy was calm again, and then a bit longer still.

Fluttershy broke the silence. "Um, thank you, Rarity, but I think we should get back to work."

Rarity loosened her hooves and backpedaled quickly. "Yes, yes of course darling!" She coughed. "We've still many orders to complete!"


Rarity switched off her alarm clock (because she finally figured out smashing it wasn't the only way), and looked at the time on it. "Oh dear. Fluttershy, it's midnight now."

"Oh my, that's right. Midnight already? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

"Me?" Rarity shook her head. "No, not with this much work. I haven't gone to bed at midnight for . . . I don't even know how long. But you, darling, should be in bed. I think now is a good time to stop working for the night."

"If you say so, Rarity." Fluttershy got up, and stretched luxuriously. "Wow. Seven hours working is a long time."

"Yes indeed, darling. And look at all the orders we completed!" Rarity swept her hoof across the workroom, sweeping past all the ponnequins and the different dresses on each one. She looked back at Fluttershy and smiled earnestly. "I couldn't have done so much without your help, darling. Thank you."

"I'm just glad to help a friend. Will you be okay now?"

Rarity's smile dropped as she was again reminded of her astronomical workload. "Unfortunately, no." She levitated over her binder of orders. It was barely diminished from when they had started. "The number of orders I have now is too much for anypony—or two ponies—to complete in one night. My waitlist is still very long." Rarity returned the binder to its place and looked at Fluttershy beseechingly. "I hate to ask this of you, Fluttershy, but could you perhaps come back again tomorrow morning? It would be a really big help."

"Well . . ." Fluttershy rubbed her hoof on her chin. "I have one sick bird back at home, but he's almost better now. And if I have Angel make lunch for the critters at noon . . ." Fluttershy looked back at Rarity and smiled. "Yes, Rarity, I'd be glad to come back tomorrow morning."

"Oh thank you thank you, darling!" Rarity wrapped her hooves around Fluttershy. "Have I mentioned how you're my best friend? Because you are! I simply must find a way to repay you . . ." Rarity's eyes brightened. "Oh! Just a moment, darling!" Rarity released her hold and ran downstairs.

"Huh?" Fluttershy watched in confusion as Rarity disappeared. She came back moments later with her saddlebags on her back.

"This," Rarity produced a sizable sack of bits from her saddlebags and said, "is for you."

"Ah!" Fluttershy was speechless. She watched in astonishment as Rarity levitated the sack of bits to her own saddlebags.

"Yes, darling. Consider it a paycheck advance." Rarity picked up Fluttershy's saddlebags and placed them on her friend's back. "You have more than earned those bits, Fluttershy. The help you've given me today is worth more than you understand." Fluttershy was still stunned, so Rarity put a hoof under her friend's chin and turned her to face herself. She smiled and said, "you will have no problems with money in the near future, yes?"

Fluttershy's eyes watered. With a great sob, she flung her hooves around Rarity and hugged her tightly. "Th-th-thank . . ." Fluttershy could not even get the words out and just hugged Rarity tighter. Tears of joy soaked into Rarity's coat.

Rarity closed her eyes and gently rubbed her friend's back. "Shh. Don't cry, darling. You are simply receiving what you deserve."

The two ponies remained in each other's embrace for several minutes. Eventually, Fluttershy broke the hug and gave Rarity a tearful smile. Again, Fluttershy said no words but bowed her head instead. Nevertheless, the message was clear: thank you, Rarity. I'll be back tomorrow morning.

Rarity nodded. "Good night, Fluttershy. Rest easy."

Fluttershy bowed again, and she exited the Boutique.

The door to Fluttershy's cottage opened and closed, admitting it's owner. Angel, having heard the sound, roused himself to greet his mistress and see what she accomplished.

*squeak squeak grrr THUMP*

Fluttershy silently reached in her saddlebags and retrieved a sack. It sounded with telltale clinks. Fluttershy whispered, "I . . . I did it."