• Published 21st Apr 2012
  • 23,723 Views, 1,190 Comments

Just Another Average Tuesday - Flamesinger599

A 16-year old boy is transported to Equestria and given the form of a dragon.

  • ...

Apples, Punch, and a Party

A/N: Now, I would make an excuse for being so late, but I know that no matter what I say, you guys will still be pissed. So instead, I give you yet another chapter in the exciting saga of Flamesinger!

Oh yeah, and me no own MLP. Hasbro do. :( Me own Flamesinger and Manty. :)

And Tienn belongs to the Red Blade! READ ON!!!

As we continued on towards this 'Sweet Apple Acres' (Gee, wonder what they grow there?), my mind had turned back to when I first saw Fluttershy. Or more accurately, when I first realized she was a yellow pegasus.

Yellow pegasus... yellow pegasus... yellow pegasus... ugh, why does this seem so familiar? I've heard this before, I know I have. I just can't place it... *Sigh* and that conversation about Manty didn't help. Heh, Manty getting captured by a bunch of multicolored ponies. I'll have to remember to bug him about that later-


Manty... yellow pegasus... something he told me before I met Spike... YES! I remember now! Manty's whole coming-of-age test thing! But Fluttershy can't be the same pegasus. Can she? Arrgh, I don't know. MAAAANTYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

If this is about that purple unicorn, she was still alive last time I checked.

What are you...oh yeah. That.

Did you seriously forget? You talked to me all of ten minutes ago.

My mind is elsewhere right now, okay? And I'm only sixteen. You can't expect me to remember everything.

Yeah, but I thought even you would remember a conversation that literally just happened.

Look, we can talk about this later. Right now I need to know what the six ponies in your coming-of-age test looked like. Y'know, the whole fiasco that got you banished and everything.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd you would want to know this why?

Just a hunch. Oh, and I think I might be standing right next to them.

Well, like I said, there were two earth ponies, two unicorn, and two pegasi. One of the earth ponies was orange, with a blonde mane and what you humans would call a 'cowboy' hat. The other was light pink, with a bright pink mane. There was the yellow pegasus, who had a light pink mane and a cutie mark of some butterflies. The other one was blue, with a rainbow-colored mane and tail. One unicorn was white, with a purple mane and tail. And finally, the last unicorn was purple, with a indigo mane that had a pink stripe running through it. Come to think of it, that purple unicorn back there, what was her name?

Twilight Sparkle.

Yeah, she looked a lot like her. Could be twins or something.

Or, she could be the exact same pony.

Maybe, but the chances of that being true are tiny.

If you say so. But you should know that I'm walking right next to two ponies that match your description. The purple-maned one and the rainbow-maned one. Names are Rarity and Rainbow Dash. We just came back from visiting one of their friends, a certain yellow pegasus with a butterfly cutie mark that goes by the name of Fluttershy. Just throwin' it out there.

Well...I didn't look too closely at the unicorn...but I'll check. It could just be one huge coincidence.

Meh. Don't think so. I'll see what I can find out over on this end.

M'kay. Just try not to tell them about me.

Hey, I'm not that stupid.


Alright alright! I won't say anything.


I ended the link and was just about to say something when Rarity intervened.

“Oh look, There she is. Pinkie Pie darling! Over here!”

We were at the edge of town, on a trail that led out into the fields. The pony that Rarity had called over was pink, with a bright pink mane, and was bouncing (No, seriously. Fricking five feet up in the air.) her way towards us. She had bright blue eyes that seemed to take in everything at once, which was VERY creepy to say the least.

“Ohhhhh, Rarity! Rainbow Dash! Watcha doin? I-”

Then she saw me.

In a flash she was two inches from my face, her eyes boring into mine and grinning like a lunatic. I instinctively jumped back.

“WHOA!!! DON'T-”

She jumped into the air and stayed there for five seconds, letting out a huge gasp. Then she streaked away, leaving a weird smell of cotton candy in the air.

“...do that?”


Rarity sighed. “I suppose I must apologize for her. She's always like that when she meets somepony new. And don't worry, it's not because she doesn't like you. She's just...excited.”

“Excited? Why?”

Rainbow smirked. “Oh, you'll see.”

“Strangely, that doesn't comfort me in the least.”

“Hey, I'd tell you, but if I did Pinkie would cry her eyes out. She's kinda sensitive about this stuff.”

“And I don't suppose any of you will give me a hint as to what 'this stuff' is?”




“Dear, if you tell him, I shall refer to you as Spike-wikey wherever and whenever I might be.”

“Sorry man. I have to side with Rarity on this one.”

“M'kay.” I fell back a little and so did Spike. “Kiss-ass.” I muttered.

“Oh c'mon! What would you do?”

“Side with Rarity. Duh.”

“Then why...?”

“Those who oppose me deserve punishment.”

“Ugh. You're impossible.”

“I try.”

“By the way, there's been something I've been meaning to ask you.” He fixed his eye on me. “It involves your friend 'Manty'.”

“Oh? And since when have you been acknowledging his intelligence?”

“I didn't say that.”

“Very well then. Speak your peace.”


“Well I'm not forcing you or anything...”

“Not that. Why did you free him?”

“My my my Spike. I underestimated you. It seems you are cleverer then you let on.”

“Just answer the question.”

“I couldn't just leave him there. I'm not that cruel.”

“Flame, he's a manticore! Y'know, dangerous!”

“I got him under control. Just ask Twilight when she comes back.”

“Twilight? What does she have to do with this?”

“Manty paid her a little visit in the woods a few minutes ago.”

Spike's eyes widened in horror. “...is she...?”

“What? No! She's fine. Manty just wanted to have a few words with her.”


“Calm down, I said she's fine didn't I?”


“Well, I don't know for certain, but-”


“Dude, calm down! This is Manty we're talking about here! I know him well enough to know that he would never physically harm Twilight. Scare her shit-less, maybe, but she was asking for it.”

Spike slowly calmed down, but he was still glaring at me. “If she's hurt at all, I swear I will-”

“For the last fricking time, SHE'S FINE. Honestly Spike, I should think you would know me by now. Would I ever let one of my friends hurt one of your friends?”

“I guess not...”

“Hey you two! We're here!”

“What? Again? We just- OH. MY. GOD.”

We had arrived at what had to be the BIGGEST apple orchard I had ever seen. Apple trees stretched out for miles, each one filled with some of the juiciest pieces of fruit that I had laid eyes on. This wasn't saying much, as I was a city boy and had never seen fresh fruit in all my life, but still. These were some pretty good-looking apples.

I was led through the front gate ('Sweet Apple Acres'- originality at it's finest) and towards a small, country-style house and barn. On the way there, I spotted a tall, broad looking red dude (Stallion, whatever) with a yoke around his neck. Rarity made straight for him.

“Ah, Big Macintosh! Could you please tell us where Applejack is? We have somepony here we’d like her to meet.”

Standing right next to him, I realized just how tall he was. He stood a head higher than me, which made the stare-down he was giving all the more imposing.

“Howdy Miss Rarity. Howdy Miss Dash.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “No funny business, y'hear?”

First Angel, now this guy. God, do all of the chicks here have bodyguards?!

I raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me? And just who are you to tell me who I can and cannot hit on? I'll have you know that if I like her, then yes, I will hit on her, and you will just sit there and watch me do it. Are you really that immature to beat up a guy who flirts with a mare that you also find attractive? Grow up man. You're a fricking adult, act your age.”

“Ummm...Flamesinger? Big Mac here is Applejack's big brother.”

“Oh.” Awkward silence. “Coooould you forget everything I just said?”

His expression had changed to a glare, and I tensed, preparing to dodge a punch. Then he cracked a smile and turned, walking towards the orchard.

“She's out back.” he called over his shoulder.

I let out a breath. “Whew. Thought for sure he was gonna punch me or something.”

“What in Equestria were you thinking?! I don't know what your mother taught you, but that is most certainly not the way you make new friends!”

“I thought he was just another buff jealous boyfriend. It's a perfectly reasonable thing to conclude. And...” I added a bit of venom to my voice. “... I would appreciate it if you left my mother out of this.”

That shut Rarity up, and without another word she led me to the back of the barn.

Applejack, just as I suspected, fit the last of Manty's descriptions perfectly. She was orange, with a blonde mane and tail that were both tied at the end. Her cutie mark was of three apples, and she wore a classic western-themed cowboy hat. She was in the back orchard, bucking the apple trees one by one. Every time her back legs connected with a tree, every single apple on it would fall down and land neatly in one of the baskets below.

Geez, you can't just pick 'em, can you? Gotta do it the hardcore way.

As we approached, I leaned down and whispered to Spike. “So, this is pretty much what she does all day?”

“Yeah. Pretty much.”


She noticed us coming and took a break, wiping the sweat from her brow with one hoof. When she spoke, she had a thick southern accent, which completed the image I was forming in my mind of a redneck cowgirl.

“Howdy there Rarity, Rainbow Dash! Whose yah good-lookin' friend here?”

Good-looking? Okay, I want my mirror...

“Hello Applejack. This here is Flamesinger, the new colt in town. Twilight had a few problems come up concerning the manticore she caught, and so she assigned me and Rainbow Dash to introduce him to everyone. Although...” She glanced at Dash. “...Rainbow here hasn't really done much of the talking.”

“Can you blame me? I should be napping right now. It's way past one o'clock.”

While Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a quick lecture on the ethics of communication and attention span (Yeah, you can have fun with that), Applejack approached me and gave me the mother of all hoofshakes.

“So, Flamesinger, was it? Pleased ta meet-cha, I'm Applejack!”

“Likewise. Hey, offhand question, is Big Mac really your big bro?”

“Big Macintosh? Why yes, yes he is. Have you already met him?”

“Yeah, you could say that...”

She sighed. “Ah no, did somethin' happen? Did he give yah a hard time? Ah'm sorry if he did. He's really protective, and-”

“No no no no, it wasn't that. I just made a fool of myself, that's all. Nothing interesting.”

“Let's hear it.”

“And aren't you the compassionate one. Okay, I may have accidentally assumed that he was your big, dumb, jealous boyfriend instead of your big brother, which may have led to me giving him a lecture on all the reasons I'm allowed to hit on you if I find you attractive. Happy?”

She stared at me for a moment. Then burst out laughing.

“Gods, I can't believe you just said that.”

“Shut it Spike.”

After a few minutes, she managed to recover. “Heh heh... oh mah... that's gotta be the funniest thing Ah've heard in a long time...”

“It wasn't that funny, I thought he was gonna punch me.”

“Well, do yah?”

“Do I... what?”

“Do yah find me attractive?”

No. You're ugly.


“That's a yes.”

“No, that's me declining to give an answer. It could mean yes or no. I'm not gonna say no because I don't want to hurt your feelings, and I'm not gonna say yes because that might give you the wrong impression. Wait until I've known you a week, then ask me again. I mean, c'mon, I just got here, like, today. Gimme some time.”

“He's right Applejack.” Rarity had apparently concluded her lecture, as she was suddenly right next to me and Rainbow Dash was on the ground snoring. “Give the poor stallion a break. He only just got here.”

“Geez Rarity, I know Dash's values aren't the best, but don't you think killing her was a bit extreme?”

“Har har. Now Applejack, Pinkie Pie's having one of her you-know-what's today, for obvious reasons.” She gestured towards me. “Would you like to come?”

“Hmm...reckon I've done a pretty good chunk of the orchard today. Sure, Ah'd be glad to. It's his first time, right?”


“Will somepony please tell me what this 'thing' is?! I think I'm about to break something!”

“I told you, it's a surprise.”

“Screw surprises. I need solid info.”

“Well you'll never get it with that attitude. Now come along, it should be starting soon.”

“What? But it's only been-”

“Pinkie can accomplish things very quickly. You'll learn this sooner or later.”

After waking up Rainbow Dash (Took. Fricking. FOREVER.) we headed back to town, aiming towards the library. I pestered everyone constantly about what this thing was, but all anyone would tell me was 'it's a surprise'.

Ugggghhhhhhhhh...I hate surprises.

When we got to the library, everything was dark. Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Spike all went in without hesitation.

I, however, did not.

Spike poked his head out. “Well? You coming?”


“Why not? You made such a big deal about this, don't you want to find out what it is?”

“Because I know better then to walk into a dark room with only one entrance and all the windows covered. What is this, an ambush? Spike I'm ashamed of you.”

“No, it's not an ambush. I promise.”

I slowly entered. I couldn't see anything. “Alright, but if this is what I think it is, I-”



It took all my willpower not to end my shape-shifting spell and start blasting everything in sight. As it was, I shot five up into the air, screamed, fumbled with my wings for a few seconds, then realized where I was and slowly lowered myself to the ground.

The place was fricking packed. Every surface was covered in either balloons or streamers. Someone had set up a table loaded with cupcakes, donuts, ice cream, cake, and punch (PUNCH!!!). About fifty ponies were there, most of them wearing party hats. And at the center of it all was that crazy pink pony.

“Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Were you surprised? Were you? Were you? Were you? You see, I throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party for EVERY new pony in Ponyville and since I know everypony when I saw you I knew you must be a new pony because I had never seen you before and I know everypony! So I was all *GASP* and I ran away to throw you this awesome party! Do you like it? Doyoudoyoudoyoudoyou?”


Luckily, Rarity intervened. “Now now, Pinkie, give him some room to breath. This is all very sudden for him.”

“Ohhhhh sorry! I just get sooooooo carried away sometimes because I'm REALLY excited because there's somepony new in town and I need to throw a party for them and then I remember that I already threw the party and that I'm in the middle of it right now! I'll just let you enjoy the party then. BYE!” And she went bouncing away as though she were wearing springs.

I blinked. Then I looked at Rarity. “What just happened?!”

“You just met Pinkie Pie. And yes, she's always like that.”


...I need something to drink.”

“Punch is right over there. And remember, have fun! This is your party after all.”

And so I did. First things first, I tried the punch (a personal favorite of mine) and found it to be, for lack of a better phrase, the best punch I had ever tasted. I had about ten glasses of the stuff, and then went about trying everything else (Good, good, good, good, good, go-AHHHH!!!! BLECHH!!! HOT! HOT!), with mixed results.

After rinsing out the taste of red-hot chili peppers from my mouth (Who the hell puts those in cupcakes anyway?!), I was approached by a white unicorn with electric-blue spiky hair. She was wearing huge purple goggles and was accompanied by a light gray earth pony with dark gray hair and a pink bow around her neck.

“I see you've tried Pinkie's new recipe.”

“Worst. Cupcake. Ever.”

“Aww, is the big stallion afraid of a little hot sauce?”

“'A little hot sauce' my ass. That was a fricking chili-pepper death trap right there.”

They both looked a little startled at my language. “Well...that's one way of putting it.”

“So whom do I have the pleasure of meeting? My name is Flamesinger.”

“Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, at your service. Master musicians and roommates.”

“Musicians, huh? Haven't seen a lot of those so far. Lemme guess...” I eyed Octavia. “...something instrumental, probably violin or cello, and...” I turned back to Vinyl Scratch. “...something electronic. Dubstep maybe?”

“What's dubstep?”

They don't have dubstep here? Figures...

“Just a style of music where I'm from. Similar to techno, kind of.”

“I do techno. Octavia here does cello.”

“Aha! I was right!”

“Half right.”

“Mostly right.”

“One-quarter right.”

“Whatever. You'll have to excuse me, I need some more punch after that cupcake.”

I left the two looking rather bewildered and had some more punch. As I sipped my glass (I decided not to question how I was holding it. Magic, I guess) I heard some gasps from behind me.


“It looks so cool!”

“What does it mean?”

I turned and found three young ponies about half my size staring at my cutie mark. One was yellow, with red hair and a red bow in said hair. Another was orange, with bright purple hair and tiny wings. The last was white, with extremely light gray hair and a small horn poking out of her forehead. And they were all female.

“And just what do you girls think you're doing?”

They shrank back. “Oh...sorry mister, it's just that we saw your cutie mark and we were wondering what it meant.”

I grinned. “Oh, is that all? Well this thing here symbolizes my skill with fire. Even though I'm not a unicorn, I can still control fire pretty well. I've even had times when I don't get burned by sticking my hoof into a fire.”

“Whoaaaaaa. And why is it all black?”

“Meh, dunno. Haven't figured that part out yet.”

And that totally wasn't a big fat lie right there.

“How'd you get it?”


“... I think I'm gonna keep that a secret for right now. Why are you so interested anyways? And what are your names?”

“Ah'm Applebloom! Sister of Applejack and soon to be apple-bucker!”

“I'm Scootaloo! And as soon as I learn how to fly, I'm gonna be just as fast as Rainbow Dash!”

“I'm Sweetie Bell! I'm Rarity's sister!”


Damn... and I thought Rarity was loud...

“We've devoted our lives to trying to discover what our special talents are!”

“We haven't had much success though.”

I rubbed my chin. “Well, what have you tried?”

“Yesterday we tried hang-gliding, but we crashed into a tree.”

“Or five.”

Man, talk about hardcore!

“Well, I'm sure you girls will find them eventually. Have you tried free-running yet?”

My sarcasm didn't seem to reach the girls' minds. “Hey, yeah, that's a great idea! Thanks for the tip mister!” And they dashed off.

Yeah, I'd make a great parent. Now Rarity's gonna be pissed at me again.

I found a quiet corner and contacted Manty.

Hey Manty. You there?


You seem somber. What is it?

Well...it's just that you were right. Twilight Sparkle is the mirror image of one of those six ponies. I'm starting to doubt this is just a coincidence.

Then let me put your fears to rest! I'll just ask them.

What?! But that's a stupid idea!

How is it a stupid idea? They have no idea I know you, Spike hasn't told them yet. And trust me, I'm an expert at being subtle.

Bull. Shit.

I said I was an expert. I didn't say I do it that often.

Fine. Do what you want, but if they mistrust you because of this then don't blame me.

I will. You can count on it.

I got up and looked around for one of the six. I spotted all of them nearby, talking in hushed whispers. Apparently Twilight had returned and was now telling her story about how Manty had traumatized her.

“...and then, he roared! Real sudden and right in my face! I fainted and when I woke up he was gone! I came back as quick as I could and found this party going on! How long was I out?”

“Well, judging from your story, Ah'd say only about an hour. Manticore must not have scared yah as much as he thought he did.”

“Oh Twilight, are you sure you're okay? I'm glad that manticore didn't eat you, he must have really hated that net...”

“Yes Fluttershy, I'm fine, just a little freaked out. He didn't even touch me.”

“Good! Then maybe I won't have to hunt him down and kick his flank!”

“*Sigh* Rainbow, 'kicking his flank' is not our top priority right now. He had plenty of chances to kill or eat me and he didn't take them. Right now I'm more concerned with tracking it down and attempting to communicate with it.”

“Hey girls! What's this I hear about a manticore?”

Instantly, Twilight was in front of me. “Flamesinger! Just the dragon I wanted to see! You can communicate with animals, correct?”

“Well yeah, but-”

“Great! I'll need your help then! If we can find this manticore, could you talk to it? Convey our messages to it?”

I pretended to consider. “...Maybe. But first, I need you to answer a question.”

“Oh...well...uh...sure! What is it?”

“Have you six ever faced down a manticore before? Y'know, before this one?”

Twilight looked thoughtful. “...Now that you mention it, we have. It was when Nightmare Moon attacked. The only reason it didn't eat us was because of Fluttershy.”

Check... “And what did Fluttershy do?”

“She showed it a little kindness. Turns out the only reason it was mad was because of a huge splinter in its paw, if you can believe it.” She chuckled.

Check... “And then what did the manticore do?”

“After giving Fluttershy a few grateful licks, it just left.”

And check! We have a winner here folks!

She looked at me curiously. “Why do you want to know, anyway?”

“Oh, one of my close friends was curious. He isn't in the best of shape to ask you personally, so he had me do it.”

Fluttershy gasped. “What's the matter with him?”

I laughed. “Nothing's the matter with him. He's just rather... intimidating, I guess you could say. Completely harmless, but intimidating. And with that happy thought, I want more punch. See ya!”

I left them all looking rather suspicious. Yeah Flame, you're really subtle.

Unfortunately, the punch was all gone (WHO DARES!!??!!), so I had to settle with telling Manty the news right away. I found my corner again and settled down.

Darkclaw1 to Bigcat5.

Call me that again, and I will rip your face off.

...Touchy touchy. Don't you like your codename?

Not when I'm this anxious.

Well then let me fix that. I did some spying, and yes, these six ponies are indeed the same ponies that you met earlier.

Really? You're sure?


Then... what do I do?

I'm getting to that. Apparently the not-so-animal-like characteristics you showed when you paid her a visit intrigued her. She wants to track you down and try to talk with you. She even asked me to be the translator.

Huh. How about that.

So do you want to?

I dunno. I'll have to think about it. Gimme a couple of days.

You got it. Oh, and one more thing. I heard you're quite the player.


You licked Fluttershy. You LICKED Fluttershy.

Don't judge me. I'm a manticore, I can do whatever the hell I want. Plus, that splinter fricking hurt.

Whatever. I glanced out the window to see that it was getting dark. I'll be heading your way soon. It's getting pretty late.

I'll see you then.

I got up and stretched. The party was winding down, and now there was only about twenty ponies left. I headed back to Twilight and her friends to inform them I was leaving.

“Hey gang, it's getting late, I'm tired, and I'll be heading back home soon. Pinkie Pie, thanks for the party, and the rest of you, thanks for the awesome welcome. This has got to have been one of the most exciting days of my life.”

Rarity spoke up. “And where exactly is 'home'? Not to be intrusive, but you never did tell us.”

“Well as I said before, I like to travel, but right now I would say the Everfree Forest.”

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity looked surprised. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie looked horrified.

“The Everfree Forest?! But Flame, yah can't go in there! Its dangerous!”

“Honestly Applejack...” Rainbow muttered. “... I wouldn't be that worried about him.”

“I agree with Rainbow Dash, Flame here isn't helpless. But still, wouldn't you be more comfortable in a house and bed?” Twilight asked.

“First off, whoever said I didn't have a bed? I didn't bring all my stuff with me y'know. And second, you are right, I am far from helpless. Not only am I a pretty good fighter myself, but I have powerful friends. Trust me, I'll be fine.”

“But... Flame... think about it... the Everfree Forest is really dangerous... I should know, I live closer to it then anypony...”

“Your concern is appreciated, Fluttershy, but unnecessary. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”

Applejack stomped her hoof. “Darn stubborn stallions, stop tryin' to be brave! Aren't you concerned at all for yah own safety? That place ain't natural!”

“On the contrary, it is the most natural place you'll find. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going. Be back tomorrow, maybe. Dunno. Have to think about it.”

And I left before any of them could voice any more complaints.


As soon as I was out of sight of the village, I released my magic. I was surrounded by a cocoon of dark energy, and when it cleared I was a dragon again. Stretching my wings and arms and blowing a few puffs of flame into the air, I set off into the Everfree.

Ahhhhhh, it feels great to be back. Where are you Manty?

Just keep heading forward.

Got it.

As I walked, I levitated a few rocks into the air and dark-clawed them in half for fun. It was amazing how much you can miss something when you've only not had it a day.

After about five minutes, I emerged into one of Manty's hand-made clearings. He was curled up on one side and lifted his head when he saw me.

“So, how was your first day among the ponyfolk?”

-Yes, I wish to know that as well.- The clearing was suddenly lit by a blue glow as Tienn emerged from the trees.

“Tienn! Haven't seen you in a while! And how has the almighty spirit of the trees been?”

-In a word, bored.-

“Aw, that's too bad. I've been having the time of my life!”

-Yes, so I've heard.- She eyed me. -You went into the home of both the dragons and the ponies, both of which I warned you not to do, and emerged not only alive, but with a few new friends. That is... admirable.-

“Hey, I'm just that awesome. Now where's some sticks? I'm freezing.”

In a flash of Tienn's magic, a good-sized pile of sticks was standing in front of me, waiting to be set ablaze.

“Huh. Most be useful being the spirit of the Everfree.”

She smiled. -You have no idea.-

Soon I had a warm fire going. Manty and Tienn gathered around it, and I proceeded to tell them about my adventures in Ponyville. Tienn was interested in how I brought Spike and Rarity back together after my arrival had gone haywire (Yeah, I just got complimented by the spirit of the trees. U jelly?), and Manty laughed his head off when I told them about my encounter with Big Mac (Oh my God, I just realized what his name sounds like. Win!). I ended with me leaving the party after all the ponies expressed concerns about me staying in the Everfree.

“I gotta say Tienn, your forest is not the most popular of places. Have you ever considered making it a bit less creepy?”

-Ponies fear what they cannot understand, nothing more. You of all people should know this. My forest is not 'creepy', it is simply mysterious, and for that reason alone is it feared.-

“So... in other words you don't care?”

-Not in the slightest.-

“Okay good. I can understand that.”

She got up from her sitting position and moved towards the edge of the clearing. -It has been a pleasure talking with you Flamesinger, but I must go. There seems to be a band of Timberwolves nearby that is getting rather rowdy. Farewell.- And she disappeared into the trees, taking the blue glow with her.

I sighed. “Well at least she's grown tired of hitting me with branches. I think we're making progress!”

“Maybe, but it's dark, and I'm tired. What about you?”

“Same. You still have my stuff, right?”

He tossed me the bag with his mouth. “Here you go.”


I took out my bedroll and laid it out next to the fire. Snuggled in, I stared into the flames, thinking about this past week.

Best week of my life, no contest. Thank you, whoever sent me here. I owe you a great deal.

Do you take credit cards?

-End of Chapter 9-